
  • 迷宫游戏
    • 迷宫的生成
    • BFS寻找路线
    • 最后的一些细枝末节
    • 如何使用程序
    • 链接






迷宫的生成主要利用了递归分割法,先初始化空白二维矩阵,N by N grid,





先给大家看一下我最后生成的bmp图片。这是最大的一只,800x800的,如果一个有一米长 那么这个迷宫便是一平方公里那么大了。



为了方便运行,我没有在源代码中加入过多的system(“balabala”);语句,所以写了一个批处理文件 如下 也就是运行过程。

@echo off
color FA
mode con cols=120 lines=80
del MAZE.bmp
color F9
del maze.txt



链接: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiCBXu4P-2Y&t=878s


第一次写博客希望大家多多支持,代码繁琐之处欢迎大家在评论中指出! 抱拳感谢!
哦对了,程序运行方法还没告诉你们呢,先输入尺寸,然后输入1是不改变默认终点,也就是左上到右下,如果输入0的话那就可以改变终点位置,再输入想要的终点,如 19,5 如果坐标invalid程序会自动提示重新输入。

//bmp.h#ifndef _BMP_H
#define _BMP_H//bmp 图片数据获取
//filePath : 路径
//picMaxSize : 返回图片数据字节数, 不接收置NULL
//width : 返回图片宽(像素), 不接收置NULL
//height : 返回图片高(像素), 不接收置NULL
//per : 返回图片每像素的字节数, 不接收置NULL
//返回 : 图片数据指针, 已分配内存, 用完记得释放
unsigned char *bmp_get(char *filePath, int *picMaxSize, int *width, int *height, int *per);//生成 bmp 图片
//filePath : 路径
//data : 原始数据
//width : 宽(像素)
//height : 高(像素)
//per : 每像素字节数
//返回 : 成功创建的 .bmp 文件大小, 小于0则失败
int bmp_create(char *filePath, unsigned char *data, int width, int height, int per);#endif

//bmp.c#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>//
#define  Bmp_FileHeader_Size    14  // sizeof(Bmp_FileHeader)的值不一定准确
typedef struct{uint8_t bfType[2];    //文件类型: "BM"/bmp, "BA"/.. , ...uint32_t bfSize;      //整个文件的大小uint16_t bfReserved1; //保留: 0uint16_t bfReserved2; //保留: 0uint32_t bfOffbits;   //文件数据从第几个字节开始
#define  Bmp_Info_Size    40
typedef struct{uint32_t biSize;    //该段占用字节数uint32_t biWidth;   //图像宽度, 单位像素int32_t biHeight;   //图像高度, 单位像素(数据为正时为倒向)uint16_t biPlanes;  //平面数, 总是为1uint16_t biBitCount;    //单位像素占用比特数: 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 42uint32_t biCompression; //图像压缩方式: 0/BI_BGB 不压缩, //  1/BI_RLE8 8比特游程压缩, 只用于8位位图//  2/BI_RLE4 4比特游程压缩, 只用于4位位图//  3/BI_BITFIELDS 比特域, 用于16/32位位图//  4/BI_JPEG 位图含有jpeg图像, 用于打印机//  5/BI_PWG 位图含有pwg图像, 用于打印机uint32_t biSizeImage;   //说明图像大小, 为BI_BGB时可能为0int32_t biXPelsPerMeter;//水平分辨率, 像素/米, 有符号整数int32_t biYPelsPerMeter;//垂直分辨率, 像素/米, 有符号整数uint32_t biClrUsed;     //位图实际使用彩色表中的颜色索引数(为0表示使用所有)uint32_t biClrImportant;//图像显示有重要影响的颜色索引数
}Bmp_Info;//功能: 读取bmp格式图片
//参数: filePath: 传入, 文件地址
//     picMaxSize: 传出, 用以返回读取到的图片矩阵的总字节数
//      width: 传出, 用以返回图片横向的像素个数
//     height: 传出, 用以返回图片纵向的像素个数
//       per: 传出, 用以返回图片每像素占用字节数
//返回: 图片矩阵数据的指针(注意指针是函数内分配的内存, 用完需释放)
unsigned char *bmp_get(char *filePath, int *picMaxSize, int *width, int *height, int *per)
{FILE *fp;Bmp_FileHeader bf;Bmp_Info bi;int perW, perWCount;int ret;int i, j, picCount, totalSize;int overLineBytesNum;unsigned int overLineBytesSum;    // overLineBytesNum : 行结尾补0字节数  //每行字节数规定为4的倍数, 不足将补0, 所以读行的时候注意跳过unsigned char buffHeader[512], *data, *pic;//if(filePath == NULL)return NULL;//if((fp = fopen(filePath, "rb")) < 0){   printf("bmp_get : open file %s failed\r\n", filePath);return NULL;}//Bmp_FileHeaderif(fread(buffHeader, 1, Bmp_FileHeader_Size, fp) <= 0){printf("bmp_get : read Bmp_FileHeader failed\r\n");fclose(fp);return NULL;}bf.bfType[0] = buffHeader[0]; bf.bfType[1] = buffHeader[1];bf.bfSize = buffHeader[2] + ((buffHeader[3]&0xFF)<<8) + ((buffHeader[4]&0xFF)<<16) + ((buffHeader[5]&0xFF)<<24);bf.bfOffbits = buffHeader[10] + ((buffHeader[11]&0xFF)<<8) + ((buffHeader[12]&0xFF)<<16) + ((buffHeader[13]&0xFF)<<24);//printf("bmp_get : bfType/%s, bfSize/%d, bfOffbits/%d\r\n", bf.bfType, bf.bfSize, bf.bfOffbits);if(bf.bfType[0] != 'B' || bf.bfType[1] != 'M'){printf("bmp_get : bmp type err, bfType must be \"BM\"\r\n");fclose(fp);return NULL;}//Bmp_Infoif(bf.bfOffbits - Bmp_FileHeader_Size < Bmp_Info_Size || fread(buffHeader, 1, Bmp_Info_Size, fp) <= 0){printf("bmp_get : read Bmp_Info failed\r\n");fclose(fp);return NULL;}bi.biSize = buffHeader[0] + ((buffHeader[1]&0xFF)<<8) + ((buffHeader[2]&0xFF)<<16) + ((buffHeader[3]&0xFF)<<24);bi.biWidth = buffHeader[4] + ((buffHeader[5]&0xFF)<<8) + ((buffHeader[6]&0xFF)<<16) + ((buffHeader[7]&0xFF)<<24);bi.biHeight = buffHeader[8] | ((buffHeader[9]&0xFF)<<8) | ((buffHeader[10]&0xFF)<<16) | ((buffHeader[11]&0xFF)<<24);bi.biPlanes = buffHeader[12] + ((buffHeader[13]&0xFF)<<8);bi.biBitCount = buffHeader[14] + ((buffHeader[15]&0xFF)<<8);bi.biCompression = buffHeader[16] + ((buffHeader[17]&0xFF)<<8) + ((buffHeader[18]&0xFF)<<16) + ((buffHeader[19]&0xFF)<<24);bi.biSizeImage = buffHeader[20] + ((buffHeader[21]&0xFF)<<8) + ((buffHeader[22]&0xFF)<<16) + ((buffHeader[23]&0xFF)<<24);bi.biXPelsPerMeter = buffHeader[24] | ((buffHeader[25]&0xFF)<<8) | ((buffHeader[26]&0xFF)<<16) | ((buffHeader[27]&0xFF)<<24);bi.biYPelsPerMeter = buffHeader[28] | ((buffHeader[29]&0xFF)<<8) | ((buffHeader[30]&0xFF)<<16) | ((buffHeader[31]&0xFF)<<24);bi.biClrUsed = buffHeader[32] + ((buffHeader[33]&0xFF)<<8) + ((buffHeader[34]&0xFF)<<16) + ((buffHeader[35]&0xFF)<<24);bi.biClrImportant = buffHeader[36] + ((buffHeader[37]&0xFF)<<8) + ((buffHeader[38]&0xFF)<<16) + ((buffHeader[39]&0xFF)<<24);//perW 每像素字节数if(bi.biBitCount >= 8)perW = bi.biBitCount/8;elseperW = 1;//计算总字节数//totalSize = bf.bfSize - bf.bfOffbits;//计算总字节数overLineBytesNum = 4- bi.biWidth*(bi.biBitCount/8)%4;if(overLineBytesNum == 4)overLineBytesNum = 0;if(bi.biHeight < 0){totalSize = bi.biWidth*(-bi.biHeight)*(bi.biBitCount/8);overLineBytesSum = overLineBytesNum*(-bi.biHeight);}else{totalSize = bi.biWidth*bi.biHeight*(bi.biBitCount/8);overLineBytesSum = overLineBytesNum*bi.biHeight;}//printf("bmp_get : biSize/%d, biWidth/%d, biHeight/%d, biPlanes/%d, biBitCount/%d, biCompression/%d, biSizeImage/%d, biXPelsPerMeter/%d, biYPelsPerMeter/%d, biClrUsed/%d, biClrImportant/%d, overLineBytesNum/%d, overLineBytesSum/%d, totalSize/%d\r\n", bi.biSize, bi.biWidth, bi.biHeight, bi.biPlanes, bi.biBitCount, bi.biCompression, bi.biSizeImage, bi.biXPelsPerMeter, bi.biYPelsPerMeter, bi.biClrUsed, bi.biClrImportant, overLineBytesNum, overLineBytesSum, totalSize);//指针移动到数据起始if(fseek(fp, bf.bfOffbits, 0) < 0){printf("bmp_get : lseek failed\r\n");fclose(fp);return NULL;}//分配内存一次读入整张图片data = (unsigned char *)calloc(1, totalSize + overLineBytesSum + perW);    //多1像素的字节, 防止操作不当溢出if((ret = fread(data, 1, totalSize + overLineBytesSum, fp)) != (totalSize + overLineBytesSum)){if(ret <= 0){printf("bmp_get : read data failed\r\n");free(data);fclose(fp);return NULL;}}//closefclose(fp);//pic = (unsigned char *)calloc(1, totalSize);memset(pic, 0, totalSize);//根据图片方向拷贝数据if(bi.biHeight > 0)     //倒向        //上下翻转 + 左右翻转 + 像素字节顺序调整{for(i = 0, picCount = totalSize; i < totalSize + overLineBytesSum && picCount >= 0; ){picCount -= bi.biWidth*perW;for(j = 0, perWCount = perW - 1; j < bi.biWidth*perW && i < totalSize + overLineBytesSum && picCount >= 0; j++){pic[picCount + perWCount] = data[i++];if(--perWCount < 0)perWCount = perW - 1;if(perWCount == perW - 1)picCount += perW;}picCount -= bi.biWidth*perW;i += overLineBytesNum;}}else    // 正向        //像素字节顺序调整{for(i = 0, j = 0, picCount = 0, perWCount = perW - 1; i < totalSize + overLineBytesSum && picCount < totalSize; ){   pic[picCount + perWCount] = data[i++];if(--perWCount < 0)perWCount = perW - 1;if(perWCount == perW - 1)picCount += perW;if(++j == bi.biWidth*perW){j = 0;i += overLineBytesNum;}}}//freefree(data);//返回 宽, 高, 像素字节if(picMaxSize)*picMaxSize = totalSize;if(width)*width = bi.biWidth;if(height){if(bi.biHeight > 0)*height = bi.biHeight;else*height = -bi.biHeight;}if(per)*per = perW;return pic;
}//功能: 创建bmp格式图片
//参数: filePath: 传入, 文件地址
//      data: 传入, 图片矩阵数据的指针
//     width: 传入, 图片横向的像素个数
//     height: 传入, 图片纵向的像素个数
//       per: 传入, 图片每像素占用字节数
//返回: 创建的bmp图片文件的大小, -1表示创建失败
int bmp_create(char *filePath, unsigned char *data, int width, int height, int per)
{FILE *fp;int fileSize, fileSize2, count, headSize;unsigned char *bmpData, *p;int perWCount;int i, j, picCount;int overLineBytesNum;unsigned int overLineBytesSum = 0;// overLineBytesNum : 行结尾补0字节数  //每行字节数规定为4的倍数, 不足将补0, 所以读行的时候注意跳过//if(width < 0){printf("bmp_create : width < 0 , err !!\r\n");return -1;}//if((fp = fopen(filePath, "wb+")) < 0){printf("bmp_create : create %s err\r\n", filePath);return -1;}//overLineBytesNum = width*per%4;if(overLineBytesNum == 4)overLineBytesNum = 0;headSize = Bmp_FileHeader_Size + Bmp_Info_Size;if(height < 0){overLineBytesNum = overLineBytesNum*(-height);fileSize2 =  width*(-height)*per;}else{overLineBytesNum = overLineBytesNum*height;fileSize2 =  width*height*per;}fileSize = headSize + fileSize2;bmpData = (unsigned char *)calloc(1, fileSize + overLineBytesNum);//count = 0;//bmpData[count++] = 'B';      //bfTypebmpData[count++] = 'M';bmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((fileSize>>0)&0xFF);    //bfSize     低位在前bmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((fileSize>>8)&0xFF);bmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((fileSize>>16)&0xFF);bmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((fileSize>>24)&0xFF);count++;    //保留count++;count++;count++;bmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((headSize>>0)&0xFF);    //bfOffbits     低位在前bmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((headSize>>8)&0xFF);bmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((headSize>>16)&0xFF);bmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((headSize>>24)&0xFF);bmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((Bmp_Info_Size>>0)&0xFF);    //biSizebmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((Bmp_Info_Size>>8)&0xFF);bmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((Bmp_Info_Size>>16)&0xFF);bmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((Bmp_Info_Size>>24)&0xFF);bmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((width>>0)&0xFF);    //biWidthbmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((width>>8)&0xFF);bmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((width>>16)&0xFF);bmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((width>>24)&0xFF);bmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((height>>0)&0xFF);    //biHeightbmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((height>>8)&0xFF);bmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((height>>16)&0xFF);bmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((height>>24)&0xFF);bmpData[count++] = 0x01;    //biPlanesbmpData[count++] = 0x00;bmpData[count++] = 24;    //biBitCountbmpData[count++] = 0;bmpData[count++] = 0;    //biCompressionbmpData[count++] = 0;bmpData[count++] = 0;bmpData[count++] = 0;bmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((fileSize2>>0)&0xFF);    //biSizeImagebmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((fileSize2>>8)&0xFF);bmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((fileSize2>>16)&0xFF);bmpData[count++] = (unsigned char)((fileSize2>>24)&0xFF);bmpData[count++] = 0;    //biXPelsPerMeterbmpData[count++] = 0;bmpData[count++] = 0;bmpData[count++] = 0;bmpData[count++] = 0;    //biYPelsPerMeterbmpData[count++] = 0;bmpData[count++] = 0;bmpData[count++] = 0;bmpData[count++] = 0;    //biClrUsedbmpData[count++] = 0;bmpData[count++] = 0;bmpData[count++] = 0;bmpData[count++] = 0;    //biClrImportantbmpData[count++] = 0;bmpData[count++] = 0;bmpData[count++] = 0;//p = &bmpData[count];if(height >= 0)     //倒向        //上下翻转 + 左右翻转 + 像素字节顺序调整{for(i = 0, picCount = fileSize2; i < fileSize2 + overLineBytesSum && picCount >= 0; ){picCount -= width*per;for(j = 0, perWCount = per - 1; j < width*per && i < fileSize2 + overLineBytesSum && picCount >= 0; j++){p[i++] = data[picCount + perWCount];if(--perWCount < 0)perWCount = per - 1;if(perWCount == per - 1)picCount += per;}picCount -= width*per;i += overLineBytesNum;}}else    // 正向        //像素字节顺序调整{for(i = 0, j = 0, picCount = 0, perWCount = per - 1; i < fileSize2 + overLineBytesSum && picCount < fileSize2; ){   p[i++] = data[picCount + perWCount];if(--perWCount < 0)perWCount = per - 1;if(perWCount == per - 1)picCount += per;if(++j == width*per){j = 0;i += overLineBytesNum;}}}//fileSize = fwrite(bmpData, 1, fileSize, fp);free(bmpData);fclose(fp);//sync();return fileSize;
//main.c#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> //malloc free#include "bmp.h"//一张 宽100*高50*像素3字节 的RGB图片
int BMP_WIDTH = 0;
int BMP_HEIGHT = 0;
#define BMP_PERW 3
int width, height, perW, picSize;int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{int x,y,ch=0;scanf("%d\n[%*d,%*d]\n[%*d,%*d]\n",&BMP_WIDTH);//去头BMP_HEIGHT = BMP_WIDTH;unsigned char buff[BMP_HEIGHT][BMP_WIDTH][BMP_PERW];//---------- 创建一张图片 ----------ch=getchar();while(ch!='$'){scanf("%d,%d]\n",&y,&x);//blockbuff[y][x][0] = 0xb0;buff[y][x][1] = 0xb0;buff[y][x][2] = 0xf0;ch=getchar();}getchar();//pathch=getchar();while(ch!='$'){scanf("%d,%d]\n",&y,&x);buff[y][x][0] = 0;buff[y][x][1] = 0;buff[y][x][2] = 0;ch=getchar();}getchar();ch=getchar();//spacewhile(ch!=EOF){scanf("%d,%d]\n",&y,&x);buff[y][x][0] = 0xff;buff[y][x][1] = 0xff;buff[y][x][2] = 0xff;ch=getchar();}//输出图片bmp_create("MAZE.bmp", (unsigned char *)buff, BMP_WIDTH, BMP_HEIGHT, BMP_PERW);return 0;


gcc -Wall -o creatBMP main.c bmp.c


This programme creat a random square maze of the given size.
