Airport Simulation 是数据结构与算法教材中用于演示Queue的一个小程序(大多数教师似乎会跳过这个练习)。主程序会通过输入总的运行时间、队列里可以等待的最多飞机数量,平均每个时间单元到来的飞机和离开的飞机(提供泊松分布的均值生成随机数)。







#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "Random.h"
using namespace std;
typedef int feedback;
const int success = 1;
const int fail = 0;
const int USPEED_SHORT = 1000;
const int USPEED_LONG = 1000;
enum flightStatus{null,toLand,toTakeoff
enum runawayAct{idle,letTakeoff,letLand
string percentage(int A, int B){char *temp = new char[100];sprintf(temp, "%3.2f%%", (double)A / (double)B * 100);string output = temp;return output;
class Plane{private:int ID;int comingTime;flightStatus status;public:Plane(){ID = -1;comingTime = -1;status = null;}Plane(int _ID, int _comingTime, flightStatus _status){usleep(USPEED_SHORT);ID = _ID;comingTime = _comingTime;status = _status;cout << "[PLANE MESSAGE] Plane NO." << ID << " is applying to " << ((status == toLand) ? "land " : "take off ") << endl;}feedback land(int currentTime){usleep(USPEED_LONG);cout << "\033[42m[PLANE MESSAGE] Plane NO." << ID << " has landed safely.\033[0m" << endl<< "                Waiting time before landing: " << currentTime - comingTime << "." << endl;}feedback takeoff(int currentTime){usleep(USPEED_LONG);cout << "\033[42m[PLANE MESSAGE] Plane NO." << ID << " has taken off.\033[0m" << endl<< "                Waiting time before taking off: " << currentTime - comingTime << "." << endl;}feedback reject(int currentTime){usleep(USPEED_LONG);if(status == toLand){cout << "\033[41m[AIRPORT MESSAGE] Plane NO." << ID << "'s landing request is rejected.\033[0m" << endl<< "                  It has been directed to other airports." << endl;}else{cout << "\033[41m[AIRPORT MESSAGE] Plane NO." << ID << " 's taking off request is rejected.\033[0m" << endl<< "                  This flight is delayed." << endl;}}int getTime(){return comingTime;}
};class Runaway{private:queue<Plane> landingQueue;queue<Plane> takeoffQueue;int limit;runawayAct act;int landingRequests;int landingAccepted;int landingRejected;int takeoffRequests;int takeoffAccepted;int takeoffRejected;int idleUnit;int landingWaitedTime;int takeoffWaitedTime;public:Runaway(int _limit){limit = _limit;landingRequests = 0;landingAccepted = 0;takeoffRequests = 0;takeoffAccepted = 0;takeoffRejected = 0;idleUnit = 0;landingWaitedTime = 0;takeoffWaitedTime = 0;}feedback CanLand(const Plane &current){landingRequests++;feedback result;if (landingQueue.size() < limit){result = success;landingQueue.push(current);}else{result = fail;landingRejected++;}return result;}feedback CanTakeoff(const Plane &current){takeoffRequests++;feedback result;if (takeoffQueue.size() < limit){result = success;takeoffQueue.push(current);}else{result = fail;takeoffRejected++;}return result;}runawayAct Act(int timeNow, Plane &moving){runawayAct result;if (!landingQueue.empty()){landingAccepted++;moving = landingQueue.front();landingWaitedTime += timeNow - moving.getTime();landingQueue.pop();return letLand;}else if(!takeoffQueue.empty()){takeoffAccepted++;moving = takeoffQueue.front();takeoffWaitedTime += timeNow - moving.getTime();takeoffQueue.pop();return letTakeoff;}else{idleUnit++;return idle;}}void SumUp(int simulationTime){cout << endl;cout << "\033[36m=============== SIMULATION RESULTS ===============\033[0m" << endl<< "\033[5;3mCalculating...\033[0m" << endl;sleep(2);cout<< "\033[1ATotal simulation time:                         " << simulationTime << endl<< "Total flights simulated:                       " << landingRequests + takeoffRequests << endl<< "Total flights required to land:                " << landingRequests << endl<< "Landing request accepted:                      " << landingAccepted << endl<< "Landing request rejected:                      " << landingRejected << endl<< "Total flights required to take off:            " << takeoffRequests << endl<< "Taking off request accepted:                   " << takeoffAccepted << endl<< "Taking off request rejected:                   " << takeoffRejected << endl<< "Flights still left in landing queue:           " << landingQueue.size() << endl<< "Flights still left in taking off queue:        " << takeoffQueue.size() << endl<< "Average waiting time in landing queue:         " << (float)landingWaitedTime / (float)landingAccepted << endl<< "Average waiting time in taking off queue:      " << (float)takeoffWaitedTime / (float)takeoffAccepted << endl<< "Average observing time for landing flights:    " << (float)landingRequests / (float)simulationTime << endl<< "Average observing time for taking off flights: " << (float)takeoffRequests / (float)simulationTime << endl<< "Ratio for successfully landed flights:         " << percentage(landingAccepted, landingRequests) << endl<< "Ratio for successfully took off flights:       " << percentage(landingAccepted, landingRequests) << endl<< "Ratio of runaway idle time:                    " << percentage(idleUnit, simulationTime) << endl<< endl<< "\033[3;2mSimulation finished.\033[0m" << endl;}
void initilize(int &totalTime, int &queueLimit, float &arrivingRate, float &departureRate){cout << "\033[2J\033[0;0H";cout << "Welcome to the \033[46mAIRPORT SIMULATOR\033[0m." << endl;sleep(1);cout << "\033[36mPlease enter how many time units you will simulate:\033[0m\n"<< flush;cin >> totalTime;cout << "\033[36mHow many flights can be waiting to land or takeoff?\033[0m" << endl<< flush;cin >> queueLimit;cout << "\033[36mWhat is the expected arriving flights per unit time?\033[0m" << endl<< flush;cin >> arrivingRate;cout << "\033[36mWhat is the expected departing flights per unit time?\033[0m" << endl<< flush;cin >> departureRate;
}int main(){
START:float arrivingRate, departureRate;int totalTime, queueLimit;initilize(totalTime, queueLimit, arrivingRate, departureRate);int currentTime;int planeID = 0;Random randomSeed;Runaway airport(queueLimit);for (currentTime = 0; currentTime < totalTime; currentTime++){cout << "\033[2m----- Current excution time: " << currentTime << " -----\033[0m" << endl;int comingPerUnit = randomSeed.poisson(arrivingRate);for (int num = 0; num < comingPerUnit; num++, planeID++){Plane currentPlane(planeID, currentTime, toLand);if(airport.CanLand(currentPlane)==fail){currentPlane.reject(currentTime);}}int departingPerUnit = randomSeed.poisson(departureRate);for (int num = 0; num < departingPerUnit; num++, planeID++){Plane currentPlane(planeID, currentTime, toTakeoff);if(airport.CanTakeoff(currentPlane)==fail){currentPlane.reject(currentTime);}}Plane movingPlane;switch (airport.Act(currentTime, movingPlane)){case;break;case letTakeoff:movingPlane.takeoff(currentTime);break;case idle:cout << "\033[46m[AIRPORT MESSAGE]: Runaway is idle.\033[0m" << endl;break;}}airport.SumUp(totalTime);char ch;cout << "\033[36mDo you want to initialize another simulation? \n([R] or [r] to restart, any other key to exit.)\033[0m" << endl;while(cin.get()!='\n');if (toupper(ch = cin.get()) == 'R')goto START;return 0;


