
Apache Shiro是Java的一个安全(权限)框架,不仅可以用在Java SE环境,也可以用在Java EE环境。Shiro可以完成:认证、授权、加密、会话管理、与Web集成、缓存等。






Session Management:管理Session,此Session不止Web环境下的HttpSession,它是Shiro自己的Session,在JavaSE的环境下也有。



Web Support:跟Java EE进行集成。




Run As:让已经登录的用户以另外一个用户的身份来操作系统。

Remember Me:记住我。


3.1 外部架构:


Shiro SecurityManager:安全管理器,所有与安全相关的操作都会与SecurityManager交互;并且管理着所有的Subject;是Shiro的核心;它负责和Shiro的其他组件交互。


3.2 内部架构:




package com.shiro.helloworld;import org.apache.shiro.SecurityUtils;
import org.apache.shiro.authc.*;
import org.apache.shiro.config.IniSecurityManagerFactory;
import org.apache.shiro.mgt.SecurityManager;
import org.apache.shiro.session.Session;
import org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject;
import org.apache.shiro.util.Factory;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;public class Quickstart {private static final transient Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Quickstart.class);public static void main(String[] args) {//使用工厂的方式获取.ini配置文件,返回一个SecurityManager实例Factory<SecurityManager> factory = new IniSecurityManagerFactory("classpath:shiro.ini");SecurityManager securityManager = factory.getInstance();//在这个例子中SecurityManager在JVM中是单例可访问的SecurityUtils.setSecurityManager(securityManager);//获取当前的SubjectSubject currentUser = SecurityUtils.getSubject();//获取Session并设置值Session session = currentUser.getSession();session.setAttribute("someKey", "aValue");String value = (String) session.getAttribute("someKey");if (value.equals("aValue")) {log.info("---> Retrieved the correct value! [" + value + "]");}//测试当前的用户是否已经被认证,即是否已经登录if (!currentUser.isAuthenticated()) {//把用户名和密码封装到UsernamePasswordToken对象UsernamePasswordToken token = new UsernamePasswordToken("lonestarr", "vespa");//Remember Metoken.setRememberMe(true);try {//执行登录//能否登录成功取决于.ini配置文件是否存在对应的用户名和密码currentUser.login(token);} catch (UnknownAccountException uae) {//没有指定账户时,抛出该异常log.info("----> There is no user with username of " + token.getPrincipal());return; } catch (IncorrectCredentialsException ice) {//密码不正确时,抛出该异常log.info("----> Password for account " + token.getPrincipal() + " was incorrect!");return; } catch (LockedAccountException lae) {//用户被锁定时,抛出该异常log.info("The account for username " + token.getPrincipal() + " is locked.  " +"Please contact your administrator to unlock it.");}catch (AuthenticationException ae) {//总的认证异常//unexpected condition?  error?}}log.info("----> User [" + currentUser.getPrincipal() + "] logged in successfully.");//测试是否有这个schwartz角色if (currentUser.hasRole("schwartz")) {log.info("----> May the Schwartz be with you!");} else {log.info("----> Hello, mere mortal.");return; }//测试用户是否具备某一个行为if (currentUser.isPermitted("lightsaber:weild")) {log.info("----> You may use a lightsaber ring.  Use it wisely.");} else {log.info("Sorry, lightsaber rings are for schwartz masters only.");}//同上,不过更具体,意思就是这个用户是否可以删除(delete)用户(user)张三(zhangsan)if (currentUser.isPermitted("user:delete:zhangsan")) {log.info("----> You are permitted to 'drive' the winnebago with license plate (id) 'eagle5'.  " +"Here are the keys - have fun!");} else {log.info("Sorry, you aren't allowed to drive the 'eagle5' winnebago!");}System.out.println("---->" + currentUser.isAuthenticated());//执行登出currentUser.logout();System.out.println("---->" + currentUser.isAuthenticated());System.exit(0);}
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# =============================================================================
# Quickstart INI Realm configuration
# For those that might not understand the references in this file, the
# definitions are all based on the classic Mel Brooks' film "Spaceballs". ;)
# =============================================================================# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Users and their assigned roles
# Each line conforms to the format defined in the
# org.apache.shiro.realm.text.TextConfigurationRealm#setUserDefinitions JavaDoc
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# user 'root' with password 'secret' and the 'admin' role
root = secret, admin
# user 'guest' with the password 'guest' and the 'guest' role
guest = guest, guest
# user 'presidentskroob' with password '12345' ("That's the same combination on
# my luggage!!!" ;)), and role 'president'
presidentskroob = 12345, president
# user 'darkhelmet' with password 'ludicrousspeed' and roles 'darklord' and 'schwartz'
darkhelmet = ludicrousspeed, darklord, schwartz
# user 'lonestarr' with password 'vespa' and roles 'goodguy' and 'schwartz'
lonestarr = vespa, goodguy, schwartz# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Roles with assigned permissions
# Each line conforms to the format defined in the
# org.apache.shiro.realm.text.TextConfigurationRealm#setRoleDefinitions JavaDoc
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 'admin' role has all permissions, indicated by the wildcard '*'
admin = *
# The 'schwartz' role can do anything (*) with any lightsaber:
schwartz = lightsaber:*
# The 'goodguy' role is allowed to 'delete' (action) the user (type) with
# license plate 'zhangsan' (instance specific id)
goodguy = user:delete:zhangsan


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    一.Shiro介绍: 1.什么是shiro: (1)shiro是apache的一个开源框架,是一个权限管理的框架,实现用户认证.用户授权. (2)spring中有spring security,是一个 ...

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