也许你嫉妒,也许你无奈.微软虽然是Web应用大潮的迟到者,但是决多不要低估微软Windows live战略的潜力.因为已经在微软汇集了许多顶级人物.新近加盟的Ask.com CEO Steve Berkowitz,由Google 而来的Danny THorpe,Technorati 的Niall Kennedy,ColdFusion 的J.J. Allaire。。。。

Steve Berkowitz, the former Ask.com CEO who just joined Microsoft to head up the online business unit

  • Danny Thorpe - Thorpe was the former Chief Scientist at Borland, who left Borland in October 2005 and then went to work at Google. On April 10, Thorpe joined Microsoft as a Windows Live senior program manager architect.
  • Niall Kennedy – In mid-April, Kennedy joined Microsoft's Windows Live division from Technorati to create a new Microsoft product team around syndication technologies such as RSS and Atom. From February 2005 to February 2006, Kennedy was community manager at Technorati, where he was a visible proponent of blogging.
  • J.J. Allaire -- Allaire became part of the Windows Live team when Microsoft bought his Internet information research company, Onfolio, in early March. Onfolio's technology is being incorporated into the Windows Live Toolbar. Allaire is the architect of the ColdFusion application server and co-founder of Allaire Corp., which was sold to Macromedia in 2001.
  • David LaVallee – LaVallee joined the Windows Live Messenger team in November 2005. LaVallee was one of the members of the "Green" project at Sun Microsystems, which spawned the "Oak" project that turned into Java. According to Microsoft evangelist Robert Scoble, LaVallee also worked at Apple and "was the guy who pushed jobs to buy Garageband," and did a stint at Disney.
  • Ronny Kohavi - Kohavi joined Windows Live in 2005 from Amazon.com, where he was director of data mining and personalization. Prior to Amazon, Kohavi worked at Blue Martini Software, where he served most recently as vice president of business intelligence. Kohavi joined Microsoft as a general manager charged with building the Windows Live "Experimentation Platform," which is a hosted environment for new product/feature development.
  • Bill Zissimopoulos – Zissimopoulos, according to Levy, was recently part of the Visual Studio team at Microsoft. Previously Zissimopoulos was an architect at AOL who responsible for the design and implementation of parts of AOL's trusted security and transactional infrastructures for their datacenters. Levy said Zissimopoulos now is a lead developer working on core Windows Live developer platform efforts. Microsoft did not respond by the time this article was published to a request for a Windows Live hire date for Zissimopoulos.
  • Yaron Goland: Goland recently joined Microsoft from BEA to work on Windows Live. At BEA he was the director of technology and is considered an expert in REST, XML, and message-passing systems. From 1996 to 2000, Goland was a Microsoft program manager, focusing on Windows' Plug & Play and WebDAV efforts. From 2000 to 2001, he worked at Crossgain, the Web-services and tools company founded by former Microsoft manager Adam Bosworth. (Crossgain was later acquired by BEA.) Microsoft did not respond by the time this article was published to a request for a Windows Live hire date for Goland.

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