
Printers have been using line tones to create rich looking images long before there was any digital art. Today we’ll be using Photoshop tricks (with no filters) to turn an ordinary photograph into old-timey line tone style piece of art.

早在出现任何数字艺术之前,打印机就已经使用线条色调来创建外观丰富的图像。 今天,我们将使用Photoshop技巧(不带滤镜)将普通照片转变为老式的线条色调风格的艺术品。

从照片创建线条图像 (Creating a Line Tone Image from A Photo)

There are a lot of filters and for-pay Photoshop plugins that will create a line tone effect out of your image, but we’re going to sidestep that today and use some built in functions in lieu of them.


The image looks grayscale but is in fact an RGB image. In order to convert our image to line tone art, we have to first navigate to Image > Mode > Grayscale.

该图像看起来是灰度图像,但实际上是RGB图像。 为了将我们的图像转换为线条艺术,我们必须首先导航到“图像”>“模式”>“灰度”。

If you started with a color image, you should now have a black and white one.


The next step is to return to Image > Mode and then find the Bitmap selection. This reduces your grayscale image (8-bit) into a 1-bit color. Select it and proceed to the options on the next dialog.

下一步是返回“图像”>“模式”,然后找到“位图”选择。 这会将您的灰度图像(8位)减少为1位颜色。 选择它并进入下一个对话框中的选项。

These next two dialog boxes can be tricky, so be prepared to undo and redo your selections here. This first option is the output resolution of your file once you convert it to 1 bit color. Since moving from 8 bit to 1 bit color loses quite a lot of image data, Photoshop can easily upscale the pixel resolution without making a mess of the file. We’ve used 600 ppi in our example. When working with 1 bit images, a good rule of thumb is to use a pixel resolution twice as high as you might normally use (300 ppi for a 8 bit grayscale image is quite common).

接下来的两个对话框可能很棘手,因此请准备在此处撤消和重做选择。 第一个选项是将文件转换为1位颜色后的输出分辨率。 由于将颜色从8位转换为1位会损失大量图像数据,因此Photoshop可以轻松地提高像素分辨率,而不会造成文件混乱。 在示例中,我们使用了600 ppi。 使用1位图像时,一个好的经验法则是使用比通常使用的分辨率高一倍的像素分辨率(对于8位灰度图像,通常为300 ppi)。

Most importantly, change the “Method” to “Halftone Screen.” This part is critical to convert your image to a line tone.

最重要的是,将“方法”更改为“半色调屏幕”。 这部分对于将图像转换为线条色调至关重要。

The number of lines per inch is sort of like pixel resolution for the print world. 35 lines per inch is pretty low resolution, but can look pretty neat. Depending on how big your file is (both in pixels and in inches) this lines per inch might affect the image differently. Don’t worry about all of that unless you’re an aspiring graphic artist. If you’re just tooling around with images, just try a lot of settings and undo them if you don’t like the result.

每英寸的行数有点像打印世界的像素分辨率。 每英寸35行是很低的分辨率,但看起来却很整齐。 根据文件的大小(以像素和英寸为单位),每英寸的行数可能会对图像产生不同的影响。 除非您是一个有抱负的图形艺术家,否则请不要担心所有这些。 如果您只是在处理图像,请尝试许多设置,如果您不喜欢结果,请撤消它们。

Make sure your angle is set to 180 or 0 degrees and the halftone shape is set to “Line.” It’s critical to use the line setting to get the line tone look here.

确保将角度设置为180度或0度,并且将半色调形状设置为“线”。 使用线路设置来获得此处的线路色调至关重要。

And once you click OK, that’s all there is to it. This is a fairly high line per inch version of this picture of Steve. Note the detail compared to the original and to the image below with fewer lines per inch. Higher lines per inch tend to look bad on monitors but print very well.

一旦单击“确定”,就足够了。 这是史蒂夫图片的每英寸相当高的线。 请注意,与原始图像和下面的图像相比,细节有所减少,每英寸行数更少。 每英寸高的线条在监视器上看起来很差,但打印效果很好。

For the sake of demonstration, we’ve created a very low line per inch version of this image. Detail is lost, but it very accurately shows the technique. Experiment with your own settings and images to get the proper mix.

为了演示起见,我们为此图像创建了一个非常低的线/英寸版本。 细节丢失了,但是它非常准确地显示了该技术。 试用您自己的设置和图像以获得适当的混合。

对于那些对上面的美元图形感兴趣的人... (And For Those Interested In the Dollar Graphic Above…)

It was simple to put Steve Jobs on this fake 1000 dollar bill. Download an image (just Google “1 Dollar Bill” or “100 Dollar Bill,” etc.), then create a masked out group (shown above) to place your line tone portrait inside. In order to move your line tone portrait, you may have to convert it back to grayscale or RGB color mode. You can then match the color of the portrait with a layer set to Blending Mode “Darken” and one set to “Lighten,” as shown above in the layers panel.

将史蒂夫·乔布斯放在这张假的1000美元钞票上很简单。 下载图片(仅用Google的“ 1美元钞票”或“ 100美元钞票”等),然后创建一个遮罩的组(如上所示),将您的线条肖像放置在里面。 为了移动线条肖像,您可能必须将其转换回灰度或RGB颜色模式。 然后,您可以将肖像的颜色与设置为“混合模式”“变暗”的图层和设置为“变亮”的图层进行匹配,如上面的“图层”面板中所示。

Thoughts or questions on our method? Have a better method, or some simpler techniques? Want to see more techniques like this? Tell us about them in the comments, or send us your thoughts at, and we may include them in an upcoming graphics article.

对我们的方法有想法或疑问吗? 有更好的方法还是更简单的技术? 是否希望看到更多类似的技术? 在评论中告诉我们有关它们的信息,或通过ericgoodnight@howtogeek.com将您的想法发送给我们,我们可能会将它们包含在即将发布的图形文章中。

Image Credit: 100 Dollar Bill public domain in United States, Photomanipulation by NoTech4U via Deviantart.





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