重点(Top highlight)

Most companies using Scrum spend a lot of time discussing velocity and devising ways to increase it. Velocity becomes a magical, almost mythical number that developers must chase in every Sprint.

大多数使用Scrum的公司都花大量时间讨论速度并设计提高速度的方法。 速度成为开发人员在每个Sprint中必须追逐的神奇的,几乎是神话般的数字。

In companies where the velocity whip is cracked, comments like these dominate the conversation:


“Why was our velocity this Sprint lower than the last Sprint? Can you please provide a solid explanation?”

“为什么这个Sprint的速度低于上一个Sprint? 您能提供一个扎实的解释吗?”

“Our velocity has stopped increasing. Maybe it’s time to hire a new Scrum Master? What’s the point in having a Scrum Master if they can’t increase our velocity?”

“我们的速度已经停止增长。 也许是时候雇用新的Scrum Master了? 如果他们不能提高我们的速度,那么拥有Scrum Master有什么意义呢?”

“We didn’t complete all stories in our Sprint. What can we do to guarantee we’ll complete them all next time?”

“我们并未在Sprint中完成所有故事。 我们能做些什么来保证下次再完成?”

The race for an ever-higher velocity is the number-one reason why so many developers hate working with Scrum. There’s never enough time to catch your breath, to pause and reflect on your work.

争夺越来越高的速度是众多开发者讨厌与Scrum合作的第一原因。 从来没有足够的时间来喘口气,停下来反思工作。

As a result, the team becomes miserable and beaten-down. Programmers feel treated like assembly line workers who need to finish tickets as swiftly as possible. Slow down at any point and immediate punishment is to be expected.

结果,这支球队变得惨不忍睹。 程序员像对待装配线工人一样被对待,他们需要尽快完成工单。 在任何时候放慢脚步,都将立即受到惩罚。

Velocity worship is deemed necessary because developers are expensive and scarce resources — we need to squeeze every last drop out of them. Velocity is the perfect instrument to enforce this “biggest bang for the buck” thinking. A high velocity must mean we’re getting value for money out of our precious resources.

速度崇拜被认为是必要的,因为开发者是昂贵且稀缺的资源-我们需要从他们身上挤出最后一滴。 速度是实施这种“最大的敲门得分”思想的理想工具。 高速发展必须意味着我们从宝贵的资源中获得了物有所值。

Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth.


速度-一个数字统治一切 (Velocity — One Number to Rule Them All)

As a result of the velocity hysteria, velocity becomes the one number to rule them all. Every Sprint, the numbers look great! But this numerical beauty comes at a hefty price — everybody on the team is miserable. The team realizes the only way to keep stakeholders happy is if their velocity obeys the laws of the universe: ever-expanding. And they know this isn’t something they are able to keep up indefinitely.

由于速度歇斯底里,速度成为控制它们全部一个数字。 每个冲刺 数字看起来很棒! 但是,这种数字上的美丽付出了高昂的代价-团队中的每个人都很痛苦。 团队意识到让利益相关者满意的唯一方法是,他们的速度遵守宇宙定律:不断扩展。 他们知道这不是他们可以无限期保持的目标。

Companies brainwashed by velocity worship do not respect software craftsmanship, nor the delivery of value. All stakeholders care about is that one silly number, and when they can expect their feature to be live. Is technical debt slowing you down? Stop whining. That’s an imaginary friend who just prevents us from delivering more features. Stop talking about him. He’s overstayed his welcome.

被速度崇拜洗脑的公司不尊重软件的Craft.io,也不尊重价值的传递。 所有利益相关者关心的是一个愚蠢的数字,以及他们何时可以期望其功能能够正常运行。 技术债务会拖慢您的速度吗? 停止抱怨。 那是一个虚构的朋友,他只是阻止我们提供更多功能。 不要再谈论他了他不客气了。

Are developers assembly line workers? Do developers need a regular crack of the velocity whip to make sure they keep churning out features? Is delivering more features always better?

开发人员是流水线工人吗? 开发人员是否需要定期破解速度鞭以确保他们不断推出功能? 提供更多功能总是更好吗?

I believe the answer to all these questions is a resounding “No.”


