python oct

Python oct() function is used to convert an integer into octal string prefixed with “0o”.

Python oct()函数用于将整数转换为以“ 0o”为前缀的八进制字符串。

Python oct() (Python oct())

Python oct() function syntax is:

Python oct()函数语法为:


The output of oct() function is a string. We can pass an object as an argument too, in that case, the object must have __index__() function implementation that returns integer.

oct()函数的输出为string 。 我们也可以将对象作为参数传递,在这种情况下,该对象必须具有返回整数的__index__()函数实现。

Let’s look at some simple examples of oct() function.





<class 'str'>

带有对象的Python oct() (Python oct() with object)

Let’s look at another example where we will use oct() function with a custom object as an argument. We will implement __index__() function in this object.

让我们看另一个示例,在该示例中我们将使用带有自定义对象作为参数的oct()函数。 我们将在此对象中实现__index __()函数。

class Data:id = 0def __init__(self, i) = idef __index__(self):return self.idd = Data(20)print(oct(d))

Output: 0o24

输出: 0o24

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Reference: Official Documentation

参考: 官方文档


python oct

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