
A + B is a problem used to test one’s basic knowledge for competitive programming. Here is yet another boring variation of it.

You have two integers, A and B. You want to make them equal. To do so, you can perform several steps, where each step is one of the following:

Unfortunately, A + B is a hard problem for us, so you are allowed to make at most 5000 steps.

Two integers A, B are given. (1 ≤ A, B ≤ 1018).

In the first line, print a single integer n (0 ≤ n ≤ 5000) denoting the number of steps.

In next n lines, print one of the following strings to denote your desired operation: “A+=A”, “A+=B”, “B+=A”, or “B+=B”.

Any sequence of steps that yields the desired result will be judged correct.

2 3


虽然这题的数字是在向上叠加的,但我们不能真的去向上叠加,一是因为向上坑太大,没办法处理两个数的关系,二是对于大数会爆long long。观察后可以发现A+=A的本质是B-=B,B+=B的本质是A-=A,这样处理可以保持两个数时刻处于纠缠的状态。因此我们只需遇到偶数就除以二并时刻进行辗转相减即可。


int main()
{long long a,b,c,d;int times=0;scanf("%lld%lld",&a,&b);c=a;d=b;while(a!=b){while(a%2==0){times++;a/=2;}while(b%2==0){times++;b/=2;}if(a==b)break;if(a<b)b+=a;else a+=b;times++;}printf("%d\n",times);a=c;b=d;while(a!=b){while(a%2==0){printf("B+=B\n");a/=2;}while(b%2==0){printf("A+=A\n");b/=2;}if(a==b)break;if(a<b){b+=a;printf("B+=A\n");}else{a+=b;printf("A+=B\n");}}

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