


1. 耐心点,仔细理解题意

2. 做到后面,前面若有设计得不好的地方,别犹豫,赶快改吧,改完了才知道甜头

3. 以下reference: https://blog.csdn.net/ckcz123/article/details/8734954




4. 同样reference: https://blog.csdn.net/ckcz123/article/details/8734954



下载地址 ------> http://www.huacolor.com/soft/69625.html


将你的所有输出保存在一个txt文件中 (fprintf总会吧)











1. wolf少了“在一个 wolf 通过主动攻击杀死敌人的次数达到偶数的时刻(次数从1开始算),在战斗完成后,该 wolf 生命值和攻击力都增加1倍。如果其杀死的敌人是lion,则攻击力和生命值先加倍,然后才吸取lion的生命值。获取总部的生命元奖励,发生在加倍之后。只有在主动攻击杀死敌人时才能有加倍的事情,反击杀死敌人则不不会发生加倍。”的特性

2. case的输出格式......

3. 升旗方面感觉也不同,可能是修订版测试数据还弱了点??


Flag = -1, cnt = 2 -> Flag = red, cnt = 0(red刚连胜两轮,插上旗帜)
Flag = red, cnt = -1(blue胜)
Flag = red, cnt = -2 -> Flag = -1, cnt = 0(blue连胜两轮)
Flag = -1, cnt = -1(blue胜)
Flag = -1, cnt = -2 -> Flag = blue, cnt = 0(blue连胜两轮)
Flag = -1, cnt = 2 -> Flag = red, cnt = 0(red刚连胜两轮,插上旗帜)
Flag = red, cnt = -1(blue胜)
Flag = red, cnt = -2 -> Flag = -1, cnt = 0(blue连胜两轮)
Flag = -1, cnt = 1(red胜)
Flag = -1, cnt = 2 -> Flag = red, cnt = 0(red连胜两轮)
Flag = -1, cnt = 2 -> Flag = red, cnt = 0(red刚连胜两轮,插上旗帜)
Flag = red, cnt = -1(blue胜)
Flag = red, cnt = 0(red胜)


Flag = -1, cnt = 2 -> Flag = red, cnt = 0(red刚连胜两轮,插上旗帜)
Flag = red, cnt = -1(blue胜)
Flag = red, cnt = -2 -> Flag = blue, cnt = 0(blue连胜两轮)
Flag = -1, cnt = 2 -> Flag = red, cnt = 0(red刚连胜两轮,插上旗帜)
Flag = red, cnt = -1(blue胜)
Flag = red, cnt = 0(red胜)



using namespace std;
enum warriors {dragon, ninja, iceman, lion, wolf, NUMwarriors};
char str_warriors[NUMwarriors][7] = {"dragon", "ninja", "iceman", "lion", "wolf"};
enum colors {red, blue, NUMcolors};
char str_colors[NUMcolors][5] = {"red", "blue"};
class Warrior{private:int Strength[NUMwarriors];int Number[NUMwarriors];int WCSeq[NUMwarriors]; // Warrior Creating Sequencepublic:Warrior()    // constructor{for( int i = 0; i < NUMwarriors; i++ )Number[i] = 0;}friend class Headquarter;
}; // 如何联系class Headquarter 与 class Warrior?
class Headquarter{private:int Strength;int Number;Warrior W;int Clk;public:Headquarter(int M, int N = 0, int C = 0) : Strength(M),Number(N),Clk(C) {};    // constructorvoid SetWarrior( int nw, int sw ){W.Strength[nw] = sw;}void SetWCSeq( int nc ){switch(nc){case red:W.WCSeq[0] = iceman; W.WCSeq[1] = lion; W.WCSeq[2] = wolf; W.WCSeq[3] = ninja; W.WCSeq[4] = dragon;break;case blue:W.WCSeq[0] = lion; W.WCSeq[1] = dragon; W.WCSeq[2] = ninja; W.WCSeq[3] = iceman; W.WCSeq[4] = wolf;break;default:break;}}int CreateWarrior( int nc, int last_cnt ){int cnt = last_cnt;int w, i; // w - which warrior, i - iteratorfor( i = 0; i < NUMwarriors; i++ ){w = W.WCSeq[cnt%NUMwarriors];   // which warriorif( Strength-W.Strength[w] >= 0 ){Strength -= W.Strength[w];break;}elsecnt++;}if( i >= NUMwarriors ){printf("%03d %s headquarter stops making warriors\n", Clk, str_colors[nc]);Clk = 0;return -1;                }else{W.Number[w]++;Number++;printf("%03d %s %s %d born with strength %d", Clk, str_colors[nc], str_warriors[w], Number, W.Strength[w]);printf(",%d %s in %s headquarter\n", W.Number[w], str_warriors[w], str_colors[nc]);cnt++;Clk++;return cnt;}}void PrintInfo();//
int main()
{int ntc;   // the number of test casescin >> ntc;for( int tc = 1; tc <= ntc; tc++ ){cout << "Case:" << tc << endl;int M;  // initial strength of the two headquarterscin >> M;Headquarter Red(M), Blue(M);for( int i = 0; i < NUMwarriors; i++ ){int sw;cin >> sw;Red.SetWarrior(i, sw); Blue.SetWarrior(i, sw);}Red.SetWCSeq(red); Blue.SetWCSeq(blue);
//      Red.PrintInfo(); Blue.PrintInfo();int res1, res2;res1 = Red.CreateWarrior(red, 0); res2 = Blue.CreateWarrior(blue, 0);while( res1 > 0 && res2 > 0 ){res1 = Red.CreateWarrior(red, res1); res2 = Blue.CreateWarrior(blue, res2);}while( res1 > 0 )res1 = Red.CreateWarrior(red, res1);while( res2 > 0 )res2 = Blue.CreateWarrior(blue, res2);}return 0;
void Headquarter::PrintInfo()//
{cout << "Strength=" << Strength << "," << "Number=" << Number << endl;for( int i = 0; i < NUMwarriors; i++ )cout << W.Strength[i] << ",";cout << endl;for( int i = 0; i < NUMwarriors; i++ )cout << str_warriors[W.WCSeq[i]] << ",";cout << endl;
[Warning] extended initializer lists only available with -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11
[Error] cannot convert '<brace-enclosed initializer list>' to 'int' in assignment
-- Arrays can only be initialized like that on definition, you can't do it afterwards.
Either move the initialization to the definition, or initialize each entry manually.


