SAS training - Lesson 1.1

  • SAS培训- 1.1课

Table of Contents(目录)

1.数据位置 (Data location)

2.数据类型 (Data type)

3.读取SAS数据集 (Reading a SAS dataset)

4.日期与时间 (Date vs Datetime)

5.数据格式 (Data format)

6.日期之间的时间间隔 (Interval between dates)

7.数据类型转换 (Data type conversion)

8.局部变量 (Automatic variable)

9.比较运算符 (Comparison operators)


●SAS Libraries is used to locate the dataset (SAS库用于定位数据集)


​ ○Must be 8 characters or fewer (必须是8个字符或更少)

​ ○Start with character (从字符开始)

●Default library = WORK (temporary library) => 默认库= WORK(临时库)

​ ○If NO library specified, libref is work. (如果没有指定库,则libref为work)


●Numeric (数值)

●Characters (字符)

●Date (日期)

​ ○Day count = 0 (for the date of Jan 1, 1960)

​ ○Time count = 0 (for the date of Jan 1, 1960 00:00:00)


command: set (命令:设置 ) from -> set

data-step (系统的数据集)

proc 程序,步骤(process)

**创建表 customer **(数据来自表 data1.cust_info)

command: keep (命令:保持 ) select -> keep

创建customer表: (cust_name)

数据来源于表data1.cust_info 的 cust_name 字段


**创建customer_id表: ** (cust_id, cust_gp)

表data1.cust_info的cust_id字段第1列第1个字符是 ‘A’,'Z’其中之一的数据, 并将其分组到gp1, 其他数据分组到gp2, 组字段为cust_gp

command: output (命令:输出)

创建cust_gp1表: (cust_name, cust_id)

表data1.cust_info的cust_id字段第1列第1个字符是 ‘A’,'Z’其中之一的数据

创建cust_gp2表: (cust_name, cust_id)

表data1.cust_info的cust_id字段第1列第1个字符不是 ‘A’,'Z’其中之一的数据


command:datepart (命令:函数)

创建convert表: (time, date)

​ time 字段 是 2021.01.01 23:59:59 与 1960年的时间差 (单位是秒)

​ date 字段 是 2021.01.01 与 1960年的时间差 (单位是天)


SAS Help Center:日期、时间和日期时间格式


Command : INTCK/INTNX (命令: intck/intnx)

●intck function - returns the number of time units between two dates

​ intck函数- 返回两个日期之间的时间单位数

●intnx function - returns a SAS date that is a specified number of time units away from a specified date

​ intnx 函数-返回一个SAS日期,该日期与指定日期之间的距离为指定的时间单位

time units - year, month, week, day (时间单位-年,月,周,日)


Command : PUT/INPUT (命令:PUT/输入)

●PUT function - convert numeric variable to character variable

​ PUT函数-将数值变量转换为字符变量

●INPUT function - convert character variable to numeric variable

​ 输入函数-转换字符变量为数值变量


 Automatic variable(局部变量) (_n_)

●The N variable is commonly used to keep track of the number of times the data step has iterated (_N_变量通常用于跟踪数据步骤的迭代次数 )




End of Lesson 1.1

  • 第1.1课结束

SAS Training - Lesson 1.2

  • SAS培训-第1.2课

Table of Contents(目录)

1.SAS数据集排序 (Sorting SAS Data Sets)

2.合并SAS数据集 (Combining SAS Data Sets)

3.外部文件导入/导出 (Importing/Exporting External File)

1. SAS数据集排序

Command :


Command :


​ OUT=…


2.1 合并SAS数据集**(垂直-Vertical)**

Command :


Command :


步骤1: 得到排序的数据集ds1和ds2 按 customer account_no 字段排序(默认升序)

步骤2: 合并ds1和ds2数据集并按 customer account_no 字段排序(默认升序)

Command :



2.2 合并SAS数据集**(水平-Horizontal)**

Command :


内连接 if a and b --> a inner join b (by --> on)

左连接 if a --> left join (by --> on)


3.1 导入外部文件- Excel

Importing External File - Excel

Command :


●Datafile = The path of the external excel file (外部excel文件的路径)

●Dbms = The type of excel file format (excel文件格式的类型)

●Out = The output SAS dataset name (输出SAS数据集名称)


​ ○Yes = To generate the variable names from the data value in the first row of import file

​ (从导入文件第一行的数据值生成变量名)

​ ○No = To generate the variable names as VAR1, VAR2, and so on

​ (将变量名生成为VAR1、VAR2,等等)


​ ○Yes = To assign the variable type as Character when mixed data types are found in the same column (当在同一列中发现混合数据类型时,将变量类型赋值为Character)

​ ○No = To assign the variable type depending on the majority of the data type that is found (根据找到的大部分数据类型分配变量类型)

●Sheets = To identify one worksheet when the import file having more than one worksheet

​ (在导入文件有多个工作表时标识一个工作表)

3.2 导入外部文件- CSV

Importing External File - CSV

Command :


●Datafile = The path of the external excel file (外部excel文件的路径)

●Dbms = The type of file format (文件格式的类型)

●Out = The output SAS dataset name (输出SAS数据集名称)


​ ○Yes = To generate the variable names from the data value in the first row of import file

​ (从导入文件第一行的数据值生成变量名)

​ ○No = To generate the variable names as VAR1, VAR2, and so on

​ (将变量名生成为VAR1、VAR2,等等)

●Guessingrows = To specifies the number of rows to determine the appropriate data type for the columns (指定行数,以确定列的适当数据类型)

​ ○Default (20) = Import procedure scans the first 20 rows to determine the data type

​ (导入过程扫描前20行以确定数据类型)

3.3 导出外部文件

Exporting External File

Command :


●Data = Output SAS dataset name (输出SAS数据集名称)

●Outfile = The output path of the export file (导出文件的输出路径)

●Dbms = The type of file format (文件格式的类型)

●Replace = To overwrite the exported excel file (覆盖导出的excel文件)

●Sheets = To identify the worksheet in the exported excel file (在导出的excel文件中识别工作表)

End of Lesson 1.2

Tutorial1. Import customer_base.xlsx and account_base.xlsx and create customer_base.sas7bdat and account_base.sas7bdat respectively
(分别创建 customer_base.sas7bdat表和 account_base.sas7bdat表,并分别导入customer_base.xlsx和account_base.xlsx的数据)2. Classify the customer by cust_age from customer_base.sas7bdat
(根据customer_base.sas7bdat中的cust_age对客户进行分类)cust_age     age_gp18-30         131-50      251-65      3>65         43. Select customer with SAV account and age_gp=2/3

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