
  • 色彩空间简介
  • BGR颜色空间
  • HSV颜色空间
  • BGR和HSV之间的转换
  • OpenCV中的实现
  • 相关函数说明
  • 实例说明
  • 代码
  • 参考资料


色彩是人的眼睛对于不同频率的光线的不同感受,色彩既是客观存在的(不同频率的光)又是主观感知的,有认识差异。所以人类对于色彩的认识经历了极为漫长的过程,直到近代才逐步完善起来,但至今,人类仍不能说对色彩完全了解并准确表述了,许多概念不是那么容易理解。“色彩空间”一词源于西方的“Color Space”,又称作“色域”,色彩学中,人们建立了多种色彩模型,以一维、二维、三维甚至四维空间坐标来表示某一色彩,这种坐标系统所能定义的色彩范围即色彩空间。








HSV(Hue, Saturation, Value)是根据颜色的直观特性由A. R. Smith在1978年创建的一种颜色空间, 也称六角锥体模型(Hexcone Model)。色调H用角度度量,取值范围为0°~360°,S表示饱和度,也就是色彩的深浅度(0-100%) ,V表示色彩的亮度(0-100%) 。

RGB颜色模型都是面向硬件的,而HSV(Hue Saturation Value)颜色模型是面向用户的。







CV_EXPORTS_W void cvtColor( InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int code, int dstCn = 0 );函数声明如下:

//! @} imgproc_misc//! @addtogroup imgproc_color_conversions
//! @{/** @brief Converts an image from one color space to another.The function converts an input image from one color space to another. In case of a transformation
to-from RGB color space, the order of the channels should be specified explicitly (RGB or BGR). Note
that the default color format in OpenCV is often referred to as RGB but it is actually BGR (the
bytes are reversed). So the first byte in a standard (24-bit) color image will be an 8-bit Blue
component, the second byte will be Green, and the third byte will be Red. The fourth, fifth, and
sixth bytes would then be the second pixel (Blue, then Green, then Red), and so on.The conventional ranges for R, G, and B channel values are:
-   0 to 255 for CV_8U images
-   0 to 65535 for CV_16U images
-   0 to 1 for CV_32F imagesIn case of linear transformations, the range does not matter. But in case of a non-linear
transformation, an input RGB image should be normalized to the proper value range to get the correct
results, for example, for RGB \f$\rightarrow\f$ L\*u\*v\* transformation. For example, if you have a
32-bit floating-point image directly converted from an 8-bit image without any scaling, then it will
have the 0..255 value range instead of 0..1 assumed by the function. So, before calling #cvtColor ,
you need first to scale the image down:
@codeimg *= 1./255;cvtColor(img, img, COLOR_BGR2Luv);
If you use #cvtColor with 8-bit images, the conversion will have some information lost. For many
applications, this will not be noticeable but it is recommended to use 32-bit images in applications
that need the full range of colors or that convert an image before an operation and then convert
back.If conversion adds the alpha channel, its value will set to the maximum of corresponding channel
range: 255 for CV_8U, 65535 for CV_16U, 1 for CV_32F.@param src input image: 8-bit unsigned, 16-bit unsigned ( CV_16UC... ), or single-precision
@param dst output image of the same size and depth as src.
@param code color space conversion code (see #ColorConversionCodes).
@param dstCn number of channels in the destination image; if the parameter is 0, the number of the
channels is derived automatically from src and code.@see @ref imgproc_color_conversions*/
CV_EXPORTS_W void cvtColor( InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int code, int dstCn = 0 );




-   0 to 255 for CV_8U images
       -   0 to 65535 for CV_16U images
       -   0 to 1 for CV_32F images


img *= 1./255;
           cvtColor(img, img, COLOR_BGR2Luv);

如果使用cvtColor对 CV_8U图像直接进行转换,转换的过程将会损失一些精度。对于很多应用来说,这一点没有引起注意。






    int hrange = depth == CV_32F ? 360 : isFullRange ? 256 : 180;int blueIdx = swapBlue ? 2 : 0;if(isHSV){if(depth == CV_8U)CvtColorLoop(src_data, src_step, dst_data, dst_step, width, height, RGB2HSV_b(scn, blueIdx, hrange));elseCvtColorLoop(src_data, src_step, dst_data, dst_step, width, height, RGB2HSV_f(scn, blueIdx, static_cast<float>(hrange)));}

