
现在一些网站对 JavaScript 代码采取了一定的保护措施,比如变量名混淆、执行逻辑混淆、反调试、核心逻辑加密等,有的还对数据接口进行了加密,本次的案例为 RSA 加密。

RSA 是非对称加密,区分公钥和私钥,RSA 算法是目前理论和实际应用中最为成熟的和完善的公钥密码体制,其用来解决对称密码的密钥分发问题,还可以用来进行数字签名来保证信息的否定与抵赖,利用数字签名较容易发现攻击者对信息的非法篡改以保证信息的完整性。




webpack 是 JavaScript 应用程序的模块打包器,可以把开发中的所有资源(图片、js文件、css文件等)都看成模块,通过 loader(加载器)和 plugins(插件)对资源进行处理,打包成符合生产环境部署的前端资源,所有的资源都是通过 JavaScript 渲染出来的,目前 Vue,React 等前端项目,基本上都是基于 webpack 进行工程化开发的。

一般通过 webpack 打包的 JavaScript 文件都为一整个自执行函数,以下为一类自执行函数,函数前面加上一元操作符,后面加上括号,一般自执行函数最后都是括号:

!function () {console.log("Yy_Rose")

webpack 类型的基本结构


// 模块为 Object 形式, 元素为函数对象

本文案例即为此种类型,function e( ) 函数体即为加载器,并包含 call( ) 方法:

!function(t) {// 加载器function e(s) {if (i[s])return i[s].exports;var n = i[s] = {exports: {},id: s,loaded: !1};return t[s].call(n.exports, n, n.exports, e),n.loaded = !0,n.exports}......
}({// 模块0: function(){},1: function(){},2: function(){},......56: function(){},


// 模块以数组形式存储, 数组中的每个元素都是函数


!function(t) {// 加载器function e(s) {......}......
}([// 模块function(){console.log('Yy_Rose')},......function(){console.log('Yy_Rose')},






以上均做了脱敏处理,Base64 编码及解码方式:

import base64
# 编码
# result = base64.b64encode('待编码字符串'.encode('utf-8'))
# 解码
result = base64.b64decode('待解码字符串'.encode('utf-8'))

常规 JavaScript 逆向思路

一般情况下,JavaScript 逆向分为三步:

  1. 寻找入口:逆向在大部分情况下就是找一些加密参数到底是怎么来的,关键逻辑可能写在某个关键的方法或者隐藏在某个关键的变量里,一个网站可能加载了很多 JavaScript 文件,如何从这么多的 JavaScript 文件的代码行中找到关键的位置,很重要;
  2. 调试分析:找到入口后,我们定位到某个参数可能是在某个方法中执行的了,那么里面的逻辑是怎么样的,调用了多少加密算法,经过了多少赋值变换,需要把整体思路整理清楚,以便于断点或反混淆工具等进行调试分析;
  3. 模拟执行:经过调试分析后,差不多弄清了逻辑,就需要对加密过程进行逻辑复现,以拿到最后我们想要的数据



打开开发者人员工具进行抓包,随便输入一串账户名和密码,输入验证码后点击登录,会有如图所示的报错弹窗,在抓包到的 login3 链接的响应预览中能看到一样的报错信息,此处即为登录接口位置:

观察其请求头中的数据信息,为 GET 请求,在 Query String Parameters 中返回了一些 JSON 格式的响应数据,通过对比分析可知各关键参数的含义:

  • uname:明文用户名

  • password:加密密码

  • ckcode:明文验证码

  • _:当前时间戳



根据上文所述,密码 password 经过加密,现对其逆向分析,这里直接全局搜索 password 关键字,可以看到有如下几个结果:

通过分析可知加密位置在 home.min.js 文件中,点击进入该 JS 文件,会发现被压缩了,为了便于查看点击左下角的 { } 进行格式化操作,接着 CTRL + F 局部搜索 password,会发现有 83 个结果,这么多不便于查找分析,由于 password 是 JSON 格式的数据,所以可以直接搜索 password: ,搜索结果减少到了 14 个,大大降低了查找的工作量:

打断点调试分析,password 加密后的值在该文件的第 178 行生成,该值由参数 o 传递:

进一步跟进参数 o 定义的位置,发现其在第 168 行定义:

var o = a.encode(t.password, s)

可以在第 168 行打下断点进行调试,也可以直接在控制台打印出各部分含义,如下图可知:

  • a.encode(t.password, s):输入的密码加密后的结果
  • t.password:输入的明文密码
  • s:当前时间戳

所以参数 o 即为明文密码加当前时间戳后加密的结果,接下来进一步跟进到其 encode 加密位置,鼠标整体选中 a.encode,跟进到 home.min.js?v=IKPeng:formatted:592 中,即该文件的第 592 行:



如上图所示,第 588、589 行能看到两个明显的加密特征:

  • JSEncrypt:JavaScript 中加密模块之一,为 RSA 加密算法提供支持
  • setPublicKey:设置公钥

所以可以推断,返回的响应参数中 password 的值经过了 RSA 加密,以下进一步加密部分进行分析:

n.prototype.encode = function(t, e) {var i = e ? e + "|" + t : t;return encodeURIComponent(this.jsencrypt.encrypt(i))}
  • t:输入的明文密码
  • e:当前的时间戳
  • i:将 e 和 t 通过 | 拼接后的结果
  • this.jsencrypt.encrypt(i):将 i 进行 RSA 加密
  • encodeURIComponent( ):对 URL 中的某个参数进行编码


这里通过两种方式,对加密位置模拟执行以的到加密后的 password 参数的值:

1. Node.js 引入 JSEncrypt 加密模块进行加密

// 通过 require 引入 jsencrypt 加密模块
var JSEncrypt = require('jsencrypt')function getPassword(t, e) {var jsEncrypt = new JSEncrypt();// 设置公钥jsEncrypt.setPublicKey('MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDq04c6My441Gj0UFKgrqUhAUg+kQZeUeWSPlAU9fr4HBPDldAeqzx1UR92KJHuQh/zs1HOamE2dgX9z/2oXcJaqoRIA/FXysx+z2YlJkSk8XQLcQ8EBOkp//MZrixam7lCYpNOjadQBb2Ot0U/Ky+jF2p+Ie8gSZ7/u+Wnr5grywIDAQAB');var i = e ? e + "|" + t : t;return encodeURIComponent(jsEncrypt.encrypt(i));
}// 明文密码
var password = "123456";
// 当前时间戳
var timestamp = (new Date).getTime();
console.log(getPassword(password, timestamp));

2. 改写 webpack,导出方法调用

本文一开始讲述了 webpack 模块化方法的基本样式,该 JS 文件的开头能找到加载器位置:

上文中我们找到了 password 参数的加密位置,如下图所示,该加密位置在第 3 个模块中,同时从第 591 行我们可以看到,变量 r 引用了第 4 个模块中的内容:

这里直接将模块 3 和模块 4 的内容整体扣出,再将加载器 e 作为全局变量导出调用即可:

