
Russell Beattie has a interesting writeup on the whole "Casual Gaming" trend. Games delivered by browser are huge business. Last time I visited MSN Games site there were 200,000 people playing. Disney Channel has my niece and nephew captivated with cheesy, but free, Flash games.

罗素·比蒂(Russell Beattie)对整个“休闲游戏”趋势发表了有趣的文章。 浏览器交付的游戏是一项巨大的业务。 上次我访问MSN Games网站时有20万人在玩。 迪士尼频道让我的侄女和侄子迷上了俗气但免费的Flash游戏。

Seems there would be great potential for games on Windows Media Center Edition. There's MCE Sudoku from at MediaCenterWare(KMS), and there's MCE Peaks from 10 Foot Games. BTW, KMS Software has released a number of nice titles for the Media Center.

Windows Media Center Edition上的游戏似乎具有很大的潜力。 MediaCenterWare (KMS)提供了MCE Sudoku , 10英尺比赛提供了MCE Peaks。 顺便说一句, KMS Software已为Media Center发布了许多不错的标题。

Why aren't there more games for the Media Center PC? Perhaps ease of development? I poked around at the code for MCE Sudoku (review) and it's pretty hairy stuff. To be clear, it's a very nice implementation that was clearly written by folks who know and enjoy the game. However, the code involved, ActiveX controls, 22 javascript libraries - Media Center Development is AJAX. Sure, AJAX is cool, but let's be serious. It's hard. It's 1997. It's MacGyver Development at it's best, except instead of bailing wire and paper clips we use ActiveX controls and Javascript.

为什么Media Center PC没有更多游戏? 也许容易发展? 我四处查看MCE Sudoku的代码(评论),这是一件很毛茸茸的东西。 明确地说,这是一个非常好的实现,显然是由了解并喜欢游戏的人编写的。 但是,所涉及的代码,ActiveX控件,22个javascript库-Media Center Development是AJAX。 当然,AJAX很酷,但是请认真对待。 这个很难(硬。 那是1997年。最好的是MacGyver Development ,除了使用ActiveX控件和Javascript来代替电线和回形针,这是最好的选择。

One of the surprises of the Xbox 360 has been the Xbox Live Arcade service. It, along with it's clever implementation of micro-payments and the often-updated blurs the usefulness of the slightly-less-often-updated Online Spotlight within the Media Center PC.

Xbox 360的惊奇之一就是Xbox Live Arcade服务。 它与小额支付的巧妙实施以及经常更新的功能一起,使Media Center PC中的在线更新Spotlight的功能很少。

My conclusion: If there isn't an equivalent service like Xbox Live Arcade for the Media Center PC crowd, gems like MCE Sudoku are going to get lost in the shuffle. I'm actually a little surprised that MSN Games hasn't worked out a deal to create and distribute 10-foot versions of the myriad games available at MSN. They're mostly Flash, why isn't the Media Center an attractive option? Why write MCE applications in MC-HTML when I could port existing scalable Flash apps? I'd love to have a pile of Disney games for the kids to play, not to mention the strictly educational market.

我的结论是:如果没有像Media Center PC人群那样的Xbox Live Arcade这样的服务,那么MCE Sudoku之类的宝藏将在混乱中迷失方向。 对于MSN Games尚未达成协议来创建和分发10英尺版本的MSN可用的众多游戏,我感到有些惊讶。 它们主要是Flash,为什么Media Center不是吸引人的选择? 当我可以移植现有的可扩展Flash应用程序时,为什么还要用MC-HTML编写MCE应用程序? 我很想为孩子们玩一堆迪士尼游戏,更不用说严格的教育市场了。

Casey's got it right, what will happen is that there will be a lull (that's where we are now) then folks will start writing apps for the Media Center using WPF/WinFX and WinFX XAML Browser Applications and things will really take off. Until that day comes later this year, I will continue to enjoy Charlie's PDC Presentation that I sadly can't view via my Xbox 360 (I tried.) I'll get around to installing the February CTP and see how it goes.

Casey说的没错,将会发生停顿(这就是现在的状况),然后人们将开始使用WPF / WinFX和WinFX XAML浏览器应用程序为Media Center编写应用程序,事情将会真正开始。 直到今年晚些时候那天,我将继续享受Charlie的PDC演示文稿,可悲的是我无法通过Xbox 360进行查看(我尝试过。)我将继续安装2月CTP,然后看看它如何进行。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/media-center-games



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