Residual Dense Network for Image Super-Resolution

  • 以下是 RND论文Tensorflow版本实现的源码解析,我假设你已经了解Python的基本语法,和Tensorflow的基本用法,如果你对它们不是很熟悉,请到它们的官网查阅tutorial。

  • 以下所有代码你都可以在我的仓库找到,chinese_annotation文件夹下是我添加中文注释后的版本,在main.py里面我做了一些修改,Feel free to tune the hyperparameters in it~

  • repo的readme.md说明了如何运行程序。



使用TensorFlow搭建模型时,我们一般先将模型按照神经网络的结构搭建起来,这时TensorFlow只会创建好computation graph,实际的数据还需要等运行的时候feed in.

overview of the RDN model.

So,let’s get started from the


  • sess用来传递一个TensorFlow会话(不懂也没关系)
  • is_train和is_eval用来控制训练还是测试,img_size是输入图片大小
  • c_dim是图片通道数,用的是RGB图所以c_dim=3
  • scale是超分辨放大的规模 x2或x3或x4,batch_size
  • batch_size就是batch_size了,哈哈
  • D是模型中Residual Dense Block块的个数
  • C是每个Residual Dense Block块中conv层数量
  • 模型中所有层输出的feature maps不是GGG就是G0G_0G0​,详细见论文
  • kernel_size是卷积核的大小
class RDN(object):def __init__(self,sess,is_train,is_eval,image_size,c_dim,scale,batch_size,D,C,G,G0,kernel_size ):self.sess = sessself.is_train = is_trainself.is_eval = is_evalself.image_size = image_sizeself.c_dim = c_dimself.scale = scaleself.batch_size = batch_sizeself.D = Dself.C = Cself.G = Gself.G0 = G0self.kernel_size = kernel_size

Shallow Feature Extraction Net

浅层特征提取部分,见网络的前两个蓝色部分块,两个conv层,产生F_-1和F_0,最后输出有G个feature maps。

卷积核是一个四维的tensor -->(ks, ks, self.c_dim, G0)

  • 前两个参数是卷积核kernel的size
  • 第三个是输入tensor的通道数
  • 第四个是输出tensor的通道数


def SFEParams(self):"""浅层特征提取部分(两个conv层,产生F_-1和F_0)最后输出有G个feature maps:return:"""G = self.GG0 = self.G0ks = self.kernel_sizeweightsS = {'w_S_1': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([ks, ks, self.c_dim, G0], stddev=0.01), name='w_S_1'),'w_S_2': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([ks, ks, G0, G], stddev=0.01), name='w_S_2')}biasesS = {'b_S_1': tf.Variable(tf.zeros([G0], name='b_S_1')),'b_S_2': tf.Variable(tf.zeros([G], name='b_S_2'))}return weightsS, biasesS

RDB Block

residual dense block,也就是网络中3个红色块部分,每个RDB中细节见下图。

$F_{d,c}=\sigma(W_{d,c}[F_{d-1},F_{d,1},F_{d,2}…F_{d,c-1}]) $

其中[Fd−1,Fd,1,Fd,2...Fd,c−1][F_{d-1},F_{d,1},F_{d,2}...F_{d,c-1}][Fd−1​,Fd,1​,Fd,2​...Fd,c−1​]就是将它们concat在一起,也即包含[G0+(c−1)∗G][G_0+(c-1)*G][G0​+(c−1)∗G]个feature maps。

每个RDB块由以下模块装成(conv1 -> relu1 -> conv2 -> relu2 … -> convC ->reluC -> concatnation -> 1*1 conv -> local residual)

