13c Cloud Control Repository: How to Manually Drop Repository Database Objects in 13c Cloud Control (文档 ID 2107485.1)

In this Document



Enterprise Manager Base Platform - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document provides the steps for dropping the 13c Cloud Control Repository Database Objects manually.


-  "RepManager dropall" is the supported method for dropping the Repository objects and it is  highly recommended  to drop repository objects only using the RepManager utility as described here:

Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide
Release 13.2
Chapter 20 Maintaining and Troubleshooting the Management Repository
20.3 Dropping and Recreating the Management Repository
20.3.1 Dropping the Management Repository

-  This document should be used in extreme cases like:

1) The OMS home is lost or removed and there is no RepManager utility availableto drop the repository objects
2) The RepManager utility fails to completely remove all repository objects.


Login to repository database as  sys  user and perform the following steps to cleanup the repository database manually:

1. Drop the repository users:

SQL> drop user sysman cascade;
SQL> drop user sysman_types cascade;
SQL> drop user sysman_stb cascade;
SQL> drop user sysman_opss cascade;
SQL> drop user sysman_biplatform cascade;
SQL> drop user sysman_bip cascade;
SQL> drop user sysmanupgr_opss cascade;
SQL> drop user sysman_apm cascade;
SQL> drop user sysman_ro cascade;
SQL> drop user sysman_mds cascade;
SQL> drop user cloud_engine_user cascade;
SQL> drop user cloud_swlib_user cascade;
SQL> drop user mgmt_view cascade;
SQL> drop user eus_engine_user cascade;
SQL> drop role mgmt_user;

2. Verify if there are any leftover synonyms:

SQL> spool synonyms.lst
SQL> spool off
SQL> @synonyms.lst

3. Drop the tablespaces:

SQL> drop tablespace MGMT_ECM_DEPOT_TS including contents and datafiles;
SQL> drop tablespace MGMT_TABLESPACE including contents and datafiles;
SQL> drop tablespace MGMT_AD4J_TS including contents and datafiles;

4. Delete the entries from registry:

SQL> delete from SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY where COMP_NAME='Metadata Services';
SQL> delete from SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY where COMP_NAME='Authorization Policy Manager';
SQL> delete from SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY where COMP_NAME='Oracle Platform Security Services';
SQL> delete from SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY where COMP_NAME='Service Table';
SQL> commit;


NOTE:2096776.1  - EM13c: 13c Cloud Control Installation Fails at Repository Configuration With "ORA-02303: cannot drop or replace a type with type or table dependents"

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