Saturday morning

Lots of things should be going to do, it even makes me headache, but I do noting, and nothing want to do. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Even I know I can’t balance the work and my study, so many and many things I should do, but when I am off work, I just staying in the Apartment, just staying and noting to do. I must change this situation. I must change APAP.

About my desktop, I think it’s a plot he made to me, even he doesn’t want to give his own desktop to his girlfriend but instead of borrowing my desktop to his girlfriend, about last week I wrote a essay the title is “be possessed of Resource”, Now I am very angry about this issue, and it give me a good lesson: It is not so good to show off. I will remember this forever.

About my Graduation Thesis, at the time I think Mr.Wang might not let me do so much work and so I could have free time to work, but now I think I am wrong. I should realize this issue before.

But I still thank Mr.Wang, and I will try my best to finish my Graduation Thesis.

Yesterday, Mr.Jin called me from Shanghai, I should learn more from him, I think it’s better to me to work with Mr.Jin. Thank you Mr.Jin, Thank you Livia.

Last night when I had dinner with my girlfriend in Mcdonald I met Ms.Yang took her little cute daughter to buy Mcdonald, Ms.Yang is a very good teacher, and also she treated every student as her good friend, Thank you Ms.Yang.

I wrote these so mass issues in Saturday Morning, and I know I made many of the grammar mistakes, but I will stick to write in English, also few essays will be written in Chinese to express my emotion better.

Cui, Lee, Duan and me, we four are going to have dinner together to celebrate my birthday, I am so confused that this is my 22 birthday of 23. I was born in 1986, and this year is 2008, but the adult prefer to count the years by lunar.

This morning is past by, and also I do nothing. I will take action! I promise!

Take a health life style.


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