using namespace std;
enum warriors {dragon, ninja, iceman, lion, wolf, NUMwarriors};
char str_warriors[NUMwarriors][7] = {"dragon", "ninja", "iceman", "lion", "wolf"};
enum weapons {sword, bomb, arrow, NUMweapons};
char str_weapons[NUMweapons][6] = {"sword", "bomb", "arrow"};
enum colors {red, blue, NUMcolors};
char str_colors[NUMcolors][5] = {"red", "blue"};
int WCSeq[NUMcolors][NUMwarriors] = { {iceman,lion,wolf,ninja,dragon}, /*Warrior Creating Sequence*/     {lion,dragon,ninja,iceman,wolf} };
/* Headquarter与Warrior - 复合关系,Warrior与具体种类 - 继承关系 */
/*可以声明一个类而不定义它 --> 前向声明(forward declaration) --> 不完全类型(incompete type)只能以有限方式使用,不能定义该类型的对象,只能用于定义指向该类型的指针及引用,或者用于声明(而不是定义)使用该类型作为形参类型或返回类型的函数*/
class Headquarter;
class Warrior{private:int Strength;int Number;int Attribute;Headquarter *H;public:Warrior( int a, int s, int N, Headquarter *h )    // constructor{Attribute = a; Strength = s; Number = N; H = h;}
class Dragon: public Warrior{private:int Weapon;double Morale;public:Dragon( int n, int S, int a, int s, int N, Headquarter *h ): Warrior(a,s,N,h)  // constructor{Weapon = n%3; Morale = (double)S/s;Dragon::AdditionalProperties();}void AdditionalProperties(){printf("It has a %s,and it's morale is %.2lf\n", str_weapons[Weapon], Morale);}
class Ninja: public Warrior{private:int Weapon[2];public:Ninja( int n, int a, int s, int N, Headquarter *h ): Warrior(a,s,N,h)  // constructor{Weapon[0] = n%3; Weapon[1] = (n+1)%3;Ninja::AdditionalProperties();}void AdditionalProperties(){printf("It has a %s and a %s\n", str_weapons[Weapon[0]], str_weapons[Weapon[1]]);}
class Iceman: public Warrior{private:int Weapon;public:Iceman( int n, int a, int s, int N, Headquarter *h ): Warrior(a,s,N,h)   // constructor{Weapon = n%3;Iceman::AdditionalProperties();}void AdditionalProperties(){printf("It has a %s\n", str_weapons[Weapon]);}
class Lion: public Warrior{private:int Loyalty;public:Lion( int n, int S, int a, int s, int N, Headquarter *h ): Warrior(a,s,N,h)   // constructor{Loyalty = S;Lion::AdditionalProperties();}void AdditionalProperties(){printf("It's loyalty is %d\n", Loyalty);}
class Headquarter{private:int Strength;int SW[NUMwarriors]; // Strength of Warriorsint NW[NUMwarriors]; // Number of Warriorsint Number;    // Number of Warriors in Totalint Color;Warrior *W[10000];int Clk;public:Headquarter( int M, int nc, int sw[], int N = 0, int C = 0 ) // constructor{Strength = M; Color = nc; Number = N; Clk = C;for( int i = 0; i < NUMwarriors; i++ ){SW[i] = sw[i]; NW[i] = 0;               }}int CreateWarrior( int last_cnt ){int cnt = last_cnt;int a, i;   // a - which warrior, i - iteratorfor( i = 0; i < NUMwarriors; i++ ){a = WCSeq[Color][cnt%NUMwarriors];  // which warriorif( Strength-SW[a] >= 0 ){Strength -= SW[a];break;}elsecnt++;}if( i >= NUMwarriors ){printf("%03d %s headquarter stops making warriors\n", Clk, str_colors[Color]);Clk = 0;return -1;}else{Number++; NW[a]++;printf("%03d %s %s %d born with strength %d", Clk, str_colors[Color], str_warriors[a], Number, SW[a]);printf(",%d %s in %s headquarter\n", NW[a], str_warriors[a], str_colors[Color]);switch(a){case dragon: W[Number] = new Dragon(Number, Strength, dragon, SW[dragon], NW[dragon], this); break;case ninja: W[Number] = new Ninja(Number, ninja, SW[ninja], NW[ninja], this); break;case iceman: W[Number] = new Iceman(Number, iceman, SW[iceman], NW[iceman], this); break;case lion: W[Number] = new Lion(Number, Strength, lion, SW[lion], NW[lion], this); break;case wolf: W[Number] = new Warrior(wolf, SW[wolf], NW[wolf], this); break;default: break;}cnt++; Clk++;return cnt;}}void PrintInfo();//
int main()
{int ntc; cin >> ntc; // number of test casesfor( int tc = 1; tc <= ntc; tc++ ){int M; cin >> M; // initial strength of the two headquartersint sw[NUMwarriors]; // strength of warriorsfor( int i = 0; i < NUMwarriors; i++ )cin >> sw[i];cout << "Case:" << tc << endl;Headquarter Red(M, red, sw), Blue(M, blue, sw);
//      Red.PrintInfo(); Blue.PrintInfo();int res1, res2;res1 = Red.CreateWarrior(0); res2 = Blue.CreateWarrior(0);while( res1 > 0 && res2 > 0 ){res1 = Red.CreateWarrior(res1); res2 = Blue.CreateWarrior(res2);}while( res1 > 0 )res1 = Red.CreateWarrior(res1);while( res2 > 0 )res2 = Blue.CreateWarrior(res2);}return 0;
void Headquarter::PrintInfo()//
{cout << "Strength=" << Strength << "," << "Number=" << Number << endl;for( int i = 0; i < NUMwarriors; i++ )cout << SW[i] << ",";cout << endl;for( int i = 0; i < NUMwarriors; i++ )cout << str_warriors[WCSeq[Color][i]] << ",";cout << endl;