如果图像深度为CV_32F , hrange:0~360




inline bool isFullRangeHSV(int code)
{switch (code){case COLOR_BGR2HSV_FULL: case COLOR_RGB2HSV_FULL: case COLOR_BGR2HLS_FULL: case COLOR_RGB2HLS_FULL:case COLOR_HSV2BGR_FULL: case COLOR_HSV2RGB_FULL: case COLOR_HLS2BGR_FULL: case COLOR_HLS2RGB_FULL:return true;default:return false;}



// RGB <-> HSV ///struct RGB2HSV_b
{typedef uchar channel_type;RGB2HSV_b(int _srccn, int _blueIdx, int _hrange): srccn(_srccn), blueIdx(_blueIdx), hrange(_hrange){CV_Assert( hrange == 180 || hrange == 256 );}void operator()(const uchar* src, uchar* dst, int n) const{int i, bidx = blueIdx, scn = srccn;const int hsv_shift = 12;static int sdiv_table[256];static int hdiv_table180[256];static int hdiv_table256[256];static volatile bool initialized = false;int hr = hrange;const int* hdiv_table = hr == 180 ? hdiv_table180 : hdiv_table256;n *= 3;if( !initialized ){sdiv_table[0] = hdiv_table180[0] = hdiv_table256[0] = 0;for( i = 1; i < 256; i++ ){sdiv_table[i] = saturate_cast<int>((255 << hsv_shift)/(1.*i));hdiv_table180[i] = saturate_cast<int>((180 << hsv_shift)/(6.*i));hdiv_table256[i] = saturate_cast<int>((256 << hsv_shift)/(6.*i));}initialized = true;}for( i = 0; i < n; i += 3, src += scn ){int b = src[bidx], g = src[1], r = src[bidx^2];int h, s, v = b;int vmin = b;int vr, vg;CV_CALC_MAX_8U( v, g );CV_CALC_MAX_8U( v, r );CV_CALC_MIN_8U( vmin, g );CV_CALC_MIN_8U( vmin, r );uchar diff = saturate_cast<uchar>(v - vmin);vr = v == r ? -1 : 0;vg = v == g ? -1 : 0;s = (diff * sdiv_table[v] + (1 << (hsv_shift-1))) >> hsv_shift;h = (vr & (g - b)) +(~vr & ((vg & (b - r + 2 * diff)) + ((~vg) & (r - g + 4 * diff))));h = (h * hdiv_table[diff] + (1 << (hsv_shift-1))) >> hsv_shift;h += h < 0 ? hr : 0;dst[i] = saturate_cast<uchar>(h);dst[i+1] = (uchar)s;dst[i+2] = (uchar)v;}}int srccn, blueIdx, hrange;
};struct RGB2HSV_f
{typedef float channel_type;RGB2HSV_f(int _srccn, int _blueIdx, float _hrange): srccn(_srccn), blueIdx(_blueIdx), hrange(_hrange) {#if CV_SIMD128hasSIMD = hasSIMD128();#endif}#if CV_SIMD128inline void process(v_float32x4& v_r, v_float32x4& v_g,v_float32x4& v_b, float hscale) const{v_float32x4 v_min_rgb = v_min(v_min(v_r, v_g), v_b);v_float32x4 v_max_rgb = v_max(v_max(v_r, v_g), v_b);v_float32x4 v_eps = v_setall_f32(FLT_EPSILON);v_float32x4 v_diff = v_max_rgb - v_min_rgb;v_float32x4 v_s = v_diff / (v_abs(v_max_rgb) + v_eps);v_float32x4 v_r_eq_max = v_r == v_max_rgb;v_float32x4 v_g_eq_max = v_g == v_max_rgb;v_float32x4 v_h = v_select(v_r_eq_max, v_g - v_b,v_select(v_g_eq_max, v_b - v_r, v_r - v_g));v_float32x4 v_res = v_select(v_r_eq_max, (v_g < v_b) & v_setall_f32(360.0f),v_select(v_g_eq_max, v_setall_f32(120.0f), v_setall_f32(240.0f)));v_float32x4 v_rev_diff = v_setall_f32(60.0f) / (v_diff + v_eps);v_r = v_muladd(v_h, v_rev_diff, v_res) * v_setall_f32(hscale);v_g = v_s;v_b = v_max_rgb;}#endifvoid operator()(const float* src, float* dst, int n) const{int i = 0, bidx = blueIdx, scn = srccn;float hscale = hrange*(1.f/360.f);n *= 3;#if CV_SIMD128if (hasSIMD){if (scn == 3) {if (bidx) {for ( ; i <= n - 12; i += 12, src += scn * 4){v_float32x4 v_r;v_float32x4 v_g;v_float32x4 v_b;v_load_deinterleave(src, v_r, v_g, v_b);process(v_r, v_g, v_b, hscale);v_store_interleave(dst + i, v_r, v_g, v_b);}} else {for ( ; i <= n - 12; i += 12, src += scn * 4){v_float32x4 v_r;v_float32x4 v_g;v_float32x4 v_b;v_load_deinterleave(src, v_r, v_g, v_b);process(v_b, v_g, v_r, hscale);v_store_interleave(dst + i, v_b, v_g, v_r);}}} else { // scn == 4if (bidx) {for ( ; i <= n - 12; i += 12, src += scn * 4){v_float32x4 v_r;v_float32x4 v_g;v_float32x4 v_b;v_float32x4 v_a;v_load_deinterleave(src, v_r, v_g, v_b, v_a);process(v_r, v_g, v_b, hscale);v_store_interleave(dst + i, v_r, v_g, v_b);}} else {for ( ; i <= n - 12; i += 12, src += scn * 4){v_float32x4 v_r;v_float32x4 v_g;v_float32x4 v_b;v_float32x4 v_a;v_load_deinterleave(src, v_r, v_g, v_b, v_a);process(v_b, v_g, v_r, hscale);v_store_interleave(dst + i, v_b, v_g, v_r);}}}}#endiffor( ; i < n; i += 3, src += scn ){float b = src[bidx], g = src[1], r = src[bidx^2];float h, s, v;float vmin, diff;v = vmin = r;if( v < g ) v = g;if( v < b ) v = b;if( vmin > g ) vmin = g;if( vmin > b ) vmin = b;diff = v - vmin;s = diff/(float)(fabs(v) + FLT_EPSILON);diff = (float)(60./(diff + FLT_EPSILON));if( v == r )h = (g - b)*diff;else if( v == g )h = (b - r)*diff + 120.f;elseh = (r - g)*diff + 240.f;if( h < 0 ) h += 360.f;dst[i] = h*hscale;dst[i+1] = s;dst[i+2] = v;}}int srccn, blueIdx;float hrange;#if CV_SIMD128bool hasSIMD;#endif