var window = global;
var navigator = {};
!function(t) {function e(s) {if (i[s])return i[s].exports;var n = i[s] = {exports: {},id: s,loaded: !1};return t[s].call(n.exports, n, n.exports, e),n.loaded = !0,n.exports}var i = {};// 导出加载器window.code = e;
}({3: function(t, e, i) {var s;s = function(t, e, s) {function n() {"undefined" != typeof r && (this.jsencrypt = new r.JSEncrypt,this.jsencrypt.setPublicKey("-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDq04c6My441Gj0UFKgrqUhAUg+kQZeUeWSPlAU9fr4HBPDldAeqzx1UR92KJHuQh/zs1HOamE2dgX9z/2oXcJaqoRIA/FXysx+z2YlJkSk8XQLcQ8EBOkp//MZrixam7lCYpNOjadQBb2Ot0U/Ky+jF2p+Ie8gSZ7/u+Wnr5grywIDAQAB-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"))}var r = i(4);n.prototype.encode = function(t, e) {var i = e ? e + "|" + t : t;return encodeURIComponent(this.jsencrypt.encrypt(i))},s.exports = n}.call(e, i, e, t),!(void 0 !== s && (t.exports = s))},4: function(t, e, i) {var s, n, r, s;s = function(t, e, i) {/*! JSEncrypt v2.3.1 | //npmcdn.com/jsencrypt@2.3.1/LICENSE.txt */!function(t, o) {r = [e],n = o,s = "function" == typeof n ? n.apply(e, r) : n,!(void 0 !== s && (i.exports = s))}(this, function(t) {function e(t, e, i) {null != t && ("number" == typeof t ? this.fromNumber(t, e, i) : null == e && "string" != typeof t ? this.fromString(t, 256) : this.fromString(t, e))}function i() {return new e(null)}function s(t, e, i, s, n, r) {for (; --r >= 0; ) {var o = e * this[t++] + i[s] + n;n = Math.floor(o / 67108864),i[s++] = 67108863 & o}return n}function n(t, e, i, s, n, r) {for (var o = 32767 & e, a = e >> 15; --r >= 0; ) {var c = 32767 & this[t], l = this[t++] >> 15, u = a * c + l * o;c = o * c + ((32767 & u) << 15) + i[s] + (1073741823 & n),n = (c >>> 30) + (u >>> 15) + a * l + (n >>> 30),i[s++] = 1073741823 & c}return n}function r(t, e, i, s, n, r) {for (var o = 16383 & e, a = e >> 14; --r >= 0; ) {var c = 16383 & this[t], l = this[t++] >> 14, u = a * c + l * o;c = o * c + ((16383 & u) << 14) + i[s] + n,n = (c >> 28) + (u >> 14) + a * l,i[s++] = 268435455 & c}return n}function o(t) {return Te.charAt(t)}function a(t, e) {var i = Ie[t.charCodeAt(e)];return null == i ? -1 : i}function c(t) {for (var e = this.t - 1; e >= 0; --e)t[e] = this[e];t.t = this.t,t.s = this.s}function l(t) {this.t = 1,this.s = 0 > t ? -1 : 0,t > 0 ? this[0] = t : -1 > t ? this[0] = t + this.DV : this.t = 0}function u(t) {var e = i();return e.fromInt(t),e}function p(t, i) {var s;if (16 == i)s = 4;else if (8 == i)s = 3;else if (256 == i)s = 8;else if (2 == i)s = 1;else if (32 == i)s = 5;else {if (4 != i)return void this.fromRadix(t, i);s = 2}this.t = 0,this.s = 0;for (var n = t.length, r = !1, o = 0; --n >= 0; ) {var c = 8 == s ? 255 & t[n] : a(t, n);0 > c ? "-" == t.charAt(n) && (r = !0) : (r = !1,0 == o ? this[this.t++] = c : o + s > this.DB ? (this[this.t - 1] |= (c & (1 << this.DB - o) - 1) << o,this[this.t++] = c >> this.DB - o) : this[this.t - 1] |= c << o,o += s,o >= this.DB && (o -= this.DB))}8 == s && 0 != (128 & t[0]) && (this.s = -1,o > 0 && (this[this.t - 1] |= (1 << this.DB - o) - 1 << o)),this.clamp(),r && e.ZERO.subTo(this, this)}function d() {for (var t = this.s & this.DM; this.t > 0 && this[this.t - 1] == t; )--this.t}function h(t) {if (this.s < 0)return "-" + this.negate().toString(t);var e;if (16 == t)e = 4;else if (8 == t)e = 3;else if (2 == t)e = 1;else if (32 == t)e = 5;else {if (4 != t)return this.toRadix(t);e = 2}var i, s = (1 << e) - 1, n = !1, r = "", a = this.t, c = this.DB - a * this.DB % e;if (a-- > 0)for (c < this.DB && (i = this[a] >> c) > 0 && (n = !0,r = o(i)); a >= 0; )e > c ? (i = (this[a] & (1 << c) - 1) << e - c,i |= this[--a] >> (c += this.DB - e)) : (i = this[a] >> (c -= e) & s,0 >= c && (c += this.DB,--a)),i > 0 && (n = !0),n && (r += o(i));return n ? r : "0"}function f() {var t = i();return e.ZERO.subTo(this, t),t}function g() {return this.s < 0 ? this.negate() : this}function m(t) {var e = this.s - t.s;if (0 != e)return e;var i = this.t;if (e = i - t.t,0 != e)return this.s < 0 ? -e : e;for (; --i >= 0; )if (0 != (e = this[i] - t[i]))return e;return 0}function _(t) {var e, i = 1;return 0 != (e = t >>> 16) && (t = e,i += 16),0 != (e = t >> 8) && (t = e,i += 8),0 != (e = t >> 4) && (t = e,i += 4),0 != (e = t >> 2) && (t = e,i += 2),0 != (e = t >> 1) && (t = e,i += 1),i}function b() {return this.t <= 0 ? 0 : this.DB * (this.t - 1) + _(this[this.t - 1] ^ this.s & this.DM)}function y(t, e) {var i;for (i = this.t - 1; i >= 0; --i)e[i + t] = this[i];for (i = t - 1; i >= 0; --i)e[i] = 0;e.t = this.t + t,e.s = this.s}function w(t, e) {for (var i = t; i < this.t; ++i)e[i - t] = this[i];e.t = Math.max(this.t - t, 0),e.s = this.s}function k(t, e) {var i, s = t % this.DB, n = this.DB - s, r = (1 << n) - 1, o = Math.floor(t / this.DB), a = this.s << s & this.DM;for (i = this.t - 1; i >= 0; --i)e[i + o + 1] = this[i] >> n | a,a = (this[i] & r) << s;for (i = o - 1; i >= 0; --i)e[i] = 0;e[o] = a,e.t = this.t + o + 1,e.s = this.s,e.clamp()}function x(t, e) {e.s = this.s;var i = Math.floor(t / this.DB);if (i >= this.t)return void (e.t = 0);var s = t % this.DB, n = this.DB - s, r = (1 << s) - 1;e[0] = this[i] >> s;for (var o = i + 1; o < this.t; ++o)e[o - i - 1] |= (this[o] & r) << n,e[o - i] = this[o] >> s;s > 0 && (e[this.t - i - 1] |= (this.s & r) << n),e.t = this.t - i,e.clamp()}function D(t, e) {for (var i = 0, s = 0, n = Math.min(t.t, this.t); n > i; )s += this[i] - t[i],e[i++] = s & this.DM,s >>= this.DB;if (t.t < this.t) {for (s -= t.s; i < this.t; )s += this[i],e[i++] = s & this.DM,s >>= this.DB;s += this.s} else {for (s += this.s; i < t.t; )s -= t[i],e[i++] = s & this.DM,s >>= this.DB;s -= t.s}e.s = 0 > s ? -1 : 0,-1 > s ? e[i++] = this.DV + s : s > 0 && (e[i++] = s),e.t = i,e.clamp()}function S(t, i) {var s = this.abs(), n = t.abs(), r = s.t;for (i.t = r + n.t; --r >= 0; )i[r] = 0;for (r = 0; r < n.t; ++r)i[r + s.t] = s.am(0, n[r], i, r, 0, s.t);i.s = 0,i.clamp(),this.s != t.s && e.ZERO.subTo(i, i)}function C(t) {for (var e = this.abs(), i = t.t = 2 * e.t; --i >= 0; )t[i] = 0;for (i = 0; i < e.t - 1; ++i) {var s = e.am(i, e[i], t, 2 * i, 0, 1);(t[i + e.t] += e.am(i + 1, 2 * e[i], t, 2 * i + 1, s, e.t - i - 1)) >= e.DV && (t[i + e.t] -= e.DV,t[i + e.t + 1] = 1)}t.t > 0 && (t[t.t - 1] += e.am(i, e[i], t, 2 * i, 0, 1)),t.s = 0,t.clamp()}function T(t, s, n) {var r = t.abs();if (!(r.t <= 0)) {var o = this.abs();if (o.t < r.t)return null != s && s.fromInt(0),void (null != n && this.copyTo(n));null == n && (n = i());var a = i(), c = this.s, l = t.s, u = this.DB - _(r[r.t - 1]);u > 0 ? (r.lShiftTo(u, a),o.lShiftTo(u, n)) : (r.copyTo(a),o.copyTo(n));var p = a.t, d = a[p - 1];if (0 != d) {var h = d * (1 << this.F1) + (p > 1 ? a[p - 2] >> this.F2 : 0), f = this.FV / h, g = (1 << this.F1) / h, m = 1 << this.F2, v = n.t, b = v - p, y = null == s ? i() : s;for (a.dlShiftTo(b, y),n.compareTo(y) >= 0 && (n[n.t++] = 1,n.subTo(y, n)),e.ONE.dlShiftTo(p, y),y.subTo(a, a); a.t < p; )a[a.t++] = 0;for (; --b >= 0; ) {var w = n[--v] == d ? this.DM : Math.floor(n[v] * f + (n[v - 1] + m) * g);if ((n[v] += a.am(0, w, n, b, 0, p)) < w)for (a.dlShiftTo(b, y),n.subTo(y, n); n[v] < --w; )n.subTo(y, n)}null != s && (n.drShiftTo(p, s),c != l && e.ZERO.subTo(s, s)),n.t = p,n.clamp(),u > 0 && n.rShiftTo(u, n),0 > c && e.ZERO.subTo(n, n)}}}function I(t) {var s = i();return this.abs().divRemTo(t, null, s),this.s < 0 && s.compareTo(e.ZERO) > 0 && t.subTo(s, s),s}function $(t) {this.m = t}function P(t) {return t.s < 0 || t.compareTo(this.m) >= 0 ? t.mod(this.m) : t}function R(t) {return t}function A(t) {t.divRemTo(this.m, null, t)}function E(t, e, i) {t.multiplyTo(e, i),this.reduce(i)}function M(t, e) {t.squareTo(e),this.reduce(e)}function N() {if (this.t < 1)return 0;var t = this[0];if (0 == (1 & t))return 0;var e = 3 & t;return e = e * (2 - (15 & t) * e) & 15,e = e * (2 - (255 & t) * e) & 255,e = e * (2 - ((65535 & t) * e & 65535)) & 65535,e = e * (2 - t * e % this.DV) % this.DV,e > 0 ? this.DV - e : -e}function O(t) {this.m = t,this.mp = t.invDigit(),this.mpl = 32767 & this.mp,this.mph = this.mp >> 15,this.um = (1 << t.DB - 15) - 1,this.mt2 = 2 * t.t}function B(t) {var s = i();return t.abs().dlShiftTo(this.m.t, s),s.divRemTo(this.m, null, s),t.s < 0 && s.compareTo(e.ZERO) > 0 && this.m.subTo(s, s),s}function j(t) {var e = i();return t.copyTo(e),this.reduce(e),e}function L(t) {for (; t.t <= this.mt2; )t[t.t++] = 0;for (var e = 0; e < this.m.t; ++e) {var i = 32767 & t[e], s = i * this.mpl + ((i * this.mph + (t[e] >> 15) * this.mpl & this.um) << 15) & t.DM;for (i = e + this.m.t,t[i] += this.m.am(0, s, t, e, 0, this.m.t); t[i] >= t.DV; )t[i] -= t.DV,t[++i]++}t.clamp(),t.drShiftTo(this.m.t, t),t.compareTo(this.m) >= 0 && t.subTo(this.m, t)}function F(t, e) {t.squareTo(e),this.reduce(e)}function K(t, e, i) {t.multiplyTo(e, i),this.reduce(i)}function U() {return 0 == (this.t > 0 ? 