And store the info of the maze into maze.txt.
In the format of:
1: The first line is one int number indicates the height and width of the maze.
2: The second and third line contains one [x,y], indicates the start and the end
point of the maze.
3: The rest of the line indicates the location of blocks in the maze
4: The last line of the file is a '$' symbol which indicates the end of the
block data, and for further data appending.
#include <time.h>
#define DEFAULT_END_X L-2
#define DEFAULT_END_Y L-1
int SEE_MAP=0;
static const int ROUTE=0;
static const int WALL=1;void CreateMaze(int **maze,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2){//判断是否还能继续分割if(x2-x1<2||y2-y1<2){return ;}//随机取点int x=x1+1+rand()%(x2-x1-1);int y=y1+1+rand()%(y2-y1-1);//画墙for(int i=x1;i<=x2;i++) maze[i][y]=WALL;for(int i=y1;i<=y2;i++) maze[x][i]=WALL;//递归分割,继续划分区域CreateMaze(maze,x1,y1,x-1,y-1);CreateMaze(maze, x+1, y+1, x2, y2);CreateMaze(maze,x+1,y1,x2,y-1);CreateMaze(maze, x1, y+1, x-1, y2);//随机取其中的三面墙int r[4]={0};r[rand()%4]=1;//在墙上随机取点开孔for(int i=0;i<4;i++){if(r[i]==0){int rx=x;int ry=y;switch (i) {case 0://判断该位置是否能确保打通相邻两块区域,判断依据,上下左右位置最多只有两面墙,下面一样do{rx=x1+rand()%(x-x1);}while(maze[rx-1][ry]+maze[rx+1][ry]+maze[rx][ry-1]+maze[rx][ry+1]>2*WALL);break;case 1:do{ry=y+1+rand()%(y2-y);}while(maze[rx-1][ry]+maze[rx+1][ry]+maze[rx][ry-1]+maze[rx][ry+1]>2*WALL);break;case 2:do{rx=x+1+rand()%(x2-x);}while(maze[rx-1][ry]+maze[rx+1][ry]+maze[rx][ry-1]+maze[rx][ry+1]>2*WALL);break;case 3:do{ry=y1+rand()%(y-y1);}while(maze[rx-1][ry]+maze[rx+1][ry]+maze[rx][ry-1]+maze[rx][ry+1]>2*WALL);break;default:break;}maze[rx][ry]=ROUTE;}}
}int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {int ed_x = 0, ed_y = 0;printf("PLEASE ENTER THE MAZE SIZE:\n");scanf("%d",&L);if (L<=50) {SEE_MAP=1;}srand((unsigned)time(NULL));int **Maze=(int**)malloc(L*sizeof(int*));for(int i=0;i<L;i++){Maze[i]=(int*)calloc(L,sizeof(int));}//外侧一圈为墙for(int i=0;i<L;i++){Maze[0][i]=WALL;Maze[i][0]=WALL;Maze[L-1][i]=WALL;Maze[i][L-1]=WALL;}//生成迷宫CreateMaze(Maze, 1,1, L-2, L-2);//设置出口Maze[1][0]=ROUTE;Maze[L-2][L-1]=ROUTE;//画迷宫FILE *fpWrite=fopen("maze.txt","w");int BMPSIZE = 0;BMPSIZE = L;while(BMPSIZE%4) {BMPSIZE++;}//Write size and startpointfprintf(fpWrite,"%d\n",BMPSIZE);fprintf(fpWrite,"[1,0]\n");//print blocksint i = 0, j = 0;int ruler[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};int len = 0, count = 0;if(SEE_MAP){printf("      ");for (count=0;count<L;count++) {printf("%2d",ruler[len++]);if (len==10) {len=0;}}printf("\n");len=0;for(i=0;i<L;i++){printf("   %2d ",ruler[len++]);if (len==10) {len=0;}for(j=0;j<L;j++){if(Maze[i][j]==WALL){if(SEE_MAP) {printf("##");}}else{if(SEE_MAP) {printf("  ");}}}if(SEE_MAP) {printf("\n");}}}printf("KEEP DEFAULT ENDPOINT?(0:n/1:y)?:\n");scanf("%d",&DEFAULT_START_POINT);//Write endpointif (!DEFAULT_START_POINT){printf("PLEASE ENTER THE END POINT [X,Y]\n");while (1) {scanf("%d,%d",&ed_x, &ed_y);if ((ed_x>=0)&&(ed_y>=0)&&(ed_x<L)&&(ed_y<L)&&(Maze[ed_x][ed_y]!=WALL)){fprintf(fpWrite,"[%d,%d]\n",ed_x, ed_y);printf("\nDone!\n");break;}else{printf("INVALID VALUE, ENTER AGAIN.\n");}}}else {//default endpointfprintf(fpWrite,"[%d,%d]\n", DEFAULT_END_X, DEFAULT_END_Y);}//Write block locationfor(int i=0;i<L;i++){for(int j=0;j<L;j++){if(Maze[i][j]==WALL){fprintf(fpWrite,"[%d,%d]\n",i,j);}}}fprintf(fpWrite,"$");fclose(fpWrite);for(int i=0;i<L;i++) free(Maze[i]);free(Maze);return 0;