先理解一下输入图像是CV_32F时,调用RGB2HSV_f转换过程,具体和公式相关的转换细节就不解释了, 主要看一下最后的dst[i] = h*hscale;这句话,本身h的范围是0~360,乘以的hscale是由什么控制的呢?

float hscale = hrange*(1.f/360.f);

原来hscale是由上面提到的 hrange计算得到的。对于CV_32F,此时的hscale就等于1.0.因此结果的范围也就是0~360.那么s和v的范围又是多少呢?


再来看s,s = (v - vmin)/(float)(fabs(v) + FLT_EPSILON);vmin指的是bgr中最小值,可以看出s的范围就是0~1.当b==g==r时,s取最小值0;当min(b,g,r)==0并且max(b,g,r)!=0时,s取最大值1。


如果输入图像是CV_32F,并且BGR的范围 为0.0~255.0,时,转换之后H:0~360,S:0~1,V:0~255

如果输入图像是CV_32F,并且BGR的范围 为0.0~1.0,时,转换之后H:0~360,S:0~1,V:0~1


    /** @brief Converts an array to another data type with optional scaling.The method converts source pixel values to the target data type. saturate_cast\<\> is applied atthe end to avoid possible overflows:\f[m(x,y) = saturate \_ cast<rType>( \alpha (*this)(x,y) +  \beta )\f]@param m output matrix; if it does not have a proper size or type before the operation, it isreallocated.@param rtype desired output matrix type or, rather, the depth since the number of channels are thesame as the input has; if rtype is negative, the output matrix will have the same type as the input.@param alpha optional scale factor.@param beta optional delta added to the scaled values.*/void convertTo( OutputArray m, int rtype, double alpha=1, double beta=0 ) const;