1 & this[0] : this.s)}function V(t, s) {if (t > 4294967295 || 1 > t)return e.ONE;var n = i(), r = i(), o = s.convert(this), a = _(t) - 1;for (o.copyTo(n); --a >= 0; )if (s.sqrTo(n, r),(t & 1 << a) > 0)s.mulTo(r, o, n);else {var c = n;n = r,r = c}return s.revert(n)}function z(t, e) {var i;return i = 256 > t || e.isEven() ? new $(e) : new O(e),this.exp(t, i)}function H() {var t = i();return this.copyTo(t),t}function q() {if (this.s < 0) {if (1 == this.t)return this[0] - this.DV;if (0 == this.t)return -1} else {if (1 == this.t)return this[0];if (0 == this.t)return 0}return (this[1] & (1 << 32 - this.DB) - 1) << this.DB | this[0]}function J() {return 0 == this.t ? this.s : this[0] << 24 >> 24}function G() {return 0 == this.t ? this.s : this[0] << 16 >> 16}function Y(t) {return Math.floor(Math.LN2 * this.DB / Math.log(t))}function W() {return this.s < 0 ? -1 : this.t <= 0 || 1 == this.t && this[0] <= 0 ? 0 : 1}function Z(t) {if (null == t && (t = 10),0 == this.signum() || 2 > t || t > 36)return "0";var e = this.chunkSize(t), s = Math.pow(t, e), n = u(s), r = i(), o = i(), a = "";for (this.divRemTo(n, r, o); r.signum() > 0; )a = (s + o.intValue()).toString(t).substr(1) + a,r.divRemTo(n, r, o);return o.intValue().toString(t) + a}function Q(t, i) {this.fromInt(0),null == i && (i = 10);for (var s = this.chunkSize(i), n = Math.pow(i, s), r = !1, o = 0, c = 0, l = 0; l < t.length; ++l) {var u = a(t, l);0 > u ? "-" == t.charAt(l) && 0 == this.signum() && (r = !0) : (c = i * c + u,++o >= s && (this.dMultiply(n),this.dAddOffset(c, 0),o = 0,c = 0))}o > 0 && (this.dMultiply(Math.pow(i, o)),this.dAddOffset(c, 0)),r && e.ZERO.subTo(this, this)}function X(t, i, s) {if ("number" == typeof i)if (2 > t)this.fromInt(1);elsefor (this.fromNumber(t, s),this.testBit(t - 1) || this.bitwiseTo(e.ONE.shiftLeft(t - 1), at, this),this.isEven() && this.dAddOffset(1, 0); !this.isProbablePrime(i); )this.dAddOffset(2, 0),this.bitLength() > t && this.subTo(e.ONE.shiftLeft(t - 1), this);else {var n = new Array, r = 7 & t;n.length = (t >> 3) + 1,i.nextBytes(n),r > 0 ? n[0] &= (1 << r) - 1 : n[0] = 0,this.fromString(n, 256)}}function tt() {var t = this.t, e = new Array;e[0] = this.s;var i, s = this.DB - t * this.DB % 8, n = 0;if (t-- > 0)for (s < this.DB && (i = this[t] >> s) != (this.s & this.DM) >> s && (e[n++] = i | this.s << this.DB - s); t >= 0; )8 > s ? (i = (this[t] & (1 << s) - 1) << 8 - s,i |= this[--t] >> (s += this.DB - 8)) : (i = this[t] >> (s -= 8) & 255,0 >= s && (s += this.DB,--t)),0 != (128 & i) && (i |= -256),0 == n && (128 & this.s) != (128 & i) && ++n,(n > 0 || i != this.s) && (e[n++] = i);return e}function et(t) {return 0 == this.compareTo(t)}function it(t) {return this.compareTo(t) < 0 ? this : t}function st(t) {return this.compareTo(t) > 0 ? this : t}function nt(t, e, i) {var s, n, r = Math.min(t.t, this.t);for (s = 0; r > s; ++s)i[s] = e(this[s], t[s]);if (t.t < this.t) {for (n = t.s & this.DM,s = r; s < this.t; ++s)i[s] = e(this[s], n);i.t = this.t} else {for (n = this.s & this.DM,s = r; s < t.t; ++s)i[s] = e(n, t[s]);i.t = t.t}i.s = e(this.s, t.s),i.clamp()}function rt(t, e) {return t & e}function ot(t) {var e = i();return this.bitwiseTo(t, rt, e),e}function at(t, e) {return t | e}function ct(t) {var e = i();return this.bitwiseTo(t, at, e),e}function lt(t, e) {return t ^ e}function ut(t) {var e = i();return this.bitwiseTo(t, lt, e),e}function pt(t, e) {return t & ~e}function dt(t) {var e = i();return this.bitwiseTo(t, pt, e),e}function ht() {for (var t = i(), e = 0; e < this.t; ++e)t[e] = this.DM & ~this[e];return t.t = this.t,t.s = ~this.s,t}function ft(t) {var e = i();return 0 > t ? this.rShiftTo(-t, e) : this.lShiftTo(t, e),e}function gt(t) {var e = i();return 0 > t ? this.lShiftTo(-t, e) : this.rShiftTo(t, e),e}function mt(t) {if (0 == t)return -1;var e = 0;return 0 == (65535 & t) && (t >>= 16,e += 16),0 == (255 & t) && (t >>= 8,e += 8),0 == (15 & t) && (t >>= 4,e += 4),0 == (3 & t) && (t >>= 2,e += 2),0 == (1 & t) && ++e,e}function vt() {for (var t = 0; t < this.t; ++t)if (0 != this[t])return t * this.DB + mt(this[t]);return this.s < 0 ? this.t * this.DB : -1}function _t(t) {for (var e = 0; 0 != t; )t &= t - 1,++e;return e}function bt() {for (var t = 0, e = this.s & this.DM, i = 0; i < this.t; ++i)t += _t(this[i] ^ e);return t}function yt(t) {var e = Math.floor(t / this.DB);return e >= this.t ? 0 != this.s : 0 != (this[e] & 1 << t % this.DB)}function wt(t, i) {var s = e.ONE.shiftLeft(t);return this.bitwiseTo(s, i, s),s}function kt(t) {return this.changeBit(t, at)}function xt(t) {return this.changeBit(t, pt)}function Dt(t) {return this.changeBit(t, lt)}function St(t, e) {for (var i = 0, s = 0, n = Math.min(t.t, this.t); n > i; )s += this[i] + t[i],e[i++] = s & this.DM,s >>= this.DB;if (t.t < this.t) {for (s += t.s; i < this.t; )s += this[i],e[i++] = s & this.DM,s >>= this.DB;s += this.s} else {for (s += this.s; i < t.t; )s += t[i],e[i++] = s & this.DM,s >>= this.DB;s += t.s}e.s = 0 > s ? -1 : 0,s > 0 ? e[i++] = s : -1 > s && (e[i++] = this.DV + s),e.t = i,e.clamp()}function Ct(t) {var e = i();return this.addTo(t, e),e}function Tt(t) {var e = i();return this.subTo(t, e),e}function It(t) {var e = i();return this.multiplyTo(t, e),e}function $t() {var t = i();return this.squareTo(t),t}function Pt(t) {var e = i();return this.divRemTo(t, e, null),e}function Rt(t) {var e = i();return this.divRemTo(t, null, e),e}function At(t) {var e = i(), s = i();return this.divRemTo(t, e, s),new Array(e,s)}function Et(t) {this[this.t] = this.am(0, t - 1, this, 0, 0, this.t),++this.t,this.clamp()}function Mt(t, e) {if (0 != t) {for (; this.t <= e; )this[this.t++] = 0;for (this[e] += t; this[e] >= this.DV; )this[e] -= this.DV,++e >= this.t && (this[this.t++] = 0),++this[e]}}function Nt() {}function Ot(t) {return t}function Bt(t, e, i) {t.multiplyTo(e, i)}function jt(t, e) {t.squareTo(e)}function Lt(t) {return this.exp(t, new Nt)}function Ft(t, e, i) {var s = Math.min(this.t + t.t, e);for (i.s = 0,i.t = s; s > 0; )i[--s] = 0;var n;for (n = i.t - this.t; n > s; ++s)i[s + this.t] = this.am(0, t[s], i, s, 0, this.t);for (n = Math.min(t.t, e); n > s; ++s)this.am(0, t[s], i, s, 0, e - s);i.clamp()}function Kt(t, e, i) {--e;var s = i.t = this.t + t.t - e;for (i.s = 0; --s >= 0; )i[s] = 0;for (s = Math.max(e - this.t, 0); s < t.t; ++s)i[this.t + s - e] = this.am(e - s, t[s], i, 0, 0, this.t + s - e);i.clamp(),i.drShiftTo(1, i)}function Ut(t) {this.r2 = i(),this.q3 = i(),e.ONE.dlShiftTo(2 * t.t, this.r2),this.mu = this.r2.divide(t),this.m = t}function Vt(t) {if (t.s < 0 || t.t > 2 * this.m.t)return t.mod(this.m);if (t.compareTo(this.m) < 0)return t;var e = i();return t.copyTo(e),this.reduce(e),e}function zt(t) {return t}function Ht(t) {for (t.drShiftTo(this.m.t - 1, this.r2),t.t > this.m.t + 1 && (t.t = this.m.t + 1,t.clamp()),this.mu.multiplyUpperTo(this.r2, this.m.t + 1, this.q3),this.m.multiplyLowerTo(this.q3, this.m.t + 1, this.r2); t.compareTo(this.r2) < 0; )t.dAddOffset(1, this.m.t + 1);for (t.subTo(this.r2, t); t.compareTo(this.m) >= 0; )t.subTo(this.m, t)}function qt(t, e) {t.squareTo(e),this.reduce(e)}function Jt(t, e, i) {t.multiplyTo(e, i),this.reduce(i)}function Gt(t, e) {var s, n, r = t.bitLength(), o = u(1);if (0 >= r)return o;s = 18 > r ? 1 : 48 > r ? 3 : 144 > r ? 4 : 768 > r ? 5 : 6,n = 8 > r ? new $(e) : e.isEven() ? new Ut(e) : new O(e);var a = new Array, c = 3, l = s - 1, p = (1 << s) - 1;if (a[1] = n.convert(this),s > 1) {var d = i();for (n.sqrTo(a[1], d); p >= c; )a[c] = i(),n.mulTo(d, a[c - 2], a[c]),c += 2}var h, f, g = t.t - 1, m = !0, v = i();for (r = _(t[g]) - 1; g >= 0; ) {for (r >= l ? h = t[g] >> r - l & p : (h = (t[g] & (1 << r + 1) - 1) << l - r,g > 0 && (h |= t[g - 1] >> this.DB + r - l)),c = s; 0 == (1 & h); )h >>= 1,--c;if ((r -= c) < 0 && (r += this.DB,--g),m)a[h].copyTo(o),m = !1;else {for (; c > 1; )n.sqrTo(o, v),n.sqrTo(v, o),c -= 2;c > 0 ? n.sqrTo(o, v) : (f = o,o = v,v = f),n.mulTo(v, a[h], o)}for (; g >= 0 && 0 == (t[g] & 1 << r); )n.sqrTo(o, v),f = o,o = v,v = f,--r < 0 && (r = this.DB - 1,--g)}return n.revert(o)}function Yt(t) {var e = this.s < 0 ? this.negate() : this.clone(), i = t.s < 0 ? t.negate() : t.clone();if (e.compareTo(i) < 0) {var s = e;e = i,i = s}var n = e.getLowestSetBit(), r = i.getLowestSetBit();if (0 > r)return e;for (r > n && (r = n),r > 0 && (e.rShiftTo(r, e),i.rShiftTo(r, i)); e.signum() > 0; )(n = e.getLowestSetBit()) > 0 && e.rShiftTo(n, e),(n = i.getLowestSetBit()) > 0 && i.rShiftTo(n, i),e.compareTo(i) >= 0 ? (e.subTo(i, e),e.rShiftTo(1, e)) : (i.subTo(e, i),i.rShiftTo(1, i));return r > 0 && i.lShiftTo(r, i),i}function Wt(t) {if (0 >= t)return 0;var e = this.DV % t, i = this.s < 0 ? t - 1 : 0;if (this.t > 0)if (0 == e)i = this[0] % t;elsefor (var s = this.t - 1; s >= 0; --s)i = (e * i + this[s]) % t;return i}function Zt(t) {var i = t.isEven();if (this.isEven() && i || 0 == t.signum())return e.ZERO;for (var s = t.clone(), n = this.clone(), r = u(1), o = u(0), a = u(0), c = u(1); 0 != s.signum(); ) {for (; s.isEven(); )s.rShiftTo(1, s),i ? (r.isEven() && o.isEven() || (r.addTo(this, r),o.subTo(t, o)),r.rShiftTo(1, r)) : o.isEven() || o.subTo(t, o),o.rShiftTo(1, o);for (; n.isEven(); )n.rShiftTo(1, n),i ? (a.isEven() && c.isEven() || (a.addTo(this, a),c.subTo(t, c)),a.rShiftTo(1, a)) : c.isEven() || c.subTo(t, c),c.rShiftTo(1, c);s.compareTo(n) >= 0 ? (s.subTo(n, s),i && r.subTo(a, r),o.subTo(c, o)) : (n.subTo(s, n),i && a.subTo(r, a),c.subTo(o, c))}return 0 != n.compareTo(e.ONE) ? e.ZERO : c.compareTo(t) >= 0 ? c.subtract(t) : c.signum() < 0 ? (c.addTo(t, c),c.signum() < 0 ? c.add(t) : c) : c}function Qt(t) {var e, i = this.abs();if (1 == i.t && i[0] <= $e[$e.length - 1]) {for (e = 0; e < $e.length; ++e)if (i[0] == $e[e])return !0;return !1}if (i.isEven())return !1;for (e = 1; e < $e.length; ) {for (var s = $e[e], n = e + 1; n < $e.length && Pe > s; )s *= $e[n++];for (s = i.modInt(s); n > e; )if (s % $e[e++] == 0)return !1}return i.millerRabin(t)}function Xt(t) {var s = this.subtract(e.ONE), n = s.getLowestSetBit();if (0 >= n)return !1;var r = s.shiftRight(n);t = t + 1 >> 1,t > $e.length && (t = $e.length);for (var o = i(), a = 0; t > a; ++a) {o.fromInt($e[Math.floor(Math.random() * $e.length)]);var c = o.modPow(r, this);if (0 != c.compareTo(e.ONE) && 0 != c.compareTo(s)) {for (var l = 1; l++ < n && 0 != c.compareTo(s); )if (c = c.modPowInt(2, this),0 == c.compareTo(e.ONE))return !1;if (0 != c.compareTo(s))return !1}}return !0}function te() {this.i = 0,this.j = 0,this.S = new Array}function ee(t) {var e, i, s;for (e = 0; 256 > e; ++e)this.S[e] = e;for (i = 0,e = 0; 256 > e; ++e)i = i + this.S[e] + t[e % t.length] & 255,s = this.S[e],this.S[e] = this.S[i],this.S[i] = s;this.i = 0,this.j = 0}function ie() {var t;return this.i = this.i + 1 & 255,this.j = this.j + this.S[this.i] & 255,t = this.S[this.i],this.S[this.i] = this.S[this.j],this.S[this.j] = t,this.S[t + this.S[this.i] & 255]}function se() {return new te}function ne() {if (null == Re) {for (Re = se(); Me > Ee; ) {var t = Math.floor(65536 * Math.random());Ae[Ee++] = 255 & t}for (Re.init(Ae),Ee = 0; Ee < Ae.length; ++Ee)Ae[Ee] = 0;Ee = 0}return Re.next()}function re(t) {var e;for (e = 0; e < t.length; ++e)t[e] = ne()}function oe() {}function ae(t, i) {return new e(t,i)}function ce(t, i) {if (i < t.length + 11)return console.error("Message too long for RSA"),null;for (var s = new Array, n = t.length - 1; n >= 0 && i > 0; ) {var r = t.charCodeAt(n--);128 > r ? s[--i] = r : r > 127 && 2048 > r ? (s[--i] = 63 & r | 128,s[--i] = r >> 6 | 192) : (s[--i] = 63 & r | 128,s[--i] = r >> 6 & 63 | 128,s[--i] = r >> 12 | 224)}s[--i] = 0;for (var o = new oe, a = new Array; i > 2; ) {for (a[0] = 0; 0 == a[0]; )o.nextBytes(a);s[--i] = a[0]}return s[--i] = 2,s[--i] = 0,new e(s)}function le() {this.n = null,this.e = 0,this.d = null,this.p = null,this.q = null,this.dmp1 = null,this.dmq1 = null,this.coeff = null}function ue(t, e) {null != t && null != e && t.length > 0 && e.length > 0 ? (this.n = ae(t, 16),this.e = parseInt(e, 16)) : console.error("Invalid RSA public key")}function pe(t) {return t.modPowInt(this.e, this.n)}function de(t) {var e = ce(t, this.n.bitLength() + 7 >> 3);if (null == e)return null;var i = this.doPublic(e);if (null == i)return null;var s = i.toString(16);return 0 == (1 & s.length) ? s : "0" + s}function he(t, e) {for (var i = t.toByteArray(), s = 0; s < i.length && 0 == i[s]; )++s;if (i.length - s != e - 1 || 2 != i[s])return null;for (++s; 0 != i[s]; )if (++s >= i.length)return null;for (var n = ""; ++s < i.length; ) {var r = 255 & i[s];128 > r ? n += String.fromCharCode(r) : r > 191 && 224 > r ? (n += String.fromCharCode((31 & r) << 6 | 63 & i[s + 1]),++s) : (n += String.fromCharCode((15 & r) << 12 | (63 & i[s + 1]) << 6 | 63 & i[s + 2]),s += 2)}return n}function fe(t, e, i) {null != t && null != e && t.length > 0 && e.length > 0 ? (this.n = ae(t, 16),this.e = parseInt(e, 16),this.d = ae(i, 16)) : console.error("Invalid RSA private key")}function ge(t, e, i, s, n, r, o, a) {null != t && null != e && t.length > 0 && e.length > 0 ? (this.n = ae(t, 16),this.e = parseInt(e, 16),this.d = ae(i, 16),this.p = ae(s, 16),this.q = ae(n, 16),this.dmp1 = ae(r, 16),this.dmq1 = ae(o, 16),this.coeff = ae(a, 16)) : console.error("Invalid RSA private key")}function me(t, i) {var s = new oe, n = t >> 1;this.e = parseInt(i, 16);for (var r = new e(i,16); ; ) {for (; this.p = new e(t - n,1,s),0 != this.p.subtract(e.ONE).gcd(r).compareTo(e.ONE) || !this.p.isProbablePrime(10); );for (; this.q = new e(n,1,s),0 != this.q.subtract(e.ONE).gcd(r).compareTo(e.ONE) || !this.q.isProbablePrime(10); );if (this.p.compareTo(this.q) <= 0) {var o = this.p;this.p = this.q,this.q = o}var a = this.p.subtract(e.ONE), c = this.q.subtract(e.ONE), l = a.multiply(c);if (0 == l.gcd(r).compareTo(e.ONE)) {this.n = this.p.multiply(this.q),this.d = r.modInverse(l),this.dmp1 = this.d.mod(a),this.dmq1 = this.d.mod(c),this.coeff = this.q.modInverse(this.p);break}}}function ve(t) {if (null == this.p || null == this.q)return t.modPow(this.d, this.n);for (var e = t.mod(this.p).modPow(this.dmp1, this.p), i = t.mod(this.q).modPow(this.dmq1, this.q); e.compareTo(i) < 0; )e = e.add(this.p);return e.subtract(i).multiply(this.coeff).mod(this.p).multiply(this.q).add(i)}function _e(t) {var e = ae(t, 16), i = this.doPrivate(e);return null == i ? null : he(i, this.n.bitLength() + 7 >> 3)}function be(t) {var e, i, s = "";for (e = 0; e + 3 <= t.length; e += 3)i = parseInt(t.substring(e, e + 3), 16),s += je.charAt(i >> 6) + je.charAt(63 & i);for (e + 1 == t.length ? (i = parseInt(t.substring(e, e + 1), 16),s += je.charAt(i << 2)) : e + 2 == t.length && (i = parseInt(t.substring(e, e + 2), 16),s += je.charAt(i >> 2) + je.charAt((3 & i) << 4)); (3 & s.length) > 0; )s += Le;return s}function ye(t) {var e, i, s = "", n = 0;for (e = 0; e < t.length && t.charAt(e) != Le; ++e)v = je.indexOf(t.charAt(e)),v < 0 || (0 == n ? (s += o(v >> 2),i = 3 & v,n = 1) : 1 == n ? (s += o(i << 2 | v >> 4),i = 15 & v,n = 2) : 2 == n ? (s += o(i),s += o(v >> 2),i = 3 & v,n = 3) : (s += o(i << 2 | v >> 4),s += o(15 & v),n = 0));return 1 == n && (s += o(i << 2)),s}var we, ke = 0xdeadbeefcafe, xe = 15715070 == (16777215 & ke);xe && "Microsoft Internet Explorer" == navigator.appName ? (e.prototype.am = n,we = 30) : xe && "Netscape" != navigator.appName ? (e.prototype.am = s,we = 26) : (e.prototype.am = r,we = 28),e.prototype.DB = we,e.prototype.DM = (1 << we) - 1,e.prototype.DV = 1 << we;var De = 52;e.prototype.FV = Math.pow(2, De),e.prototype.F1 = De - we,e.prototype.F2 = 2 * we - De;var Se, Ce, Te = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", Ie = new Array;for (Se = "0".charCodeAt(0),Ce = 0; 9 >= Ce; ++Ce)Ie[Se++] = Ce;for (Se = "a".charCodeAt(0),Ce = 10; 36 > Ce; ++Ce)Ie[Se++] = Ce;for (Se = "A".charCodeAt(0),Ce = 10; 36 > Ce; ++Ce)Ie[Se++] = Ce;$.prototype.convert = P,$.prototype.revert = R,$.prototype.reduce = A,$.prototype.mulTo = E,$.prototype.sqrTo = M,O.prototype.convert = B,O.prototype.revert = j,O.prototype.reduce = L,O.prototype.mulTo = K,O.prototype.sqrTo = F,e.prototype.copyTo = c,e.prototype.fromInt = l,e.prototype.fromString = p,e.prototype.clamp = d,e.prototype.dlShiftTo = y,e.prototype.drShiftTo = w,e.prototype.lShiftTo = k,e.prototype.rShiftTo = x,e.prototype.subTo = D,e.prototype.multiplyTo = S,e.prototype.squareTo = C,e.prototype.divRemTo = T,e.prototype.invDigit = N,e.prototype.isEven = U,e.prototype.exp = V,e.prototype.toString = h,e.prototype.negate = f,e.prototype.abs = g,e.prototype.compareTo = m,e.prototype.bitLength = b,e.prototype.mod = I,e.prototype.modPowInt = z,e.ZERO = u(0),e.ONE = u(1),Nt.prototype.convert = Ot,Nt.prototype.revert = Ot,Nt.prototype.mulTo = Bt,Nt.prototype.sqrTo = jt,Ut.prototype.convert = Vt,Ut.prototype.revert = zt,Ut.prototype.reduce = Ht,Ut.prototype.mulTo = Jt,Ut.prototype.sqrTo = qt;var $e = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821, 823, 827, 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997], Pe = (1 << 26) / $e[$e.length - 1];e.prototype.chunkSize = Y,e.prototype.toRadix = Z,e.prototype.fromRadix = Q,e.prototype.fromNumber = X,e.prototype.bitwiseTo = nt,e.prototype.changeBit = wt,e.prototype.addTo = St,e.prototype.dMultiply = Et,e.prototype.dAddOffset = Mt,e.prototype.multiplyLowerTo = Ft,e.prototype.multiplyUpperTo = Kt,e.prototype.modInt = Wt,e.prototype.millerRabin = Xt,e.prototype.clone = H,e.prototype.intValue = q,e.prototype.byteValue = J,e.prototype.shortValue = G,e.prototype.signum = W,e.prototype.toByteArray = tt,e.prototype.equals = et,e.prototype.min = it,e.prototype.max = st,e.prototype.and = ot,e.prototype.or = ct,e.prototype.xor = ut,e.prototype.andNot = dt,e.prototype.not = ht,e.prototype.shiftLeft = ft,e.prototype.shiftRight = gt,e.prototype.getLowestSetBit = vt,e.prototype.bitCount = bt,e.prototype.testBit = yt,e.prototype.setBit = kt,e.prototype.clearBit = xt,e.prototype.flipBit = Dt,e.prototype.add = Ct,e.prototype.subtract = Tt,e.prototype.multiply = It,e.prototype.divide = Pt,e.prototype.remainder = Rt,e.prototype.divideAndRemainder = At,e.prototype.modPow = Gt,e.prototype.modInverse = Zt,e.prototype.pow = Lt,e.prototype.gcd = Yt,e.prototype.isProbablePrime = Qt,e.prototype.square = $t,te.prototype.init = ee,te.prototype.next = ie;var Re, Ae, Ee, Me = 256;if (null == Ae) {Ae = new Array,Ee = 0;var Ne;if (window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues) {var Oe = new Uint32Array(256);for (window.crypto.getRandomValues(Oe),Ne = 0; Ne < Oe.length; ++Ne)Ae[Ee++] = 255 & Oe[Ne]}var Be = function(t) {if (this.count = this.count || 0,this.count >= 256 || Ee >= Me)return void (window.removeEventListener ? window.removeEventListener("mousemove", Be, !1) : window.detachEvent && window.detachEvent("onmousemove", Be));try {var e = t.x + t.y;Ae[Ee++] = 255 & e,this.count += 1} catch (t) {}};window.addEventListener ? window.addEventListener("mousemove", Be, !1) : window.attachEvent && window.attachEvent("onmousemove", Be)}oe.prototype.nextBytes = re,le.prototype.doPublic = pe,le.prototype.setPublic = ue,le.prototype.encrypt = de,le.prototype.doPrivate = ve,le.prototype.setPrivate = fe,le.prototype.setPrivateEx = ge,le.prototype.generate = me,le.prototype.decrypt = _e,function() {var t = function(t, s, n) {var r = new oe, o = t >> 1;this.e = parseInt(s, 16);var a = new e(s,16), c = this, l = function() {var s = function() {if (c.p.compareTo(c.q) <= 0) {var t = c.p;c.p = c.q,c.q = t}var i = c.p.subtract(e.ONE), s = c.q.subtract(e.ONE), r = i.multiply(s);0 == r.gcd(a).compareTo(e.ONE) ? (c.n = c.p.multiply(c.q),c.d = a.modInverse(r),c.dmp1 = c.d.mod(i),c.dmq1 = c.d.mod(s),c.coeff = c.q.modInverse(c.p),setTimeout(function() {n()}, 0)) : setTimeout(l, 0)}, u = function() {c.q = i(),c.q.fromNumberAsync(o, 1, r, function() {c.q.subtract(e.ONE).gcda(a, function(t) {0 == t.compareTo(e.ONE) && c.q.isProbablePrime(10) ? setTimeout(s, 0) : setTimeout(u, 0)})})}, p = function() {c.p = i(),c.p.fromNumberAsync(t - o, 1, r, function() {c.p.subtract(e.ONE).gcda(a, function(t) {0 == t.compareTo(e.ONE) && c.p.isProbablePrime(10) ? setTimeout(u, 0) : setTimeout(p, 0)})})};setTimeout(p, 0)};setTimeout(l, 0)};le.prototype.generateAsync = t;var s = function(t, e) {var i = this.s < 0 ? this.negate() : this.clone(), s = t.s < 0 ? t.negate() : t.clone();if (i.compareTo(s) < 0) {var n = i;i = s,s = n}var r = i.getLowestSetBit(), o = s.getLowestSetBit();if (0 > o)return void e(i);o > r && (o = r),o > 0 && (i.rShiftTo(o, i),s.rShiftTo(o, s));var a = function() {(r = i.getLowestSetBit()) > 0 && i.rShiftTo(r, i),(r = s.getLowestSetBit()) > 0 && s.rShiftTo(r, s),i.compareTo(s) >= 0 ? (i.subTo(s, i),i.rShiftTo(1, i)) : (s.subTo(i, s),s.rShiftTo(1, s)),i.signum() > 0 ? setTimeout(a, 0) : (o > 0 && s.lShiftTo(o, s),setTimeout(function() {e(s)}, 0))};setTimeout(a, 10)};e.prototype.gcda = s;var n = function(t, i, s, n) {if ("number" == typeof i)if (2 > t)this.fromInt(1);else {this.fromNumber(t, s),this.testBit(t - 1) || this.bitwiseTo(e.ONE.shiftLeft(t - 1), at, this),this.isEven() && this.dAddOffset(1, 0);var r = this, o = function() {r.dAddOffset(2, 0),r.bitLength() > t && r.subTo(e.ONE.shiftLeft(t - 1), r),r.isProbablePrime(i) ? setTimeout(function() {n()}, 0) : setTimeout(o, 0)};setTimeout(o, 0)}else {var a = new Array, c = 7 & t;a.length = (t >> 3) + 1,i.nextBytes(a),c > 0 ? a[0] &= (1 << c) - 1 : a[0] = 0,this.fromString(a, 256)}};e.prototype.fromNumberAsync = n}();var je = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", Le = "=", Fe = Fe || {};Fe.env = Fe.env || {};var Ke = Fe, Ue = Object.prototype, Ve = "[object Function]", ze = ["toString", "valueOf"];Fe.env.parseUA = function(t) {var e, i = function(t) {var e = 0;return parseFloat(t.replace(/\./g, function() {return 1 == e++ ? "" : "."}))}, s = navigator, n = {ie: 0,opera: 0,gecko: 0,webkit: 0,chrome: 0,mobile: null,air: 0,ipad: 0,iphone: 0,ipod: 0,ios: null,android: 0,webos: 0,caja: s && s.cajaVersion,secure: !1,os: null}, r = t || navigator && navigator.userAgent, o = window && window.location, a = o && o.href;return n.secure = a && 0 === a.toLowerCase().indexOf("https"),r && (/windows|win32/i.test(r) ? n.os = "windows" : /macintosh/i.test(r) ? n.os = "macintosh" : /rhino/i.test(r) && (n.os = "rhino"),/KHTML/.test(r) && (n.webkit = 1),e = r.match(/AppleWebKit\/([^\s]*)/),e && e[1] && (n.webkit = i(e[1]),/ Mobile\//.test(r) ? (n.mobile = "Apple",e = r.match(/OS ([^\s]*)/),e && e[1] && (e = i(e[1].replace("_", "."))),n.ios = e,n.ipad = n.ipod = n.iphone = 0,e = r.match(/iPad|iPod|iPhone/),e && e[0] && (n[e[0].toLowerCase()] = n.ios)) : (e = r.match(/NokiaN[^\/]*|Android \d\.\d|webOS\/\d\.\d/),e && (n.mobile = e[0]),/webOS/.test(r) && (n.mobile = "WebOS",e = r.match(/webOS\/([^\s]*);/),e && e[1] && (n.webos = i(e[1]))),/ Android/.test(r) && (n.mobile = "Android",e = r.match(/Android ([^\s]*);/),e && e[1] && (n.android = i(e[1])))),e = r.match(/Chrome\/([^\s]*)/),e && e[1] ? n.chrome = i(e[1]) : (e = r.match(/AdobeAIR\/([^\s]*)/),e && (n.air = e[0]))),n.webkit || (e = r.match(/Opera[\s\/]([^\s]*)/),e && e[1] ? (n.opera = i(e[1]),e = r.match(/Version\/([^\s]*)/),e && e[1] && (n.opera = i(e[1])),e = r.match(/Opera Mini[^;]*/),e && (n.mobile = e[0])) : (e = r.match(/MSIE\s([^;]*)/),e && e[1] ? n.ie = i(e[1]) : (e = r.match(/Gecko\/([^\s]*)/),e && (n.gecko = 1,e = r.match(/rv:([^\s\)]*)/),e && e[1] && (n.gecko = i(e[1]))))))),n},Fe.env.ua = Fe.env.parseUA(),Fe.isFunction = function(t) {return "function" == typeof t || Ue.toString.apply(t) === Ve},Fe._IEEnumFix = Fe.env.ua.ie ? function(t, e) {var i, s, n;for (i = 0; i < ze.length; i += 1)s = ze[i],n = e[s],Ke.isFunction(n) && n != Ue[s] && (t[s] = n)}: function() {},Fe.extend = function(t, e, i) {if (!e || !t)throw new Error("extend failed, please check that all dependencies are included.");var s, n = function() {};if (n.prototype = e.prototype,t.prototype = new n,t.prototype.constructor = t,t.superclass = e.prototype,e.prototype.constructor == Ue.constructor && (e.prototype.constructor = e),i) {for (s in i)Ke.hasOwnProperty(i, s) && (t.prototype[s] = i[s]);Ke._IEEnumFix(t.prototype, i)}},/*** @fileOverview* @name asn1-1.0.js* @author Kenji Urushima kenji.urushima@gmail.com* @version 1.0.2 (2013-May-30)* @since 2.1* @license <a href="//kjur.github.io/jsrsasign/license/">MIT License</a>*/"undefined" != typeof KJUR && KJUR || (KJUR = {}),"undefined" != typeof KJUR.asn1 && KJUR.asn1 || (KJUR.asn1 = {}),KJUR.asn1.ASN1Util = new function() {this.integerToByteHex = function(t) {var e = t.toString(16);return e.length % 2 == 1 && (e = "0" + e),e},this.bigIntToMinTwosComplementsHex = function(t) {var i = t.toString(16);if ("-" != i.substr(0, 1))i.length % 2 == 1 ? i = "0" + i : i.match(/^[0-7]/) || (i = "00" + i);else {var s = i.substr(1), n = s.length;n % 2 == 1 ? n += 1 : i.match(/^[0-7]/) || (n += 2);for (var r = "", o = 0; n > o; o++)r += "f";var a = new e(r,16), c = a.xor(t).add(e.ONE);i = c.toString(16).replace(/^-/, "")}return i},this.getPEMStringFromHex = function(t, e) {var i = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(t), s = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(i), n = s.replace(/(.{64})/g, "$1\r\n");return n = n.replace(/\r\n$/, ""),"-----BEGIN " + e + "-----\r\n" + n + "\r\n-----END " + e + "-----\r\n"}},KJUR.asn1.ASN1Object = function() {var t = "";this.getLengthHexFromValue = function() {if ("undefined" == typeof this.hV || null == this.hV)throw "this.hV is null or undefined.";if (this.hV.length % 2 == 1)throw "value hex must be even length: n=" + t.length + ",v=" + this.hV;var e = this.hV.length / 2, i = e.toString(16);if (i.length % 2 == 1 && (i = "0" + i),128 > e)return i;var s = i.length / 2;if (s > 15)throw "ASN.1 length too long to represent by 8x: n = " + e.toString(16);var n = 128 + s;return n.toString(16) + i},this.getEncodedHex = function() {return (null == this.hTLV || this.isModified) && (this.hV = this.getFreshValueHex(),this.hL = this.getLengthHexFromValue(),this.hTLV = this.hT + this.hL + this.hV,this.isModified = !1),this.hTLV},this.getValueHex = function() {return this.getEncodedHex(),this.hV},this.getFreshValueHex = function() {return ""}},KJUR.asn1.DERAbstractString = function(t) {KJUR.asn1.DERAbstractString.superclass.constructor.call(this),this.getString = function() {return this.s},this.setString = function(t) {this.hTLV = null,this.isModified = !0,this.s = t,this.hV = stohex(this.s)},this.setStringHex = function(t) {this.hTLV = null,this.isModified = !0,this.s = null,this.hV = t},this.getFreshValueHex = function() {return this.hV},"undefined" != typeof t && ("undefined" != typeof t.str ? this.setString(t.str) : "undefined" != typeof t.hex && this.setStringHex(t.hex))},Fe.extend(KJUR.asn1.DERAbstractString, KJUR.asn1.ASN1Object),KJUR.asn1.DERAbstractTime = function(t) {KJUR.asn1.DERAbstractTime.superclass.constructor.call(this),this.localDateToUTC = function(t) {utc = t.getTime() + 6e4 * t.getTimezoneOffset();var e = new Date(utc);return e},this.formatDate = function(t, e) {var i = this.zeroPadding, s = this.localDateToUTC(t), n = String(s.getFullYear());"utc" == e && (n = n.substr(2, 2));var r = i(String(s.getMonth() + 1), 2), o = i(String(s.getDate()), 2), a = i(String(s.getHours()), 2), c = i(String(s.getMinutes()), 2), l = i(String(s.getSeconds()), 2);return n + r + o + a + c + l + "Z"},this.zeroPadding = function(t, e) {return t.length >= e ? t : new Array(e - t.length + 1).join("0") + t},this.getString = function() {return this.s},this.setString = function(t) {this.hTLV = null,this.isModified = !0,this.s = t,this.hV = stohex(this.s)},this.setByDateValue = function(t, e, i, s, n, r) {var o = new Date(Date.UTC(t, e - 1, i, s, n, r, 0));this.setByDate(o)},this.getFreshValueHex = function() {return this.hV}},Fe.extend(KJUR.asn1.DERAbstractTime, KJUR.asn1.ASN1Object),KJUR.asn1.DERAbstractStructured = function(t) {KJUR.asn1.DERAbstractString.superclass.constructor.call(this),this.setByASN1ObjectArray = function(t) {this.hTLV = null,this.isModified = !0,this.asn1Array = t},this.appendASN1Object = function(t) {this.hTLV = null,this.isModified = !0,this.asn1Array.push(t)},this.asn1Array = new Array,"undefined" != typeof t && "undefined" != typeof t.array && (this.asn1Array = t.array)},Fe.extend(KJUR.asn1.DERAbstractStructured, KJUR.asn1.ASN1Object),KJUR.asn1.DERBoolean = function() {KJUR.asn1.DERBoolean.superclass.constructor.call(this),this.hT = "01",this.hTLV = "0101ff"},Fe.extend(KJUR.asn1.DERBoolean, KJUR.asn1.ASN1Object),KJUR.asn1.DERInteger = function(t) {KJUR.asn1.DERInteger.superclass.constructor.call(this),this.hT = "02",this.setByBigInteger = function(t) {this.hTLV = null,this.isModified = !0,this.hV = KJUR.asn1.ASN1Util.bigIntToMinTwosComplementsHex(t)},this.setByInteger = function(t) {var i = new e(String(t),10);this.setByBigInteger(i)},this.setValueHex = function(t) {this.hV = t},this.getFreshValueHex = function() {return this.hV},"undefined" != typeof t && ("undefined" != typeof t.bigint ? this.setByBigInteger(t.bigint) : "undefined" != typeof t.int ? this.setByInteger(t.int) : "undefined" != typeof t.hex && this.setValueHex(t.hex))},Fe.extend(KJUR.asn1.DERInteger, KJUR.asn1.ASN1Object),KJUR.asn1.DERBitString = function(t) {KJUR.asn1.DERBitString.superclass.constructor.call(this),this.hT = "03",this.setHexValueIncludingUnusedBits = function(t) {this.hTLV = null,this.isModified = !0,this.hV = t},this.setUnusedBitsAndHexValue = function(t, e) {if (0 > t || t > 7)throw "unused bits shall be from 0 to 7: u = " + t;var i = "0" + t;this.hTLV = null,this.isModified = !0,this.hV = i + e},this.setByBinaryString = function(t) {t = t.replace(/0+$/, "");var e = 8 - t.length % 8;8 == e && (e = 0);for (var i = 0; e >= i; i++)t += "0";for (var s = "", i = 0; i < t.length - 1; i += 8) {var n = t.substr(i, 8), r = parseInt(n, 2).toString(16);1 == r.length && (r = "0" + r),s += r}this.hTLV = null,this.isModified = !0,this.hV = "0" + e + s},this.setByBooleanArray = function(t) {for (var e = "", i = 0; i < t.length; i++)e += 1 == t[i] ? "1" : "0";this.setByBinaryString(e)},this.newFalseArray = function(t) {for (var e = new Array(t), i = 0; t > i; i++)e[i] = !1;return e},this.getFreshValueHex = function() {return this.hV},"undefined" != typeof t && ("undefined" != typeof t.hex ? this.setHexValueIncludingUnusedBits(t.hex) : "undefined" != typeof t.bin ? this.setByBinaryString(t.bin) : "undefined" != typeof t.array && this.setByBooleanArray(t.array))},Fe.extend(KJUR.asn1.DERBitString, KJUR.asn1.ASN1Object),KJUR.asn1.DEROctetString = function(t) {KJUR.asn1.DEROctetString.superclass.constructor.call(this, t),this.hT = "04"},Fe.extend(KJUR.asn1.DEROctetString, KJUR.asn1.DERAbstractString),KJUR.asn1.DERNull = function() {KJUR.asn1.DERNull.superclass.constructor.call(this),this.hT = "05",this.hTLV = "0500"},Fe.extend(KJUR.asn1.DERNull, KJUR.asn1.ASN1Object),KJUR.asn1.DERObjectIdentifier = function(t) {var i = function(t) {var e = t.toString(16);return 1 == e.length && (e = "0" + e),e}, s = function(t) {var s = "", n = new e(t,10), r = n.toString(2), o = 7 - r.length % 7;7 == o && (o = 0);for (var a = "", c = 0; o > c; c++)a += "0";r = a + r;for (var c = 0; c < r.length - 1; c += 7) {var l = r.substr(c, 7);c != r.length - 7 && (l = "1" + l),s += i(parseInt(l, 2))}return s};KJUR.asn1.DERObjectIdentifier.superclass.constructor.call(this),this.hT = "06",this.setValueHex = function(t) {this.hTLV = null,this.isModified = !0,this.s = null,this.hV = t},this.setValueOidString = function(t) {if (!t.match(/^[0-9.]+$/))throw "malformed oid string: " + t;var e = "", n = t.split("."), r = 40 * parseInt(n[0]) + parseInt(n[1]);e += i(r),n.splice(0, 2);for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++)e += s(n[o]);this.hTLV = null,this.isModified = !0,this.s = null,this.hV = e},this.setValueName = function(t) {if ("undefined" == typeof KJUR.asn1.x509.OID.name2oidList[t])throw "DERObjectIdentifier oidName undefined: " + t;var e = KJUR.asn1.x509.OID.name2oidList[t];this.setValueOidString(e)},this.getFreshValueHex = function() {return this.hV},"undefined" != typeof t && ("undefined" != typeof t.oid ? this.setValueOidString(t.oid) : "undefined" != typeof t.hex ? this.setValueHex(t.hex) : "undefined" != typeof t.name && this.setValueName(t.name))},Fe.extend(KJUR.asn1.DERObjectIdentifier, KJUR.asn1.ASN1Object),KJUR.asn1.DERUTF8String = function(t) {KJUR.asn1.DERUTF8String.superclass.constructor.call(this, t),this.hT = "0c"},Fe.extend(KJUR.asn1.DERUTF8String, KJUR.asn1.DERAbstractString),KJUR.asn1.DERNumericString = function(t) {KJUR.asn1.DERNumericString.superclass.constructor.call(this, t),this.hT = "12"},Fe.extend(KJUR.asn1.DERNumericString, KJUR.asn1.DERAbstractString),KJUR.asn1.DERPrintableString = function(t) {KJUR.asn1.DERPrintableString.superclass.constructor.call(this, t),this.hT = "13"},Fe.extend(KJUR.asn1.DERPrintableString, KJUR.asn1.DERAbstractString),KJUR.asn1.DERTeletexString = function(t) {KJUR.asn1.DERTeletexString.superclass.constructor.call(this, t),this.hT = "14"},Fe.extend(KJUR.asn1.DERTeletexString, KJUR.asn1.DERAbstractString),KJUR.asn1.DERIA5String = function(t) {KJUR.asn1.DERIA5String.superclass.constructor.call(this, t),this.hT = "16"},Fe.extend(KJUR.asn1.DERIA5String, KJUR.asn1.DERAbstractString),KJUR.asn1.DERUTCTime = function(t) {KJUR.asn1.DERUTCTime.superclass.constructor.call(this, t),this.hT = "17",this.setByDate = function(t) {this.hTLV = null,this.isModified = !0,this.date = t,this.s = this.formatDate(this.date, "utc"),this.hV = stohex(this.s)},"undefined" != typeof t && ("undefined" != typeof t.str ? this.setString(t.str) : "undefined" != typeof t.hex ? this.setStringHex(t.hex) : "undefined" != typeof t.date && this.setByDate(t.date))},Fe.extend(KJUR.asn1.DERUTCTime, KJUR.asn1.DERAbstractTime),KJUR.asn1.DERGeneralizedTime = function(t) {KJUR.asn1.DERGeneralizedTime.superclass.constructor.call(this, t),this.hT = "18",this.setByDate = function(t) {this.hTLV = null,this.isModified = !0,this.date = t,this.s = this.formatDate(this.date, "gen"),this.hV = stohex(this.s)},"undefined" != typeof t && ("undefined" != typeof t.str ? this.setString(t.str) : "undefined" != typeof t.hex ? this.setStringHex(t.hex) : "undefined" != typeof t.date && this.setByDate(t.date))},Fe.extend(KJUR.asn1.DERGeneralizedTime, KJUR.asn1.DERAbstractTime),KJUR.asn1.DERSequence = function(t) {KJUR.asn1.DERSequence.superclass.constructor.call(this, t),this.hT = "30",this.getFreshValueHex = function() {for (var t = "", e = 0; e < this.asn1Array.length; e++) {var i = this.asn1Array[e];t += i.getEncodedHex()}return this.hV = t,this.hV}},Fe.extend(KJUR.asn1.DERSequence, KJUR.asn1.DERAbstractStructured),KJUR.asn1.DERSet = function(t) {KJUR.asn1.DERSet.superclass.constructor.call(this, t),this.hT = "31",this.getFreshValueHex = function() {for (var t = new Array, e = 0; e < this.asn1Array.length; e++) {var i = this.asn1Array[e];t.push(i.getEncodedHex())}return t.sort(),this.hV = t.join(""),this.hV}},Fe.extend(KJUR.asn1.DERSet, KJUR.asn1.DERAbstractStructured),KJUR.asn1.DERTaggedObject = function(t) {KJUR.asn1.DERTaggedObject.superclass.constructor.call(this),this.hT = "a0",this.hV = "",this.isExplicit = !0,this.asn1Object = null,this.setASN1Object = function(t, e, i) {this.hT = e,this.isExplicit = t,this.asn1Object = i,this.isExplicit ? (this.hV = this.asn1Object.getEncodedHex(),this.hTLV = null,this.isModified = !0) : (this.hV = null,this.hTLV = i.getEncodedHex(),this.hTLV = this.hTLV.replace(/^../, e),this.isModified = !1)},this.getFreshValueHex = function() {return this.hV},"undefined" != typeof t && ("undefined" != typeof t.tag && (this.hT = t.tag),"undefined" != typeof t.explicit && (this.isExplicit = t.explicit),"undefined" != typeof t.obj && (this.asn1Object = t.obj,this.setASN1Object(this.isExplicit, this.hT, this.asn1Object)))},Fe.extend(KJUR.asn1.DERTaggedObject, KJUR.asn1.ASN1Object),function(t) {"use strict";var e, i = {};i.decode = function(i) {var s;if (e === t) {var n = "0123456789ABCDEF", r = " \f\n\r     \u2028\u2029";for (e = [],s = 0; 16 > s; ++s)e[n.charAt(s)] = s;for (n = n.toLowerCase(),s = 10; 16 > s; ++s)e[n.charAt(s)] = s;for (s = 0; s < r.length; ++s)e[r.charAt(s)] = -1}var o = [], a = 0, c = 0;for (s = 0; s < i.length; ++s) {var l = i.charAt(s);if ("=" == l)break;if (l = e[l],-1 != l) {if (l === t)throw "Illegal character at offset " + s;a |= l,++c >= 2 ? (o[o.length] = a,a = 0,c = 0) : a <<= 4}}if (c)throw "Hex encoding incomplete: 4 bits missing";return o},window.Hex = i}(),function(t) {"use strict";var e, i = {};i.decode = function(i) {var s;if (e === t) {var n = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", r = "= \f\n\r    \u2028\u2029";for (e = [],s = 0; 64 > s; ++s)e[n.charAt(s)] = s;for (s = 0; s < r.length; ++s)e[r.charAt(s)] = -1}var o = [], a = 0, c = 0;for (s = 0; s < i.length; ++s) {var l = i.charAt(s);if ("=" == l)break;if (l = e[l],-1 != l) {if (l === t)throw "Illegal character at offset " + s;a |= l,++c >= 4 ? (o[o.length] = a >> 16,o[o.length] = a >> 8 & 255,o[o.length] = 255 & a,a = 0,c = 0) : a <<= 6}}switch (c) {case 1:throw "Base64 encoding incomplete: at least 2 bits missing";case 2:o[o.length] = a >> 10;break;case 3:o[o.length] = a >> 16,o[o.length] = a >> 8 & 255}return o},i.re = /-----BEGIN [^-]+-----([A-Za-z0-9+\/=\s]+)-----END [^-]+-----|begin-base64[^\n]+\n([A-Za-z0-9+\/=\s]+)====/,i.unarmor = function(t) {var e = i.re.exec(t);if (e)if (e[1])t = e[1];else {if (!e[2])throw "RegExp out of sync";t = e[2]}return i.decode(t)},window.Base64 = i}(),function(t) {"use strict";function e(t, i) {t instanceof e ? (this.enc = t.enc,this.pos = t.pos) : (this.enc = t,this.pos = i)}function i(t, e, i, s, n) {this.stream = t,this.header = e,this.length = i,this.tag = s,this.sub = n}var s = 100, n = "…", r = {tag: function(t, e) {var i = document.createElement(t);return i.className = e,i},text: function(t) {return document.createTextNode(t)}};e.prototype.get = function(e) {if (e === t && (e = this.pos++),e >= this.enc.length)throw "Requesting byte offset " + e + " on a stream of length " + this.enc.length;return this.enc[e]},e.prototype.hexDigits = "0123456789ABCDEF",e.prototype.hexByte = function(t) {return this.hexDigits.charAt(t >> 4 & 15) + this.hexDigits.charAt(15 & t)},e.prototype.hexDump = function(t, e, i) {for (var s = "", n = t; e > n; ++n)if (s += this.hexByte(this.get(n)),i !== !0)switch (15 & n) {case 7:s += "  ";break;case 15:s += "\n";break;default:s += " "}return s},e.prototype.parseStringISO = function(t, e) {for (var i = "", s = t; e > s; ++s)i += String.fromCharCode(this.get(s));return i},e.prototype.parseStringUTF = function(t, e) {for (var i = "", s = t; e > s; ) {var n = this.get(s++);i += 128 > n ? String.fromCharCode(n) : n > 191 && 224 > n ? String.fromCharCode((31 & n) << 6 | 63 & this.get(s++)) : String.fromCharCode((15 & n) << 12 | (63 & this.get(s++)) << 6 | 63 & this.get(s++))}return i},e.prototype.parseStringBMP = function(t, e) {for (var i = "", s = t; e > s; s += 2) {var n = this.get(s), r = this.get(s + 1);i += String.fromCharCode((n << 8) + r)}return i},e.prototype.reTime = /^((?:1[89]|2\d)?\d\d)(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])([01]\d|2[0-3])(?:([0-5]\d)(?:([0-5]\d)(?:[.,](\d{1,3}))?)?)?(Z|[-+](?:[0]\d|1[0-2])([0-5]\d)?)?$/,e.prototype.parseTime = function(t, e) {var i = this.parseStringISO(t, e), s = this.reTime.exec(i);return s ? (i = s[1] + "-" + s[2] + "-" + s[3] + " " + s[4],s[5] && (i += ":" + s[5],s[6] && (i += ":" + s[6],s[7] && (i += "." + s[7]))),s[8] && (i += " UTC","Z" != s[8] && (i += s[8],s[9] && (i += ":" + s[9]))),i) : "Unrecognized time: " + i},e.prototype.parseInteger = function(t, e) {var i = e - t;if (i > 4) {i <<= 3;var s = this.get(t);if (0 === s)i -= 8;elsefor (; 128 > s; )s <<= 1,--i;return "(" + i + " bit)"}for (var n = 0, r = t; e > r; ++r)n = n << 8 | this.get(r);return n},e.prototype.parseBitString = function(t, e) {var i = this.get(t), s = (e - t - 1 << 3) - i, n = "(" + s + " bit)";if (20 >= s) {var r = i;n += " ";for (var o = e - 1; o > t; --o) {for (var a = this.get(o), c = r; 8 > c; ++c)n += a >> c & 1 ? "1" : "0";r = 0}}return n},e.prototype.parseOctetString = function(t, e) {var i = e - t, r = "(" + i + " byte) ";i > s && (e = t + s);for (var o = t; e > o; ++o)r += this.hexByte(this.get(o));return i > s && (r += n),r},e.prototype.parseOID = function(t, e) {for (var i = "", s = 0, n = 0, r = t; e > r; ++r) {var o = this.get(r);if (s = s << 7 | 127 & o,n += 7,!(128 & o)) {if ("" === i) {var a = 80 > s ? 40 > s ? 0 : 1 : 2;i = a + "." + (s - 40 * a)} elsei += "." + (n >= 31 ? "bigint" : s);s = n = 0}}return i},i.prototype.typeName = function() {if (this.tag === t)return "unknown";var e = this.tag >> 6, i = (this.tag >> 5 & 1,31 & this.tag);switch (e) {case 0:switch (i) {case 0:return "EOC";case 1:return "BOOLEAN";case 2:return "INTEGER";case 3:return "BIT_STRING";case 4:return "OCTET_STRING";case 5:return "NULL";case 6:return "OBJECT_IDENTIFIER";case 7:return "ObjectDescriptor";case 8:return "EXTERNAL";case 9:return "REAL";case 10:return "ENUMERATED";case 11:return "EMBEDDED_PDV";case 12:return "UTF8String";case 16:return "SEQUENCE";case 17:return "SET";case 18:return "NumericString";case 19:return "PrintableString";case 20:return "TeletexString";case 21:return "VideotexString";case 22:return "IA5String";case 23:return "UTCTime";case 24:return "GeneralizedTime";case 25:return "GraphicString";case 26:return "VisibleString";case 27:return "GeneralString";case 28:return "UniversalString";case 30:return "BMPString";default:return "Universal_" + i.toString(16)}case 1:return "Application_" + i.toString(16);case 2:return "[" + i + "]";case 3:return "Private_" + i.toString(16)}},i.prototype.reSeemsASCII = /^[ -~]+$/,i.prototype.content = function() {if (this.tag === t)return null;var e = this.tag >> 6, i = 31 & this.tag, r = this.posContent(), o = Math.abs(this.length);if (0 !== e) {if (null !== this.sub)return "(" + this.sub.length + " elem)";var a = this.stream.parseStringISO(r, r + Math.min(o, s));return this.reSeemsASCII.test(a) ? a.substring(0, 2 * s) + (a.length > 2 * s ? n : "") : this.stream.parseOctetString(r, r + o)}switch (i) {case 1:return 0 === this.stream.get(r) ? "false" : "true";case 2:return this.stream.parseInteger(r, r + o);case 3:return this.sub ? "(" + this.sub.length + " elem)" : this.stream.parseBitString(r, r + o);case 4:return this.sub ? "(" + this.sub.length + " elem)" : this.stream.parseOctetString(r, r + o);case 6:return this.stream.parseOID(r, r + o);case 16:case 17:return "(" + this.sub.length + " elem)";case 12:return this.stream.parseStringUTF(r, r + o);case 18:case 19:case 20:case 21:case 22:case 26:return this.stream.parseStringISO(r, r + o);case 30:return this.stream.parseStringBMP(r, r + o);case 23:case 24:return this.stream.parseTime(r, r + o)}return null},i.prototype.toString = function() {return this.typeName() + "@" + this.stream.pos + "[header:" + this.header + ",length:" + this.length + ",sub:" + (null === this.sub ? "null" : this.sub.length) + "]"},i.prototype.print = function(e) {if (e === t && (e = ""),document.writeln(e + this),null !== this.sub) {e += "  ";for (var i = 0, s = this.sub.length; s > i; ++i)this.sub[i].print(e)}},i.prototype.toPrettyString = function(e) {e === t && (e = "");var i = e + this.typeName() + " @" + this.stream.pos;if (this.length >= 0 && (i += "+"),i += this.length,32 & this.tag ? i += " (constructed)" : 3 != this.tag && 4 != this.tag || null === this.sub || (i += " (encapsulates)"),i += "\n",null !== this.sub) {e += "  ";for (var s = 0, n = this.sub.length; n > s; ++s)i += this.sub[s].toPrettyString(e)}return i},i.prototype.toDOM = function() {var t = r.tag("div", "node");t.asn1 = this;var e = r.tag("div", "head"), i = this.typeName().replace(/_/g, " ");e.innerHTML = i;var s = this.content();if (null !== s) {s = String(s).replace(/</g, "&lt;");var n = r.tag("span", "preview");n.appendChild(r.text(s)),e.appendChild(n)}t.appendChild(e),this.node = t,this.head = e;var o = r.tag("div", "value");if (i = "Offset: " + this.stream.pos + "<br/>",i += "Length: " + this.header + "+",i += this.length >= 0 ? this.length : -this.length + " (undefined)",32 & this.tag ? i += "<br/>(constructed)" : 3 != this.tag && 4 != this.tag || null === this.sub || (i += "<br/>(encapsulates)"),null !== s && (i += "<br/>Value:<br/><b>" + s + "</b>","object" == typeof oids && 6 == this.tag)) {var a = oids[s];a && (a.d && (i += "<br/>" + a.d),a.c && (i += "<br/>" + a.c),a.w && (i += "<br/>(warning!)"))}o.innerHTML = i,t.appendChild(o);var c = r.tag("div", "sub");if (null !== this.sub)for (var l = 0, u = this.sub.length; u > l; ++l)c.appendChild(this.sub[l].toDOM());return t.appendChild(c),e.onclick = function() {t.className = "node collapsed" == t.className ? "node" : "node collapsed"},t},i.prototype.posStart = function() {return this.stream.pos},i.prototype.posContent = function() {return this.stream.pos + this.header},i.prototype.posEnd = function() {return this.stream.pos + this.header + Math.abs(this.length)},i.prototype.fakeHover = function(t) {this.node.className += " hover",t && (this.head.className += " hover")},i.prototype.fakeOut = function(t) {var e = / ?hover/;this.node.className = this.node.className.replace(e, ""),t && (this.head.className = this.head.className.replace(e, ""))},i.prototype.toHexDOM_sub = function(t, e, i, s, n) {if (!