def RDBParams(self):"""RDB部分中间一个RDB块(conv1 -> relu1 -> conv2 -> relu2 .... -> convC ->reluC-> concatnation -> 1*1 conv -> local residual):return:"""weightsR = {}biasesR = {}D = self.DC = self.CG = self.GG0 = self.G0ks = self.kernel_sizefor i in range(1, D + 1):for j in range(1, C + 1):# dense conv layers in i-th dense blockweightsR.update({'w_R_%d_%d' % (i, j): tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([ks, ks, G * j, G], stddev=0.01),name='w_R_%d_%d' % (i, j))})biasesR.update({'b_R_%d_%d' % (i, j): tf.Variable(tf.zeros([G], name='b_R_%d_%d' % (i, j)))})# local feature fusion in i-th dense blockweightsR.update({'w_R_%d_%d' % (i, C + 1): tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1, 1, G * (C + 1), G], stddev=0.01), name='w_R_%d_%d' % (i, C + 1))})biasesR.update({'b_R_%d_%d' % (i, C + 1): tf.Variable(tf.zeros([G], name='b_R_%d_%d' % (i, C + 1)))})return weightsR, biasesRdef RDBs(self, input_layer):rdb_concat = list()rdb_in = input_layerfor i in range(1, self.D + 1):x = rdb_infor j in range(1, self.C + 1):tmp = tf.nn.conv2d(x, self.weightsR['w_R_%d_%d' % (i, j)], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') + \self.biasesR['b_R_%d_%d' % (i, j)]tmp = tf.nn.relu(tmp)# 在最后一个维度做concat操作x = tf.concat([x, tmp], axis=3)# local feature fusionx = tf.nn.conv2d(x, self.weightsR['w_R_%d_%d' % (i, self.C + 1)], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') + \self.biasesR['b_R_%d_%d' % (i, self.C + 1)]# local residual learningrdb_in = tf.add(x, rdb_in)# 为global feature fusion做准备rdb_concat.append(rdb_in)# 在最后一个维度做concatreturn tf.concat(rdb_concat, axis=3)

Dense Feature Fusion

这一部分主要是将前面所有RDB的结果进行一个特征融合,方法和RDB块中最后的concat操作类似,就不再赘述了,参阅模型整体图的三个红色块后面的concat操作,然后对concated tensor做1∗11*11∗1 卷积到G个feature maps,再进行 3*3 卷积准备进行Global residual learning。公式如下:

FGF=HGFF([F1,F2...FD])F_{GF}=H_{GFF}([F_1,F_2... F_D])FGF​=HGFF​([F1​,F2​...FD​])

def DFFParams(self):"""dense feature fusion part:return:"""D = self.DC = self.CG = self.GG0 = self.G0ks = self.kernel_sizeweightsD = {'w_D_1': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1, 1, G * D, G0], stddev=0.01), name='w_D_1'),'w_D_2': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([ks, ks, G0, G0], stddev=0.01), name='w_D_2')}biasesD = {'b_D_1': tf.Variable(tf.zeros([G0], name='b_D_1')),'b_D_2': tf.Variable(tf.zeros([G0], name='b_D_2'))}return weightsD, biasesD


这算是论文中的亮点之一了,RDN和以前的一些方法不一样,以前许多模型都是先对低分辨率的图像先进行upscale(如bicubic放大)到高分辨率的图像,然后再输入到神经网络进行计算;而RDN借鉴了ESPNN论文中提出的sub-pixel convolution方法,先将低分辨率的图像输入到神经网络进行计算,最后进行所谓的亚像素卷积。



为了更好的理解,你可以这样想象,假设最开始输入的低分辨率图片是(Hight,Width,3)的向量,然后一系列操作之后,神经网络输出的(Hight,Width,9) 的低分辨特征,因为我们想放大3倍,所以最后一个维度就是放大的scale乘上想要输出的channel,根据颜色你可以清楚的看到是怎么将亚像素进行“组装”的。来个代码演示一下,你可以运行玩玩

