
CLIENT: Major Healthcare and Technology Consulting Company

Participated on an implementation team of over 100 to design and develop a custom web application to manage the accounts, documents, eligibility, enrollment, and finances of health insurance cases.  The application was implemented with advanced workflow and reporting technology.


·          Worked closely with the client and business analysts to understand the business requirements and perform the application design

·          Actively participated in joint-application-development (JAD) sessions with analysts, architects, and testers

·          Used Java-related technologies such as Webwork, Spring IBatis, EJB, and JPA on an Oracle database to develop the application

Business/Technology Value

·       The delivered application gave the business a reusable platform to market to state government agencies.  The advanced capabilities of the application set the product far ahead of competitors’ solutions.

CLIENT: Online Healthcare System

Using a .NET framework, participated on a development team to implement a web portal which would enable the business to connect patients, providers, pharmacies, bill-payers, and financial institutions in the healthcare provisioning process.


·          Worked closely with the client and business analysts to understand the business requirements and perform the application design

·          Designed and developed the application on a .NET 2.0 framework using C+, WCF, and VB

·          Supported application functionality in production environment

·          Worked closely with other team members on day to day production issues

·          Performed internal testing of the system

Business/Technology Value

·       The system improved clinical communication, managed bill payment, and provided online resources for patients.

CLIENT: Major Healthcare and Technology Consulting Company

Participated on a development team to help implement a major generic platform to enable the business to swap in and out pieces of functionality based on each of the business’ clients.  The goal of the project was to implement sophisticated technology based on extensive industry research, providing the business with a custom web application for the management of state children’s health insurance programs.


·          Designed and developed multiple application modules for the application

·          Actively participated in joint-application-development (JAD) sessions with analysts, architects, and testers

·          Developed the java-based application on a very aggressive, iterative timeline

Business/Technology Value

·       The success of the team in pioneering a custom web application for the client kicked off a huge proposal and sales initiative with strong ammunition for the client in the state healthcare market.

CLIENT: Large Software Company

Participated on a project development team, tasked to implement an intricate dashboard that would be used to manage project defect counts and statuses, resources, client reports, executive materials, changes, issues and risks, and training and reporting tools.


·          Designed the dashboard based on business requirements

·          Used JSP, Struts, Spring, and Ibatis technologies on MySQL database to implement the application

·          Worked closely with Business analysts and other team members to create new, helpful features

·          Interfaced with the external system to gather information

·          Performed smoke testing and defect analysis

·          Performed system maintenance and defect fixing

Business/Technology Value

·       The implementation not only delivered a quality dashboard, but provided intricate capabilities such as export functionality, allowing the client to produce reports based on different criteria in a matter of minutes.

CLIENT: Large Software Outsourcing Company

Participated in a development team tasked with implementing a web-based management system focused on timesheet and expense software.  The system used several modules including employee management, project management, expense management, and system administration within the software.


·          Used JSP, Spring, Struts, and IBatis technologies on MySQL database to develop the software

·          Designed several different modules within the application

·          Tested the application and performed defect fixing

·          Provided maintenance support and assisted with updates to the existing system

Business/Technology Value

·          The final product delivered a streamlined management process to the business, creating an automated and accurate back-end office solution.


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