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Problem B: 选举班干部了!

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(1)属性:string name——姓名。bool sex——性别。int grade——年级。Student *next——指向下一个学生指针。


  • 构造函数Student(string _name, bool _sex, int _grade)——初始化一个对象。注意:其中的next初始化为NULL。
  • 析构函数。
  • void showInfo()——输出一个学生的信息。next除外。
  • Student* getNext()——获得next指针。
  • void setNext(Student*)——设置next指针指向对象。

2. StudentCadre类是Student类的派生类,包括:

(1)属性:string position——表示竞聘岗位。


  • StudentCadre(string _name, bool _sex, int _grade, string pos)——构造函数,初始化各种属性。
  • 析构函数。
  • void showInfo()——显示信息。








Sample Input

Tom 0 2015 Monitor3Jack 1 2015Mary 0 2015Sherry 1 2015

Sample Output

A student named by Tom is created!A student cadre with position Monitor is created.A student named by Jack is created!A student named by Mary is created!A student named by Sherry is created!name = Tom, sex = 0, grade = 2015; position = Monitor.name = Jack, sex = 1, grade = 2015;name = Mary, sex = 0, grade = 2015;name = Sherry, sex = 1, grade = 2015;A student named by Tom is erased.A student named by Jack is erased.A student named by Mary is erased.A student named by Sherry is erased.


string类是C++提供的类,在头文件string中,可以用#include <string>来使用这个类。该类的对象可以直接利用赋值运算符(=)进行复制,也可以直接利用cout输出,或利用cin输入。

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GPL2.0 2003-2011 HUSTOJ Project TEAM
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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Student
protected:string name;int grade;bool sex;Student *next;
public:Student(string n, bool s, int g) : name(n), sex(s), grade(g), next(NULL){cout << "A student named by " << name << " is created!" << endl;}~Student(){cout << "A student named by " << name << " is erased." << endl;}void showInfo()const{cout << "name = " << name << ", sex = " << sex << ", grade = " << grade << ";" ;}Student* getNext(){return next;}void setNext(Student* s){next = s;}
class StudentCadre : public Student
private:string pos;
public:StudentCadre(string n, bool s, int g, string p) : Student(n, s, g) , pos(p){cout << "A student cadre with position Monitor is created." << endl;}~StudentCadre(){}void showInfo() const{cout << "name = " << name << ", sex = " << sex << ", grade = " << grade << "; position = " << pos << "." ;}};
int main()
{int num;string name, position;bool sex;int grade;Student *header, *student, *curStudent;cin>>name>>sex>>grade>>position;header = new StudentCadre(name, sex, grade,position);curStudent = header;cin>>num;for (int i = 0; i < num; i++){cin>>name>>sex>>grade;student = new Student(name, sex, grade);curStudent -> setNext(student);curStudent = curStudent -> getNext();}((StudentCadre*)header) -> showInfo();cout<<endl;curStudent = header;while (curStudent -> getNext() != NULL){curStudent = curStudent -> getNext();curStudent->showInfo();cout<<endl;}curStudent = header;while (curStudent != NULL){student = curStudent;curStudent = curStudent -> getNext();delete student;}return 0;

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