以下代码是基于PHP 7.x 的,版本小于7.x 的请自行将 代码中的__construct 改为 mp3

class mp3 {var $str;var $time;var $frames;// Create a new mp3 function __construct($path="") {if($path!="") {$this->str = file_get_contents($path);}}// Put an mp3 behind the first mp3 function mergeBehind($mp3) {$this->str .= $mp3->str;}// Calculate where's the end of the sound file function getIdvEnd() {$strlen = strlen($this->str);$str = substr($this->str,($strlen-128));$str1 = substr($str,0,3);if(strtolower($str1) == strtolower('TAG')) {return $str;} else {return false;}}// Calculate where's the beginning of the sound file function getStart() {$strlen = strlen($this->str);for ($i=0;$i<$strlen;$i++) {$v = substr($this->str,$i,1);$value = ord($v);if($value == 255) {return $i;}}}// Remove the ID3 tags function striptags() {//Remove start stuff... $newStr = '';$s = $start = $this->getStart();if($s===false) {return false;} else {$this->str = substr($this->str,$start);}//Remove end tag stuff $end = $this->getIdvEnd();if($end!==false) {$this->str = substr($this->str,0,(strlen($this->str)-129));}}// Display an error function error($msg) {//Fatal error die('<strong>audio file error: </strong>'.$msg);}// Send the new mp3 to the browser function output($path) {//Output mp3 //Send to standard output if(ob_get_contents()) $this->error('Some data has already been output, can\'t send mp3 file');if(php_sapi_name()!='cli') {//We send to a browser header('Content-Type: audio/mpeg3');if(headers_sent()) $this->error('Some data has already been output to browser, can\'t send mp3 file');header('Content-Length: '.strlen($this->str));header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$path.'"');}echo $this->str;return '';}//Save MP3function  saveMp3($filename) {$myfile = fopen($filename, "w") or die("Unable to open file!");fwrite($myfile,  $this->str);fclose($myfile);}
// First File: (Google speech)
$mp3 = new mp3('1.mp3');
//Second file
$second = new mp3("2.mp3");
$mp3->striptags();//$mp3->output('word.mp3'); 下载文件
$mp3-saveMp3('word.mp3'); //保存文件

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