gcc -Wall -o maze.exe maze.c


The input of this maze solver program is a txt file named maze.txt, which should
be created by maze.exe.
In a format of
1: The first line is one int number indicates the height and width of the maze.
2: The second and third line contains one [x,y], indicates the start and the end
point of the maze.
3: The rest of the line indicates the location of blocks in the maze
4: The last line of the file is a '$' symbol which indicates the end of the
block data, and for further data appending.This program use BFS to find the route of any given sized square maze.
And append route and space [x,y] coordinates to maze.txt which seperated by
a '$' symbol. Then the maze.txt file is ready to be read into bmp.exe to creat
the bmp image of the whole maze and its route.
*/#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <time.h>#define TOTAL_TIME 3000 //mili seconds to print the map
#define SPACE_CODE 0
#define BLOCK_CODE -1
#define LENC sizeof(struct coordinate)
#define LENQ sizeof(struct queue)
#define BLOCKSYMBOL "█"
#define ARROWSYMBOL "人"
#define ROUTESYMBOL "卐"
struct coordinate {int x;int y;struct coordinate * next;
};struct queue {int x, y;int pre_x, pre_y;struct queue * next;
int ROUTE_CODE = 1;
int size = 0;
int count_blocks = 0, count_routes = 0;
int start_x = 0, start_y = 0, end_x = 0, end_y = 0;void do_head(void);
void hidden(void);              //To hide the cursor
void gotoxy(int x, int y);  //Move the coordinate to print the route
void data2txt(int ** grid); //Write data into a txt file for creating the bmp image
void print_maze(int ** grid);   //Show the maze only, with no route
int ** grid_initializer(int size);//Initialize the maze 2D grid
void grid_check(int ** grid);   //Validate some critical points before BFS
//Store coordinate [x, y] only
struct coordinate * creat(void);
//Store coordinate with previous value, bring out BFS
struct queue * creat_queue(struct coordinate * block);
//Linkedlist reversing function
struct queue * ReverseLink(struct queue * allqueue);
struct coordinate * ReverseLink_C(struct coordinate*repaired_route);
//Append items to a linkedlist
struct coordinate * append(struct coordinate * repaired_route,int x, int y);
int valid_queue(struct queue * list, int x, int y, int count, struct coordinate * block);
/******************************************************************************/void do_head(void) {float rate = 0, x, y;x = size * size;y = count_blocks;rate = y / x;printf("================================================\n""The grid has %d rows and %d columns.\n""The grid has %d block(s). (block rate:%4.2f%%)\n""The initial cell in the grid is [%d,%d].\n""The goal cell in the grid is [%d,%d].\n""================================================\n\n",size, size, count_blocks, rate, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y);if (size>140){SEE_REPAIRED_MAP = 0;printf("THE MAP IS TOO LARGE TO SHOW\nPLEASE WAIT A FEW SECONDS\n");printf("loading the route......\n\n");}
}//To hide the cursor
void hidden(void) {HANDLE hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci;GetConsoleCursorInfo(hOut, &cci);cci.bVisible = 0; /*1 show cursor, 0 hide cursor*/SetConsoleCursorInfo(hOut, &cci);
}//Move the coordinate to print the route
