nero刻录 蓝光iso

If you’ve ripped your Blu-Ray collection to make your library more convenient, you might also want to burn a back up or use a copy so you don’t damage your original. Here’s how to burn a copy of your movies—or even your own home videos—to a playable Blu-Ray on Windows or macOS.

如果您翻录了Blu-Ray收藏品以使您的媒体库更加方便,则可能还需要刻录备份或使用副本,以免损坏原件。 这是在Windows或macOS上将电影(甚至您自己的家庭视频)副本刻录到可播放的蓝光光盘的方法。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

To create your own playable Blu-Ray, you’ll need a few things to get started including:


  • A Blu-Ray burner drive: By the time Blu-Ray became a common standard, many computers were skipping optical drives altogether. If you don’t already have one, you’ll need to buy a Blu-Ray burner drive, which usually go for around $40-60, depending on whether you want to get an internal or external drive. If you want to burn Blu-Rays from a Mac, you’ll probably need an external burner, as most Macs can’t use internals without some kind of enclosure.

    蓝光刻录机驱动器:蓝光成为通用标准时,许多计算机都完全跳过了光驱。 如果您还没有蓝光刻录机,则需要购买蓝光刻录机驱动器,价格通常在40至60美元之间,具体取决于您要购买内部还是外部驱动器。 如果要从Mac刻录蓝光光盘,则可能需要一个外部刻录机,因为大多数Mac在没有某种外壳的情况下无法使用内部组件。

  • A blank Blu-Ray disc: Naturally, you’ll need a blank disc to burn your movie to. Blank Blu-Ray discs are a little more expensive than DVDs, but they’re still relatively affordable if you buy them in bulk. The blank discs also come in two flavors: single layer and dual layer. Single layer Blu-Rays can store up to 25GB, while dual layer Blu-Rays can store up to 50GB.

    一张空白的蓝光光盘:自然,您需要一张空白的光盘将电影刻录到其中。 空白的蓝光光盘比DVD贵一点,但是如果您批量购买,它们仍然相对便宜。 空白光盘也有两种形式:单层和双层。 单层蓝光最多可存储25GB,而双层蓝光最多可存储50GB。

  • tsMuxeR (Windows/Mac): Before you burn your video to a disc, you’ll need to put it in the proper format. If your video is in MP4, MKV, or other supported common video formats, tsMuxeR is a simple utility that can reorganize these files into something your Blu-Ray player can read. This process is technically “muxing,” not encoding, so it won’t mess with the quality of your video.

    tsMuxeR (Windows / Mac):在将视频刻录到光盘之前,需要将其以正确的格式放置。 如果您的视频为MP4,MKV或其他受支持的常见视频格式,则tsMuxeR是一个简单的实用程序,可以将这些文件重新组织为Blu-Ray播放器可以读取的内容。 从技术上讲,此过程是“混合”,而不是编码,因此不会影响视频质量。

  • ImgBurn (Windows): This is a handy tool that can burn files, folder, or disc images onto a Blu-Ray for you. We’ll use tsMuxeR to create an ISO file that ImgBurn can easily burn directly onto a disc.

    ImgBurn (Windows):这是一个方便的工具,可以为您将文件,文件夹或光盘映像刻录到Blu-Ray。 我们将使用tsMuxeR创建一个ISO文件,ImgBurn可以轻松将其直接刻录到光盘上。

  • Finder (Mac): On a Mac, the burning process is even easier. Finder has the built-in ability to burn an ISO image directly as long as you have a disc drive connected.

    Finder(Mac):在Mac上,刻录过程更加容易。 只要连接了光盘驱动器,Finder便具有内置功能,可以直接刻录ISO映像。

Install or plug in your Blu-ray drive, install the apps you need, then fire up tsMuxeR to remux your videos into the proper format.


第一步:使用tsMuxeR将视频文件转换为蓝光格式 (Step One: Convert Video Files to the Blu-Ray Format With tsMuxeR)

No matter what OS you’re using, you’ll need to convert your video files to the Blu-Ray format. More technically, we’re going to use a process called multiplexing, or “muxing.” In this context, muxing involves combining multiple video or audio tracks into a new format without changing their contents. While we don’t actually have to change the video and audio streams of your movie, we do need to rearrange them so they’re in the right format for Blu-Ray players to read them. For this, we’ll use a tool called tsMuxeR, available for both Windows and Mac.

无论使用哪种操作系统,都需要将视频文件转换为蓝光格式。 从技术上讲,我们将使用一种称为多路复用或“混合”的过程。 在这种情况下,混合涉及在不更改其内容的情况下将多个视频或音频轨道合并为一种新格式。 虽然我们实际上不必更改电影的视频和音频流,但我们确实需要重新排列它们,以便它们以正确的格式供蓝光播放器读取。 为此,我们将使用一个名为tsMuxeR的工具,该工具可用于Windows和Mac。

First, open tsMuxeR and click Add on the right side of the window. Find the video file you want to convert and click Open. You can find a list of compatible video formats and codecs that you can convert on the application’s website here.