# upsacale 测试代码
import numpy as npa = np.ones(shape=[4, 4, 3 * 3])
for i in range(9):a[:, :, i] = a[:, :, i] * (i + 1)
a = np.reshape(a, newshape=(4, 4, 3, 3))
print(a.shape)# 将a分为4个,在第0个asix上切分
a = np.split(a, 4, 0) #  4,[1,4,3,3]
a = np.concatenate([np.squeeze(x) for x in a], 1) # [4,3*4,3]# 重复一次以上操作
a = np.split(a, 4, 0) # 4,[1,3*4,3]
a = np.concatenate([np.squeeze(x) for x in a], 1) # [3*4,3*4]print(a)
[[[1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.][1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.][1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.][1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.]][[1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.][1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.][1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.][1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.]][[1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.][1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.][1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.][1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.]][[1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.][1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.][1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.][1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.]]]
(4, 4, 3, 3)
[[1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.][4. 5. 6. 4. 5. 6. 4. 5. 6. 4. 5. 6.][7. 8. 9. 7. 8. 9. 7. 8. 9. 7. 8. 9.][1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.][4. 5. 6. 4. 5. 6. 4. 5. 6. 4. 5. 6.][7. 8. 9. 7. 8. 9. 7. 8. 9. 7. 8. 9.][1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.][4. 5. 6. 4. 5. 6. 4. 5. 6. 4. 5. 6.][7. 8. 9. 7. 8. 9. 7. 8. 9. 7. 8. 9.][1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.][4. 5. 6. 4. 5. 6. 4. 5. 6. 4. 5. 6.][7. 8. 9. 7. 8. 9. 7. 8. 9. 7. 8. 9.]]
(12, 12)
def UPNParams(self):# upscale partG0 = self.G0weightsU = {'w_U_1': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([5, 5, G0, 64], stddev=0.01), name='w_U_1'),'w_U_2': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3, 3, 64, 32], stddev=0.01), name='w_U_2'),'w_U_3': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3, 3, 32, self.c_dim * self.scale * self.scale], stddev=np.sqrt(2.0 / 9 / 32)),name='w_U_3')}biasesU = {'b_U_1': tf.Variable(tf.zeros([64], name='b_U_1')),'b_U_2': tf.Variable(tf.zeros([32], name='b_U_2')),'b_U_3': tf.Variable(tf.zeros([self.c_dim * self.scale * self.scale], name='b_U_3'))}return weightsU, biasesUdef UPN(self, input_layer):# 输出为 64 feature mapsx = tf.nn.conv2d(input_layer, self.weightsU['w_U_1'], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') + self.biasesU['b_U_1']x = tf.nn.relu(x)# 输出为 32 feature mapsx = tf.nn.conv2d(x, self.weightsU['w_U_2'], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') + self.biasesU['b_U_2']x = tf.nn.relu(x)# 输出为 self.c_dim (3)* self.scale * self.scale 个 feature maps ,即低分辨率特征x = tf.nn.conv2d(x, self.weightsU['w_U_3'], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') + self.biasesU['b_U_3']# 将height和width放大x = self.PS(x, self.scale)return xdef PS(self, X, r):# Main OP that you can arbitrarily use in you tensorflow code# 在feature maps维上,分成3个Tensor,每个的shape应该是(batch_size,H,W, self.scale * self.scale)Xc = tf.split(X, 3, 3)if self.is_train:X = tf.concat([self._phase_shift(x, r) for x in Xc], 3)  # Do the concat RGBelse:X = tf.concat([self._phase_shift_test(x, r) for x in Xc], 3)  # Do the concat RGBreturn X# NOTE: train with batch size
def _phase_shift(self, I, r):"""把最后一位放大的scale转到Height和weight上:param I::param r:放大因子:return:"""# Helper function with main phase shift operationbsize, a, b, c = I.get_shape().as_list()X = tf.reshape(I, (self.batch_size, a, b, r, r))X = tf.split(X, a, 1)  # a, [bsize, b, r, r]X = tf.concat([tf.squeeze(x) for x in X], 2)  # bsize, b, a*r, rX = tf.split(X, b, 1)  # b, [bsize, a*r, r]X = tf.concat([tf.squeeze(x) for x in X], 2)  # bsize, a*r, b*rreturn tf.reshape(X, (self.batch_size, a * r, b * r, 1))# NOTE: test without batchsize
def _phase_shift_test(self, I, r):bsize, a, b, c = I.get_shape().as_list()X = tf.reshape(I, (1, a, b, r, r))X = tf.split(X, a, 1)  # a, [bsize, b, r, r]X = tf.concat([tf.squeeze(x) for x in X], 1)  # bsize, b, a*r, rX = tf.split(X, b, 0)  # b, [bsize, a*r, r]X = tf.concat([tf.squeeze(x) for x in X], 1)  # bsize, a*r, b*rreturn tf.reshape(X, (1, a * r, b * r, 1))

Build all the blocks above together !


