Piwik Mobile 2 - Web Analytics 介绍

Piwik Mobile 2 - Web Analytics

Piwik Mobile will help you access all of your analytics on the go, quickly and beautifully. Total privacy! We want to improve the app so please send your bug reports and suggestions.

Piwik is a downloadable, open source (GPL licensed) real time web analytics software program. It provides you with detailed reports on your website visitors: the search engines and keywords they used, the language they speak, your popular pages... and so much more.

You can access these reports by using this official Piwik Mobile App.

Read this if you use basic auth: http://piwik.org/faq/mobile-app/#faq_16336

Do you have a bug to report or a feature request? Please contact us: mobile@piwik.org or http://piwik.org/mobile


* Provides the same functionality and same look and feel as Piwik

* View your custom Piwik dashboards

* Available in more than 50 languages!

* Manage multiple Piwik accounts

* 'All Websites' dashboard

* Choose any Date/Period

* Choose any metric

* View graphs and sparklines

* View any available report, even reports generated by custom plugins

* Follow Visitors in Real Time or in Visitor Log

* Works with installations having thousands of websites

* Refresh reports easy


* Piwik 2.0 or later

* Android 4+

* Be sure Module APIs are enabled

* Some icons in Visitor screen possibly won't work if you use HTTPS with an invalid certificate

Piwik Mobile is available for free and a project made by the community. You can participate in the Piwik Mobile App or Piwik. Please contact us: mobile@piwik.org

来自应用汇: Piwik Mobile 2 - Web Analytics http://www.appchina.com/app/org.piwik.mobile2?from=spi-desc

Piwik Mobile 2 - Web Analytics 历史版本

Piwik Mobile 2 - Web Analytics

版本: 2.4.4

大小: 14.49 M

* New Matomo look

* Bugfixes and performance improvements


Piwik Mobile 2 - Web Analytics

版本: 2.4.2

大小: 19.90 M

* Updated app icon from Piwik to Matomo

* Piwik is now Matomo

* General improvements and fixes


Piwik Mobile 2 - Web Analytics 版本更新

Better report fetching and bug fixes

Piwik Mobile 2 - Web Analytics 类似软件

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