Obsessing over the velocity of your Scrum Teams shows your company is clueless about the purpose of Scrum. Let’s go through all the reasons velocity worship makes no sense at all.

迷恋Scrum团队的速度表明您的公司对Scrum的目的一无所知。 让我们详细了解一下速度崇拜根本没有意义的所有原因。

1.输出的重要性不如输出的重要性 (1. The Output is Less Important Than What the Output Achieves)

The purpose of Scrum is to help you deliver products of the highest possible value. Measuring the developer’s output with velocity is easy, but that doesn’t make it matter. More features don’t mean more value or a better product. Allow me to illustrate with an everyday example.

Scrum的目的是帮助您交付最高价值的产品。 用速度测量开发人员的输出很容易,但这并不重要。 更多功能并不意味着更多的价值或更好的产品。 请允许我举例说明。

I may spend eight hours writing an article which gets only 100 views. Sometimes I write an article in an hour on the train that gets over than 10K views. The relationship between effort and value is murky, at best.

我可能要花八小时写一篇只有100次观看的文章。 有时我在一小时内在火车上写一篇文章,获得超过1万次浏览。 努力与价值之间的关系充其量是模糊的。

Readers are clueless about how much time I spent working on an article. They only care about the value my writing delivers to them. The same goes for your customers — they couldn’t care less how much effort your developers have spent building a feature.

读者对于我花了多少时间来撰写一篇文章一无所知。 他们只关心我的写作给他们带来的价值。 对于您的客户来说,情况也是如此–他们不在乎您的开发人员在构建功能上花费了多少精力。

Stop optimizing for the amount of effort your development team spends. Start optimizing for the impact the feature makes on your customers. Delivering value is messy. Delivering value requires experimentation, trial and error, and room for reflection. By pushing your team to optimize the delivery of features, you kill the innovation and learning necessary to create a product that matters to your customers.

停止针对您的开发团队花费的精力进行优化。 开始针对影响该功能可以吸引您的客户。 传递价值是混乱的。 传递价值需要实验,反复试验和反思的空间。 通过推动团队优化功能交付,您将扼杀创新和学习以创建对客户至关重要的产品所必需的知识。

Does what your team produces results of value for your customers and the business? If they can do that by actually delivering less, that’s a win.

您的团队会为客户和企业带来价值的结果吗? 如果他们可以通过实际减少交付来做到这一点,那将是一个胜利。

2.故意将速度排除在Scrum中 (2. Velocity is Intentionally Excluded From Scrum)

Velocity isn’t part of Scrum — it’s an optional and complementary practice. Velocity is something your Scrum team can decide to adopt or brush off. Your self-organizing Scrum team is free to stop doing planning poker and no longer report their velocity.

速度不是Scrum的一部分-它是一种可选的补充实践。 速度是Scrum团队可以决定采用或取消的东西。 您的自组织Scrum团队可以自由地停止计划扑克,并且不再报告其速度。

Velocity is seen as synonymous with Scrum. This is a fallacy. Scrum leaves it up to you to decide how you want to deal with estimation and throughput. There are countless viable options available to you: #NoEstimates, T-shirt sizing, Ideal Days, Capacity-Driven Sprint Planning, and many more.

速度被视为Scrum的代名词。 这是一个谬论。 Scrum由您决定要如何处理估计和吞吐量。 有无数可行的选项供您选择:#NoEstimates,T恤尺码,理想日子,容量驱动的Sprint计划等等。

If your velocity is dragging you down, please ditch it. Nobody but the Scrum Team decides how to estimate and forecast.

如果您的速度使您向下拉,请抛开它。 除了Scrum团队外,没人决定如何估算和预测。

3.除了开发团队的工作外,Sprint待办事项不关任何人的事 (3. The Sprint Backlog is Nobody’s Business Except the Development Team’s)

The Sprint is often seen as a way to oppress developers. It’s perceived as an instrument to pressure the team to complete as much work as possible. This line of thinking is flawed and false. Only the development team is allowed to make changes during the Sprint. Here’s how it’s phrased in the Scrum Guide:

Sprint通常被视为压迫开发人员的一种方式。 它被认为是向团队施加压力以使其尽可能完成更多工作的一种手段。 这种思路是有缺陷和错误的。 在Sprint期间,仅允许开发团队进行更改。 这是《 Scrum指南》中的措辞:

Only the Development Team can change its Sprint Backlog during a Sprint.

