
Cloud storage allows you to store your data on someone else's hard-drive, in data-centers around the world. You don't have to worry about losing your data, and you can access it from anywhere.

云存储使您可以将数据存储在世界各地数据中心的其他人的硬盘上。 您不必担心丢失数据,可以从任何地方访问它。

And believe it or not, many of these services have quite generous free tiers.


In this article, I'll break down the major cloud storage providers so you can decide which ones you want to use.


为什么要使用云存储? (Why Would You Want to Use Cloud Storage?)

There are many benefits and few downsides to adopting cloud storage. Here are the most common use-cases:

采用云存储有很多好处,也没有什么缺点。 以下是最常见的用例:

扩展本地存储 (Extending Your Local Storage)

You may have a laptop or phone that has limited storage. It may be possible to install an additional SSD hard-drive or SD card, but that can be expensive. Also, some devices do not have an extra hard-drive slot.

您的笔记本电脑或手机可能存储空间有限。 可能可以安装额外的SSD硬盘驱动器或SD卡,但这可能会很昂贵。 另外,某些设备没有额外的硬盘驱动器插槽。

备份资料 (Backing Up Your Data)

Most cloud storage providers are resilient to data loss. When you upload data to the cloud, the provider will store copies of your data up to six times on six different hard-drives in distinct isolated data-centers.

大多数云存储提供商都可以抵抗数据丢失。 当您将数据上传到云时,提供商将在不同的隔离数据中心中的六个不同的硬盘驱动器上存储多达六次的数据副本。

From your perspective, it will appear there is only a single file, but those copies exist. This cloud strategy of redundant copies is called high availability and guarantees recoverable data in the event of virtual or physical disasters. So if you have any precious photos you do not want to lose, the cloud is the best place for them.

从您的角度来看,它将看起来只有一个文件,但是这些副本存在。 这种冗余副本的云策略称为高可用性,可在发生虚拟或物理灾难时保证可恢复的数据。 因此,如果您不想丢失任何珍贵的照片,那么云是最适合它们的地方。

共享与合作 (Sharing and Collaboration)

Cloud storage allows you the ability to share files of your choice with your friends and colleagues. When sharing files via email, you are limited to around 20 MB per email. With Cloud Storage, you could share Terabytes in size.

云存储使您能够与朋友和同事共享所选文件。 通过电子邮件共享文件时,每封电子邮件的大小上限为20 MB。 借助Cloud Storage,您可以共享TB级。

保护您的数据 (Securing Your Data)

When you upload your data to cloud storage, they encrypt your data-at-reset. Some providers allow you to password protect, require an encryption key or apply Multi-factor authentication requiring an additional verification step to gain access.

当您将数据上传到云存储时,它们会在重置时对您的数据进行加密。 某些提供程序允许您进行密码保护,需要加密密钥或应用多因素身份验证,从而需要其他验证步骤才能获得访问权限。

There are a variety of cloud storage providers, and the majority of them have a free-tier ranging into multiple gigabytes. By using various cloud providers, you could have terabytes of free storage.

有各种各样的云存储提供商,其中大多数都有一个免费的存储层,容量范围达数GB。 通过使用各种云提供商,您可以拥有TB的免费存储空间。

I have categorized free cloud storage into two categories: one for your general consumer, and additional options for developers.


免费的用户友好型云存储 (Free User-Friendly Cloud Storage)

投寄箱-2 GB (Dropbox - 2 GB)

One of the oldest and most popular cloud storage providers for the general consumer. Dropbox has a simple interface, and syncing files to your local computer is a seamless experience.

面向普通消费者的最古老,最受欢迎的云存储提供商之一。 Dropbox具有简单的界面,将文件同步到本地计算机是一种无缝体验。

Dropbox has the smallest free offering on this. It might interest you to know that Dropbox underneath uses AWS S3.

Dropbox在此上提供最小的免费产品。 您可能会想知道下面的Dropbox使用AWS S3。



Amazon Drive-5 GB,带有Prime订阅 (Amazon Drive - 5 GB with Prime Subscription)

Amazon is better known for its developer-friendly storage AWS S3 than Amazon Drive. If you want to get the free 5GB, you have to purchase an Amazon Prime Subscription.

亚马逊以其对开发人员友好的存储AWS S3而不是亚马逊驱动器而闻名。 如果要获得免费的5GB,则必须购买Amazon Prime Subscription。

This still makes our list since Prime Subscriptions are becoming very common, and it's worth highlighting the free storage.




OneDrive-5GB (OneDrive - 5GB)

If you're on Windows 10 then you already have OneDrive pre-installed, which makes sense since OneDrive is Microsoft's cloud storage service.

如果您使用的是Windows 10,则您已经预装了OneDrive,这很有意义,因为OneDrive是Microsoft的云存储服务。



Google云端硬盘-15 GB (Google Drive - 15 GB)

If you have Gmail or an Android phone or tablet, then you are one click away from gaining access to Google Drive.


Google Drive has the best offering on our list, and its web-interface is very easy to use.




iCloud-5 GB (iCloud - 5 GB)

If you're on a Mac or using an iPhone or iPad, then you've been asked when setting up your Apple account if you want to use iCloud.


You don't need to own Apple products to take advantage of iCloud's storage.




盒装-10 GB (Box - 10 GB)

Box was once as popular as Dropbox with the same offering. But at some point, Box changed its focused by adding multiple features suited for professional industries.

