
by Tatiana Doyle

塔蒂亚娜·道尔(Tatiana Doyle)

想要获得软件工程实习机会? 这里有一些想法可以帮助您。 (Looking to land a software engineering internship? Here are some thoughts to help you.)

A note: this post is simply meant to share advice I wish I’d gotten.


If you are a college student looking for a software engineering internship for the summer or just wondering what it’s like to look for one, this article is for you!


During my sophomore year of college, I was pretty sure I wanted to be a software engineer. I’d taken the two introductory classes at my college and loved them, and was in a higher level class that I was enjoying. So I hoped to land a software engineering internship in the summer that would allow me to gain industry experience and improve my skills.

在大学二年级的时候,我很确定自己想成为一名软件工程师。 我在大学里参加了两个入门班,并且很喜欢他们,当时我正在享受更高级别的班级。 因此,我希望在夏天获得软件工程实习机会,这将使我获得行业经验并提高自己的技能。

Not knowing how to approach this, I didn’t start looking until the spring. Starting in January, I applied to over 60 companies online and received at least 20 automated rejections. I had two technical interviews (both of which went disastrously) and ended up working a job that had nothing to do with software engineering.

不知道如何解决这个问题,直到春天我才开始寻找。 从1月开始,我在线上向60多家公司提出了申请,并至少收到20项自动拒绝。 我接受了两次技术面试(两次都惨败),最终从事的工作与软件工程无关。

My mistakes were:


  1. Not starting until the spring直到春天才开始
  2. Not utilizing my network or trying to grow it没有利用我的网络或试图发展它
  3. Not preparing for technical interviews不准备技术面试
  4. Not doing any side projects不做任何附属项目

In my junior year, I was determined to do better. I networked as much as I could, invested time in practicing for technical and behavioral interviews, and took every interview I could get. I felt my biggest problem was getting my foot in the door . My resume was getting lost among thousands of others in the online application void. Nobody had any reason to give my application a second look.

大三时,我决心做得更好。 我尽可能地建立了人际网络,花时间在技术和行为面试方面进行练习,并接受了我能得到的每一次面试。 我觉得我最大的问题是步入大门。 我的简历在在线应用程序中失去了成千上万的迷失。 没有人有理由再看一下我的应用程序。

After my failure last year, I spent a lot of time researching strategies for landing an internship as a software engineer. I came up with four takeaways, which I learned from my mistakes:

去年失败之后,我花了很多时间研究策略以找到一名软件工程师。 我想出了四个要点,我从我的错误中学到了:

  1. Start early


  2. Connections are your most important tool


  3. You must prepare for technical interviews


  4. Side projects transform your resume from good to great


The first thing I had to do was pick which companies I wanted to target. I started by listing all the companies whose products I used and enjoyed, and then searching “software engineering intern” on the Glassdoor jobs search and sifting through those listings for companies whose products I liked, had heard good things about, or whose job postings sounded interesting.

我要做的第一件事是选择我要定位的公司。 我首先列出了我使用和喜欢其产品的所有公司,然后在 Glassdoor职位搜索中搜索“软件工程实习生” ,然后在这些列表中筛选我喜欢,听说过好东西或听起来不错的公司。有趣。

尽早开始 (Starting Early)

The recruiting season kicks off in August/September. I would recommend starting in August/early September, or October at the latest.

招聘季节在8月/ 9月开始 。 我建议从八月/九月初或最晚十月开始。

A lot of big companies (if that’s what you’re looking for) finish their recruiting by November/December. If you’re reaching out to friends it’s great to get an early start, for example, pre-September. If you are reading this article in the spring, it’s not too late! You can still apply all the strategies below and have a great chance of getting an internship.

许多大型公司(如果您正在寻找的就是这些公司)会在11月/ 12月完成招募。 如果您想与朋友联系,那就早点开始是很好的,例如,9月之前。 如果您在Spring阅读本文, 还不算太晚 ! 您仍然可以应用以下所有策略,并且很有机会获得实习机会。

使用连接 (Using Connections)

Here’s a summary of people you can reach out to get your foot in the door, so to speak.


  1. Alumni who work at the company you want to work at在您想工作的公司工作的校友
  2. Friends/classmates who interned at that company在该公司实习的朋友/同学
  3. Professors教授
  4. Friends of friends who work at that company在该公司工作的朋友的朋友

最初伸出手 (Initially Reaching Out)

As a college student, I felt as if I didn’t have any connections. Connections seemed like something real adults had, not me. But this turned out to be completely false.

作为一名大学生,我感觉好像没有任何联系。 人际关系似乎是真正的成年人拥有的东西,而不是我。 但这完全是错误的。

Firstly, I knew a few alumni that now worked at companies that I wanted to work at. Second, I discovered the power of LinkedIn as a tool for getting the most out of my network.

