camstudio 杂音

Sometimes a visual demonstration works much better than a list of instructions. If you need to make a demo video for family and/or friends then you might want to have a look at CamStudio.

有时,视觉演示比一系列说明要好得多。 如果您需要为家人和/或朋友制作演示视频,则可能需要看一下CamStudio。

Using CamStudio


To get properly set up you will need to install two different files (the main program followed by the codec). Once that is done you are ready to get started. When you start the program you will see a surprisingly small window. Notice the highlighted Record to text…it serves as a visual indicator for the video type selected for recording.

为了正确设置,您将需要安装两个不同的文件(主程序后跟编解码器)。 完成后,您就可以开始了。 当您启动程序时,您会看到一个令人惊讶的小窗口。 请注意突出显示的“ 记录为文本”…,它是用于选择要记录的视频类型的可视指示器。

Before you start creating a video it would be a good idea to look through some of the settings. The first one to look at is the region or area that you want to record.

在开始创建视频之前,最好先浏览一些设置。 首先要查看的是要记录的区域或区域。

Next you will want to look through the video options since these will affect the quality and final size of your video files.


The default setting for quality is 70…adjust that to the level that best suits your needs.


Note: For our example we maxed out the various video settings for best quality.


On our system Microsoft Video 1 was listed as the default compressor but as you can see there were other options available.

在我们的系统上, Microsoft Video 1被列为默认压缩器,但是您可以看到还有其他可用选项。

You can configure the settings for the compressor you want to use if desired. Keep in mind that each compressor will have unique settings of their own, so if you change it, be certain to go back and check.

如果需要,您可以配置要使用的压缩机的设置。 请记住,每个压缩机都有自己的独特设置,因此,如果要更改它,请务必返回并进行检查。

We decided to use the CamStudio Lossless Codec for our example (it gave the best results while trying the software).


Going back to the main window you can toggle back and forth between .avi and .swf output using the last button. Once you are satisfied with the settings click on the red record button to start.

返回主窗口,您可以使用最后一个按钮在.avi和.swf输出之间来回切换。 对设置满意后,单击红色的记录按钮开始。

If you need to pause while recording or stop recording click on the system tray icon and select the appropriate command.


When you are finished recording you will be presented with the save file window. Browse for the desired save location and name your new file.

录制完成后,将显示“保存文件”窗口。 浏览所需的保存位置并命名新文件。

Once you have saved the file the movie player window will automatically open so that you view your new video.


Our sample video shown here is at 50% of original size so may look slightly “gritty”. The detail was much better at 100%.

这里显示的示例视频是原始尺寸的50%,因此可能看起来有些“粗糙”。 细节要好得多,为100%。

If you decide to record and save as .swf the process will be identical to recording in .avi format until the movie player window opens. At that time the conversion process from .avi to .swf will begin. When complete you will have a new flash video and html file that goes with it.

如果您决定录制并另存为.swf,则过程将与以.avi格式录制相同,直到打开影片播放器窗口。 届时将开始从.avi到.swf的转换过程。 完成后,您将拥有一个新的Flash视频和html文件。

Depending on which browser you have set as default, you may run into a small problem when the preview for your new .swf file tries to open. There is a small bug in the generated html file. You can use this work-around or…

取决于您设置为默认浏览器的情况,尝试打开新.swf文件的预览时,您可能会遇到一个小问题。 生成的html文件中有一个小错误。 您可以使用此替代方法或…

Just open the .swf file directly in your favorite browser.




CamStudio may not produce the highest quality videos, but it is free and does a very nice job nonetheless. If you are working on a tight budget or only need to make an occasional video then CamStudio is a very sensible choice.

CamStudio可能无法产生最高质量的视频,但它是免费的,并且做得很好。 如果您的预算有限,或者只需要制作偶尔的视频,那么CamStudio是一个非常明智的选择。



Download CamStudio Stable Version & CamStudio Codec *Download links are approximately half-way down the page.

下载CamStudio稳定版和CamStudio编解码器 *下载链接位于页面的大约中间。

Download CamStudio Stable Version & CamStudio Codec at SourceForge *Beta version also available here.

从SourceForge下载CamStudio稳定版和CamStudio编解码器 *测试版也可在此处获得。


camstudio 杂音

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