


void calcHist(const Mat*arrays, int narrays, const int* channels, InputArray mask, OutputArray hist, int dims,  const int* histSize, const float** ranges, bool uniform=true, boolaccumulate=false)
void calcHist(const Mat*arrays, int narrays, const int* channels, InputArray mask, SparseMat& hist, int dims,  const int* histSize, const float** ranges, bool uniform=true, boolaccumulate=false)  


arrays – Source arrays. They all should have the same depth, CV_8U or CV_32F , and the same size. Each of them can have an arbitrary number of channels.
     narrays – Number of source arrays.


channels – List of the dims channels used to compute the histogram. The first array channels are enumerated from 0 to arrays[0].channels()-1 ,   the second arraychannels are counted from arrays[0].channels() to arrays[0].channels() + arrays[1].channels()-1, and so on.

mask – Optional mask. If the matrix is not empty, it must be an 8-bit array of the same size as arrays[i].  The non-zero mask elements mark the array elements counted in the histogram.

   hist – Output histogram, which is a dense or sparse dims -dimensional array.

       dims – Histogram dimensionality that must be positive and not greater than CV_MAX_DIMS (equal to 32 in the current OpenCV version).

       histSize – Array of histogram sizes in each dimension.


ranges – Array of the dims arrays of the histogram bin boundaries in each dimension. When the histogram is uniform ( uniform =true),   then for each dimension i it isenough to specify the lower (inclusive) boundary of the 0-th histogram bin and the upper(exclusive)  boundary for the last histogram bin histSize[i]-1. That is,in case of a uniform histogram each of ranges[i] is an array of 2 elements.   When the histogram is not uniform ( uniform=false ), then each of ranges[i]contains histSize[i]+1 elements:.  The array elements, that are not between  and  , are not counted in the histogram.
    - 用于指出直方图每一维的每个bin(份)的上下界范围数组的数组,当直方图是均匀的(uniform =true)时,对每一维i指定直方图的第0个bin的下界(包含即[)L0和最 后一个即第histSize[i]-1个bin的上界(不包含的即))U_histSize[i]-1,也就是说对均匀直方图来说,每一个ranges[i]都是一个两个元素的数组【指出该维的上下界】。当直方图不是均匀的时,每一个ranges[i]数组都包含histSize[i]+1个元素:L0,U0=L1,U1=L1,...,U_histSize[i]-2 = L_histSize[i]-1,U_histSize[i]-1.不在L0到U_histSize[i]-1之间的数组元素将不会统计进直方图中;

uniform – Flag indicates that whether the histogram is uniform or not (see above).


accumulate – Accumulation flag. If it is set, the histogram is not cleared in the beginning when it is allocated.This feature enables you to compute a single histogram from several sets of arrays, or to update the histogram in time.
     -累加标志;  [单幅图像不进行累计所以例子1中为false]






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