
I have the same problem. It is not a BIG deal, but it is something that bothers. I found a similar problem in github: github.com/ianhanniballake/ContractionTimer/commit/… Do you think this might be the same problem? – gian1200 Apr 1 '13 at 21:14 

The reason why this crash happens now so often is because it can only be reproducible when the InApp billing helper did not set up properly. This will only happen in devices with a very old version of Google Play app of with no Google Play App at all 

I'm running into the same problem in my app. Works the majority of the time but I receive this error every so often. I found an answer on another site saying to have the device's that this is happening to do the following "Clear the cache and data of the Google Play Store, then start the Google Play Store at least once". I haven't had a chance to try this out yet to see if it works or not.

I have the same problem. It is not a BIG deal, but it is something that bothers. I found a similar problem in github: github.com/ianhanniballake/ContractionTimer/commit/… Do you think this might be the same problem? – gian1200 Apr 1 '13 at 21:14 

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