void gotoxy(int x, int y) {COORD pos = { x, y };HANDLE hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);SetConsoleCursorPosition(hOut, pos);/* which console and its position*/
}//Write data into a txt file for creating the bmp image
void data2txt(int **grid) {int i = 0, j = 0;FILE *fpWrite1 = fopen("maze.txt","a");fprintf(fpWrite1,"\n");//Store routefor (i=0;i<size;i++) {for (j=0;j<size;j++) {if ((end_x == i)&&(end_y == j)) {fprintf(fpWrite1,"[%d,%d]\n",i,j);}else if ((start_x == i)&&(start_y == j)) {fprintf(fpWrite1,"[%d,%d]\n",i,j);}else if (grid[i][j] > 0) {fprintf(fpWrite1,"[%d,%d]\n",i,j);}}}//Store spacefprintf(fpWrite1,"$\n");for (i=0;i<size;i++) {for (j=0;j<size;j++) {if (grid[i][j] == SPACE_CODE) {fprintf(fpWrite1,"[%d,%d]\n",i,j);}}}fclose(fpWrite1);
}void print_maze(int ** grid) {int i = 0, j = 0;int ruler[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};int len = 0, count = 0;printf("      ");for (count=0;count<size;count++) {printf("%2d", ruler[len++]);if (len == 10) {len = 0;}}printf("\n");len = 0;for (i=0;i<size;i++){printf("   %2d ",ruler[len++]);if (len == 10) {len = 0;}for (j=0;j<size;j++) {if (grid[i][j] == BLOCK_CODE) {printf("%s", BLOCKSYMBOL);}else{printf("  ");}}printf("\n");}
}int ** grid_initializer(int size){int i,j;                    int ** grid = (int **) malloc(sizeof(int *) * size);for (i = 0; i < size; i ++) {grid[i] = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * size);for (j = 0; j < size; j ++) {grid[i][j] = SPACE_CODE;}}return grid;
}struct coordinate * creat(void) {int n = 0, ch = 0;struct coordinate * head = NULL;struct coordinate * p1 = NULL;struct coordinate * p2 = NULL;p1 = p2 = (struct coordinate *)malloc(LENC);scanf("[%d,%d]\n", &p1->x, &p1->y);ch = getchar();while (ch != '$') {n += 1;if (n == 1) {head = p1;}else {p2->next = p1;}p2 = p1;p1 = (struct coordinate *)malloc(LENC);scanf("%d,%d]\n", &p1->x, &p1->y);ch = getchar();}p2->next = p1;p1->next = NULL;return head;
}struct queue * creat_queue(struct coordinate*block) {struct queue * list = NULL;struct queue * head = NULL;struct queue * current = NULL;struct queue * ptr = NULL;current = (struct queue *)malloc(LENQ);int i = 0, total = 0;list = current;head = current;current->x = start_x; current->y = start_y;current->pre_x = -1; current->pre_y = -1;ptr = (struct queue *)malloc(LENQ);head->next = ptr;head = ptr;total++;while((current->x!=end_x) || (current->y!=end_y)) {for (i=0;i<4;i++) {//4 directionsif (i == 0 && valid_queue(list, current->x-1, current->y, total, block)){ptr->x = current->x-1;ptr->y = current->y;}else if (i == 1 && valid_queue(list, current->x+1, current->y, total, block)){ptr->x = current->x+1;ptr->y = current->y;}else if (i == 2 && valid_queue(list, current->x, current->y-1, total, block)){ptr->x = current->x;ptr->y = current->y-1;}else if (i == 3 && valid_queue(list, current->x, current->y+1, total, block)){ptr->x = current->x;ptr->y = current->y+1;}else {continue;}ptr->pre_x = current->x;ptr->pre_y = current->y;ptr = (struct queue *)malloc(LENQ);head->next = ptr;head = ptr;total++;}current = current->next;}current->next = NULL;return list;
}struct queue * ReverseLink(struct queue * allqueue) {struct queue * next;struct queue * prev = NULL;while(allqueue != NULL) {next = allqueue->next;allqueue->next = prev;prev = allqueue;allqueue = next;}return prev;