def build_model(self, images_shape, labels_shape):self.images = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, images_shape, name='images')# label是ground truthself.labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, labels_shape, name='labels')self.weightsS, self.biasesS = self.SFEParams()self.weightsR, self.biasesR = self.RDBParams()self.weightsD, self.biasesD = self.DFFParams()self.weightsU, self.biasesU = self.UPNParams()# 最后一个conv层,输入是upscale后的RGB图self.weight_final = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size, self.c_dim, self.c_dim], stddev=np.sqrt(2.0 / 9 / 3)),name='w_f')self.bias_final = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([self.c_dim], name='b_f')),self.pred = self.model()# MSE 均方误差损失函数self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(self.labels - self.pred))self.summary = tf.summary.scalar('loss', self.loss)self.saver = tf.train.Saver()

def model(self):# SFE部分F_1 = tf.nn.conv2d(self.images, self.weightsS['w_S_1'], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') + self.biasesS['b_S_1']F0 = tf.nn.conv2d(F_1, self.weightsS['w_S_2'], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') + self.biasesS['b_S_2']# RDBs部分FD = self.RDBs(F0)# DFF部分,1*1卷积再3*3卷积FGF1 = tf.nn.conv2d(FD, self.weightsD['w_D_1'], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') + self.biasesD['b_D_1']FGF2 = tf.nn.conv2d(FGF1, self.weightsD['w_D_2'], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') + self.biasesD['b_D_2']# Global Residual Learning部分FDF = tf.add(FGF2, F_1)# UPscale部分FU = self.UPN(FDF)# 最后一个卷积操作后的到高分辨率图片IHR = tf.nn.conv2d(FU, self.weight_final, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') + self.bias_finalreturn IHR



def train(self, config):print("\nPrepare Data...\n")# 保存数据为.h5格式input_setup(config)data_dir = get_data_dir(config.checkpoint_dir, config.is_train)# 训练样本数data_num = get_data_num(data_dir)images_shape = [None, self.image_size, self.image_size, self.c_dim]labels_shape = [None, self.image_size * self.scale, self.image_size * self.scale, self.c_dim]self.build_model(images_shape, labels_shape)# adam 加速self.train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=config.learning_rate).minimize(self.loss)tf.global_variables_initializer().run(session=self.sess)# merged_summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all()# 保存计算图到文件(用于tensorboard可视化)# summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(config.checkpoint_dir, self.sess.graph)# 继续模型之前的计算counter = self.load(config.checkpoint_dir)time_ = time.time()print("\nNow Start Training...\n")for ep in range(config.epoch):# Run by batch images# 根据batch_size将数据分组batch_idxs = data_num // config.batch_sizefor idx in range(0, batch_idxs):#with tf.device("/gpu:0"):batch_images, batch_labels = get_batch(data_dir, data_num, config.batch_size)# 每一个batch counter加一,也就是平常我们说的iterationcounter += 1_, err =[self.train_op, self.loss],feed_dict={self.images: batch_images, self.labels: batch_labels})if counter % 10 == 0:print("Epoch: [%2d], batch: [%2d/%2d], step: [%2d], time: [%4.4f], loss: [%.8f]" % ((ep + 1), idx, batch_idxs, counter, time.time() - time_, err))# 每100个batch就保存一次模型if counter % 100 ==, counter)# summary_str = summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, counter)if counter > 0 and counter == batch_idxs * config.epoch:returndef load(self, checkpoint_dir):"""从指定目录加载模型已经计算的部分,并接着计算:param checkpoint_dir::return:"""print("\nReading Checkpoints.....\n")model_dir = "%s_%s_%s_%s_x%s" % ("rdn", self.D, self.C, self.G, self.scale)checkpoint_dir = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, model_dir)"""关于tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(checkpoint_dir,latest_filename=None):返回:checkpoint文件CheckpointState proto类型的内容,其中有model_checkpoint_path和all_model_checkpoint_paths两个属性。model_checkpoint_path:保存了最新的tensorflow模型文件的文件名,all_model_checkpoint_paths:则有未被删除的所有tensorflow模型文件的文件名。"""ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(checkpoint_dir)if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path:ckpt_path = str(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)self.saver.restore(self.sess, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ckpt_path))step = int(os.path.basename(ckpt_path).split('-')[1])print("\nCheckpoint Loading Success! %s\n" % ckpt_path)else:step = 0print("\nCheckpoint Loading Failed! \n")return stepdef save(self, checkpoint_dir, step):model_name = "RDN.model"model_dir = "%s_%s_%s_%s_x%s" % ("rdn", self.D, self.C, self.G, self.scale)checkpoint_dir = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, model_dir)if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_dir):os.makedirs(checkpoint_dir),os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, model_name),global_step=step)


