
In the past I've suggested a particular workflow to creating body copy for web pages: write the text in Microsoft Word (taking advantage of the program's inline grammar and spell checking, correct typography, and easy exchange of the file with clients), then transfer the text into your web editor of choice, clean up the markup, and use the resulting HTML in your web page.

过去,我曾建议过一种特殊的工作流来创建网页的正文:使用Microsoft Word编写文本(利用程序的内联语法和拼写检查,正确的排版以及与客户端的文件轻松交换),然后将文本传输到您选择的Web编辑器中,清理标记,然后在您的网页中使用生成HTML。

It is a system that works well, and is still my go-to option. But sometimes you just need to create a quick bit of text with markup: for example, writing a few paragraphs for a blog entry, or a short article for a CMS. For such a task the Word-DreamWeaver route takes too long, and DreamWeaver by itself is too much (and won't do correct typography).

它是一个运行良好的系统,仍然是我的首选。 但是有时您只需要用标记快速创建一些文本:例如,为博客条目写一些段落,或为CMS写一篇简短的文章。 对于此类任务,Word-DreamWeaver路线花费的时间太长,而DreamWeaver本身的路线就太多了(并且不会进行正确的排版)。

Enter a compromise between the two: the markdown editor. Invented by John Gruber (of Daring Fireball) and the late Aaron Swartz, Markdown exists at a halfway point between a fully-featured webpage creation tool and a text editor: using a few, instinctive text shortcuts, a markdown process will take this:

在两者之间输入一个折衷方案:降价编辑器。 Markdown由Daring Fireball的John Gruber和已故的Aaron Swartz发明 ,位于功能齐全的网页创建工具和文本编辑器之间的中间位置:使用一些本能的文本快捷方式,降价过程将采用以下方式:

###僵尸启示录的准备清单 (###Preparation List for the Zombie Apocalypse)

A few things I will need:


* Food and water for at least 60 days (*very important!*)* Shotgun (**60 more shells needed**)* Axe

*至少60天的食物和水( *非常重要!* )* Shot 枪( **还需要60枚炮弹** )*斧头

And transform it into this:


<h3>Preparation List for the Zombie Apocalypse</h3><p>A few things I will need:</p><ul><li>Food and water for at least 60 days (<em>very important!</em>)<li>Shotgun (<strong>60 more shells needed</strong>)<li>Axe</li>
My personal favourite markdown editors are

Mou and Macdown. Both offer the features supplied by Word – inline spellcheck, correct typography – but generate correct markup at the same time. They also have excellent specific features: the easy ability to add images, search based on patterns, auto completion, and support for multiple languages. Both also have a minimum of buttons: simply start them up (Mou is less than 2MB in size) and start typing. This article was written in Mou, which is (as of this writing) only available for Mac, although there are other markdown editors for Windows: MarkdownPad is very similar to Mou.

Mou和Macdown 。 两者都提供Word提供的功能-内联拼写检查,正确的排版-但同时生成正确的标记。 它们还具有出色的特定功能:轻松添加图像,基于模式进行搜索,自动完成以及支持多种语言的功能。 两者都有最少的按钮:只需启动它们(Mou的大小小于2MB)并开始键入即可。 本文是用Mou编写的(尽管撰写本文时)仅适用于Mac,尽管还有其他针对Windows的markdown编辑器: MarkdownPad与Mou非常相似。

If you're familiar with HTML, and need a tool to do basic markup without getting in your way, I'd encourage you to look into markdown editors: you might just find that they remove several steps from a task that should be about expressing yourself in human language, not wrangling tags.





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