using namespace std;
#define MAX 100000enum warriors {dragon, ninja, iceman, lion, wolf, NUMwarriors};
char str_warriors[NUMwarriors][7] = {"dragon", "ninja", "iceman", "lion", "wolf"};
enum colors {red, blue, NUMcolors};
char str_colors[NUMcolors][5] = {"red", "blue"};
int WCSeq[NUMcolors][NUMwarriors] = { {iceman,lion,wolf,ninja,dragon},/*Warrior Creating Sequence*/      {lion,dragon,ninja,iceman,wolf} };
int N;  // Number of Cities
int Clk;
bool WarEnd;class Headquarter;
class Warrior{protected:    // not private, otherwise class derived cannot visitint Attribute, Color;int Strength, Number, Attack;int Location, Distance;Headquarter *H;public:Warrior( int a, int cn, int s, int n, int atk, Headquarter *h )  // constructor{Attribute = a; Color = cn; H = h;Strength = s; Number = n; Attack = atk;switch(Color){case red: Location = -1; break;case blue: Location = N; break;default: break;}}int GetAttribute() { return Attribute; }int GetColor() { return Color; }int GetStrength() { return Strength; }int GetNumber() { return Number; }int GetAttack() { return Attack; }void NextStep(){switch(Color){case red: Location++; break;case blue: Location--; break;default: break;}}int GetLocation() { return Location; }Headquarter *BringBackStrength( int s ) { return H; }void ReceiveStrength( int s ) { Strength += s; }void GetAward() { Strength += 8; }virtual bool StartAttack( Warrior *p ) // false - enemy died, true - enemy alive{  // [NOTE] battle lion-er,lion-eeif( Attribute == lion ) SetPS();if( p->GetAttribute() == lion ) p->SetPS();p->Strength -= Attack;if( p->Strength < 0 )p->Strength = 0;return p->Strength;}virtual bool FightBack( Warrior *p )   // false - enemy died, true - enemy alive{p->Strength -= Attack/2;if( p->Strength < 0 )p->Strength = 0;return p->Strength;}// polymorphism for class Icemanvirtual void Proceed() {}// polymorphism for class Lionvirtual void StrengthTransfer( Warrior *p ) {}virtual void SetPS() {}virtual int GetPS() {}// polymorphism for class Wolfvirtual void Kill() {}
class Dragon: public Warrior{public:Dragon( int a, int cn, int s, int n, int atk, Headquarter *h ): Warrior(a,cn,s,n,atk,h) {}
class Ninja: public Warrior{public:Ninja( int a, int cn, int s, int n, int atk, Headquarter *h ): Warrior(a,cn,s,n,atk,h) {}virtual bool FightBack( Warrior *p )    // false - enemy died, true - enemy alive{return true;}
class Iceman: public Warrior{private:int steps;public:Iceman( int a, int cn, int s, int n, int atk, Headquarter *h ): Warrior(a,cn,s,n,atk,h) {steps = 0;}virtual void Proceed(){  // true - dec strength and inc attack, false - do nothingif( (++steps) % 2 == 0 ){Strength -= 9;if( Strength <= 0 ) Strength = 1;Attack += 20;}}
class Lion: public Warrior{private:int PS;  // Previous Strengthpublic:Lion( int a, int cn, int s, int n, int atk, Headquarter *h ): Warrior(a,cn,s,n,atk,h) {}virtual void SetPS() { PS = Strength; }virtual int GetPS() { return PS; }
class Wolf: public Warrior{private:int kill;public:Wolf( int a, int cn, int s, int n, int atk, Headquarter *h ): Warrior(a,cn,s,n,atk,h) { kill = 0; }virtual void Kill() {if( (++kill) % 2 == 0 ){Strength <<= 1; Attack <<= 1;}}
};class City;
class Headquarter{private:int Strength;int Color;int SW[NUMwarriors];   // Strength of Warriorsint AW[NUMwarriors]; // Attack of Warriorsint NW[NUMwarriors];   // Number of Warriorsint Number;    // Number of Warriors in TotalWarrior *W[MAX];  //指针数组Warrior *E[2];    // Enemies public:Headquarter( int M, int nc, int sw[], int atk[], int N = 0 ) // constructor{Strength = M; Color = nc; Number = N;for( int i = 0; i < NUMwarriors; i++ ){SW[i] = sw[i]; NW[i] = 0; AW[i] = atk[i];}for( int i = 0; i < MAX; i++ )W[i] = NULL;E[0] = NULL; E[1] = NULL;}~Headquarter(){for( int i = 0; W[i]; i++ )delete W[i];}int CreateWarrior( int last_cnt );void Report() {printf("%03d:50 %d elements in %s headquarter\n", Clk/60, Strength, str_colors[Color]);}int GetColor() { return Color; }void GiveAward( Warrior *p ){if( Strength-8 >= 0 ){Strength -= 8;p->GetAward();}}void ReceiveStrength( int s ) { Strength += s; }void PrintInfo();friend void Marching( Headquarter *Red, Headquarter *Blue, City **C );friend void Battle( Headquarter *Red, Headquarter *Blue, City **C );
int Headquarter::CreateWarrior( int last_cnt )
{int cnt = last_cnt;int a; // a - which warriora = WCSeq[Color][cnt%NUMwarriors]; // which warriorif( Strength-SW[a] >= 0 ){Strength -= SW[a];Number++; NW[a]++;switch(a){   //Warrior( int a, int cn, int s, int n, int atk )   // constructorcase dragon:W[Number-1] = new Dragon(dragon,Color,SW[a],Number,AW[a],this);break;case ninja:W[Number-1] = new Ninja(ninja,Color,SW[a],Number,AW[a],this);break;case iceman:W[Number-1] = new Iceman(iceman,Color,SW[a],Number,AW[a],this);break;case lion:W[Number-1] = new Lion(lion,Color,SW[a],Number,AW[a],this);break;case wolf:W[Number-1] = new Wolf(wolf,Color,SW[a],Number,AW[a],this);break;default:break;}printf("%03d:00 %s %s %d born\n", Clk/60, str_colors[Color], str_warriors[a], Number);cnt++;}return cnt;
}class City{private:int Number, Strength;   // Number: 0~N-1 - 1~Nint Flag, cnt;Warrior *w[2];  // Warriors in the Citypublic:City( int num ){Number = num; Strength = 0;w[0] = NULL; w[1] = NULL;Flag = -1; cnt = 0;}void IncStrength() {Strength += 10;}void ClearLastRecord(){w[0] = NULL; w[1] = NULL;}void Test() {if( w[0] && !w[1] ){Headquarter *h = w[0]->BringBackStrength( Strength );h->ReceiveStrength(Strength);printf("%03d:30 %s %s %d ", Clk/60, str_colors[h->GetColor()], str_warriors[w[0]->GetAttribute()], w[0]->GetNumber());printf("earned %d elements for his headquarter\n", Strength);Strength = 0;}}Warrior *CityBattle1( Warrior *survivor );void CityBattle2( Warrior *survivor );friend void Marching( Headquarter *Red, Headquarter *Blue, City **C );friend void Battle( Headquarter *Red, Headquarter *Blue, City **C );
};void Battle( Headquarter *Red, Headquarter *Blue, City **C )
{Warrior *survivor[N];for( int j = 0; j < N; j++ )survivor[j] = NULL;for( int j = 0; j < N; j++ )survivor[j] = C[j]->CityBattle1(survivor[j]);for( int i = N-1; i >= 0; i-- )if( survivor[i] && survivor[i]->GetColor() == red )Red->GiveAward(survivor[i]);for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )if( survivor[i] && survivor[i]->GetColor() == blue )Blue->GiveAward(survivor[i]);for( int j = 0; j < N; j++ )C[j]->CityBattle2(survivor[j]);
