
Organisations are flocking to cloud computing in greater numbers than ever before and many are expanding their use of it. This comes as no surprise, given the many advantages that cloud migration brings. In this post, we’ll look at how the cloud enables its users to outperform their competitors.

组织正以前所未有的数量涌向云计算,许多组织正在扩大其使用范围。 鉴于云迁移带来的许多优势,这不足为奇。 在本文中,我们将研究云如何使用户超越竞争对手。

1. 云用户省钱 (1. Cloud users save money)

One of the primary reasons that organisations migrate to the cloud is to cut costs. By using the hardware and services of your cloud provider you’ll no longer need to spend enormous sums on purchasing your own hardware. And that’s just the start of your savings. As you won’t need a data centre any longer, you can eliminate the expenses of running one. The money spent on maintenance, management, space, security, air-conditioning, power, insurance, etc. can all be put to better purposes.

组织迁移到云的主要原因之一是削减成本。 通过使用云提供商的硬件和服务,您将不再需要花费大量资金购买自己的硬件。 这仅仅是节省资金的开始。 由于您不再需要数据中心,因此可以消除运行一个数据中心的费用。 花在维护,管理,空间,安全,空调,电源,保险等上的钱都可以用于更好的目的。

2. 即时可扩展性 (2. Instant scalability )

Being competitive means being able to adapt at speed to market demands. One of the drawbacks for businesses running their own data centre is that scaling up can be a slow and expensive process. If you are getting increased traffic to your website and you need additional resources to cope, scaling up can involve purchasing a new server, setting it up and getting it online. This can take quite some time to do. When you use the cloud, your service provider’s vast data centres mean that you can have all the resources you need instantly.

具有竞争力意味着能够快速适应市场需求。 对于运行自己的数据中心的企业来说,缺点之一是扩展规模可能是一个缓慢而昂贵的过程。 如果您的网站访问量增加,并且需要更多资源来应对,则扩大规模可能涉及购买新服务器,对其进行设置并使其联机。 这可能需要花费一些时间。 使用云时,服务提供商的庞大数据中心意味着您可以立即拥有所需的所有资源。

Another issue faced by organisations scaling up in-house is that the additional resources they acquire aren’t fully utilised. For example, your company may get high traffic for certain periods but for the rest of the time, the new server sits idle. This doesn’t make it the wisest investment. Cloud services, however, are charged on a pay as you go basis. You only pay for what you use, so during quieter times, the costs are minimised.

组织内部扩大规模时面临的另一个问题是,他们获得的额外资源没有得到充分利用。 例如,您的公司在某些时期可能会获得高流量,但在其余时间中,新服务器将处于闲置状态。 这并不是最明智的投资。 但是,云服务按使用量付费。 您只需为使用的商品付费,因此在安静的时候,成本降到了最低。

3. 快速的应用程序部署 (3. Speedy application deployment)

It’s not just scaling up that can be done quickly in the cloud, the deployment of the critical applications needed to give you the edge in a competitive market can also be done instantaneously. This can be particularly advantageous for smaller enterprises as it gives them the same speed of deployment as larger competitors who have superior in-house capacities.

不仅可以在云中快速完成扩展,而且还可以立即完成在竞争激烈的市场中获得优势所需的关键应用程序的部署。 对于小型企业而言,这尤其有利,因为它使企业拥有与内部能力卓越的大型竞争对手相同的部署速度。

Cloud-based apps require far less time for successful execution, most of them being available immediately on signup, giving you instant access to game-changing technologies such as AI and machine learning.


4. 100%的正常运行时间 (4. 100% uptime)

Today’s organisations rely on critical applications to run their operations. The disruption caused by downtime is a major issue, as events such as server failures can cause operations to grind to a halt. Fixing the problem can be difficult and time-consuming and the resulting losses and reputational damage can be substantial.

当今的组织依靠关键应用程序来运行其业务。 停机引起的中断是一个主要问题,因为诸如服务器故障之类的事件可能会导致操作停止。 解决该问题可能很困难且很耗时,因此造成的损失和声誉损失可能很大。

In a cloud environment, server failure cannot cause downtime. As clients are hosted on virtual machines, when a physical server error occurs, the virtual machine is simply moved to another part of the server cluster. This hyper-converged infrastructure protects organisations against everything from hard disk issues to entire server failures, guaranteeing 100% uptime for critical applications.

在云环境中,服务器故障不会导致停机。 由于客户端托管在虚拟机上,因此当发生物理服务器错误时,虚拟机将被简单地移动到服务器群集的另一部分。 这种超融合的基础架构可保护组织免受从硬盘问题到整个服务器故障的一切侵害,从而确保关键应用程序的100%正常运行时间。

5. 最新技术,卓越性能 (5. Latest technologies, exceptional performance)

Another problem with in-house data centres is that the technology organisations purchase or lease soon become less competitive than the newer, high-performance products that are regularly released onto the market. Continually updating is both expensive and disruptive and this often puts companies at a disadvantage.

