查看 gmail 办法

Gmail’s conversation view was groundbreaking when it appeared 15 years ago, but it always shows new messages on the bottom of the thread instead of the top. That’s annoying to some long-time email users. Here’s how to change that.

Gmail的对话视图在15年前问世时就具有开创性的意义,但始终在该线程的底部而不是顶部显示新邮件。 这对于一些长期使用电子邮件的用户来说很烦人。 更改方法如下。

没有简单的选项可以更改此设置 (There’s No Easy Option to Change This)

Unfortunately, Gmail itself provides no easy one-click option that will put all new messages on the top of a conversation thread. Microsoft Outlook and Apple Mail both show new messages at the top of a conversation thread by default, but they offer an option to put those messages at the bottom. We wish Gmail would do the same.

不幸的是,Gmail本身并没有提供简单的一键式选项,该选项会将所有新邮件置于对话线程的顶部。 默认情况下,Microsoft Outlook和Apple Mail都将新消息显示在对话线程的顶部,但它们提供了将这些消息放在底部的选项。 我们希望Gmail也会这样做。

But, although Gmail doesn’t make it as easy as we’d like, there are still ways to see new emails on top in Gmail.


选项一:关闭对话视图 (Option One: Turn off Conversation View)

If you’re not that into using the conversation view, the simplest solution is to turn it off. If you do this, then each email appears individually rather than together in a conversation thread. This is the only built-in option for seeing new mail at the top of your inbox.

如果您不喜欢使用会话视图,那么最简单的解决方案是将其关闭。 如果执行此操作,则每封电子邮件将单独显示,而不是一起显示在对话线程中。 这是在收件箱顶部查看新邮件的唯一内置选项。

To disable conversation view in Gmail, click the cog in the top right on the Gmail website and then click “Settings.”


On the General tab that opens, scroll down to the Conversation View option and then select “Conversation View Off.”


Scroll down to the bottom of the page and then click “Save Changes.”


If you’re comfortable with the result, then your problem is solved. But, if you don’t like seeing every new email as its own message, there are other things you can try.

如果您对结果感到满意,那么您的问题就可以解决。 但是,如果您不希望将每封新电子邮件都视为自己的邮件,则可以尝试其他方法。

选项二:使用浏览器扩展 (Option Two: Use a Browser Extension)

If you don’t want to turn off conversation view, you can install a browser extension that will modify the appearance of Gmail in your browser, showing new emails at the top. Many people recommend Gmail Reverse Conversation, which is available for both Chrome and Firefox.

如果您不想关闭对话视图,则可以安装浏览器扩展程序,该扩展程序将修改浏览器中Gmail的外观,并在顶部显示新电子邮件。 许多人推荐Gmail反向对话, Chrome和Firefox均可使用。

We like this extension because it works, but also because it has a publicly readable repository on Github where you can examine the source code of the browser extension. Before you install it, threaded messages will display the newest message at the bottom as standard.

我们喜欢此扩展程序,是因为它可以工作,而且还因为它在Github上具有公共可读的存储库,您可以在其中检查浏览器扩展程序的源代码。 在安装之前,主题消息将在底部按标准显示最新消息。

After you’ve installed the extension, the newest message appears at the top. As a bonus, the Reply and Forward options are also now at the top.

安装扩展程序后,最新消息会显示在顶部。 另外,“回复”和“转发”选项现在也位于顶部。

However, this will only work in web browsers where you’ve installed the extension. It won’t apply to the Gmail mobile app.

但是,这仅在安装了扩展程序的Web浏览器中有效。 它不适用于Gmail移动应用。

This extension works by modifying Gmail’s cascading style sheets (CSS) code. If you’re the kind of person who prefers to edit their own CSS where possible, you can use the CSS that the Gmail Reverse Conversation extension uses. That can be found in their GitHub repo. You can use this CSS because the developer in question, “Tomasz,” has kindly licensed his extension using an MIT license that allows people to use its components for free.

此扩展程序通过修改Gmail的级联样式表(CSS)代码来工作。 如果您喜欢在可能的情况下编辑自己CSS,可以使用Gmail反向对话扩展程序使用CSS。 可以在他们的GitHub仓库中找到。 您可以使用此CSS,因为有问题的开发人员“ Tomasz”已使用MIT许可来许可其扩展,该许可允许人们免费使用其组件。

选项三:使用桌面客户​​端(如Outlook或Apple Mail) (Option Three: Use a Desktop Client like Outlook or Apple Mail)

If you want conversation view on and you can’t install an extension or edit the CSS, your final option is to stop using the Gmail interface and start using a different mail client instead. Both Outlook and Apple Mail will show conversation views with the newest at the top, so if you access your Gmail through one of these clients, you can get that elusive functionality.

如果要打开对话视图,并且无法安装扩展程序或编辑CSS,最后的选择是停止使用Gmail界面,而开始使用其他邮件客户端。 Outlook和Apple Mail都将在顶部显示最新的对话视图,因此,如果您通过这些客户端之一访问Gmail,则可以获得难以捉摸的功能。

We’ve shown you how to access a Gmail account through both Microsoft Outlook, and Apple Mail before, so follow those instructions to set yourself up. In Outlook, you can ensure new emails are on top by ordering emails by the date received. In Apple Mail, go to Mail > Preferences > Viewing, and changing “Show most recent message at the top.”

我们已经向您展示了如何通过Microsoft Outlook和Apple Mail来访问Gmail帐户,因此请按照以下说明进行设置。 在Outlook中,可以通过在收到日期之前订购电子邮件来确保新电子邮件排在最前面。 在Apple Mail中,转到“邮件”>“首选项”>“查看”,然后更改“在顶部显示最新消息”。

Unfortunately, no popular mobile mail apps—including Microsoft Outlook, Apple Mail on iPhone, and Google’s own Gmail app—have this option built in. There may be some lesser-known email apps with this feature, but we haven’t found any well-known ones we can recommend.

不幸的是,没有内置的此选项(包括Microsoft Outlook,iPhone上的Apple Mail和Google自己的Gmail应用程序)在内的流行移动邮件应用程序。可能有一些鲜为人知的电子邮件应用程序具有此功能,但是我们发现它没有什么用处我们可以推荐知名的。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/414565/how-to-see-new-emails-on-top-of-gmail-conversation-threads/

查看 gmail 办法

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