
It seemed simple enough, but counting the AutoFilters on an Excel sheet is a tough job! The answer to "How many worksheet AutoFilters are there?" is "It depends!"

看起来很简单,但是在Excel工作表上计算自动过滤器是一项艰巨的任务! 答案是“有多少个工作表自动筛选器?” 是“取决于!”

You can read the fascinating (to me!) results below.


过去的好时光 (The Good Old Days)

In the old days, before Excel 2003, you could only have one AutoFilter on a sheet. That's pretty easy to count – either 1 or 0.

过去,在Excel 2003之前,工作表上只能有一个自动筛选。 这很容易计算-1或0。

For example, this Excel 2010 sheet has a single list that is not a named table. An AutoFilter was applied to this list, and the AutoFilter arrows have been turned off.

例如,此Excel 2010工作表具有一个不是命名表的列表 。 AutoFilter已应用于此列表,并且AutoFilter箭头已关闭 。

If you point to one of the headings, where the hidden arrow is, the tooltip for that filter appears, so that shows us the AutoFilter is still active.


计算工作表自动筛选器 (Count the Worksheet AutoFilters)

To count the worksheet AutoFilters, I usually use AutoFilterMode to check if one exists. Recently, Pascal (forum name: p45cal) emailed me, to suggest that checking for a worksheet AutoFilter would be more reliable. Thanks, Pascal, for inspiring this test!

要计算工作表自动过滤器,我通常使用AutoFilterMode来检查是否存在。 最近,Pascal(论坛名称:p45cal)通过电子邮件发送给我,建议检查工作表“自动筛选”会更可靠。 感谢Pascal,启发了这项测试!

This code tests for a worksheet AutoFilter, by using either AutoFilterMode or AutoFilter:


Sub CountSheetAutoFilters()
Dim iARM As Long
Dim iAR As Long
'counts all worksheet autofilters
'even if all arrows are hidden
If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = True Then iARM = 1
Debug.Print "AutoFilterMode: " & iARM
If Not ActiveSheet.AutoFilter Is Nothing Then iAR = 1
Debug.Print "AutoFilter: " & iAR
End Sub

When I test that code in the Immediate window, both counting methods show 1 AutoFilter.


工作表上的命名表 (Named Table on the Worksheet)

What happens if there is a named table on the worksheet, and it has its own AutoFilter? I ran the code again, on the worksheet shown below. It has a named table, and it has an AutoFilter applied, with all the arrows hidden.

如果工作表上有一个命名表,并且它具有自己的自动筛选器,会发生什么? 我在下面显示的工作表上再次运行了代码。 它有一个命名表,并应用了“自动筛选”,所有箭头都隐藏了。

When I test the code in the Immediate window, both counting methods show zero AutoFilters. I consider that count correct, because there is a ListObject with an AutoFilter, but no worksheet AutoFilter.

当我在立即窗口中测试代码时,两种计数方法均显示零个自动过滤器。 我认为该计数是正确的,因为有一个带有AutoFilter的ListObject,但是没有工作表AutoFilter。

In the screen shot above, you can see that cell A1 is selected – outside of the named table. When I selected cell B1, inside the table, and ran the code, the results were different. AutoFilterMode was still zero, but AutoFilter detected one.

在上面的屏幕截图中,您可以看到已选择单元格A1 –在命名表之外。 当我在表中选择单元格B1并运行代码时,结果是不同的。 AutoFilterMode仍为零,但AutoFilter检测到一个。

Apparently, Excel is counting the active cell's table as a worksheet AutoFilter, with the AutoFilter counting method. I'd rather go with the AutoFilterMode's zero, and count the ListObject AutoFilters separately.

显然,Excel使用自动筛选计数方法将活动单元格的表格作为工作表自动筛选进行计数。 我宁愿使用AutoFilterMode的零,并分别计算ListObject自动过滤器。

使用可见的自动过滤器箭头进行测试 (Test With Visible AutoFilter Arrows)

Maybe the hidden arrows are affecting the results. To check, I ran code to show all the list AutoFilter arrows, and tested again.

也许隐藏的箭头正在影响结果。 为了进行检查,我运行了代码以显示所有列表AutoFilter箭头 ,然后再次进行了测试。

The results were the same as in the previous tests, so visible arrows don't make a difference.


工作表上的多个表 (Multiple Tables on Worksheet)

For some final tests, I created a sheet with 3 lists:


  1. Named Table – no AutoFilter – no arrows命名表–无自动筛选–无箭头
  2. Named Table – AutoFilter – visible arrows命名表–自动筛选–可见箭头
  3. Worksheet table – AutoFilter – visible arrows工作表表–自动筛选–可见箭头

With a cell in Named Table 1 selected, AutoFilterMode counted one, and AutoFilter counted zero. As in the previous test, the AutoFilter counting method is based on the active cell's table AutoFilter. It doesn't detect the AutoFilter in Worksheet Table 3.

在命名表1中选择一个单元格时,AutoFilterMode计数为1,而AutoFilter计数为零。 与之前的测试一样,自动筛选的计数方法基于活动单元格的表自动筛选。 它不会在工作表表3中检测到自动筛选。

With any other cell in the worksheet selected, the results were different – both AutoFilter and AutoFilterMode counted one – the correct count of worksheet AutoFilters.

在选择工作表中的任何其他单元格时,结果是不同的– AutoFilter和AutoFilterMode都计算为一个–工作表AutoFilters的正确计数。

计算工作表自动筛选器结论 (Counting Worksheet AutoFilters Conclusion)

Because ActiveSheet.AutoFilter detects the AutoFilter in the active cell, it could cause a miscount of worksheet AutoFilters.


I'll stick to the AutoFilterMode for a count of worksheet AutoFilters, and use other code to count the ListObject AutoFilters.

我将坚持使用AutoFilterMode来计算工作表AutoFilters ,并使用其他代码来计算ListObject AutoFilters 。

其他Excel版本中的自动筛选 (AutoFilters in Other Excel Versions)

After running these tests in Excel 2010, I tested the AutoFilter counting code in Excel 2003, and got the same results.

在Excel 2010中运行这些测试之后,我在Excel 2003中测试了自动筛选计数代码,并获得了相同的结果。

If you find different results in other versions of Excel, please let me know.


翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2012/05/31/trouble-counting-excel-autofilters-on-sheet/




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