What were you taught about money as you were growing up?something like "Money doesn't grow on trees", or "Money is the root of all evil",or maybe "all rich people are greedy"?

Well,how do you expect to become a success financially if you believe these things?you attract into your life what you are thinking about and what you believe.if you think there is not enough money in this world for everyone you will never have enough money.that is called the law of attraction.

First of all,believing that "money doesn't grow on trees" is an example of what's called lack or scarcity programming.our parents taught us that there was never enough money to go ground, and that it was not readily available or abundant. but in truth,the universe is very abundant,and there is lots of money to go around for everyone. just think what you could do if you have as much money as your heart desires.what wonderful things you could do with it.travel to the countries you have always dreamt of, buy a house you are even scared to think about, attend meditation classes so you could spiritually grow, donate money to your favorite charity,spend more quality time with your family ,and the list goes on.

The key is to start thinking that you deserve the money and that there is lots of it available for you. and then you can start attracting it into your life. that's abundance thinking,which is the opposite of lack or scarcity thinking,when you start thinking about the abundance the law of attraction will do the rest.you do not need to know how it is going to happen, just make the first step, first thought,starting is already winning.

And what about thinking that "money is the root of all evil"? can you really expect to become a success if you believe that money is the root of all evil? unless you have a desire to be an evil person,your subconscious will not let you have money if you believe deep down that is is the root of all evil.

By the way, that quote is taken out of context in the first place. it was originally stated as "the love of money is the root of all evil", so it has nothing to do with the money itself.

Now that you understand that,you can start to think that money is in fact good. you can help people with money.you can stimulate the economy with money,even the most kindhearted spiritual person.who says they don't need money, can do more to make the world a better place with money than without it.

And what about thinking that "all rich pople are greedy"? well,that creates us versus them, whereby you have labeled all of "them" greedy in your mind. you ,on the other hand, are very giving in your mind.that's why you don't have money,because you're not greedy.

Sure, there must be some rich people in the world who are greeby,but there are also poor people who are greedy. there are both rich and poor people who are very giving as well. the amount of money you have has nothing to do with these character traits.

In fact,a lot of rich people got there by not being greedy. having a giving attitude opens up a flow of money that ofen brings them more. you will find the same thing: give away money joyfully to a friend, and notice that it comes back to you in some other form. the world needs to be a balance of give and take, and being joyful both as you give and receive will ensure that you always go with the flow.

And changing your mindset from what you were taught as a child to a healthier view of money will allow you to become the financial success you deserve to be, to become the real you.


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