
class todoListUI extends Component {constructor(props) {super(props);this.state = {}}render() {return (<div style={{ margin: '15px' }}><Input placeholder={this.props.InputValue}style={{ width: '250px', marginRight: '15px' }}onChange={this.props.changeInputValue} /><Button onClick={this.addItem} type="primary">增加</Button><div style={{ width: '300px', margin: '10px' }}><List bordereddataSource={}renderItem={(item, index) => (<List.Item onClick={(index) => { this.props.deleteItem(index) }}>{item}</List.Item>)} /></div></div>);}


import todoListUI from './todoListUI'
...render() {return (<todoListUI InputValue={this.state.InputValue} changeInputValue={this.changeInputValue} addItem = {this.addItem} deleteItem={this.deleteItem} />);}


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