#define RANDOM_H_INCLUDED#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>using namespace std;class Random
{public:Random(bool pseudo = true);double random_real();int random_integer(int low, int high);int poisson(double mean);private:int reseed();                 //  Re-randomize the seed, multiplier, add_on; //  constants for use in arithmetic operations
#include "Random.h"Random::Random(bool pseudo)
/*Post: The values of seed, add_on, and multiplier areinitialized.  The seed is initialized randomly only if pseudo == false.
{if (pseudo)seed = 1;elseseed = time(NULL) % INT_MAX;multiplier = 2743; // 斜率add_on = 5923;     // 位移
}int Random::reseed()
//Post: The seed is replaced by a pseudorandom successor.
{seed = seed * multiplier + add_on;return seed;
}double Random::random_real()
/*Post: A random real number between 0 and 1 is returned.*/
{double max = INT_MAX + 1.0; //INT_MAX = (2)31 -1double temp = reseed();if (temp < 0)temp = temp + max;return temp / max;
}int Random::random_integer(int low, int high) // 这个函数在泊松分布中没有用到
{double max = INT_MAX + 1.0; //INT_MAX = (2)31 -1double temp = reseed();if (temp < 0)temp = temp + max;return (int)(temp / (max / (high - low + 1.0) + low)); // 返回整数,且有规定范围
}int Random::poisson(double mean) // 泊松分布的实现
{double x = -1;double u;double log1, log2;log1 = 0;log2 = -mean;do{u = random_real();log1 += log(u);x++;} while (log1 >= log2);return x;



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