
You can consider animation as the technique or procedure of making the illusion of motion with the illusion of transformation by way of the quick displaying of a sequence of images which minimally vary from each other. Just liek a Flip Book.

您可以将动画视为通过快速显示彼此之间变化最小的一系列图像来实现运动效果和变换效果的技术或过程。 就像翻书一样。

Technical people who create animation are called Animators, who are creative people, having specialized skills of developing animation. These animations can be of the form of analogue media or a flip book, animated motion picture film, videos and GIFs, digital media, which includes animated GIF, Flash animated files, videos etc.

制作动画的技术人员称为Animators ,是具有创造动画技能的专门技能的创造力人士。 这些动画可以是模拟媒体或动画书,动画电影胶片,视频和GIF,数字媒体的形式,其中包括GIF动画,Flash动画文件,视频等。

The methods used for creating animation comprises of both traditional animation developing methods which involves stop-motion animation which can be either 2 or 3-dimensional objects, paper cut-outs, clay figures etc. Images get exhibited in rapid progression, which rates basically from 24, 25, 30, or 60 frames per second.


While Computer animation generates animated images with the computer-generated imagery (CGI). 3D animation requires computer graphics, whereas 2D animation focuses on stylistic, low bandwidth with faster real-time rendering capability.

而计算机动画会使用计算机生成的图像(CGI)来生成动画图像。 3D动画需要计算机图形学,而2D动画则专注于风格化的低带宽以及更快的实时渲染功能。

In the world of games, graphic software is implemented for creating animation effect. Basic animation may be an animated gif image which is generally used in web pages. Animation becomes complex when you have to portray an animated replica of a human or alien face in computer software game or animation of a space battle.

在游戏世界中,实施了图形软件来创建动画效果。 基本动画可以是动画gif图像,通常在网页中使用。 当您必须在计算机软件游戏或太空战斗的动画中描绘人或外星人脸的动画副本时,动画会变得复杂。

一些动画软件的列表 (Lists of some animation software)

Below is a list of some of the popular and widely used animation and 3D animation programs.


  • Blender(Free version available):

    Blender(提供免费版本): http : //

  • LightWave 3D:

    LightWave 3D: http //

  • Elastic Reality and Avid 3D:

    弹性现实和Avid 3D: http //

  • Maya:

    玛雅人: http //

  • Macromedia Flash(free version available):

    Macromedia Flash(提供免费版本): http : //

  • 3D Studio Max:

    3D Studio Max: http //

  • 3DPlus(Free):

    3DPlus(免费): http ://

  • Animation Master:

    动画大师: http //

  • Motion Capture:

    运动捕捉: http //

动画类型 (Types of Animation)

There are 3 major categories of animation:


  • Traditional Animation:


    Traditional animation also known as hand-drawn animation is a type of animation where each one of the frame needs to be drawn by hand. This animation methodology became the most dominant type of animation in cinemas until the new era of computer animation arrived

    传统动画(也称为手绘动画)是一种动画,其中每个帧都需要手工绘制。 在计算机动画新时代到来之前,这种动画方法已成为电影院中最主要的动画类型。

  • Stop Motion:


    This term basically describes the outline of animation which can be generated by physically controlling real world objects and photograph them one frame at a time, in creating the illusion of motion where the frames are played in sequence as a continuous chain of images.


    Various types of stop-motion animation are:


    • Puppet Animation木偶动画
    • Cutout Animation抠图动画
    • Clay Animation粘土动画
    • Object Animation对象动画
    • Pixilation特化
  • Computer Generated Animation:


    Computer assisted or computer generated animation is said to be a system which consists of one or more two-dimensional planes which computerize the traditional i.e. hand-drawn animation technique.


All these categories can be used to make both 2D and 3D images. Moreover, there are additional, less common forms, projecting their main focus in creating the images along with amalgamation of live action and drawings or computer generated images. Some other forms of animation are:

所有这些类别均可用于制作2D和3D图像。 此外,还有其他的,不太常见的形式,将其主要重点放在创建图像以及合并实景动作和绘图或计算机生成的图像上。 其他动画形式包括:

  • Traditional animation


  • 2D Vector-based animation


  • 3D computer animation


  • Motion graphics


  • Stop motion


In game development there is a huge requirement for animators who can develop the models, objects and various scenes or game views. So, now that you have basic knowledge of animation, we hope you will be able to judge the requirements for the development of animation in your game.

在游戏开发中,对动画师的需求很高,他们可以开发模型,对象以及各种场景或游戏视图。 因此,既然您已经掌握了动画的基础知识,我们希望您能够判断游戏中动画开发的要求。




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