首先,打开tsMuxeR,然后单击窗口右侧的“添加”。 找到您要转换的视频文件,然后单击“打开”。 您可以在此处找到可在应用程序网站上转换的兼容视频格式和编解码器的列表。

Under the Output section, choose “Blu-ray ISO.” This will create an image of a disc that you can burn directly to a disc from several programs. You can also use “Blu-ray folder” if the app you use to burn doesn’t support ISOs. We’re using ImgBurn for Windows and Finder on macOS, both of which support burning ISOs, but ImgBurn also supports burning the folders directly.

在“输出”部分下,选择“ Blu-ray ISO”。 这将创建光盘的映像,您可以将其从多个程序直接刻录到光盘。 如果用于刻录的应用程序不支持ISO,则也可以使用“ Blu-ray文件夹”。 我们正在Windows上使用ImgBurn,在macOS上使用Finder,这两个都支持刻录ISO,但是ImgBurn还支持直接刻录文件夹。

Then, on the right side of the screen, click the Browse button to find a place to store the converted Blu-Ray files. This location will need to have enough space to store an entire copy of the movie you’re planning to burn, at least temporarily, so make sure there’s plenty of free space on that drive.

然后,在屏幕的右侧,单击“浏览”按钮以找到存储转换后的蓝光文件的位置。 该位置将需要有足够的空间来存储您打算刻录的电影的整个副本(至少是暂时的),因此请确保该驱动器上有足够的可用空间。

When you’re done, click “Start muxing.” This will convert (or remux) your video into a folder of files that you can then burn to a Blu-Ray.

完成后,点击“开始混合”。 这会将您的视频转换(或重新混合)为文件文件夹,然后您可以将其刻录为蓝光。

第二步:将映像刻录到光盘 (Step Two: Burn Your Image To a Disc)

Once your video is remuxed into a Blu-Ray-compatible ISO format, you can burn that image to a blank Blu-Ray and it will be playable in any Blu-Ray player. An ISO file is essentially an exact copy of an entire disc, so it won’t need to be converted while it’s copied. In fact, you can mount an ISO in Windows or macOS and play it as though it were a disc in a drive. Since we want a real disc, though, here’s how to burn your ISO to a blank disc.

将视频重新混合为兼容Blu-ray的ISO格式后,您可以将该图像刻录为空白Blu-Ray,并且可以在任何Blu-Ray播放器中播放。 ISO文件本质上是整个光盘的精确副本,因此在复制时无需进行转换。 实际上,您可以在Windows或macOS中挂载ISO并像驱动器中的光盘一样播放它。 但是,由于我们需要一张真实的光盘,因此以下是将ISO刻录到空白光盘的方法。

Windows:使用ImgBurn刻录ISO (Windows: Burn Your ISO with  ImgBurn)

ImgBurn is a free utility that can easily burn files, folders, and images to a disc. Open up ImgBurn and click “Write image file to disc.”

ImgBurn是一个免费实用程序,可以轻松将文件,文件夹和图像刻录到光盘上。 打开ImgBurn,然后单击“将图像文件写入光盘”。

Under source, click the yellow folder icon to find and select the ISO of your movie.


Make sure that your target disc drive is selected under Destination, then click the big burn button at the bottom of the window.


ImgBurn will start burning your ISO to the disc. It will take a while, and the tray may pop out and back in once or twice, so make sure your drive is unobstructed. Once it’s done, you can play your disc in any Blu-ray player. There won’t be a menu, so the movie will play automatically as soon as it’s inserted.

ImgBurn将开始将ISO刻录到光盘。 这将需要一段时间,并且托盘可能会弹出并返回一次或两次,因此请确保驱动器不受阻碍。 完成后,您可以在任何蓝光播放器中播放光盘。 将没有菜单,因此电影将在插入后自动播放。

macOS:使用Finder刻录ISO (macOS: Burn Your ISO with Finder)

On a Mac, Finder can burn an ISO image directly to a disc. Open up the folder containing your ISO in a Finder window. Then, click File and select the menu item that reads “Burn [IMAGE NAME] to Disc”.

在Mac上,Finder可以将ISO映像直接刻录到光盘上。 在Finder窗口中打开包含ISO的文件夹。 然后,单击文件,然后选择菜单项,其中显示为“将[图像名称]刻录到光盘”。

In the small window that appears, give your disc a name, then click Burn.


A tiny window with a progress bar will appear. When it’s finished, your disc will be finished burning.

将出现一个带有进度条的小窗口。 完成后,您的光盘将完成刻录。

Once your disc is done, you can pop it into any Blu-Ray player and it will start playing your movie automatically.



nero刻录 蓝光iso

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