这部分代码有点多,大家如果看不明白可以暂时跳过。: )

def input_setup(config):"""Read image files and make their sub-images and saved them as a h5 file format"""# data为所有图片路径组成的列表data = prepare_data(config)make_sub_data(data, config)def prepare_data(config):"""根据config.isTrain属性返回包含训练集或测试集的图片路径:param config::return: 所有图片路径组成的列表"""if config.is_train:data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "Train"), config.train_set)# 获取当前路径下的所有png图片data = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, "*.png"))else:if config.test_img != "":data = [os.path.join(os.getcwd(), config.test_img)]else:data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "Test"), config.test_set)data = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, "*.bmp"))return datadef make_sub_data(data, config):"""取样产生更多样本数据:param data: 源数据路径:param config::return:"""# 是否使用MATLAB中的bicubicif config.matlab_bicubic:import matlab.engineeng = matlab.engine.start_matlab()mdouble = matlab.doubleelse:eng = Nonemdouble = Nonetimes = 0for i in range(len(data)):# 对图片进行预处理input_, label_, = preprocess(data[i], config.scale, eng, mdouble)if len(input_.shape) == 3:h, w, c = input_.shapeelse:h, w = input_.shape# 如果不是训练过程if not config.is_train:input_ = input_ / 255.0label_ = label_ / 255.0make_data_hf(input_, label_, config, times)return datafor x in range(0, h * config.scale - config.image_size * config.scale + 1, config.stride * config.scale):for y in range(0, w * config.scale - config.image_size * config.scale + 1, config.stride * config.scale):# 滑动窗口取样数据(data augmentation)sub_label = label_[x: x + config.image_size * config.scale, y: y + config.image_size * config.scale]sub_label = sub_label.reshape([config.image_size * config.scale, config.image_size * config.scale, config.c_dim])# 将取样的ground truth RGB图片转到YCrCb颜色域下t = cv2.cvtColor(sub_label, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YCR_CB)# 这里做了一个判断,暂时没搞明白t = t[:, :, 0]gx = t[1:, 0:-1] - t[0:-1, 0:-1]gy = t[0:-1, 1:] - t[0:-1, 0:-1]Gxy = (gx ** 2 + gy ** 2) ** 0.5r_gxy = float((Gxy > 10).sum()) / ((config.image_size * config.scale) ** 2) * 100if r_gxy < 10:continuesub_label = sub_label / 255.0# 取样的ground truth RGB图片对应的低分辨率图像x_i = x // config.scaley_i = y // config.scalesub_input = input_[x_i: x_i + config.image_size, y_i: y_i + config.image_size]sub_input = sub_input.reshape([config.image_size, config.image_size, config.c_dim])sub_input = sub_input / 255.0# checkimage(sub_input)# checkimage(sub_label)# 将取样的低分辨率图像和ground truth图像保存为.h5格式save_flag = make_data_hf(sub_input, sub_label, config, times)# 一旦保存为.h5文件失败,就停止对数据集的取样操作if not save_flag:return datatimes += 1print("image: [%2d], total: [%2d]" % (i, len(data)))if config.matlab_bicubic:eng.quit()return datadef preprocess(path, scale=3, eng=None, mdouble=None):"""对单张图片预处理:param path: 图片地址:param scale: 缩放规模:param eng: MATLAB调用引擎:param mdouble: MATLAB double:return: (处理后(缩小后)的图片,ground truth的图片)  tuple"""img = imread(path)# 裁剪,使得图片的长宽可以整除scalelabel_ = modcrop(img, scale)# eng是MATLAB调用引擎,如果没有安装MATLAB的python支持库,则调用cv2中的bicubicif eng is None:input_ = cv2.resize(label_, None, fx=1.0 / scale, fy=1.0 / scale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)else:input_ = np.asarray(eng.imresize(mdouble(label_.tolist()), 1.0 / scale, 'bicubic'))# 最后一维翻转(因为OpenCV中的imread()读取图片的顺序不是R、G、B三个次序,而是R、B、G)input_ = input_[:, :, ::-1]label_ = label_[:, :, ::-1]return input_, label_def modcrop(img, scale=3):"""将原图像的长宽都改变成scale的参数,以便于取样:param img::param scale::return:"""if len(img.shape) == 3:h, w, _ = img.shapeh = (h // scale) * scalew = (w // scale) * scaleimg = img[0:h, 0:w, :]else:h, w = img.shapeh = (h // scale) * scalew = (w // scale) * scaleimg = img[0:h, 0:w]return imgdef make_data_hf(input_, label_, config, times):"""将低分辨率图片和ground truth图片保存为.h5格式hf means hfive  ooops.. :):param input_::param label_::param config::param times::return: bool"""if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), config.checkpoint_dir)):os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), config.checkpoint_dir))if config.is_train:savepath = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), config.checkpoint_dir), 'train.h5')else:savepath = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), config.checkpoint_dir), 'test.h5')# 第一次保存到.h5时,以“w”模式打开if times == 0:if os.path.exists(savepath):print("\n%s have existed!