Quick Start Guide

1 charge your headset
Set your headset to “off” position before charging. It take about 4 hours for the headset to be charged completely. The headset should not be charged on the head.
2 Install the sensors
Remove the sensor units with their felt pads from the hydrator pack and insert each onr into the black plastic headset arms, gently turning each one clockwise one-quarter turn until you feel a “click”. Tack care not to force sensors in place. The sensor units should be stored in the hydrator pack when not in use.
3 Hydrate the sensors
Always hydrate the sensors in the provided Hydrator Pack. The felt pads must be fully saturated with saline solution for good contact to be achieved. Keep the large white hydrator pad on the top cover of the hydrator pack dry. This will help dry the felt pads when they are not in use and reduce oxidation. Note: Replenish with standard multipurpose contact lens saline solution.
4 Fitting the headset
Using both hands, slide the headset down from the top of your head. WARNING: DO NOT STRETCH OPEN THE HEADSET. It should glide onto the head.
The reference sensors have a black rubber covering. Position these sensors on the bone just behind each ear lobe. Correct placement of the reference sensor is critical for correct operation.
The two front sensors should be approximately at the hairline or about the width of 3 ngers above the eyebrows.
Pair your EPOC/EPOC+ via Bluetooth or USB. 通过蓝牙或USB将您的EPOC/EPOC +配对。
Press and hold the 2 reference sensors (located just above and behind your ear) for about 20 seconds.按住2个参考传感器(位于耳朵上方和后方)大约20秒钟。

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