Warrior *City::CityBattle1( Warrior *survivor )
{if( w[0] && w[1] ){Warrior *er, *ee;if( ( Number%2 == 0 && Flag == -1 ) || Flag == red ){// w[0] - red, w[1] - blueer = w[0]; ee = w[1];}else if( ( Number%2 == 1 && Flag == -1 ) || Flag == blue ){er = w[1]; ee = w[0];}bool alive = er->StartAttack(ee);printf("%03d:40 %s %s %d attacked ", Clk/60, str_colors[er->GetColor()], str_warriors[er->GetAttribute()], er->GetNumber());printf("%s %s %d in city %d ", str_colors[ee->GetColor()], str_warriors[ee->GetAttribute()], ee->GetNumber(), Number+1);printf("with %d elements and force %d\n", er->GetStrength(), er->GetAttack());if( alive == true ){alive = ee->FightBack(er);if( ee->GetAttribute() != ninja ){printf("%03d:40 %s %s %d ", Clk/60, str_colors[ee->GetColor()], str_warriors[ee->GetAttribute()], ee->GetNumber());printf("fought back against ");printf("%s %s %d in city %d\n", str_colors[er->GetColor()], str_warriors[er->GetAttribute()], er->GetNumber(), Number+1);             }if( alive == false ){printf("%03d:40 %s %s %d ", Clk/60, str_colors[er->GetColor()], str_warriors[er->GetAttribute()], er->GetNumber());printf("was killed in city %d\n", Number+1);if( er->GetAttribute() == lion )ee->ReceiveStrength(er->GetPS());}}else{printf("%03d:40 %s %s %d ", Clk/60, str_colors[ee->GetColor()], str_warriors[ee->GetAttribute()], ee->GetNumber());printf("was killed in city %d\n", Number+1);if( er->GetAttribute() == wolf )er->Kill();if( ee->GetAttribute() == lion )er->ReceiveStrength(ee->GetPS());}if( er->GetAttribute() == dragon && er->GetStrength() )printf("%03d:40 %s dragon %d yelled in city %d\n", Clk/60, str_colors[er->GetColor()], er->GetNumber(), Number+1);if( er->GetStrength() && !ee->GetStrength() ) survivor = er;else if( ee->GetStrength() && !er->GetStrength() ) survivor = ee;if( survivor ){printf("%03d:40 %s %s %d ", Clk/60, str_colors[survivor->GetColor()], str_warriors[survivor->GetAttribute()], survivor->GetNumber());printf("earned %d elements for his headquarter\n", Strength);}if( !survivor ){switch(Flag){case -1: cnt = 0; break;case red: break;case blue: break;default: break;}}else{int c = survivor->GetColor();switch(Flag){case -1:switch(c){case red:if( ++cnt == 2 ){printf("%03d:40 red flag raised in city %d\n", Clk/60, Number+1);Flag = red; cnt = 0;}break;case blue:if( --cnt == -2 ){printf("%03d:40 blue flag raised in city %d\n", Clk/60, Number+1);Flag = blue; cnt = 0;}break;default: break;}break;case red:switch(c){case red: break;case blue: Flag = -1; break;default: break;}break;case blue:switch(c){case red: Flag = -1; break;case blue: break;default: break;}break;default: break;}}}return survivor;
void City::CityBattle2( Warrior *survivor )
{if( survivor ){Headquarter *h = survivor->BringBackStrength( Strength );h->ReceiveStrength(Strength);Strength = 0;}
}void Marching( Headquarter *Red, Headquarter *Blue, City **C )
{for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )C[i]->ClearLastRecord();for( int i = 0; Red->W[i]; i++ ){if( Red->W[i]->GetStrength() == 0 )continue;Red->W[i]->NextStep();int l = Red->W[i]->GetLocation();if( l < N && l > -1 ){if( !C[l]->w[0] )C[l]->w[0] = Red->W[i];else if( !C[l]->w[1] )C[l]->w[1] = Red->W[i];}else if( l == N ){if( !Blue->E[0] )Blue->E[0] = Red->W[i];else if( !Blue->E[1] )Blue->E[1] = Red->W[i];}}for( int i = 0; Blue->W[i]; i++ ){if( Blue->W[i]->GetStrength() == 0 )continue;Blue->W[i]->NextStep();int l = Blue->W[i]->GetLocation();if( l == -1 ){if( !Red->E[0] )Red->E[0] = Blue->W[i];else if( !Red->E[1] )Red->E[1] = Blue->W[i];}else if( l < N && l > -1 ){if( !C[l]->w[0] )C[l]->w[0] = Blue->W[i];else if( !C[l]->w[1] )C[l]->w[1] = Blue->W[i];}}int last = -1;if( Red->E[1] ) last = 1;else if( Red->E[0] ) last = 0;if( last >= 0 && Red->E[last]->GetLocation() == -1 ){Warrior *w = Red->E[last];int a = w->GetAttribute();printf("%03d:10 %s %s %d ", Clk/60, str_colors[w->GetColor()], str_warriors[a], w->GetNumber());printf("reached red headquarter ");if( a == iceman ) w->Proceed();printf("with %d elements and force %d\n", w->GetStrength(), w->GetAttack());if( last == 1 ){printf("%03d:10 red headquarter was taken\n", Clk/60);WarEnd = true;}}for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )for( int j = 0; C[i]->w[j] && j < 2; j++ ){Warrior *w = C[i]->w[j];int a = w->GetAttribute();printf("%03d:10 %s %s %d ", Clk/60, str_colors[w->GetColor()], str_warriors[a], w->GetNumber());printf("marched to city %d ", i+1);if( a == iceman ) w->Proceed();printf("with %d elements and force %d\n", w->GetStrength(), w->GetAttack());}last = -1;if( Blue->E[1] ) last = 1;else if( Blue->E[0] ) last = 0;if( last >= 0 && Blue->E[last]->GetLocation() == N ){Warrior *w = Blue->E[last];int a = w->GetAttribute();printf("%03d:10 %s %s %d ", Clk/60, str_colors[w->GetColor()], str_warriors[a], w->GetNumber());printf("reached blue headquarter ");if( a == iceman ) w->Proceed();printf("with %d elements and force %d\n", w->GetStrength(), w->GetAttack());if( last == 1 ){printf("%03d:10 blue headquarter was taken\n", Clk/60);WarEnd = true;}}
}int main()
{int ntc; cin >> ntc; // number of test casesfor( int tc = 1; tc <= ntc; tc++ ){int M, T; cin >> M >> N >> T;// initial strength of the two headquarters; Number of Cities; Time Limit int sw[NUMwarriors], atk[NUMwarriors];    // strength of warriors; attack of warriorsfor( int i = 0; i < NUMwarriors; i++ )cin >> sw[i];for( int i = 0; i < NUMwarriors; i++ )cin >> atk[i];cout << "Case:" << tc << endl;WarEnd = false;Headquarter Red(M, red, sw, atk), Blue(M, blue, sw, atk);City *C[N];for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )C[i] = new City(i);int res1 = 0, res2 = 0;for( Clk = 0; Clk <= T; Clk += 10 ){if( WarEnd == true ) break;switch(Clk%60){case 0:if( res1 >= 0 )res1 = Red.CreateWarrior(res1);if( res2 >= 0 )res2 = Blue.CreateWarrior(res2);break;case 10:Marching(&Red,&Blue,C);break;case 20:for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )C[i]->IncStrength();break;case 30:for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )C[i]->Test();break;case 40:Battle(&Red,&Blue,C);break;case 50:Red.Report(); Blue.Report();break;default:break;}}for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )delete C[i];}  return 0;


