
Shape protection in Visio 2013 makes it possible for specific aspects of shapes to be locked. Aspects of shapes that can be locked through shape protection include width, height, x-position, y-position, rotation and more. Over time, you may need to adjust the aspects of a shape that you currently have locked. Before you can turn off any aspects of shape protection that you have enabled, you'll need to enable the Developer tab on the Microsoft Visio 2013 Ribbon toolbar.

1. Click "File" on the Ribbon toolbar and then click "Options." The Visio Options dialog box appears on the screen.

2. Click "Customize Ribbon" in the list of options on the left side of the menu.

3. Click to place a check mark in the box to the left of "Developer" and then click "OK." The Visio Options dialog box closes. You'll now notice the Developer tab in the Ribbon toolbar.

4. Click to select the shape you want to disable protection for.

5. Click the "Developer" tab on the Ribbon toolbar and then click "Protection." The Protection dialog box opens.

6. Click "None" and then click "OK." The dialog box disappears and protection for that particular shape is disabled.

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