1. There are a lot of authoring software products for Quicktime; most of them run on Apple computers.


2. QuickTime是什么意思

2. It`s also useful to test if there has been issues with QuickTime installation.


3. That's because QuickTime 7 Player takes advantage of the latest video compression technology.

这是因为QuickTime 7播放采用最新的视频压缩技术的优势。

4. It`s also a bit of a secret these days that QuickTime Player can play Flash files.


5. I've been using quicktime alternative for years (though I don't install the media player because it comes with CCCP), but alongside that I use real alternative.


6. Common file extension for QuickTime multimedia files.


7. You can move around the experiment in this Quicktime VTR animation.


8. In cases of electronic or moving billboards that require the use of full motion video, please submit the footage on a data CD or DVD as an MPEG-4 video file format: QuickTime.

为了可能会运用到全方位视讯的数位或移动式刊板,参赛者请配合缴交已转档为MPEG-4的CD 或 DVD(读取程式可为QuickTime 或 MOV)。

9. Universal media player that support DivX, QuickTime, Real Media and Window Media formats, you can now play DivX, RM, MOV, AVI, MPEG, MP3, CD, Video-CD files in one single player!

世界媒体播放器,支持DivX的来说,QuickTime ,真正的媒体和窗口的媒体格式,你现在可以发挥的DivX ,室,mov ,为AVI器,MPEG ,MP3播放,光盘,视频光盘档案在一个单一播放器!

10. Crop frame size to remove unwanted area with this QuickTime Video Converter like the smart scissors.


11. QuickTime and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.

需使用 QuickTime 和解压缩程式才能检视此图画。

12. QuickTime and a TIFF decompressor are needed to see this picture.

需使用 QuickTime 和 TIFF 解压缩程式才能检视此图画。

13. Based on internet enviroment, a museum virtual environment is set up with universal VRML builder and Quick Time player, and VRML language.


14. QuickTime for Java was originally created for the Macintosh platform, but it's been freely available to both Windows and Mac users for several years.


15. Software Description: About Movie Title Maker, Add tilte and graphics with Real-time 3D effects to your quicktime movie.

Movie Title Maker 向你的 QuickTime 电影添加带有三维立体效果的标题和图形。

16. After you have the basics of creating and manipulating video content using the QuickTime for Java API down, your next major hurdle is converting the content to an iPod-compatible format.


17. QuickTime的解释

17. After you've added the QuickTime for Java libraries to your classpath all you need to do is provide the name of the file that you want to edit.


18. At the end of the article, I'll leave you with some example code that you can use to learn more about manipulating videos using the QuickTime for Java API.


19. danci.911cha.com

19. We aren't creating a full editing API like Quicktime, but you'll be able to do the basics very easily.


20. For Java developers the most capable and versatile API to enable the creation, modification, and playback of digital media is the QuickTime for Java API.


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