内部数据中心的另一个问题是,与定期发布到市场上的新型高性能产品相比,技术组织购买或租赁的竞争力很快就会减弱。 持续更新既昂贵又破坏性,这常常使公司处于不利地位。

For cloud service providers, investment in these new technologies is a necessity in order for them to remain competitive and meet the growing expectations of their clients. The advantage for cloud users is that they will see their applications running on the latest, high-performance servers without the need to invest in the technology themselves. These are servers where performance is consistently optimised, using powerful processors, blisteringly fast SSD drives and load balancing to maximise speed and capacity utilisation.

对于云服务提供商来说,必须对这些新技术进行投资,以使其保持竞争力并满足客户不断增长的期望。 云用户的优势在于,他们将看到他们的应用程序在最新的高性能服务器上运行,而无需自己投资该技术。 这些服务器使用功能强大的处理器,超快的SSD驱动器和负载平衡来不断优化性能,以最大程度地提高速度和容量利用率。

6. 增加安全性 (6. Increased security)

Every organisation has concerns about security, so it’s good to know that cloud providers are obliged to comply with stringent security regulations to safeguard customer data. Your provider will protect you against hacking, malware and internal data theft. Using state of the art firewalls that feature intrusion prevention and in-flow virus protection, threats will be detected and isolated long before they reach your server. Other security features include data encryption, remote backups and VPN.

每个组织都关心安全性,因此很高兴知道云提供商必须遵守严格的安全法规以保护客户数据。 您的提供商将保护您免受黑客攻击,恶意软件和内部数据盗窃的侵害。 使用具有入侵防御和流入病毒防护功能的最新防火墙,可以在威胁到达您的服务器之前就对其进行检测和隔离。 其他安全功能包括数据加密,远程备份和VPN。

7. 从在线工作进行的组织转型 (7. Organisational transformation from working online)

As a cloud user, your employees can access your system from anywhere with an internet connection and this has helped many organisations to reap the benefits of remote working. It enables companies to employ highly skilled members, no matter where they live, and bring about more flexible working hours. It also means they can save on the amount of office space needed as staff can collaborate in real-time using online conferencing and through the sharing of synchronised files.

作为云用户,您的员工可以通过Internet连接从任何地方访问您的系统,这有助于许多组织获得远程工作的好处。 它使公司可以雇用高技能的成员,无论他们生活在哪里,都可以带来更灵活的工作时间。 这也意味着他们可以节省所需的办公空间,因为员工可以使用在线会议并通过共享同步文件进行实时协作。

Furthermore, as employees can access the company’s system using connected devices such as smartphones and laptops, many companies have dispensed with these costs by introducing a ‘bring your own device (BYOD)’ policy that uses authentication to maintain security.


8. 利用技术做更多的事情 (8. Do more with technology)

Perhaps the biggest benefit of the cloud is that it is a technology that enables you to do more with other technologies. With Big Data analysis, machine learning and AI all rapidly deployable, just imagine what potential cloud brings: personalised marketing and communications, improved customer services, discovering new development opportunities and much more. Cloud is also the ideal place for companies wanting to take advantage of the Internet of Things, augmented reality and the other ground-breaking innovations that are helping to reshape the way the world works.

云的最大好处也许就是它是一项使您能够使用其他技术做更多事情的技术。 借助大数据分析,机器学习和AI都可以快速部署,只需想象一下潜在的云带来了什么:个性化的营销和通信,改进的客户服务,发现新的发展机会等等。 对于希望利用物联网,增强现实和其他突破性创新来重塑世界运作方式的公司而言,云也是理想的选择。

结论 (Conclusion  )

Cloud hosting enables even the smallest of companies to take advantage of the technologies that are transforming today’s marketplace and working environments. In doing so, it makes them far more competitive, while enabling them to spend less and do more. At the same time, these organisations can also benefit from the cloud’s high-performance and reliability, its scalability and flexibility and its highly secure environment.

云托管使最小的公司也能够利用正在改变当今市场和工作环境的技术。 这样做可以使他们更具竞争力,同时使他们可以减少开支,做更多事。 同时,这些组织还可以从云的高性能和可靠性,可伸缩性和灵活性以及高度安全的环境中受益。

Are you considering a managed cloud hosting solution with 24/7 expert technical support? Check out our high-performance cloud hosting packages.

您是否正在考虑提供24/7全天候专家技术支持的托管云托管解决方案? 查看我们的高性能云托管软件包 。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/8-reasons-cloud-hosting-makes-enterprises-more-competitive/



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