inline void HSV2RGB_native(const float* src, float* dst, const float hscale, const int bidx)
{float h = src[0], s = src[1], v = src[2];float b, g, r;if( s == 0 )b = g = r = v;else{static const int sector_data[][3]={{1,3,0}, {1,0,2}, {3,0,1}, {0,2,1}, {0,1,3}, {2,1,0}};float tab[4];int sector;h *= hscale;if( h < 0 )do h += 6; while( h < 0 );else if( h >= 6 )do h -= 6; while( h >= 6 );sector = cvFloor(h);h -= sector;if( (unsigned)sector >= 6u ){sector = 0;h = 0.f;}tab[0] = v;tab[1] = v*(1.f - s);tab[2] = v*(1.f - s*h);tab[3] = v*(1.f - s*(1.f - h));b = tab[sector_data[sector][0]];g = tab[sector_data[sector][1]];r = tab[sector_data[sector][2]];}dst[bidx] = b;dst[1] = g;dst[bidx^2] = r;
}struct HSV2RGB_f
{typedef float channel_type;HSV2RGB_f(int _dstcn, int _blueIdx, float _hrange): dstcn(_dstcn), blueIdx(_blueIdx), hscale(6.f/_hrange) {#if CV_SIMD128hasSIMD = hasSIMD128();#endif}void operator()(const float* src, float* dst, int n) const{int i = 0, bidx = blueIdx, dcn = dstcn;n *= 3;if (dcn == 3){#if CV_SIMD128if (hasSIMD){for (; i <= n - 12; i += 12, dst += dcn * 4){v_float32x4 v_src[3];v_load_deinterleave(src + i, v_src[0], v_src[1], v_src[2]);HSV2RGB_simd(v_src[0], v_src[1], v_src[2], hscale);v_store_interleave(dst, v_src[bidx], v_src[1], v_src[bidx^2]);}}#endiffor( ; i < n; i += 3, dst += dcn ){HSV2RGB_native(src + i, dst, hscale, bidx);}} else { // dcn == 4float alpha = ColorChannel<float>::max();#if CV_SIMD128if (hasSIMD){for (; i <= n - 12; i += 12, dst += dcn * 4){v_float32x4 v_src[3];v_load_deinterleave(src + i, v_src[0], v_src[1], v_src[2]);HSV2RGB_simd(v_src[0], v_src[1], v_src[2], hscale);v_float32x4 v_a = v_setall_f32(alpha);v_store_interleave(dst, v_src[bidx], v_src[1], v_src[bidx^2], v_a);}}#endiffor( ; i < n; i += 3, dst += dcn ){HSV2RGB_native(src + i, dst, hscale, bidx);dst[3] = alpha;}}}int dstcn, blueIdx;float hscale;#if CV_SIMD128bool hasSIMD;#endif
};struct HSV2RGB_b
{typedef uchar channel_type;HSV2RGB_b(int _dstcn, int _blueIdx, int _hrange): dstcn(_dstcn), blueIdx(_blueIdx), hscale(6.0f / _hrange){#if CV_SIMD128hasSIMD = hasSIMD128();#endif}void operator()(const uchar* src, uchar* dst, int n) const{int j = 0, dcn = dstcn;uchar alpha = ColorChannel<uchar>::max();#if CV_SIMD128if (hasSIMD){for (j = 0; j <= (n - 16) * 3; j += 48, dst += dcn * 16){v_uint8x16 h_b, s_b, v_b;v_uint16x8 h_w[2], s_w[2], v_w[2];v_uint32x4 h_u[4], s_u[4], v_u[4];v_load_deinterleave(src + j, h_b, s_b, v_b);v_expand(h_b, h_w[0], h_w[1]);v_expand(s_b, s_w[0], s_w[1]);v_expand(v_b, v_w[0], v_w[1]);v_expand(h_w[0], h_u[0], h_u[1]);v_expand(h_w[1], h_u[2], h_u[3]);v_expand(s_w[0], s_u[0], s_u[1]);v_expand(s_w[1], s_u[2], s_u[3]);v_expand(v_w[0], v_u[0], v_u[1]);v_expand(v_w[1], v_u[2], v_u[3]);v_int32x4 b_i[4], g_i[4], r_i[4];v_float32x4 v_coeff0 = v_setall_f32(1.0f / 255.0f);v_float32x4 v_coeff1 = v_setall_f32(255.0f);for( int k = 0; k < 4; k++ ){v_float32x4 v_src[3];v_src[0] = v_cvt_f32(v_reinterpret_as_s32(h_u[k]));v_src[1] = v_cvt_f32(v_reinterpret_as_s32(s_u[k]));v_src[2] = v_cvt_f32(v_reinterpret_as_s32(v_u[k]));v_src[1] *= v_coeff0;v_src[2] *= v_coeff0;HSV2RGB_simd(v_src[0], v_src[1], v_src[2], hscale);v_src[0] *= v_coeff1;v_src[1] *= v_coeff1;v_src[2] *= v_coeff1;b_i[k] = v_trunc(v_src[0]);g_i[k] = v_trunc(v_src[1]);r_i[k] = v_trunc(v_src[2]);}v_uint16x8 r_w[2], g_w[2], b_w[2];v_uint8x16 r_b, g_b, b_b;r_w[0] = v_pack_u(r_i[0], r_i[1]);r_w[1] = v_pack_u(r_i[2], r_i[3]);r_b = v_pack(r_w[0], r_w[1]);g_w[0] = v_pack_u(g_i[0], g_i[1]);g_w[1] = v_pack_u(g_i[2], g_i[3]);g_b = v_pack(g_w[0], g_w[1]);b_w[0] = v_pack_u(b_i[0], b_i[1]);b_w[1] = v_pack_u(b_i[2], b_i[3]);b_b = v_pack(b_w[0], b_w[1]);if( dcn == 3 ){if( blueIdx == 0 )v_store_interleave(dst, b_b, g_b, r_b);elsev_store_interleave(dst, r_b, g_b, b_b);}else{v_uint8x16 alpha_b = v_setall_u8(alpha);if( blueIdx == 0 )v_store_interleave(dst, b_b, g_b, r_b, alpha_b);elsev_store_interleave(dst, r_b, g_b, b_b, alpha_b);}}}#endiffor( ; j < n * 3; j += 3, dst += dcn ){float buf[6];buf[0] = src[j];buf[1] = src[j+1] * (1.0f / 255.0f);buf[2] = src[j+2] * (1.0f / 255.0f);HSV2RGB_native(buf, buf + 3, hscale, blueIdx);dst[0] = saturate_cast<uchar>(buf[3] * 255.0f);dst[1] = saturate_cast<uchar>(buf[4] * 255.0f);dst[2] = saturate_cast<uchar>(buf[5] * 255.0f);if( dcn == 4 )dst[3] = alpha;}}int dstcn;int blueIdx;float hscale;#if CV_SIMD128bool hasSIMD;#endif





#ifndef PUBLIC_H
#define PUBLIC_H#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;#define IN
#define OUTenum ConvertType {BGR2HSV_H360 = 0,BGR2HSV_H180,BGR2HSV_H255,HSV2BGR_H360,HSV2BGR_H180,HSV2BGR_H255,
};namespace Public {void ConvertBGR2HSV(IN const Mat &src, IN  OUT Mat &dst, IN  const ConvertType type);void ConvertHSV2BGR(IN const Mat &src, IN  OUT Mat &dst, IN  const ConvertType type);/**************************Draw function*********************************/void DrawColorHist(IN const string &name, IN const Mat &src, OUT Mat &dst);};#endif // !PUBLIC_H


