文献出处:Kahn R. Commercial space interior design in the new media art [J]. New media & society, 2015,12(5): 87-97.


Commercial space interior design in the new media art

Kahn R


New media technology and new media art has brought new development space for contemporary art and design, it not only changed the traditional form of artistic creation and performance, has also created a new aesthetic experience. The emergence of new media art is broke through the limitation of the traditional information media, in a whole new way of communication and interaction, constantly enrich people's visual experience, affects the way people live. New media art, in succession on the basis of some concept and characteristics of traditional art, the use of new technology and new artistic thinking innovation and make it with a new artistic features and aesthetic rule. The rapid development of new media and new media art, make its and other new technology, new art, gradually permeated every aspect of People's Daily life, also in different field of art and design has a considerable influence and impact on commercial space design is one of the important items.

Keywords: new media art, commercial space design, interior design

1 Introduction

New media art, as a kind of new science and technology and art means start seeping into the modern commercial space design. In People's Daily life has been completely replaced by sign language and imitating the visual semantic environment, the development, and innovation of new media art, and profound changes the traditional media art forms. And the resulting a series of new media art forms and consciously or unconsciously to the design of commercial space methods produced the profound influence. In the new media art in idea, art form, or creative ways can be called a revolution art, also, new media art injected "new vitality" for commercial space design, and the influence of new media art, modern commercial space design is changing consciously or unconsciously.


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