using namespace std;
#define MAX 100000enum warriors {dragon, ninja, iceman, lion, wolf, NUMwarriors};
char str_warriors[NUMwarriors][7] = {"dragon", "ninja", "iceman", "lion", "wolf"};
enum weapons {sword, bomb, arrow, NUMweapons};
char str_weapons[NUMweapons][6] = {"sword", "bomb", "arrow"};
enum colors {red, blue, NUMcolors};
char str_colors[NUMcolors][5] = {"red", "blue"};
int WCSeq[NUMcolors][NUMwarriors] = { {iceman,lion,wolf,ninja,dragon},/*Warrior Creating Sequence*/      {lion,dragon,ninja,iceman,wolf} };
int N;  // Number of Cities
int R;  // force of arrow
int K;  // decrement of Loyalty
int Clk;
bool WarEnd;class Warrior;
class Weapon{protected:int Force;int Attribute;bool Existence;public:Weapon( int a ) { Existence = true; Attribute = a; }inline int GetAttribute() { return Attribute; }inline int GetExistence() { return Existence; }inline int GetForce() { return Force; }// polymorphism for class Swordvirtual void dull() {}// polymorphism for class Arrowvirtual void DecUse() {}virtual int GetUse() {}// polymorphism for class Bombvirtual void Blast() {}
class Sword: public Weapon{public:Sword( int a, int wf ):Weapon(a) {    // warrior's forceForce = 0.2*wf;if( !Force ) Existence = false;}virtual void dull() {   // sword每经过一次战斗(不论是主动攻击还是反击),就会变钝,攻击力变为本次战斗前的80% (去尾取整)Force *= 0.8;if( !Force ) Existence = false;}
class Arrow: public Weapon{private:int Use;public:Arrow( int a ):Weapon(a) {Force = R; Use = 3;}virtual void DecUse() {if( !(--Use) ) Existence = false;}virtual int GetUse() {return Use; }
class Bomb: public Weapon{public:Bomb( int a ):Weapon(a) {}virtual void Blast() {Existence = false;}
};class Headquarter;
class City;
class Warrior{protected:    // not private, otherwise derived classes cannot visitint Attribute, Color;int Strength, Number, Attack;int Location, Distance;Headquarter *H;Weapon *WP[NUMweapons];   // weaponbool Tag;  // true - bomb to deathpublic:Warrior( int a, int cn, int s, int n, int atk, Headquarter *h )   // constructor{Attribute = a; Color = cn; H = h;Strength = s; Number = n; Attack = atk;switch(Color){case red: Location = -1; break;case blue: Location = N; break;default: break;}for( int i = 0; i < NUMweapons; i++ )WP[i] = NULL;Tag = false;}~Warrior(){for( int i = 0; i < NUMweapons; i++ )if( WP[i] )delete WP[i];}virtual bool StartAttack( Warrior *p ) // start attack to p, true - p alive{   // [NOTE] battle lion-er,lion-eeif( Attribute == lion ) SetPS();if( p->GetAttribute() == lion ) p->SetPS();p->Strength -= Attack;if( WP[sword] != NULL ){if( !WP[sword]->GetExistence() )WP[sword] = NULL;else{p->Strength -= WP[sword]->GetForce();WP[sword]->dull();}}if( p->Strength < 0 )p->Strength = 0;return p->Strength;}virtual bool FightBack( Warrior *p ) // fight back to p, true - p alive{p->Strength -= Attack/2;if( WP[sword] != NULL ){if( !WP[sword]->GetExistence() )WP[sword] = NULL;else{p->Strength -= WP[sword]->GetForce();WP[sword]->dull();}}if( p->Strength < 0 )p->Strength = 0;return p->Strength;}bool judge_Start( Warrior *p )   // p start attack, true - alive{int tmpS = Strength;tmpS -= p->Attack;if( p->WP[sword] ){if( !p->WP[sword]->GetExistence() )p->WP[sword] = NULL;elsetmpS -= p->WP[sword]->GetForce();}if( tmpS < 0 ) tmpS = 0;return tmpS;}bool judge_Back( Warrior *p )   // start attack, p (do not die) fight back, true - alive{if( p->judge_Start(this) == false )   // start attack, p die, no fight backreturn true;if( p->GetAttribute() == ninja )return true;int tmpS = Strength;tmpS -= p->Attack/2;if( p->WP[sword] != NULL ){if( !p->WP[sword]->GetExistence() )p->WP[sword] = NULL;elsetmpS -= p->WP[sword]->GetForce();}if( tmpS < 0 ) tmpS = 0;return tmpS;}bool shotted( Warrior *p ) // false - the shotted died, true - the shotted alive{p->Strength -= R;if( p->Strength < 0 )p->Strength = 0;if( p->Attribute == lion )p->SetPS(); // lion 若是战死,则其战斗前的生命值就会转移到对手身上。所谓"战斗前",就是每个小时的40分前的一瞬间。return p->Strength;}void WeaponState();void CheckWeapon();inline int GetAttribute() { return Attribute; }inline int GetColor() { return Color; }inline int GetStrength() { return Strength; }inline int ClearStrength() { Strength = 0; }inline int GetNumber() { return Number; }inline int GetAttack() { return Attack; }inline void NextStep(){switch(Color){case red: Location++; break;case blue: Location--; break;default: break;}}inline int GetLocation() { return Location; }inline Headquarter *BringBackStrength( int s ) { return H; }inline Weapon *GetWeapon( int i ) { return WP[i]; }inline Weapon *LoseWeapon( int i ) {Weapon *ret = WP[i];WP[i] = NULL;return ret;}inline void ClearWeapon( int i ) { WP[i] = NULL; }inline void SetTag() { Tag = true; }inline bool GetTag() { return Tag; }inline void ReceiveStrength( int s ) { Strength += s; }inline void GetAward() { Strength += 8; }// polymorphism for class Dragonvirtual double GetMorale() {}virtual void IncMorale() {}virtual void DecMorale() {}// polymorphism for class Icemanvirtual void Proceed() {}// polymorphism for class Lionvirtual void StrengthTransfer( Warrior *p ) {}virtual void SetPS() {}virtual int GetPS() {}virtual void DecLoyalty() {}virtual int GetLoyalty() {}// polymorphism for class Wolfvirtual void Kill() {}virtual void ReceiveWeapon( Warrior *p ) {}friend void ReleaseArrow( City **C );
class Dragon: public Warrior{private:double Morale;public:Dragon( int a, int cn, int s, int n, int atk, Headquarter *h, int S ): Warrior(a,cn,s,n,atk,h){switch(Number%3){case sword: WP[sword] = new Sword(sword,Attack); break;case arrow: WP[arrow] = new Arrow(arrow); break;case bomb: WP[bomb] = new Bomb(bomb); break;default: break;}Morale = (double)S/Strength;}virtual double GetMorale() { return Morale; }virtual void IncMorale() { Morale += 0.2; }virtual void DecMorale() { Morale -= 0.2; }
