原有的主题是已经配过valine的 配置valine,


本主题基于主题 Hexo-Theme-Yilia 修改而来,在此再次感谢原作者 Litten。修复了一些 bugs,改变了大量的样式,添加了不少特性。对原主题百般折腾后,发觉变动越来越大,

索性就发布个新主题了,主题随我微博名 “夜Yelee” 。个人喜欢简洁的样式,重视内容的浏览,



<% if (theme.valine && theme.valine.appid && theme.valine.appkey){ %>
<p id="comments" class="comments" style="margin:30px;padding:15px;background:#fff} "><style>@media screen and (max-width:800px) {.comments {margin: auto;padding: 10px;background: #fff}}</style><%- partial('../comments/valine', {key: post.slug,title: post.title,url: config.url+url_for(post.path)}) %>
<% } %>


<div id="vcomment" class="comment"></div>
<!--载入js,在 body之前插入即可-->
<!--Leancloud 操作库:-->
<script src="//cdn1.lncld.net/static/js/3.0.4/av-min.js"></script>
<!--Valine 的核心代码库-->
<script src='//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/valine/dist/Valine.min.js'></script>
<script>var notify = '<%= theme.valine.notify %>' == true ? true : false;var verify = '<%= theme.valine.verify %>' == true ? true : false;new Valine({// AV 对象来自上面引入av-min.js(老司机们不要开车➳♡゛扎心了老铁)av: AV,el: '#vcomment',emoticon_url: 'https://cloud.panjunwen.com/alu',emoticon_list: ["狂汗.png", "不说话.png", "汗.png", "坐等.png", "献花.png", "不高兴.png", "中刀.png", "害羞.png","皱眉.png", "小眼睛.png", "暗地观察.png"],app_id: '<%= theme.valine.appid %>',app_key: '<%= theme.valine.appkey %>',placeholder: '<%= theme.valine.placeholder %>'});if (window.location.hash) {var checkExist = setInterval(function () {if (document.getElementById(window.location.hash.replace("#", ""))) {location.href = window.location.hash;clearInterval(checkExist);}}, 250);}

起初参考MonoLogueChi博客,不知道什么原因:( 在主页的界面的每个标题下面都有一个留言的窗口

于是我将加到 ARTICLE.EJS 换了地方 themes/hexo-theme-yelee/layout/_partial/post/nav.ejs ,注意换了路径需要将

<%- partial(‘../comments/valine’, {
key: post.slug,
title: post.title,
url: config.url+url_for(post.path)
}) %>




方法一: <!-- more -->

> title: Hello World> date: 2015-12-03 00:00:00> ---> <Excerpt in index | 首页摘要>>
<!-- more -->>
<The rest of contents | 余下全文>>

<!-- more --> 之前最好不要有空格等字符;

方法二: description in Front-matter

> title: Hello World> date: 2015-12-03 00:00:00> +description: "Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post.">
---> <Contents>>

通过 description 添加的摘要只能为纯文本;


hexo-auto-excerpt 可以使用

  1. npm install –save hexo-auto-excerpt

  2. layout/_partial/article.ejs,在div.article-entry中的代码换成下面的

        <% if (index){ %><% if (post.excerpt) { %><%- post.excerpt %><% } else if (theme.auto_excerpt.enable) { %><% var br_position = 0 %><% for (var br_count = 0; br_count < theme.auto_excerpt.lines; br_count++) { %><% br_position = post.content.indexOf('\n',br_position + 1) %><% if(br_position < 0) { break } %><% } %><% if(br_position > 0) { %><% show_all_content = false %><p><%- post.content.substring(0, br_position + 1) %><p><% } %><% } %><% } else { %><%- partial('toc', { post: post}) %><%- post.content %><% } %></div>
  3. _config.yml 添加下面代码

