6617: Finite Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences

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In Finite Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (FEIS), all integer sequences of lengths between 1 and N (inclusive) consisting of integers between 1 and K (inclusive) are listed.
Let the total number of sequences listed in FEIS be X. Among those sequences, find the (X⁄2)-th (rounded up to the nearest integer) lexicographically smallest one.

N and K are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


Print the (X⁄2)-th (rounded up to the nearest integer) lexicographically smallest sequence listed in FEIS, with spaces in between, where X is the total number of sequences listed in FEIS.


3 2


2 1


There are 12 sequences listed in FEIS: (1),(1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(2),(2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(3),(3,1),(3,2),(3,3). The (12⁄2=6)-th lexicographically smallest one among them is (2,1).


本来用dfs直接模拟树,几乎20以内的数我都和暴力程序对比了,没有错,可为什么就是一直WA+WA+WA?赛后跟彬子哥的代码对拍,拍了十几秒吧,我都要说这个他妈对拍都拍不出来。啪,一个错误数据蹦出来了,3 88。这是一组杀人的数据,我的输出和答案正好差1。又多拍了几组,都是差1~   无语,几乎90%的数据都对。   或许罪魁祸首是那个n/2向上取整,某一个瞬间,我的代码没取上去吧。。。。。自闭了。


对于k是偶数时,很容易发现,答案为  k/2 k k k .... k,共n个数。

k是奇数时,应该很靠近中间,即(k+1)/2  (k+1)/2  (k+1)/2.....而多写几组会发现,真是答案会和这个序列在题意要求下,正好相差n/2个字典序。让这个序列按照树的先序遍历往前退n/2步即为正确答案。


***author: winter2121
#define rep(i,s,t) for(int i=s;i<=t;i++)
#define SI(i) scanf("%d",&i)
#define PI(i) printf("%d\n",i)
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int mod=1e9+7;
const int MAX=3e5+5;
const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f;
const double eps=1e-8;
int dir[9][2]={0,1,0,-1,1,0,-1,0, -1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,1,1};
template<class T>bool gmax(T &a,T b){return a<b?a=b,1:0;}
template<class T>bool gmin(T &a,T b){return a>b?a=b,1:0;}
template<class T>void gmod(T &a,T b){a=(a%mod+b)%mod;}ll gcd(ll a,ll b){ while(b) b^=a^=b^=a%=b; return a;}
ll inv(ll b){return b==1?1:(mod-mod/b)*inv(mod%b)%mod;}
ll qpow(ll n,ll m)
{n%=mod;ll ans=1;while(m){if(m%2)ans=(ans*n)%mod;m>>=1; n=(n*n)%mod;}return ans;
}int a[MAX];
int main()
{int n,k,rem,p;while(cin>>k>>n){p=n;if(k%2==0){rep(i,2,n)a[i]=k;a[1]=k/2;}else{rep(i,1,n)a[i]=(k+1)/2;rem=n/2,p=n;while(rem--) //按字典序往后退{if(a[p]==1)a[p--]--; //向上退else{a[p]--;while(p<n)a[++p]=k; //回退到了上一课子树,并直接到底}}}rep(i,1,p)printf("%d%c",a[i],i<p?' ':'\n');}return 0;

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