\n" % (savepath))return Falseelse:hf = h5py.File(savepath, 'w')# 训练if config.is_train:# chunck 分块存储input_h5 = hf.create_dataset("input", (1, config.image_size, config.image_size, config.c_dim),maxshape=(None, config.image_size, config.image_size, config.c_dim),chunks=(1, config.image_size, config.image_size, config.c_dim),dtype='float32')label_h5 = hf.create_dataset("label", (1, config.image_size * config.scale, config.image_size * config.scale, config.c_dim),maxshape=( None, config.image_size * config.scale,config.image_size * config.scale,config.c_dim),chunks=(1, config.image_size * config.scale, config.image_size * config.scale,config.c_dim), dtype='float32')# 测试else:input_h5 = hf.create_dataset("input", (1, input_.shape[0], input_.shape[1], input_.shape[2]),maxshape=(None, input_.shape[0], input_.shape[1], input_.shape[2]),chunks=(1, input_.shape[0], input_.shape[1], input_.shape[2]),dtype='float32')label_h5 = hf.create_dataset("label", (1, label_.shape[0], label_.shape[1], label_.shape[2]),maxshape=(None, label_.shape[0], label_.shape[1], label_.shape[2]),chunks=(1, label_.shape[0], label_.shape[1], label_.shape[2]),dtype='float32')# 其它形式下,用“a”模式打开else:hf = h5py.File(savepath, 'a')input_h5 = hf["input"]label_h5 = hf["label"]if config.is_train:input_h5.resize([times + 1, config.image_size, config.image_size, config.c_dim])input_h5[times: times + 1] = input_label_h5.resize([times + 1, config.image_size * config.scale, config.image_size * config.scale, config.c_dim])label_h5[times: times + 1] = label_else:input_h5.resize([times + 1, input_.shape[0], input_.shape[1], input_.shape[2]])input_h5[times: times + 1] = input_label_h5.resize([times + 1, label_.shape[0], label_.shape[1], label_.shape[2]])label_h5[times: times + 1] = label_hf.close()return Truedef get_data_dir(checkpoint_dir, is_train):"""获取数据集的目录(训练和测试模式):param checkpoint_dir::param is_train::return: 对应的.h5文件"""if is_train:return os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), checkpoint_dir), 'train.h5')else:return os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), checkpoint_dir), 'test.h5')def get_data_num(path):"""获取.h5文件的input数据集中样本个数:param path::return:"""with h5py.File(path, 'r') as hf:input_ = hf['input']return input_.shape[0]def get_batch(path, data_num, batch_size):"""获取batch_size个样本:param path: 数据集地址:param data_num: 数据集总数:param batch_size: batch大小:return:数据增强后的数据集合  (batch_size,H,W,3)"""with h5py.File(path, 'r') as hf:input_ = hf['input']label_ = hf['label']# batch sizerandom_batch = np.random.rand(batch_size) * (data_num - 1)  # batch size 个样本数据的下标batch_images = np.zeros([batch_size, input_[0].shape[0], input_[0].shape[1], input_[0].shape[2]])batch_labels = np.zeros([batch_size, label_[0].shape[0], label_[0].shape[1], label_[0].shape[2]])for i in range(batch_size):batch_images[i, :, :, :] = np.asarray(input_[int(random_batch[i])])batch_labels[i, :, :, :] = np.asarray(label_[int(random_batch[i])])# data augmentationrandom_aug = np.random.rand(2)# 翻转或旋转batch_images = augmentation(batch_images, random_aug)batch_labels = augmentation(batch_labels, random_aug)return batch_images, batch_labelsdef augmentation(batch, random):if random[0] < 0.3:# 在batch的第shape[1]上,上下翻转batch_flip = np.flip(batch, 1)elif random[0] > 0.7:# 在batch的第shape[2]上,左右翻转batch_flip = np.flip(batch, 2)else:# 不翻转batch_flip = batch# 在翻转的基础上旋转if random[1] < 0.5:# 逆时针旋转90度batch_rot = np.rot90(batch_flip, 1, [1, 2])else:batch_rot = batch_flip