}struct coordinate * ReverseLink_C(struct coordinate * repaired_route) {struct coordinate * next;struct coordinate * prev = NULL;while(repaired_route != NULL) {next = repaired_route->next;repaired_route->next = prev;prev = repaired_route;repaired_route = next;}return prev;
}struct coordinate * append(struct coordinate * repaired_route,int x, int y) {count_routes++;struct coordinate * ptr = NULL;struct coordinate * p1 = NULL;p1 = ptr = repaired_route;if (repaired_route==NULL) {repaired_route = (struct coordinate *)malloc(LENC);repaired_route->x = x; repaired_route->y = y;repaired_route->next = NULL;}else{while(p1->next != NULL) {p1 = p1->next;}ptr = p1;p1 = (struct coordinate *)malloc(LENC);p1->x = x; p1->y = y;ptr->next = p1;p1->next = NULL;}return repaired_route;
}int valid_queue(struct queue * list, int x, int y, int count, struct coordinate*block) {struct queue * ptr = NULL;struct coordinate*ptr_b = NULL;ptr = list;ptr_b = block;while (count!=0) {count--;if ((x==ptr->x)&&(y==ptr->y)) {return 0;}ptr = ptr->next;}if (!((0<=x)&&(x<size)&&(0<=y)&&(y<size))) {return 0;}while (ptr_b!=NULL) {if ((x==ptr_b->x)&&(y==ptr_b->y)){return 0;}ptr_b = ptr_b->next;}return 1;
}void grid_check(int **grid) {if (grid[start_x][start_y]||grid[end_x][end_y]||start_x<0 \||start_x>=size||start_y<0||start_y>=size|| \end_x<0||end_x>=size||end_y<0||end_y>=size){printf("START OR END POINT IS INVALID!\nMAZE SOLVER FAILED!");exit(0);}
}int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{   system("COLOR 00");scanf("%d\n", &size);    //read in datascanf("[%d,%d]\n", &start_x, &start_y);scanf("[%d,%d]\n", &end_x, &end_y);int ** grid = grid_initializer(size);struct coordinate*block = NULL;struct coordinate*tmp_b = NULL;block = creat();tmp_b = block;while (block != NULL) {count_blocks++;grid[block->x][block->y] = BLOCK_CODE;block = block->next;}block = tmp_b;grid_check(grid);do_head();int pre_x = 0, pre_y = 0;struct queue*allqueue = NULL;struct coordinate*repaired_route = NULL;allqueue = creat_queue(block);allqueue = ReverseLink(allqueue);//The first route coordgrid[allqueue->pre_x][allqueue->pre_y] = ROUTE_CODE;ROUTE_CODE++;repaired_route=append(repaired_route, allqueue->pre_x,allqueue->pre_y);pre_x = allqueue->pre_x; pre_y = allqueue->pre_y;for(;;) {if ((allqueue->x==pre_x)&&(allqueue->y==pre_y)) {repaired_route=append(repaired_route, allqueue->pre_x, allqueue->pre_y);//The second and moregrid[allqueue->pre_x][allqueue->pre_y] = ROUTE_CODE;ROUTE_CODE++;pre_x = allqueue->pre_x; pre_y = allqueue->pre_y;if ((pre_x == start_x)&&(pre_y == start_y)) {break;}}allqueue = allqueue->next;}int refresh = 0;refresh = TOTAL_TIME / count_routes;repaired_route=ReverseLink_C(repaired_route);if(SEE_REPAIRED_MAP){system("COLOR 70");int prex = 8, prey = 1, first = 0;hidden();system("cls");print_maze(grid);while (repaired_route != NULL) {if(first){gotoxy(prex,prey);printf("%s", ROUTESYMBOL);}//The routefirst=1;gotoxy(6+((repaired_route->y)*2), (repaired_route->x)+1);prex=6+((repaired_route->y))*2;prey=(repaired_route->x)+1;printf("%s", ARROWSYMBOL);   //DirectionSleep(refresh);repaired_route = repaired_route->next;}gotoxy(prex+2, prey);printf("☆");   //Reach the end of the mazegotoxy(6+((size)*2), (size)+1);printf("\n");}data2txt(grid);printf("\n");for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i ++) {free(grid[i]);}free(grid);return 0;

编译gcc -Wall -O3 -o maze_solver.exe maze_solver.c





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