个人在学习5G标准3GPP TS 23501-g51过程中,也发现google的机器翻译实在晦涩难懂,所以个人在借助百度翻译(中国人更懂中文)的同时,人工对每句话进行了校对。


4.2.5 Data Storage architectures

As depicted in Figure 4.2.5-1, the 5G System architecture allows any NF to store and retrieve its unstructured data into/from a UDSF (e.g. UE contexts). The UDSF belongs to the same PLMN where the network function is located. CP NFs may share a UDSF for storing their respective unstructured data or may each have their own UDSF (e.g. a UDSF may be located close to the respective NF).

如图4.2.5-1所示,5G System架构允许任何NF在UDSF(例如UE上下文)中存储和检索其非结构化数据。UDSF属于网络功能所在的同一PLMN。CP NFs可能共享一个UDSF以存储各自的非结构化数据,或者每个都有自己的UDSF(例如,UDSF可能位于各自的NF附近)。

NOTE 1: Structured data in this specification refers to data for which the structure is defined in 3GPP specifications. Unstructured data refers to data for which the structure is not defined in 3GPP specifications.


Figure 4.2.5-1: Data storage architecture for unstructured data from any NF

NOTE 2: 3GPP will specify (possibly by referencing) the N18/Nudsf interface.

As depicted in Figure 4.2.5-2, the 5G System architecture allows the UDM, PCF and NEF to store data in the UDR, including subscription data and policy data by UDM and PCF, structured data for exposure and application data (including Packet Flow Descriptions (PFDs) for application detection, AF request information for multiple UEs) by the NEF. UDR can be deployed in each PLMN and it can serve different functions as follows:

如图4.2.5-2所示,5G System架构允许UDM、PCF和NEF在UDR中存储数据,包括UDM和PCF的订阅数据和策略数据、公开的结构化数据和NEF的应用数据(包括应用检测的Packet Flow Description(PFD)、多个UE的AF请求信息)。UDR可以部署在每个PLMN中,它可以提供以下不同功能:

- UDR accessed by the NEF belongs to the same PLMN where the NEF is located.


- UDR accessed by the UDM belongs to the same PLMN where the UDM is located if UDM supports a split architecture.


- UDR accessed by the PCF belongs to the same PLMN where the PCF is located.


NOTE 3: The UDR deployed in each PLMN can store application data for roaming subscribers.


Figure 4.2.5-2: Data storage architecture

NOTE 4: There can be multiple UDRs deployed in the network, each of which can accommodate different data sets or subsets, (e.g. subscription data, subscription policy data, data for exposure, application data) and/or serve different sets of NFs. Deployments where a UDR serves a single NF and stores its data, and, thus, can be integrated with this NF, can be possible.


NOTE 5: The internal structure of the UDR in figure 4.2.5-2 is shown for information only.


The Nudr interface is defined for the network functions (i.e. NF Service Consumers), such as UDM, PCF and NEF, to access a particular set of the data stored and to read, update (including add, modify), delete, and subscribe to notification of relevant data changes in the UDR.

Nudr接口是为网络功能(即NF Service Consumer)定义的,如UDM、PCF和NEF,用于访问存储的特定数据集,以及读取、更新(包括添加、修改)、删除和订阅UDR中相关数据更改的通知。

Each NF Service Consumer accessing the UDR, via Nudr, shall be able to add, modify, update or delete only the data it is authorised to change. This authorisation shall be performed by the UDR on a per data set and NF service consumer basis and potentially on a per UE, subscription granularity.


The following data in the UDR sets exposed via Nudr to the respective NF service consumer and stored shall be standardized:


- Subscription Data,

- Policy Data,

- Structured Data for exposure,

- Application data: Packet Flow Descriptions (PFDs) for application detection and AF request information for multiple UEs, as defined in clause 5.6.7.

-Application data:用于多个UE的应用检测和AF请求信息的Packet Flow Descriptions(PFD)。

The service based Nudr interface defines the content and format/encoding of the 3GPP defined information elements exposed by the data sets.


In addition, it shall be possible to access operator specific data sets by the NF Service Consumers from the UDR as well as operator specific data for each data set.

此外,NF Service Consumer应能够从UDR访问特定于运营商的数据集以及每个数据集的特定于运营商的数据。

NOTE 6: The content and format/encoding of operator specific data and operator specific data sets are not subject to standardization.


NOTE 7: The organization of the different data stored in the UDR is not to be standardized.


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