
描述 (Description)

Technical training is an important part of our careers. Meeting professionals, learning about new technologies, and making the most of the time and resources that we have can make a profound difference on the work that we do.

技术培训是我们职业的重要组成部分。 与专业人士会面,了解新技术并充分利用我们拥有的时间和资源可以对我们所做的工作产生深远的影响。

SQLSaturday provides a quality, inexpensive, and fun way to learn and get involved in the SQL Server community. It is a free, full day of technical presentations from experts that will travel from around the world to help make these events a success!

SQLSaturday提供了一种优质,廉价且有趣的方法来学习和参与SQL Server社区。 这是来自专家的免费全日技术演讲,他们将来自世界各地,以帮助使这些活动取得成功!

介绍 (Introduction)

SQLSaturday came about in 2007 as a way to not only to bring free training to the SQL Server community, but to create a reusable conference model so that this concept could be easily implemented around the world. Andy Warren, Brian Knight, and Steve Jones were the initial founders of SQLSaturday.

SQLSaturday于2007年问世,它不仅是为SQL Server社区带来免费培训,而且是创建可重用的会议模型的一种方法,以便可以在全球范围内轻松实现此概念。 Andy Warren,Brian Knight和Steve Jones是SQLSaturday的最初创始人。

Since the first few SQLSaturday events in Florida in 2007-2008, the program has quickly expanded so that about 100 events are held per year, with #750 recently added to the calendar.


The Professional Association of SQL Server (PASS) owns, maintains, and manages the SQLSaturday program at the administrative level; each event is managed locally by teams of volunteers. The focus on decentralizing each SQLSaturday and recruiting strong teams of volunteers has allowed events to expand worldwide without the need for a complex management structure.

SQL Server专业协会( PASS )在管理级别拥有,维护和管理SQLSaturday程序; 每个活动都由志愿者团队在本地进行管理。 集中精力分散每个SQLSaturday并招募强大的志愿者团队已使活动可以扩展到全世界,而无需复杂的管理结构。

PASS is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1999 to promote education, training, and networking, with a focus on SQL Server technologies. They are run by community volunteers and have since created one of the strongest and most effective technical communities in the world!

PASS是一家非营利组织,成立于1999年,旨在促进教育,培训和网络建设,重点是SQL Server技术。 他们由社区志愿者管理,自此创建了世界上最强大,最有效的技术社区之一!

在SQLSaturday会发生什么? (What happens at a SQLSaturday?)

A SQLSaturday is a distinct event from other SQL conferences. While often run by user groups, it is not a user group meeting or a weeknight-style event. Instead, it is an all-day event that will feature technical sessions for much of the day. Because of the localized nature of SQLSaturdays, they will vary greatly from country to country and locale to locale. Some SQLSaturdays will draw over 500 people and boast 10+ tracks. Some will include breakfast, lunch, or both. Others are smaller and more intimate events that succeed with 50 attendees and a tightly-knit group of dedicated volunteers and speakers.

SQLSaturday是与其他SQL会议不同的事件。 虽然通常由用户组运行,但这不是用户组会议或工作日风格的事件。 取而代之的是,这是一整天的活动,在一天的大部分时间里都会举办技术会议。 由于SQLSaturdays的本地化性质,它们在不同国家和地区之间的差异很大。 一些SQLSaturdays将吸引500多人,并拥有10多个曲目。 有些将包括早餐,午餐或两者兼而有之。 其他的则是规模较小且更为私密的活动,成功举办了50名与会者,并由一群志趣相投的志愿者和演讲者紧密联系在一起。

This variability is a great strength of the program. Every SQLSaturday is a unique event with its own cadre of volunteers and sponsors that make it a success.

这种可变性是程序的强大优势。 每个SQLSaturday都是一次独特的活动,拥有自己的志愿者和赞助商干部,使其成功。

A typical SQLSaturday will start relatively early with registration & check-in. When attendees arrive, they can sign-in, grab any materials that are provided, and take this extra time to mingle with other attendees and the sponsors. This passive approach to networking has been very successful over the years, as it allows everyone to benefit from the collected knowledge and experience of each other.

典型SQLSaturday将相对较早地开始注册和签入。 与会者到达时,他们可以登录,获取所提供的所有资料,并花额外的时间与其他与会者和赞助商进行交流。 多年来,这种被动的联网方法非常成功,因为它使每个人都能从彼此收集的知识和经验中受益。

The bulk of the day is made up of technical sessions, which begin shortly after check-in and will continue throughout the day, breaking periodically for lunch, snacks, or a chance to take a deep breath and relax. The following is an example of what part of a SQLSaturday schedule looks like:

一天的大部分时间都是由技术会议组成,这些会议在办理登机手续后不久开始,并将持续一整天,定期休息以提供午餐,小吃或深呼吸和放松的机会。 以下是SQLSaturday计划的一部分的示例:

The session topics are wide-ranging, from business intelligence to query optimization to hardware, professional development and more! PASS provides few guidelines on this and encourages creativity when choosing tracks, sessions, and the subject matter therein.

会议主题范围广泛,从商业智能到查询优化再到硬件,专业开发等等! PASS为此提供了很少的指导原则,并在选择曲目,会议和主题时鼓励创造力。

Most SQLSaturdays will provide a variety of raffles and prizes for attendees. These are typically paid for by event sponsors, user groups, or the event itself. These are chances to win some cool swag, such as a drone, tablet, or Bluetooth speaker. Attending a free event and walking away with a fun and useful giveaway is quite a good feeling

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