只有开发团队可以在Sprint期间更改Sprint Backlog。

— Scrum Guide, Nov 2017

— Scrum指南,2017年11月

‘During a Sprint’, okay. So when does a Sprint start and end?

'在冲刺中',好吧。 那么Sprint何时开始和结束?

A new Sprint starts immediately after the conclusion of the previous Sprint.


— Scrum Guide, Nov 2017

— Scrum指南,2017年11月

As the Sprint is the container for all Scrum Events, your first Sprint starts at the first event: Sprint Planning. The second Sprint and any following Sprint starts when the time-box of the Sprint expires. Basically, you’re always in a Sprint.

由于Sprint是所有Scrum事件的容器,因此您的第一个Sprint从第一个事件Sprint Planning开始。 第二个Sprint和随后的任何Sprint在Sprint的时间范围到期时开始。 基本上,您始终处于Sprint状态。

In short: only the development team can change what’s in their Sprint, even during Sprint Planning. The view that the Sprint exists to put pressure on developers is unsubstantiated. Developers can only experience stress during the Sprint if the development team self-exerts that pressure. How much work is picked up, which ultimately produces the velocity, is solely at the discretion of the Development Team.

简而言之:即使在Sprint计划期间,只有开发团队才能更改Sprint中的内容。 Sprint存在向开发人员施加压力的观点是没有根据的。 如果开发团队自行施加压力,则开发人员只能在Sprint期间经历压力。 开发团队将自行决定承担多少工作,最终产生速度。

4.每个冲刺做出的唯一承诺就是冲刺目标 (4. The Only Commitment Made Every Sprint is the Sprint Goal)

Now imagine, even if the team adds too much work during the Sprint, they never commit to completing all work that was added in the Sprint Backlog. The development team commits to achieving only a single thing every Sprint: the Sprint Goal.

现在想象一下,即使团队在Sprint期间添加了太多的工作,他们也从未致力于完成Sprint Backlog中添加的所有工作。 开发团队致力于每个Sprint仅实现一项目标:Sprint目标。

What does this mean for your development team? As long as the Development Team doesn’t put the Sprint Goal at risk, the Sprint Backlog is completely flexible. Sprint Backlog Items that do not relate to the Sprint Goal may be carried over to the next Sprint, at no penalty. The plan and the work necessary to meet the Sprint Goal can be discussed and amended at any time.

这对您的开发团队意味着什么? 只要开发团队没有将Sprint目标置于危险之中,Sprint Backlog就是完全灵活的。 与Sprint目标无关的Sprint待办事项可以不计任何罚款地结转到下一个Sprint。 可以随时讨论和修改实现Sprint目标所需的计划和工作。

Meeting the objective is more important than following the plan, or completing a specific body of work. There is no commitment on velocity, only a commitment to a goal with variable scope.

实现目标比遵循计划或完成特定工作更为重要。 没有对速度的承诺,只有对范围可变的目标的承诺。

5. Scrum已经创造了足够的紧急交付能力 (5. Scrum Already Creates Enough Urgency to Deliver)

Scrum already contains enough devices that put a healthy pressure on your development team to deliver a working product every Sprint. The Sprint, Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, and the Sprint Review all serve this purpose. Heck, even the Sprint Retrospective is for learning what you can do better so you can deliver a Product Increment next time.

Scrum已经包含了足够的设备,这给您的开发团队带来了健康的压力,他们需要向每个Sprint交付可用的产品。 Sprint,Sprint计划,每日Scrum和Sprint审查都可以达到此目的。 哎呀,即使是Sprint回顾展,也是要学习您可以做得更好的事情,以便您下次可以提供产品增量。

The presence of these events, make putting additional pressure with velocity unnecessary and even harmful. Each working day urgency is instilled to meet the Sprint Goal at the Daily Scrum. To do Scrum well requires discipline and focus. Putting too much velocity pressure on your team just buries your team and sets them up for failure.

