这个的错误一般是因为max的参数是需要两个都是相同类型的,max() requires that the first and second arguments are of the same type

Error on Xcode No matching function for call to 'max'相关推荐

  1. C/C++问题处理:error : no matching function for call to ‘max‘

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  5. error: no matching function for call QDebug:: QDebug

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  6. 【错误记录】Visual Studio 中编译 NDK 报错 ( no matching function for call to ‘cacheflush‘ cacheflush(); )

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  7. C++中错误no matching function for call to transform

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  8. 【C++错误处理】no matching function for call to transform

    作者:gnuhpc 出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/gnuhpc/ 初学C++哈,不知道这个错误是不是很silly,高手轻拍.情况如下: #include #include #in ...

  9. Bazel5.0.0源码安装报错:no matching function for call to ‘StrFormat(const char [28], const char*)’

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