Box曾经与Dropbox一样具有相同的功能而受欢迎。 但是在某些时候,Box通过添加适合专业行业的多种功能来改变其重点。

They still have an individual account that comes with the second-best offering on our list.




免费的开发人员友好型云存储 (Free Developer-Friendly Cloud Storage)

These cloud storage solutions are for developers building web and mobile applications. To get access to these cloud storage providers, you need to provide a credit card which may apply a $1 charge for verification.

这些云存储解决方案适合开发人员构建Web和移动应用程序。 要访问这些云存储提供商,您需要提供一张信用卡,其中可能需要支付1美元的费用才能进行验证。

These services do not offer hard-limits, meaning if you store beyond the free-tier, you will be charged. So it requires careful monitoring to avoid large bills.

这些服务不提供硬性限制,这意味着如果您存储在免费套餐之外,则需要付费。 因此,需要仔细监控以避免产生大笔账单。

Also, pricing is a bit more complicated where you need to consider data-transfer out, data-transfer in and storage costs. These cloud storage providers are much more cost-effective than the user-friendly storage providers since paying for additional gigabytes can cost pennies, but again there are no safeguards.

此外,在需要考虑数据传输,数据传输和存储成本的情况下,定价会稍微复杂一些。 这些云存储提供商比用户友好型存储提供商更具成本效益,因为支付额外的千兆字节可能要花几便士,但同样没有保障措施。

亚马逊S3-5 GB (Amazon S3  - 5 GB)

Amazon created a spin-off company called AWS (Amazon Web Services), and they offer over 175+ services, with S3 being one of them. AWS is currently the most popular provider among tech startups. S3, if you were wondering, stands for Simple Storage Service.

亚马逊创建了一家名为AWS(Amazon Web Services)的衍生公司,它们提供超过175种以上的服务,其中S3是其中之一。 目前,AWS是技术创业公司中最受欢迎的提供商。 如果您想知道,S3代表简单存储服务。



Google云端存储-5 GB (Google Cloud Storage - 5 GB)

Google has Google Drive for the regular consumer and Google Cloud Storage for Developers.


Unlike Google Drive, where you get 15 GB for free with Google Cloud Storage, you only get 5 GB.

与Google云端硬盘不同,Google云端硬盘免费提供15 GB的存储空间,而您只能获得5 GB的存储空间。

Google Drive likely uses Google Cloud Storage underneath, so it makes you wonder why they don't let developers have 15 GB's free.

Google云端硬盘可能在下面使用Google Cloud Storage,因此您想知道为什么他们不让开发人员拥有15 GB的免费空间。



Azure Blob存储-5 GB (Azure Blob Storage - 5 GB)

Azure is Microsoft's cloud services company. You might be wondering why it is named Blob Storage. Blob stands for Binary Large Object and is a collection of binary data stored as a single object in a database.

Azure是微软的云服务公司。 您可能想知道为什么将其命名为Blob存储。 Blob代表Binary Large Object,它是二进制数据的集合,这些数据作为单个对象存储在数据库中。

In fact, all of our developer-friendly storage providers here are known as "object storage".




对象存储服务(阿里云)-5 GB (Object Storage Service (Alibaba Cloud) - 5 GB)

Alibaba is the Amazon of Asia and has its own cloud services company called Alibaba Cloud. Their offering is on par with all the other developer-friendly cloud storage providers. But maybe in the coming years, they'll be better known as they continue to add more data-centers globally.

阿里巴巴是亚洲的亚马逊,拥有自己的云服务公司,称为阿里云。 他们提供的产品与所有其他对开发人员友好的云存储提供商相同。 但是也许在未来几年中,随着它们继续在全球添加更多的数据中心,它们将更加出名。



数据传输的隐性成本 (The Hidden Cost of Data-Transfer Out)

Most cloud providers make prominent the amount of data you can store per month in sizes of gigabytes. What they tend to hide often is limits on the data-transfer out.

大多数云提供商都会以每月千兆字节的容量突出显示您每月可以存储的数据量。 他们往往隐藏的是对数据传输的限制。

Data transfer out is the act of downloading, and this can be a high cost to cloud storage providers. Video files, for example, can range from hundreds of megabytes to several gigabytes.

数据传出是下载的行为,这对云存储提供商而言可能是高昂的成本。 例如,视频文件的范围可以从数百兆字节到几千兆字节。

If you are planning to share video files to multiple friends, you may find you will be restricted, or you could be paying a large bill for over-usage.


跨云存储管理器 (Cross-Cloud Storage Manager)

It can be not very easy to manage multiple cloud storage providers since they all have different interfaces. You could use a service such as Odrive, which unifies all your cloud storage into one agnostic interface.

管理多个云存储提供商可能并不容易,因为它们都具有不同的界面。 您可以使用Odrive之类的服务,它将所有云存储统一到一个不可知的界面。

Odrive has a free-tier. But if you need to sync your files between multiple devices, then you'll need to go paid.

Odrive具有免费套餐。 但是,如果您需要在多个设备之间同步文件,则需要付费。



有大量的云存储选项。 (There are a ton of cloud storage options.)

I encourage you to make use of as many of these as you need to. By doing so, you may be able to get away without paying anything.

我鼓励您根据需要使用尽可能多的这些。 这样,您可能无需支付任何费用就可以逃脱。

This said, if you find a cloud storage option you really like, you can always pay a bit of money each year to get more space for it.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/free-cloud-storage-google-drive-dropbox-icloud-onedrive-amazon/


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