class Ninja: public Warrior{public:Ninja( int a, int cn, int s, int n, int atk, Headquarter *h ): Warrior(a,cn,s,n,atk,h){for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )switch( (Number+i)%3 ){case sword: WP[sword] = new Sword(sword,Attack); break;case arrow: WP[arrow] = new Arrow(arrow); break;case bomb: WP[bomb] = new Bomb(bomb); break;default: break;}}virtual bool FightBack( Warrior *p ) // fight back to p, true - p alive{return true;}
class Iceman: public Warrior{private:int steps;public:Iceman( int a, int cn, int s, int n, int atk, Headquarter *h ): Warrior(a,cn,s,n,atk,h){steps = 0;switch(Number%3){case sword: WP[sword] = new Sword(sword,Attack); break;case arrow: WP[arrow] = new Arrow(arrow); break;case bomb: WP[bomb] = new Bomb(bomb); break;default: break;}}virtual void Proceed(){    // true - dec strength and inc attack, false - do nothingif( (++steps) % 2 == 0 ){Strength -= 9;if( Strength <= 0 ) Strength = 1;Attack += 20;}}
class Lion: public Warrior{private:int Loyalty;int PS;  // Previous Strengthpublic:Lion( int a, int cn, int s, int n, int atk, Headquarter *h, int S ): Warrior(a,cn,s,n,atk,h){Loyalty = S;}virtual void SetPS() { PS = Strength; }virtual int GetPS() { return PS; }virtual void DecLoyalty() {Loyalty -= K;if( Loyalty < 0 )Loyalty = 0;}virtual int GetLoyalty() { return Loyalty; }
class Wolf: public Warrior{private:int kill;public:Wolf( int a, int cn, int s, int n, int atk, Headquarter *h ): Warrior(a,cn,s,n,atk,h) { kill = 0; }virtual void Kill() {if( (++kill) % 2 == 0 ){Strength <<= 1; Attack <<= 1;}}virtual void ReceiveWeapon( Warrior *p );
void Wolf::ReceiveWeapon( Warrior *p )
{for( int i = 0; i < NUMweapons; i++ )if( WP[i] == NULL )WP[i] = p->LoseWeapon(i);
}class City;
class Headquarter{private:int Strength;int Color;int SW[NUMwarriors];   // Strength of Warriorsint AW[NUMwarriors]; // Attack of Warriorsint NW[NUMwarriors];   // Number of Warriorsint Number;    // Number of Warriors in TotalWarrior *W[MAX];  //指针数组Warrior *E[2];    // Enemiespublic:Headquarter( int M, int nc, int sw[], int atk[], int N = 0 )  // constructor{Strength = M; Color = nc; Number = N;for( int i = 0; i < NUMwarriors; i++ ){SW[i] = sw[i]; NW[i] = 0; AW[i] = atk[i];}for( int i = 0; i < MAX; i++ )W[i] = NULL;E[0] = NULL; E[1] = NULL;}~Headquarter(){for( int i = 0; W[i]; i++ )delete W[i];}int CreateWarrior( int last_cnt );void RunAway();inline void Report() {printf("%03d:50 %d elements in %s headquarter\n", Clk/60, Strength, str_colors[Color]);}inline int GetColor() { return Color; }inline void GiveAward( Warrior *p ){if( Strength-8 >= 0 ){Strength -= 8;p->GetAward();}}inline void ReceiveStrength( int s ) { Strength += s; }friend void Marching( Headquarter *Red, Headquarter *Blue, City **C );friend void Battle( Headquarter *Red, Headquarter *Blue, City **C );friend void ReportWeapon( Headquarter *Red, Headquarter *Blue, City **C );
int Headquarter::CreateWarrior( int last_cnt )
{int cnt = last_cnt;int a; // a - which warriora = WCSeq[Color][cnt%NUMwarriors]; // which warriorif( Strength-SW[a] >= 0 ){Strength -= SW[a];Number++; NW[a]++;printf("%03d:00 %s %s %d born\n", Clk/60, str_colors[Color], str_warriors[a], Number);switch(a){   //Warrior( int a, int cn, int s, int n, int atk )   // constructorcase dragon:W[Number-1] = new Dragon(dragon,Color,SW[a],Number,AW[a],this,Strength);printf("Its morale is %.2lf\n", W[Number-1]->GetMorale());break;case ninja:W[Number-1] = new Ninja(ninja,Color,SW[a],Number,AW[a],this);break;case iceman:W[Number-1] = new Iceman(iceman,Color,SW[a],Number,AW[a],this);break;case lion:W[Number-1] = new Lion(lion,Color,SW[a],Number,AW[a],this,Strength);printf("Its loyalty is %d\n", W[Number-1]->GetLoyalty());break;case wolf:W[Number-1] = new Wolf(wolf,Color,SW[a],Number,AW[a],this);break;default:break;}cnt++;}return cnt;
void Headquarter::RunAway()
{for( int i = 0; i < Number; i++ )if( W[i]->GetAttribute() == lion && !W[i]->GetLoyalty() && W[i]->GetStrength() ){W[i]->ClearStrength();printf("%03d:05 %s lion %d ran away\n", Clk/60, str_colors[W[i]->GetColor()], W[i]->GetNumber());      }
}class City{private:int Number, Strength;   // Number: 0~N-1 - 1~Nint Flag, cnt;Warrior *w[NUMcolors];  // Warriors in the Citypublic:City( int num ){Number = num; Strength = 0;w[0] = w[1] = NULL;Flag = -1; cnt = 0;}void IncStrength() {Strength += 10;}void ClearLastRecord(){w[0] = w[1] = NULL;}void Test() {int wc;   // warrior colorif( w[0] && !w[1] ) wc = red;else if( !w[0] && w[1] ) wc = blue;else return;Headquarter *h = w[wc]->BringBackStrength( Strength );h->ReceiveStrength(Strength);printf("%03d:30 %s %s %d ", Clk/60, str_colors[h->GetColor()], str_warriors[w[wc]->GetAttribute()], w[wc]->GetNumber());printf("earned %d elements for his headquarter\n", Strength);Strength = 0;}Warrior *CityBattle1( Warrior *survivor );void CityBattle2( Warrior *survivor );void Explosion();friend void ReleaseArrow( City **C ); friend void Marching( Headquarter *Red, Headquarter *Blue, City **C );friend void Battle( Headquarter *Red, Headquarter *Blue, City **C );friend void ReportWeapon( Headquarter *Red, Headquarter *Blue, City **C );
};void ReleaseArrow( City **C )
{   //两个相邻的武士可能同时放箭把对方射死。for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )for( int j = 0; j < 2; j++ ){Warrior *w = C[i]->w[j]; if(!w) continue;int c = j; Weapon *s = w->GetWeapon(arrow);if( s == NULL ) continue;else if( s->GetExistence() == false ){w->WP[arrow] = NULL;continue;}int l_next = ( j == red ) ? w->GetLocation()+1 : w->GetLocation()-1;if( l_next > -1 && l_next < N ){int cc = (c+1)%2; Warrior *ww = C[l_next]->w[cc];if(ww){printf("%03d:35 %s %s %d shot", Clk/60, str_colors[c], str_warriors[w->GetAttribute()], w->GetNumber());bool alive = w->shotted(ww);   // only clear its strength, do not change the pointer to NULLif( alive == false ){printf(" and killed %s %s %d", str_colors[cc], str_warriors[ww->GetAttribute()], ww->GetNumber());}printf("\n");s->DecUse(); if( s->GetExistence() == false ) w->WP[arrow] = NULL;}}}