(s >= n)) {var o = r.tag("span", e);o.appendChild(r.text(i.hexDump(s, n))),t.appendChild(o)}},i.prototype.toHexDOM = function(e) {var i = r.tag("span", "hex");if (e === t && (e = i),this.head.hexNode = i,this.head.onmouseover = function() {this.hexNode.className = "hexCurrent"},this.head.onmouseout = function() {this.hexNode.className = "hex"},i.asn1 = this,i.onmouseover = function() {var t = !e.selected;t && (e.selected = this.asn1,this.className = "hexCurrent"),this.asn1.fakeHover(t)},i.onmouseout = function() {var t = e.selected == this.asn1;this.asn1.fakeOut(t),t && (e.selected = null,this.className = "hex")},this.toHexDOM_sub(i, "tag", this.stream, this.posStart(), this.posStart() + 1),this.toHexDOM_sub(i, this.length >= 0 ? "dlen" : "ulen", this.stream, this.posStart() + 1, this.posContent()),null === this.sub)i.appendChild(r.text(this.stream.hexDump(this.posContent(), this.posEnd())));else if (this.sub.length > 0) {var s = this.sub[0], n = this.sub[this.sub.length - 1];this.toHexDOM_sub(i, "intro", this.stream, this.posContent(), s.posStart());for (var o = 0, a = this.sub.length; a > o; ++o)i.appendChild(this.sub[o].toHexDOM(e));this.toHexDOM_sub(i, "outro", this.stream, n.posEnd(), this.posEnd())}return i},i.prototype.toHexString = function(t) {return this.stream.hexDump(this.posStart(), this.posEnd(), !0)},i.decodeLength = function(t) {var e = t.get(), i = 127 & e;if (i == e)return i;if (i > 3)throw "Length over 24 bits not supported at position " + (t.pos - 1);if (0 === i)return -1;e = 0;for (var s = 0; i > s; ++s)e = e << 8 | t.get();return e},i.hasContent = function(t, s, n) {if (32 & t)return !0;if (3 > t || t > 4)return !1;var r = new e(n);3 == t && r.get();var o = r.get();if (o >> 6 & 1)return !1;try {var a = i.decodeLength(r);return r.pos - n.pos + a == s} catch (t) {return !1}},i.decode = function(t) {t instanceof e || (t = new e(t,0));var s = new e(t), n = t.get(), r = i.decodeLength(t), o = t.pos - s.pos, a = null;if (i.hasContent(n, r, t)) {var c = t.pos;if (3 == n && t.get(),a = [],r >= 0) {for (var l = c + r; t.pos < l; )a[a.length] = i.decode(t);if (t.pos != l)throw "Content size is not correct for container starting at offset " + c} elsetry {for (; ; ) {var u = i.decode(t);if (0 === u.tag)break;a[a.length] = u}r = c - t.pos} catch (t) {throw "Exception while decoding undefined length content: " + t}} elset.pos += r;return new i(s,o,r,n,a)},i.test = function() {for (var t = [{value: [39],expected: 39}, {value: [129, 201],expected: 201}, {value: [131, 254, 220, 186],expected: 16702650}], s = 0, n = t.length; n > s; ++s) {var r = new e(t[s].value,0), o = i.decodeLength(r);o != t[s].expected && document.write("In test[" + s + "] expected " + t[s].expected + " got " + o + "\n")}},window.ASN1 = i}(),ASN1.prototype.getHexStringValue = function() {var t = this.toHexString(), e = 2 * this.header, i = 2 * this.length;return t.substr(e, i)},le.prototype.parseKey = function(t) {try {var e = 0, i = 0, s = /^\s*(?:[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]\s*)+$/, n = s.test(t) ? Hex.decode(t) : Base64.unarmor(t), r = ASN1.decode(n);if (3 === r.sub.length && (r = r.sub[2].sub[0]),9 === r.sub.length) {e = r.sub[1].getHexStringValue(),this.n = ae(e, 16),i = r.sub[2].getHexStringValue(),this.e = parseInt(i, 16);var o = r.sub[3].getHexStringValue();this.d = ae(o, 16);var a = r.sub[4].getHexStringValue();this.p = ae(a, 16);var c = r.sub[5].getHexStringValue();this.q = ae(c, 16);var l = r.sub[6].getHexStringValue();this.dmp1 = ae(l, 16);var u = r.sub[7].getHexStringValue();this.dmq1 = ae(u, 16);var p = r.sub[8].getHexStringValue();this.coeff = ae(p, 16)} else {if (2 !== r.sub.length)return !1;var d = r.sub[1], h = d.sub[0];e = h.sub[0].getHexStringValue(),this.n = ae(e, 16),i = h.sub[1].getHexStringValue(),this.e = parseInt(i, 16)}return !0} catch (t) {return !1}},le.prototype.getPrivateBaseKey = function() {var t = {array: [new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({int: 0}), new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({bigint: this.n}), new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({int: this.e}), new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({bigint: this.d}), new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({bigint: this.p}), new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({bigint: this.q}), new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({bigint: this.dmp1}), new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({bigint: this.dmq1}), new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({bigint: this.coeff})]}, e = new KJUR.asn1.DERSequence(t);return e.getEncodedHex()},le.prototype.getPrivateBaseKeyB64 = function() {return be(this.getPrivateBaseKey())},le.prototype.getPublicBaseKey = function() {var t = {array: [new KJUR.asn1.DERObjectIdentifier({oid: "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1"}), new KJUR.asn1.DERNull]}, e = new KJUR.asn1.DERSequence(t);t = {array: [new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({bigint: this.n}), new KJUR.asn1.DERInteger({int: this.e})]};var i = new KJUR.asn1.DERSequence(t);t = {hex: "00" + i.getEncodedHex()};var s = new KJUR.asn1.DERBitString(t);t = {array: [e, s]};var n = new KJUR.asn1.DERSequence(t);return n.getEncodedHex()},le.prototype.getPublicBaseKeyB64 = function() {return be(this.getPublicBaseKey())},le.prototype.wordwrap = function(t, e) {if (e = e || 64,!t)return t;var i = "(.{1," + e + "})( +|$\n?)|(.{1," + e + "})";return t.match(RegExp(i, "g")).join("\n")},le.prototype.getPrivateKey = function() {var t = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n";return t += this.wordwrap(this.getPrivateBaseKeyB64()) + "\n",t += "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"},le.prototype.getPublicKey = function() {var t = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n";return t += this.wordwrap(this.getPublicBaseKeyB64()) + "\n",t += "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"},le.prototype.hasPublicKeyProperty = function(t) {return t = t || {},t.hasOwnProperty("n") && t.hasOwnProperty("e")},le.prototype.hasPrivateKeyProperty = function(t) {return t = t || {},t.hasOwnProperty("n") && t.hasOwnProperty("e") && t.hasOwnProperty("d") && t.hasOwnProperty("p") && t.hasOwnProperty("q") && t.hasOwnProperty("dmp1") && t.hasOwnProperty("dmq1") && t.hasOwnProperty("coeff")},le.prototype.parsePropertiesFrom = function(t) {this.n = t.n,this.e = t.e,t.hasOwnProperty("d") && (this.d = t.d,this.p = t.p,this.q = t.q,this.dmp1 = t.dmp1,this.dmq1 = t.dmq1,this.coeff = t.coeff)};var He = function(t) {le.call(this),t && ("string" == typeof t ? this.parseKey(t) : (this.hasPrivateKeyProperty(t) || this.hasPublicKeyProperty(t)) && this.parsePropertiesFrom(t))};He.prototype = new le,He.prototype.constructor = He;var qe = function(t) {t = t || {},this.default_key_size = parseInt(t.default_key_size) || 1024,this.default_public_exponent = t.default_public_exponent || "010001",this.log = t.log || !1,this.key = null};qe.prototype.setKey = function(t) {this.log && this.key && console.warn("A key was already set, overriding existing."),this.key = new He(t)},qe.prototype.setPrivateKey = function(t) {this.setKey(t)},qe.prototype.setPublicKey = function(t) {this.setKey(t)},qe.prototype.decrypt = function(t) {try {return this.getKey().decrypt(ye(t))} catch (t) {return !1}},qe.prototype.encrypt = function(t) {try {return be(this.getKey().encrypt(t))} catch (t) {return !1}},qe.prototype.getKey = function(t) {if (!this.key) {if (this.key = new He,t && "[object Function]" === {}.toString.call(t))return void this.key.generateAsync(this.default_key_size, this.default_public_exponent, t);this.key.generate(this.default_key_size, this.default_public_exponent)}return this.key},qe.prototype.getPrivateKey = function() {return this.getKey().getPrivateKey()},qe.prototype.getPrivateKeyB64 = function() {return this.getKey().getPrivateBaseKeyB64()},qe.prototype.getPublicKey = function() {return this.getKey().getPublicKey()},qe.prototype.getPublicKeyB64 = function() {return this.getKey().getPublicBaseKeyB64()},qe.version = "2.3.1",t.JSEncrypt = qe})}.call(e, i, e, t),!(void 0 !== s && (t.exports = s))},
});// 测试样例
function getPwd(){var pwd = '123456',s = (new Date).getTime(),code_func_3 = code('3');encrypt = new code_func_3return encrypt.encode(pwd, s)
}console.log(getPwd())// python 调用
// function getPwd(password){
//     var pwd = password,
//         s = (new Date).getTime(),
//         code_func_3 = code('3');
//     encrypt = new code_func_3
//     return encrypt.encode(pwd, s)
// }//console.log(getPwd())

password 参数的逆向分析到此为止,python 模拟登录部分代码在此就不予提供了,关于该网站登录中验证码的处理提供三种方式:

  • 该网站验证码混淆不严重可以直接通过 OpenCV 库进行识别
  • 通过验证码图片的接口 verify_image 将验证码保存到本地,然后通过 Image 库打开本地图片并通过 show() 方法展示出来,最后 input 手动输入即可
  • 打码平台


以上是对某妹游戏网登录的逆向分析,以及对 webpack 的改写调用,如有任何见解欢迎评论区或私信指正交流~

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