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2, tropical rainforest sun-moon the lungs of earth and its important function is to reduce carbon dioxide and adjust the global climate. Since local residents number and wood, the increase demand in the area of rainforest gradually reduce, direct threat many cherish species survival. Pursuing short-term benefits will lead to long-term pain. Biodiversity protection needs to sacrifice personal interests. Unfortunately the relevant countries policy has not reached a consensus.

Three, the world has entered the era of the knowledge explosion. According to not complete count, global have learned doubling every five years. Many areas to converge doesn't mean new knowledge reduction. No one may complete mastery of each field in continuously updated knowledge. Understand their latest research in the field of development trends are is never easy.

4, health depends largely on exercise, diet and emotions. Along with the learning and working pressure increases, the influence of emotions on health has aroused people more attention. People with good mood, the probability of chronic disease low efficiency also high, and long-term depression people not only to what all don't interested, and tend to commit suicide. The effective methods to prevent depression is looking for way to relax with ease the tension.

5, industrialization and urbanization is the price paid for the serious destruction of the environment. Water quality deterioration, desert expansion, Marine pollution and some treasure species extinction on all and human activities. Fortunately, people are more and more clearly realized action the importance of protecting the environment, protecting the earth we live is to protect ourselves.

6, China is a severe water country, the national average usable water for the world, only 2,200 cubic metres of water consumption per capita quarter. In China's cities more severe water shortages in 660 city, there ShuiHuang cities will face over 440. Now some college has taken measures to improve students' consciousness of water-saving, some schools, for example, started to use water card to the water consumption of measuring students.



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