    auto_excerpt:enable: truelines: 3




  1. _config.yml

    donate:enable: true  #设定打赏功能是否可用reward_wording: 加个鸡腿wechat: /pics/weixin.png #微信二维码图片的路径alipay: /pics/alipay.jpg #支付宝二维码图片的路径
    # 打赏
    # 打赏type设定:0-关闭打赏; 1-文章对应的md文件里有reward:true属性,才有打赏; 2-所有文章均有打赏
    reward_type: 2
    # 打赏wording
    reward_wording: '加个鸡腿'
    # 支付宝二维码图片地址,跟你设置头像的方式一样。比如:/assets/img/alipay.jpg
    alipay: /pics/weixin.png
    # 微信二维码图片地址
    weixin: /pics/alipay.jpg
    # rss配置
    feed:type: atompath: atom.xmllimit: 20hub:content:content_limit: 140content_limit_delim: ' 'order_by: -dateicon: icon.png
  2. layout/_partial/post/nav.ejs

    <% if (((theme.reward_type === 2 && !post.reward) || (theme.reward_type === 1 && post.reward)) && !index){ %>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/share/reward.css" />
    <div class="page-reward"><a href="javascript:;" class="page-reward-btn tooltip-top"><div class="tooltip tooltip-east"><span class="tooltip-item">赏</span><span class="tooltip-content"><span class="tooltip-text"><span class="tooltip-inner"><p class="reward-p"><i class="icon icon-quo-left"></i><%= theme.reward_wording%><iclass="icon icon-quo-right"></i></p><div class="reward-box"><% if(theme.alipay) {%><div class="reward-box-item"><img class="reward-img" src="<%= theme.alipay%>"><span class="reward-type">支付宝</span></div><% } %><% if(theme.weixin) {%><div class="reward-box-item"><img class="reward-img" src="<%= theme.weixin%>"><span class="reward-type">微信</span></div><% } %></div></span></span></span></div></a>
    <% } %>
  3. 最后是在source下的share文件夹下保存css文件 地址../share/reward.css

修改版本署名的样式 /themes/hexo-theme-yelee/layout/_partial/post/nav.ejs

<div class="is_copyright">
<ui class=post-copyright><li><strong><%= __('copyright_info.title') %>:</strong><a href="<%- url_for(post.path) %>"><%= post.title %></a></li><li><strong><%= __('copyright_info.author') %>:</strong><a href="/" title="<%= __('tooltip.back2home') %>"><%=theme.author%></a> </li>     <li><strong><%= __('copyright_info.date') %>:</strong><%= post.date.format("YYYY-MM-DD, HH:mm:ss") %>  </li><li> <strong><%= __('copyright_info.updated') %>:</strong><%= post.updated.format("YYYY-MM-DD, HH:mm:ss") %> </li><li><strong><%= __('copyright_info.url') %>:</strong><a class="post-url" href="<%- url_for(post.path) %>" title="<%= post.title %>"><%= post.permalink %></a>         <strong class="copy-path" data-clipboard-text="<%= __('copyright_info.from') %> <%= post.permalink %><%= __('copyright_info.by') %> <%=theme.author%>" title="<%= __('tooltip.copyPath') %>"><i class="fa fa-clipboard"></i></strong>         <script> var clipboard = new Clipboard('.copy-path'); </script></li><li>         <strong><%= __('copyright_info.license') %>:</strong><i class="fa fa-creative-commons"></i> <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/" title="CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International" target = "_blank">"<%= __('copyright_info.cc') %>"</a> <%= __('copyright_info.notice') %>    </li></ui>


pre, code    font-family: font-mono, monospace, font-chs    font-size: 1em
## 后面加这几个
.line:after    content: ''    display: inline-block;



<% if (post.tags && post.tags.length){ %>-
<div class="article-tag tagcloud"><div class="article-tag tagcloud" style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap"><%-          list_tags(post.tags, {            show_count: false,            class: 'article-tag'          })        %><span class="post-count">总字数<%= wordcount(post.content) %></span><span class="post-count">预计阅读<%= min2read(post.content) %>分钟</span></div><% } %>