首先,我认识一些现在在我想工作的公司工作的校友。 其次,我发现了LinkedIn的强大功能,可以充分利用我的网络。

My first step in using my connections was to reach out to people I already knew that worked as software engineers at the companies I was interested in. For me, it was easier to ask for time from people I already knew.

使用连接的第一步是与我已经认识的 ,在我感兴趣的公司中担任软件工程师的人接触。对我来说,向我已经认识的人索取时间比较容易。

If any of your classmates/friends interned at these companies, try reaching out to them. They can often refer you to a recruiter at that company. Reaching out to people who work full time at these companies is also valuable.

如果您的任何同学/朋友在这些公司实习过,请尝试与他们联系。 他们通常可以将您推荐给该公司的招聘人员。 与在这些公司全职工作的人接触也很有价值。

I usually reached out to them via Facebook messenger, and asked if they had 15 minutes for a phone call to chat about their work. It’s important that you limit the ask to 15 minutes — it’s a small ask and doesn’t feel like a big favor for the person you’re calling.

我通常通过Facebook Messenger与他们联系,问他们是否有15分钟的电话来谈论他们的工作 。 将询问限制在15分钟以内很重要-这是一个很小的询问,不会给您打来的人一个大忙。

It’s also important that you don’t lead by asking them to help you get a job. People don’t like to help people they don’t know, and approaching them this way will likely make them uncomfortable. Since the people I messaged already knew me, they all said yes. I’ll get into what to say on this type of call later.

同样重要的是, 不要让他们帮助您找到工作。 人们不喜欢帮助他们不认识的人,以这种方式接近他们可能会使他们感到不舒服。 由于我发消息的人已经认识我,所以他们都同意。 稍后,我将讨论在这种类型的通话中要说些什么。

My second step was to get on LinkedIn. Make sure you fill out your LinkedIn profile with as much information as you can — treat it as a second resume. I then began the process of reaching out via LinkedIn to people that I didn’t know at all. It went something like this.

我的第二步是加入LinkedIn。 确保您在LinkedIn个人资料中填写的信息尽可能多-将其作为第二份简历。 然后,我开始了通过LinkedIn与我完全不认识的人联系的过程。 它像这样。

  1. I would go to the LinkedIn page of a company I was interested in working at, and click on the link to see all employees of that company on LinkedIn.我将转到我感兴趣的公司的LinkedIn页面,然后单击链接在LinkedIn上查看该公司的所有员工。

2. I then scrolled down to the Schools filter and typed in my university.

2.然后,我向下滚动到“ 学校”过滤器并输入我的大学。

I then get a list of university alumni who work at the company I am interested in. People who you have something in common with are much more likely to be willing to take time out of their day to talk with you or help you.


3. Hit “Connect” and then “Add a note” and ask them to chat on the phone. My typical note looks something like this:

3.点击“连接”,然后点击“添加便笺”,并要求他们在电话上聊天。 我的典型笔记如下所示:

In my note, I explain both why I’m contacting them and my “ask” — a 15 minute phone call — in just a few sentences. Keep it short, friendly, and to the point (LinkedIn doesn’t allow you to go over 300 characters anyway).

在我的笔记中,我用短短的几句话解释了为什么我要与他们联系以及“问”(15分钟的电话)。 保持简短,友好并切合实际(LinkedIn不允许您超过300个字符)。

4. Wait for them to respond! Many people may never get back to you, and some will respond immediately or within days. I usually reached out to around 5 people a week, since a decent amount of people simply don’t check or use LinkedIn. I would advise against reaching out to multiple people from the same company at once, since it’s slightly redundant.

4.等待他们回应! 许多人可能永远也不会回复您,有些人会立即或在几天内做出回应。 我通常每周与大约5个人联系,因为很多人根本不检查或使用LinkedIn。 我建议不要一次接触同一家公司的多个人,因为这有点多余。

Beyond reaching out to people in your college network, reach out to your parent’s friends if they work in tech, your friend’s friends, etc. If you see someone on LinkedIn that you’re connected to through a friend, ask your friend to introduce you to that person.


打电话 (Getting on the Phone)

This type of phone call where you talk to someone about their work is generally called an “informational interview”. But calling it an “interview” makes it sound much scarier than it is. Once you have a couple of these phone calls, it gets a lot easier.

您与某人谈论他们的工作的这种电话通常称为“信息采访”。 但是称它为“采访”听起来比现在要吓人得多。 一旦您打了几个电话,它就会变得容易得多。

I found these calls to be some of the most helpful things I did during my internship search . They helped me figure out what kind of company I wanted to work at, how to prepare for the technical interview, and what areas of software engineering I wanted to explore further.