Evaluation & Test

def eval(self, config):print("\nPrepare Data...\n")paths = prepare_data(config)data_num = len(paths)avg_time = 0avg_pasn = 0print("\nNow Start Testing...\n")for idx in range(data_num):input_, label_ = get_image(paths[idx], config.scale, config.matlab_bicubic)images_shape = input_.shapelabels_shape = label_.shapeself.build_model(images_shape, labels_shape)tf.global_variables_initializer().run(session=self.sess)self.load(config.checkpoint_dir)time_ = time.time()result =[self.pred], feed_dict={self.images: input_ / 255.0})avg_time += time.time() - time_# import matlab.engine# eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab()# time_ = time.time()# result = np.asarray(eng.imresize(matlab.double((input_[0, :] / 255.0).tolist()), config.scale, 'bicubic'))# avg_time += time.time() - time_self.sess.close()tf.reset_default_graph()self.sess = tf.Session()x = np.squeeze(result) * 255.0x = np.clip(x, 0, 255)psnr = PSNR(x, label_[0], config.scale)avg_pasn += psnrprint("image: %d/%d, time: %.4f, psnr: %.4f" % (idx, data_num, time.time() - time_, psnr))if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), config.result_dir)):os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), config.result_dir))imsave(x[:, :, ::-1], config.result_dir + '/%d.png' % idx)print("Avg. Time:", avg_time / data_num)print("Avg. PSNR:", avg_pasn / data_num)def test(self, config):print("\nPrepare Data...\n")paths = prepare_data(config)data_num = len(paths)avg_time = 0print("\nNow Start Testing...\n")for idx in range(data_num):input_ = imread(paths[idx])input_ = input_[:, :, ::-1]input_ = input_[np.newaxis, :]images_shape = input_.shapelabels_shape = input_.shape * np.asarray([1, self.scale, self.scale, 1])self.build_model(images_shape, labels_shape)tf.global_variables_initializer().run(session=self.sess)self.load(config.checkpoint_dir)time_ = time.time()result =[self.pred], feed_dict={self.images: input_ / 255.0})avg_time += time.time() - time_self.sess.close()tf.reset_default_graph()self.sess = tf.Session()x = np.squeeze(result) * 255.0x = np.clip(x, 0, 255)x = x[:, :, ::-1]checkimage(np.uint8(x))if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), config.result_dir)):os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), config.result_dir))imsave(x, config.result_dir + '/%d.png' % idx)print("Avg. Time:", avg_time / data_num)def rgb2ycbcr(img):"""将RGB图转化为YCbCr颜色格式的图片:param img: RGB图,(H,W,3):return: (H,W)"""y = 16 + (65.481 * img[:, :, 0]) \+ (128.553 * img[:, :, 1]) \+ (24.966 * img[:, :, 2])return y / 255def PSNR(target, ref, scale):"""图像质量指标函数,PSNR指标PSNR=-10*LOG(MSE/255**2)MSE denotes mean square entropy:param target: 目标图:param ref:  待比较的图片:param scale::return: scalar"""target_data = np.array(target, dtype=np.float32)ref_data = np.array(ref, dtype=np.float32)# 将RGB图转化为YCbCr颜色格式再求PSNRtarget_y = rgb2ycbcr(target_data)ref_y = rgb2ycbcr(ref_data)diff = ref_y - target_yshave = scalediff = diff[shave:-shave, shave:-shave]mse = np.mean((diff / 255) ** 2)if mse == 0:return 100return -10 * math.log10(mse)

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