这些事件的存在使不必要地施加额外的压力,甚至有害。 每个工作日的紧急情况都被灌输,以达到Daily Scrum上的Sprint目标。 做好Scrum需要纪律和专注。 对团队施加太大的速度压力只会掩盖团队,并使他们为失败做好准备。

公司应该对开发人员表现出更多的信任和尊重 (Companies Should Show More Trust and Respect To Their Developers)

A velocity obsession is a tell-tale sign of the Feature Factory mindset. Caring about velocity indicates the company believes delivering more features is always better.

对速度的痴迷是Feature Factory心态的一个明证。 对速度的关心表明该公司相信提供更多功能总是更好。

Unfortunately, more features doesn’t mean more value is delivered. To deliver value, you need the time to experiment, innovate and reflect. By putting too much pressure on building, you remove the breathing space necessary for creativity and figuring out what really will make a difference.

不幸的是,更多的功能并不意味着可以交付更多的价值。 为了创造价值,您需要时间进行试验,创新和反思。 通过对建筑施加太大压力,您可以消除创造力所必需的呼吸空间,并弄清真正有什么作用。

Not obsessing over velocity is a matter of respect: Do we believe our developers are capable and trust them to deliver without a velocity sword poised to strike them? Scrum already contains enough instruments that instill a sense of urgency to deliver something valuable every Sprint.

不痴迷于速度是一个尊重问题:我们是否相信我们的开发人员有能力并信任他们能够在没有速度剑准备打击他们的情况下交付产品? Scrum已经包含了足够的工具,这些工具会灌输一种紧迫感,以便为每个Sprint提供有价值的东西。

Scrum gives developers far more power than most people believe. Don’t allow a self-serving and erroneous interpretation of Scrum to put you in an imaginary box. Break free of this box and use Scrum to your advantage. Don’t be fooled by the velocity nonsense your company is feeding you. Scrum gives a lot of power to developers — by design. Don’t take my word for it, read the Scrum Guide on your own.

Scrum为开发人员提供了比大多数人想象的强大得多的功能。 不允许对Scrum进行自我维护和错误解释,以使您陷入虚构的盒子。 放开这个盒子,利用Scrum发挥自己的优势。 不要被公司在养活你的速度胡说八道。 Scrum通过设计为开发人员提供了强大的功能。 不要相信我,请自行阅读《 Scrum指南》。

Scrum, by design, wants to empower the people that do the work to invent their own rules. Use that power to work at a sustainable pace and work on technical debt as you see fit. If you’re working as a cook in a restaurant, you don’t need to ask permission to clean the kitchen while you are cooking. Why should developers ask for permission to clean up their code? If it’s necessary to do your job, you shouldn’t need to ask anyone for permission.

通过设计,Scrum希望授权从事这项工作的人们发明自己的规则。 使用该功能以可持续的速度工作,并按您认为合适的方式处理技术债务。 如果您在餐厅做厨师,则在烹饪时无需征得厨房清洁许可。 开发人员为什么要请求许可来清理其代码? 如果有必要做您的工作,则无需征求任何人的许可。

As long as you can deliver the Sprint Goal as promised, nobody should be bothered by the other things you do in the shadows to make the product deliver value to your customers and the business. No one should even care about how many Backlog Items you complete, as long as you deliver a product increment that meets the Sprint Goal.

只要您能够实现承诺的Sprint目标,您就不会为您在阴影中所做的其他事情所困扰,以使产品为您的客户和企业带来价值。 只要您交付满足Sprint目标的产品增量,就不用担心您完成了多少积压项目。

Developers — don’t allow yourself to be bullied by velocity. Put yourself back in the driving seat where you belong. Don’t let others, who have no clue what you’re doing, dictate how much work you pick up. You know best — as a professional you deserve this respect and trust from the company you work for.

开发人员-不要让自己被速度欺负。 让自己回到属于您的驾驶座。 不要让不知道您在做什么的其他人来决定您要承担多少工作。 您最了解-作为专业人员,您应得到您所工作的公司的尊重和信任。

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/companies-that-obsess-over-velocity-are-clueless-about-scrum-f7654e9cab34



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