#include "public.h"void Public::ConvertBGR2HSV(IN const Mat &src, IN Mat &dst, IN  const ConvertType type)
{CV_Assert((!src.empty()) && (src.channels() == 3));switch(type)  {case BGR2HSV_H360: {Mat src_float;src.convertTo(src_float, CV_32FC3, 1.0 / 255, 0);cvtColor(src_float, dst, COLOR_BGR2HSV);break;}case BGR2HSV_H180: {cvtColor(src, dst, COLOR_BGR2HSV);break;}        case BGR2HSV_H255: {cvtColor(src, dst, COLOR_BGR2HSV_FULL);break;}default:;}
}void Public::ConvertHSV2BGR(IN const Mat &src, IN Mat &dst, IN  const ConvertType type)
{CV_Assert((!src.empty()) && (src.channels() == 3));switch (type) {case HSV2BGR_H360: {Mat dst_float;cvtColor(src, dst_float, COLOR_HSV2BGR);dst_float.convertTo(dst, CV_8UC3,  255.0, 0);break;}case HSV2BGR_H180: {cvtColor(src, dst, COLOR_HSV2BGR);break;}case HSV2BGR_H255: {cvtColor(src, dst, COLOR_HSV2BGR_FULL);break;}default:;}
}void Public::DrawColorHist(IN const string &name, IN const Mat &src, OUT Mat &dst)
{CV_Assert((!src.empty()) && (src.channels() == 3));//! [Separate the image in 3 places ( B, G and R )]vector<Mat> bgr_planes;split(src, bgr_planes);//! [Separate the image in 3 places ( B, G and R )]//! [Establish the number of bins]int histSize = 256;//! [Establish the number of bins]//! [Set the ranges ( for B,G,R) )]float range[] = { 0, 256 }; //the upper boundary is exclusiveconst float* histRange = { range };//! [Set the ranges ( for B,G,R) )]//! [Set histogram param]bool uniform = true, accumulate = false;//! [Set histogram param]//! [Compute the histograms]Mat b_hist, g_hist, r_hist;calcHist(&bgr_planes[0], 1, 0, Mat(), b_hist, 1, &histSize, &histRange, uniform, accumulate);calcHist(&bgr_planes[1], 1, 0, Mat(), g_hist, 1, &histSize, &histRange, uniform, accumulate);calcHist(&bgr_planes[2], 1, 0, Mat(), r_hist, 1, &histSize, &histRange, uniform, accumulate);//! [Compute the histograms]//! [Draw the histograms for B, G and R]int hist_w = 512, hist_h = 400;int bin_w = cvRound((double)hist_w / histSize);Mat histImage(hist_h, hist_w, CV_8UC3, Scalar(0, 0, 0));//! [Draw the histograms for B, G and R]//! [Normalize the result to ( 0, histImage.rows )]normalize(b_hist, b_hist, 0, histImage.rows, NORM_MINMAX, -1, Mat());normalize(g_hist, g_hist, 0, histImage.rows, NORM_MINMAX, -1, Mat());normalize(r_hist, r_hist, 0, histImage.rows, NORM_MINMAX, -1, Mat());//! [Normalize the result to ( 0, histImage.rows )]//! [Draw for each channel]for (int i = 1; i < histSize; i++){line(histImage, Point(bin_w*(i - 1), hist_h - cvRound(b_hist.at<float>(i - 1))),Point(bin_w*(i), hist_h - cvRound(b_hist.at<float>(i))),Scalar(255, 0, 0), 2, 8, 0);line(histImage, Point(bin_w*(i - 1), hist_h - cvRound(g_hist.at<float>(i - 1))),Point(bin_w*(i), hist_h - cvRound(g_hist.at<float>(i))),Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2, 8, 0);line(histImage, Point(bin_w*(i - 1), hist_h - cvRound(r_hist.at<float>(i - 1))),Point(bin_w*(i), hist_h - cvRound(r_hist.at<float>(i))),Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0);}//! [Draw for each channel]imshow(name, histImage);dst = histImage;waitKey();//! [Display]


