


PCK(Percentage of Correct Keypoints)定义为正确估计出关键点的比例,计算检测的关键点与其对应的groundtruth间的归一化距离小于设定阈值的比例(the percentage of detections that fall within a normalized distance of the ground truth)。


from mmpose

def keypoint_pck_accuracy(pred, gt, mask, thr, normalize):"""Calculate the pose accuracy of PCK for each individual keypoint and theaveraged accuracy across all keypoints for coordinates.Note:PCK metric measures accuracy of the localization of the body joints.The distances between predicted positions and the ground-truth onesare typically normalized by the bounding box size.The threshold (thr) of the normalized distance is commonly setas 0.05, 0.1 or 0.2 etc.batch_size: Nnum_keypoints: KArgs:pred (np.ndarray[N, K, 2]): Predicted keypoint location.gt (np.ndarray[N, K, 2]): Groundtruth keypoint location.mask (np.ndarray[N, K]): Visibility of the target. False for invisiblejoints, and True for visible. Invisible joints will be ignored foraccuracy calculation.thr (float): Threshold of PCK calculation.normalize (np.ndarray[N, 2]): Normalization factor for H&W.Returns:tuple: A tuple containing keypoint accuracy.- acc (np.ndarray[K]): Accuracy of each keypoint.- avg_acc (float): Averaged accuracy across all keypoints.- cnt (int): Number of valid keypoints."""distances = _calc_distances(pred, gt, mask, normalize)acc = np.array([_distance_acc(d, thr) for d in distances])valid_acc = acc[acc >= 0]cnt = len(valid_acc)avg_acc = valid_acc.mean() if cnt > 0 else 0return acc, avg_acc, cntdef _calc_distances(preds, targets, mask, normalize):"""Calculate the normalized distances between preds and target.Note:batch_size: Nnum_keypoints: Kdimension of keypoints: D (normally, D=2 or D=3)Args:preds (np.ndarray[N, K, D]): Predicted keypoint location.targets (np.ndarray[N, K, D]): Groundtruth keypoint location.mask (np.ndarray[N, K]): Visibility of the target. False for invisiblejoints, and True for visible. Invisible joints will be ignored foraccuracy calculation.normalize (np.ndarray[N, D]): Typical value is heatmap_sizeReturns:np.ndarray[K, N]: The normalized distances.If target keypoints are missing, the distance is -1."""N, K, _ = preds.shapedistances = np.full((N, K), -1, dtype=np.float32)# handle invalid valuesnormalize[np.where(normalize <= 0)] = 1e6distances[mask] = np.linalg.norm(((preds - targets) / normalize[:, None, :])[mask], axis=-1)return distances.Tdef _distance_acc(distances, thr=0.5):"""Return the percentage below the distance threshold, while ignoringdistances values with -1.Note:batch_size: NArgs:distances (np.ndarray[N, ]): The normalized distances.thr (float): Threshold of the distances.Returns:float: Percentage of distances below the threshold.If all target keypoints are missing, return -1."""distance_valid = distances != -1num_distance_valid = distance_valid.sum()if num_distance_valid > 0:return (distances[distance_valid] < thr).sum() / num_distance_validreturn -1


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