起初参考MonoLogueChi博客,不知道什么原因:( 在主页的界面的每个标题下面都有一个留言的窗口

于是我将加到 ARTICLE.EJS 换了地方 themes/hexo-theme-yelee/layout/_partial/post/nav.ejs ,注意换了路径需要将

<%- partial(‘../comments/valine’, {
key: post.slug,
title: post.title,
url: config.url+url_for(post.path)
}) %>





> title: Hello World> date: 2015-12-03 00:00:00> ---> >


方法二: description in Front-matter

> title: Hello World> date: 2015-12-03 00:00:00> +description: "Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post.">
---> >

通过 description 添加的摘要只能为纯文本;


hexo-auto-excerpt 可以使用

  1. npm install –save hexo-auto-excerpt

  2. layout/_partial/article.ejs,在div.article-entry中的代码换成下面的

        <% if (index){ %><% if (post.excerpt) { %><%- post.excerpt %><% } else if (theme.auto_excerpt.enable) { %><% var br_position = 0 %><% for (var br_count = 0; br_count < theme.auto_excerpt.lines; br_count++) { %><% br_position = post.content.indexOf('\n',br_position + 1) %><% if(br_position < 0) { break } %><% } %><% if(br_position > 0) { %><% show_all_content = false %><%- post.content.substring(0, br_position + 1) %><% } %><% } %><% } else { %><%- partial('toc', { post: post}) %><%- post.content %><% } %>
  • _config.yml 添加下面代码

    auto_excerpt:enable: truelines: 3
  • hexo博文摘要生成方案



    1. _config.yml

      donate:enable: true  #设定打赏功能是否可用reward_wording: 加个鸡腿wechat: /pics/weixin.png #微信二维码图片的路径alipay: /pics/alipay.jpg #支付宝二维码图片的路径
      # 打赏
      # 打赏type设定:0-关闭打赏; 1-文章对应的md文件里有reward:true属性,才有打赏; 2-所有文章均有打赏
      reward_type: 2
      # 打赏wording
      reward_wording: '加个鸡腿'
      # 支付宝二维码图片地址,跟你设置头像的方式一样。比如:/assets/img/alipay.jpg
      alipay: /pics/weixin.png
      # 微信二维码图片地址
      weixin: /pics/alipay.jpg
      # rss配置
      feed:type: atompath: atom.xmllimit: 20hub:content:content_limit: 140content_limit_delim: ' 'order_by: -dateicon: icon.png
    2. layout/_partial/post/nav.ejs

      <% if (((theme.reward_type === 2 && !post.reward) || (theme.reward_type === 1 && post.reward)) && !index){ %>赏<%= theme.reward_wording%><% if(theme.alipay) {%>支付宝<% } %><% if(theme.weixin) {%>微信<% } %><% } %>
    3. 最后是在source下的share文件夹下保存css文件 地址../share/reward.css

    修改版本署名的样式 /themes/hexo-theme-yelee/layout/_partial/post/nav.ejs

    <%= __('copyright_info.title') %>:<%= post.title %><%= __('copyright_info.author') %>:<%=theme.author%>      <%= __('copyright_info.date') %>:<%= post.date.format("YYYY-MM-DD, HH:mm:ss") %>  <%= __('copyright_info.updated') %>:<%= post.updated.format("YYYY-MM-DD, HH:mm:ss") %> <%= __('copyright_info.url') %>:<%= post.permalink %>         <%= __('copyright_info.license') %>: "<%= __('copyright_info.cc') %>" <%= __('copyright_info.notice') %>    


    pre, code    font-family: font-mono, monospace, font-chs    font-size: 1em
    ## 后面加这几个
    .line:after    content: ''    display: inline-block;



    <% if (post.tags && post.tags.length){ %>-<%-          list_tags(post.tags, {            show_count: false,            class: 'article-tag'          })        %>总字数<%= wordcount(post.content) %>预计阅读<%= min2read(post.content) %>分钟<% } %>



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