}void City::Explosion() //武士不预测对方是否会使用bomb  // 敌人若是ninja就不会反击(或者当作反击不能造成伤害来处理)
{if( !w[red] || !w[blue] ) return;  // there must be two warriorsif( !w[red]->GetStrength() || !w[blue]->GetStrength() ) return;  // don't set pointer to NULL ( need to judge in Battle)int bc; // bomb colorbool alive[2];memset(alive,true,sizeof(alive));for( int i = 0; i < NUMcolors; i++ ){bc = i;if( w[i]->GetWeapon(bomb) == NULL ) bc = -1;else if( w[i]->GetWeapon(bomb)->GetExistence() == false ){w[i]->ClearWeapon(bomb);bc = -1;}    // whether the bomb is iif( bc == i ){ if( Flag == i || Flag == -1 && Number%2 == i )   // i start attackalive[i] = w[i]->judge_Back(w[(i+1)%2]);  // whether the other fought back could kill ielse if( Flag == (i+1)%2 || Flag == -1 && Number%2 == (i+1)%2 )    // the other start attackalive[i] = w[i]->judge_Start(w[(i+1)%2]); // whether the other attack could kill i}}for( int i = 0; i < NUMcolors; i++ ){if( alive[i] == false ){w[i]->ClearStrength(); w[(i+1)%2]->ClearStrength();w[i]->SetTag(); w[(i+1)%2]->SetTag();printf("%03d:38 %s %s %d used a bomb ", Clk/60, str_colors[i], str_warriors[w[i]->GetAttribute()], w[i]->GetNumber());printf("and killed %s %s %d\n", str_colors[(i+1)%2], str_warriors[w[(i+1)%2]->GetAttribute()], w[(i+1)%2]->GetNumber());}}
}void Battle( Headquarter *Red, Headquarter *Blue, City **C )
{Warrior *survivor[N];for( int j = 0; j < N; j++ )survivor[j] = C[j]->CityBattle1(NULL);for( int i = N-1; i >= 0; i-- )if( survivor[i] && survivor[i]->GetColor() == red )Red->GiveAward(survivor[i]);for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )if( survivor[i] && survivor[i]->GetColor() == blue )Blue->GiveAward(survivor[i]);for( int j = 0; j < N; j++ )C[j]->CityBattle2(survivor[j]);
Warrior *City::CityBattle1( Warrior *survivor )
{if( !w[0] || !w[1] ) return NULL;Warrior *er, *ee;if( ( Number%2 == 0 && Flag == -1 ) || Flag == red ){// w[0] - red, w[1] - blueer = w[0]; ee = w[1];}else if( ( Number%2 == 1 && Flag == -1 ) || Flag == blue ){er = w[1]; ee = w[0];}if( w[0]->GetStrength() && w[1]->GetStrength() ){bool alive = er->StartAttack(ee);printf("%03d:40 %s %s %d attacked ", Clk/60, str_colors[er->GetColor()], str_warriors[er->GetAttribute()], er->GetNumber());printf("%s %s %d in city %d ", str_colors[ee->GetColor()], str_warriors[ee->GetAttribute()], ee->GetNumber(), Number+1);printf("with %d elements and force %d\n", er->GetStrength(), er->GetAttack());if( alive == true ){alive = ee->FightBack(er);if( ee->GetAttribute() != ninja ){printf("%03d:40 %s %s %d ", Clk/60, str_colors[ee->GetColor()], str_warriors[ee->GetAttribute()], ee->GetNumber());printf("fought back against ");printf("%s %s %d in city %d\n", str_colors[er->GetColor()], str_warriors[er->GetAttribute()], er->GetNumber(), Number+1);                }if( alive == false ){    // er was killedprintf("%03d:40 %s %s %d ", Clk/60, str_colors[er->GetColor()], str_warriors[er->GetAttribute()], er->GetNumber());printf("was killed in city %d\n", Number+1);}}else{    // ee was killedprintf("%03d:40 %s %s %d ", Clk/60, str_colors[ee->GetColor()], str_warriors[ee->GetAttribute()], ee->GetNumber());printf("was killed in city %d\n", Number+1);}}if( er->GetStrength() && !ee->GetStrength() && !ee->GetTag() ) survivor = er;  // shot to death circumstances includedelse if( ee->GetStrength() && !er->GetStrength() && !er->GetTag() ) survivor = ee;if( survivor ){if( survivor == ee ){if( er->GetAttribute() == lion )ee->ReceiveStrength(er->GetPS());if( ee->GetAttribute() == wolf )ee->ReceiveWeapon(er);}else if( survivor == er ){if( er->GetAttribute() == wolf ){
//              er->Kill();er->ReceiveWeapon(ee);}if( ee->GetAttribute() == lion )er->ReceiveStrength(ee->GetPS());        }if( survivor->GetAttribute() == dragon )survivor->IncMorale();}else    // !survivor{switch( er->GetAttribute() ){case dragon: er->DecMorale(); break;case lion: er->DecLoyalty(); break;default: break;}switch( ee->GetAttribute() ){case dragon: ee->DecMorale(); break;case lion: ee->DecLoyalty(); break;default: break;}}if( er->GetAttribute() == dragon && er->GetStrength() && er->GetMorale() >= 0.8 )printf("%03d:40 %s dragon %d yelled in city %d\n", Clk/60, str_colors[er->GetColor()], er->GetNumber(), Number+1);if( survivor ){  //武士使用bomb和敌人同归于尽的情况下,不算是一场战斗,双方都不能拿走城市的生命元。printf("%03d:40 %s %s %d ", Clk/60, str_colors[survivor->GetColor()], str_warriors[survivor->GetAttribute()], survivor->GetNumber());printf("earned %d elements for his headquarter\n", Strength);           }if( !survivor ){   //武士使用bomb和敌人同归于尽的情况下,不算是一场战斗,不影响城市的旗帜。//两个相邻的武士可能同时放箭把对方射死。if( !ee->GetTag() && !er->GetTag() && ( ee->GetStrength() || er->GetStrength() ) )cnt = 0;}else  // survivor{int c = survivor->GetColor();switch(Flag){case -1:switch(c){case red:if( cnt < 0 ) cnt = 1;else if( cnt >= 0 && ++cnt == 2 ){printf("%03d:40 red flag raised in city %d\n", Clk/60, Number+1);Flag = red; cnt = 0;}break;case blue:if( cnt > 0 ) cnt = -1;else if( cnt <= 0 && --cnt == -2 ){printf("%03d:40 blue flag raised in city %d\n", Clk/60, Number+1);Flag = blue; cnt = 0;}break;default: break;}break;case red:switch(c){case red:if( cnt < 0 ) cnt++;break;case blue:if( --cnt == -2 ){printf("%03d:40 blue flag raised in city %d\n", Clk/60, Number+1);Flag = blue; cnt = 0;}break;default: break;}break;case blue:switch(c){case red:if( ++cnt == 2 ){printf("%03d:40 red flag raised in city %d\n", Clk/60, Number+1);Flag = red; cnt = 0;}break;case blue:if( cnt > 0 ) cnt--;break;default: break;}break;default: break;}}return survivor;
