A Blockchain-based Decentralized Federated Learning Framework with Committee Consensus



  1. High efficiency: only a few nodes will validate the updates, rather than broadcasting to every node and reach an agreement.
  2. K-fold:cross-validation: the committee members will not participate in the local training in the round. Therefore, the local data of the committee are taken as a validation set. As the alternating of committee members at each round, the validation set changes as well.In this setting, k-fold cross-validation on FL achieved.
  3. Anti-malevolence: based on the validation scores, the corresponding nodes with better performance will be elected by the smart contract and constitute the new committee for the next training round. which means the selected local data distribution is gregarious and the node is not malicious.

1)高效: 只有少数节点会验证更新,而不是广播到每个节点并达成一致。
2) K倍交叉验证: 委员轮次不参加本地培训。因此,委员会的本地数据被视为验证集。随着每一轮委员会成员的交替,验证集也会发生变化。在这种情况下,在FL上实现了k倍交叉验证。
3)反恶意: 基于验证分数,智能合约将选出相应的表现较好的节点,组成下一轮培训的新委员会。这意味着所选择的本地数据分布是群居的,并且该节点不是恶意的。





Nodes access the current model and execute local training, and put the
verified local gradients to new update blocks.


We should note that the FL training only relies on the latest model block, and the historical block is stored for failure fallback and block verification


更新块包括: 头,轮数t,本地更新梯度,上传者地址,更新分数

a few honest nodes will constitute a committee in charge of verification of local gradients and blocks generation. In the meantime, the rest nodes execute local training and send the local updates to the committee. The committee then validates the updates and assign a score on them. Only the qualified updates will be packed onto the blockchain


the committee members validate the local updates by treating their data as a validation set, and the validation accuracy becomes the score. This is the minimized approach that acquires no further operation of the committee, but only the basic ability to run the learning model. After combining the scores from the various committee members, the median will become the score of this update.




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