#include "public.h"int main()
{Mat src = imread("./4_normal.png", IMREAD_COLOR);Mat hsv_360;Public::ConvertBGR2HSV(src, hsv_360, BGR2HSV_H360);Mat hsv_hist_360;Public::DrawColorHist("hsv hist 360", hsv_360, hsv_hist_360);Mat src_360;Public::ConvertHSV2BGR(hsv_360, src_360, HSV2BGR_H360);Mat hsv_180;Public::ConvertBGR2HSV(src, hsv_180, BGR2HSV_H180);Mat hsv_hist_180;Public::DrawColorHist("hsv hist 180", hsv_180, hsv_hist_180);Mat src_180;Public::ConvertHSV2BGR(hsv_180, src_180, HSV2BGR_H180);Mat hsv_255;Public::ConvertBGR2HSV(src, hsv_255, BGR2HSV_H255);Mat hsv_hist_255;Public::DrawColorHist("hsv hist 255", hsv_255, hsv_hist_255);Mat src_255;Public::ConvertHSV2BGR(hsv_255, src_255, HSV2BGR_H255);Mat src_diff360;absdiff(src, src_360, src_diff360);double diff_mean360 = mean(src_diff360).val[0];double diff_min360, diff_max360;minMaxIdx(src_diff360, &diff_min360, &diff_max360);cout << "convert bgr to hsv360(h:0~360,s:0~1,v:0~1):" << endl;cout << "the difference between src bgr and hsv convert back bgr:" << endl;cout << "mean:" << diff_mean360 << " max:" << diff_max360 << " min:" << diff_min360 << endl;Mat src_diff180;absdiff(src, src_180, src_diff180);double diff_mean180 = mean(src_diff180).val[0];double diff_min180, diff_max180;minMaxIdx(src_diff180, &diff_min180, &diff_max180);cout << "convert bgr to hsv180(h:0~180,s:0~255,v:0~255):" << endl;cout << "the difference between src bgr and hsv convert back bgr:" << endl;cout << "mean:" << diff_mean180 << "  max:" << diff_max180 << " min:" << diff_min180 << endl;Mat src_diff255;absdiff(src, src_255, src_diff255);double diff_mean255 = mean(src_diff255).val[0];double diff_min255, diff_max255;minMaxIdx(src_diff255, &diff_min255, &diff_max255);cout << "convert bgr to hsv255(h:0~255,s:0~255,v:0~255):" << endl;cout << "the difference between src bgr and hsv convert back bgr:" << endl;cout << "mean:" << diff_mean255 << "  max:" << diff_max255 << " min:" << diff_min255 << endl;return 0;


从程序的运行结果来看,在进行BGR转换到HSV时,使用 CV_32FC3并且尺度因子为1.0 / 255时,是损失精度最小的。在这样的转换之后,进行回转时可以得到与原图一样的图像。有一点需要注意的是,bgr转hsv时尺度因子与hsv转bgr时尺度因子必须相乘为1.也就是如果bgr转hsv时尺度因子取1.0 / 255,回转到bgr时尺度因子取 255.0;如果bgr转hsv时尺度因子取1.0,回转到bgr时尺度因子取1.0.



  1. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%89%B2%E5%BD%A9%E7%A9%BA%E9%97%B4/4615427?fr=aladdin
  2. https://baike.baidu.com/item/RGB%E9%A2%9C%E8%89%B2%E7%A9%BA%E9%97%B4/20868274?fr=aladdin
  3. https://baike.baidu.com/item/HSV/547122?fromtitle=HSV%E9%A2%9C%E8%89%B2%E7%A9%BA%E9%97%B4&fromid=12630604&fr=aladdin
  4. https://blog.csdn.net/coldwindha/article/details/82080176
  5. https://www.cnblogs.com/justkong/p/6588704.html
  6. https://blog.csdn.net/viewcode/article/details/8203728


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