void City::CityBattle2( Warrior *survivor )
{if( survivor ){Headquarter *h = survivor->BringBackStrength( Strength );h->ReceiveStrength(Strength);Strength = 0;}
}void Marching( Headquarter *Red, Headquarter *Blue, City **C )
{for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )C[i]->ClearLastRecord();for( int i = 0; Red->W[i]; i++ ){if( Red->W[i]->GetStrength() == 0 )continue;Red->W[i]->NextStep();int l = Red->W[i]->GetLocation();if( l < N && l > -1 ){if( !C[l]->w[red] ) C[l]->w[red] = Red->W[i];}else if( l == N ){if( !Blue->E[0] ) Blue->E[0] = Red->W[i];else if( !Blue->E[1] ) Blue->E[1] = Red->W[i];}}for( int i = 0; Blue->W[i]; i++ ){if( Blue->W[i]->GetStrength() == 0 )continue;Blue->W[i]->NextStep();int l = Blue->W[i]->GetLocation();if( l == -1 ){if( !Red->E[0] ) Red->E[0] = Blue->W[i];else if( !Red->E[1] ) Red->E[1] = Blue->W[i];}else if( l < N && l > -1 ){if( !C[l]->w[blue] ) C[l]->w[blue] = Blue->W[i];}}int last = -1;if( Red->E[1] ) last = 1;else if( Red->E[0] ) last = 0;if( last >= 0 && Red->E[last]->GetLocation() == -1 ){Warrior *w = Red->E[last];int a = w->GetAttribute();printf("%03d:10 %s %s %d ", Clk/60, str_colors[w->GetColor()], str_warriors[a], w->GetNumber());printf("reached red headquarter ");if( a == iceman ) w->Proceed();printf("with %d elements and force %d\n", w->GetStrength(), w->GetAttack());if( last == 1 ){printf("%03d:10 red headquarter was taken\n", Clk/60);WarEnd = true;}}for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )for( int j = 0; j < 2; j++ ){Warrior *w = C[i]->w[j]; if(!w) continue;int a = w->GetAttribute();printf("%03d:10 %s %s %d ", Clk/60, str_colors[j], str_warriors[a], w->GetNumber());printf("marched to city %d ", i+1);if( a == iceman ) w->Proceed();printf("with %d elements and force %d\n", w->GetStrength(), w->GetAttack());}last = -1;if( Blue->E[1] ) last = 1;else if( Blue->E[0] ) last = 0;if( last >= 0 && Blue->E[last]->GetLocation() == N ){Warrior *w = Blue->E[last];int a = w->GetAttribute();printf("%03d:10 %s %s %d ", Clk/60, str_colors[w->GetColor()], str_warriors[a], w->GetNumber());printf("reached blue headquarter ");if( a == iceman ) w->Proceed();printf("with %d elements and force %d\n", w->GetStrength(), w->GetAttack());if( last == 1 ){printf("%03d:10 blue headquarter was taken\n", Clk/60);WarEnd = true;}}
}void Warrior::CheckWeapon()
{   // void ClearWeapon( int i ) { WP[i] = NULL; }for( int i = 0; i < NUMweapons; i++ )if( WP[i] != NULL && WP[i]->GetExistence() == false )WP[i] = NULL;
void Warrior::WeaponState()
{printf("%03d:55 %s %s %d has ", Clk/60, str_colors[Color], str_warriors[Attribute], Number); CheckWeapon();bool armed = false;if( WP[arrow] ){armed = true;printf("arrow(%d)", WP[arrow]->GetUse());}if( WP[bomb] ){if( armed == true ) printf(",");else armed = true;printf("bomb");}if( WP[sword] ){if( armed == true ) printf(",");else armed = true;printf("sword(%d)", WP[sword]->GetForce());}if( armed == false ) printf("no weapon");printf("\n");
void ReportWeapon( Headquarter *Red, Headquarter *Blue, City **C )
{   //报告时,先按从西向东的顺序所有的红武士报告,然后再从西向东所有的蓝武士报告。for( int i = 0; Red->W[i]; i++ ){Warrior *w = Red->W[i];if( w->GetLocation() != -1 || !w->GetStrength() ) continue; w->WeaponState();}for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )for( int j = 0; j < 2; j++ ){Warrior *w = C[i]->w[j];if( !w || w->GetColor() != red || !w->GetStrength() ) continue; w->WeaponState();}for( int i = 0; Blue->E[i] && i < 2; i++ ){Blue->E[i]->WeaponState();}for( int i = 0; Red->E[i] && i < 2; i++ ){Red->E[i]->WeaponState();}for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )for( int j = 0; j < 2; j++ ){Warrior *w = C[i]->w[j];if( !w || w->GetColor() != blue || !w->GetStrength() ) continue;w->WeaponState();   }for( int i = 0; Blue->W[i]; i++ ){Warrior *w = Blue->W[i];if( w->GetLocation() != N || !w->GetStrength() ) continue;w->WeaponState();}
}int main()
{int ntc; cin >> ntc; // number of test casesfor( int tc = 1; tc <= ntc; tc++ ){int M, T; cin >> M >> N >> R >> K >> T;// initial strength of the two headquarters; Number of Cities; Time Limit int sw[NUMwarriors], atk[NUMwarriors];  // strength of warriors; attack of warriorsfor( int i = 0; i < NUMwarriors; i++ )cin >> sw[i];for( int i = 0; i < NUMwarriors; i++ )cin >> atk[i];cout << "Case " << tc << ":" << endl;WarEnd = false;Headquarter Red(M, red, sw, atk), Blue(M, blue, sw, atk);City *C[N];for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )C[i] = new City(i);int res1 = 0, res2 = 0;for( Clk = 0; Clk <= T; Clk++ ){if( WarEnd == true ) break;switch(Clk%60){case 0:if( res1 >= 0 )res1 = Red.CreateWarrior(res1);if( res2 >= 0 )res2 = Blue.CreateWarrior(res2);break;case 5://在每个小时的第5分,该逃跑的lion就在这一时刻逃跑了。Red.RunAway(); Blue.RunAway();break;case 10:Marching(&Red,&Blue,C);break;case 20:for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )C[i]->IncStrength();break;case 30:for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )C[i]->Test();break;case 35:// 在每个小时的第35分,拥有arrow的武士放箭,对敌人造成伤害。放箭事件应算发生在箭发出的城市。ReleaseArrow(C);break;case 38:// 在每个小时的第38分,拥有bomb的武士评估是否应该使用bomb。如果是,就用bomb和敌人同归于尽。for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )C[i]->Explosion();break;case 40:// 在每个小时的第40分:在有两个武士的城市,会发生战斗。Battle(&Red,&Blue,C);break;case 50:Red.Report(); Blue.Report();break;case 55:// 在每个小时的第55分,每个武士报告其拥有的武器情况ReportWeapon(&Red,&Blue,C);break;default:break;}}for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )delete C[i];}return 0;

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