我发现这些求职电话是我在实习期间所做的一些最有用的事情。 他们帮助我弄清楚了我想在什么样的公司工作,如何为技术面试做准备以及我想进一步探索哪些软件工程领域。

It can be hard to know what to ask at first, so here’s a couple of the questions I asked during many of these phone calls:


  • What is the culture like at X company?X公司的文化如何?
  • Is there an emphasis on work-life balance?是否强调工作与生活的平衡?
  • How much do people hang out outside of work?人们在工作外闲逛多少?
  • Is the culture transparent or more secretive?文化是透明的还是更隐秘的?
  • What do you enjoy about working at X company?在X公司工作,您喜欢什么?
  • Is there anything you don’t enjoy, or things you’re trying to change?有什么您不喜欢的东西,或者您想改变的东西吗?
  • What is it like to be a female engineer at X company?成为X公司的女工程师感觉如何?
  • Is it easy to switch teams and try new things?更换团队并尝试新事物容易吗?
  • What is your team working on?您的团队正在做什么?
  • How did you end up at X company? What made you choose this company over other companies?您是如何来到X公司的? 是什么让您选择这家公司而不是其他公司?
  • How did you get into your particular area of Computer Science (ex. machine learning, databases, etc.) and what are some resources for learning more about it?您是如何进入计算机科学的特定领域(例如,机器学习,数据库等)的?有哪些资源可以用来学习更多相关信息?
  • What are internships like at your company?贵公司的实习经历如何?

Questions like these can be a great way to get a better understanding of what it’s like to work at the company. Informational interviews can be great even if you’re not looking for a job. They can help you learn more about the industry.

这样的问题可能是更好地了解公司的工作方式的好方法。 即使您不找工作,信息面试也会很棒。 他们可以帮助您了解有关该行业的更多信息。

But if you’re looking for an internship, there’s one question I asked during every phone call that was especially helpful: How can I stand out in the intern application process for X company? This question is great because the person you’re on the phone with will give you advice on how to get an internship there, and potentially offer to connect you with a recruiter or even refer you to their company.

但是,如果您正在寻找实习机会,那么在每个电话中我都会问一个特别有用的问题: 如何在X公司的实习申请过程中脱颖而出? 这个问题很好,因为您与之通电话的人会为您提供有关如何在该处实习的建议,并有可能提供将您与招聘人员联系起来,甚至将您推荐给他们的公司的信息。

其他大道 (Other Avenues)

Besides reaching out to connections or potential connections, make sure you use your school’s career fair! Those companies are already there because they want to recruit students from your school.

除了要建立联系或潜在联系之外,请确保您使用学校的招聘会! 这些公司已经在那儿了,因为他们想从您的学校招收学生。

Something that was also really helpful to me was (if you’re female-identifying) submitting my resume to the Grace Hopper resume database. I had a lot of companies contact me through that database. Additionally, if a professor you know well has contacts or friends in the industry, it may be worth asking them for help making a connection.

确实对我有帮助的一件事是(如果您要识别女性)将我的简历提交到Grace Hopper简历数据库。 我有很多公司通过该数据库与我联系。 此外,如果您认识的一位教授在行业中有联系或朋友,可能值得向他们寻求帮助以建立联系。

技术面试和编码挑战 (Technical Interviews & Coding Challenges)

Enough has been said about the technical interview that I don’t feel the need to write a long post on this. But, I have a couple things that I feel are important:

关于技术面试已经说了足够多了,我认为不需要为此撰写冗长的文章。 但是,我有几件重要的事情:

  • Coding challenges are a thing. This is a HackerRank-style assessment where you are given a coding problem and a limited amount of time to solve it, e.g. an hour. They are usually a pre-screening for a phone interview. Practice doing HackerRank problems on a time limit to simulate this environment so that you are prepared for these.

    编码挑战是一回事 。 这是一种HackerRank风格的评估,其中会为您提供编码问题和解决问题的时间,例如一个小时。 他们通常是电话采访的预检查。 练习在一定时间范围内解决HackerRank问题,以模拟此环境,以便为这些做好准备。

  • Personally, I’ve found Python to be a fantastic language for interviews. It keeps you from having to implement low-level type data structures or functions, and is very fast to write and debug in. Some of the most useful things in Python to know for interviews (in my opinion) are defaultdict, sorting with a lambda, string splitting/reversing/joining, and built-in data types.

    就个人而言,我发现Python是面试的绝佳语言。 它使您不必实现低级类型的数据结构或函数,并且编写和调试非常快。采访中需要了解的Python中最有用的一些东西是defaultdict , 使用lambda排序 , 字符串拆分/反转/连接以及内置数据类型 。

  • Try not to psych yourself out! I had two final rounds that I thought I failed immediately after, both of which I actually ended up getting offers for.尽量不要让自己心烦意乱! 我有最后两轮比赛,以为之后不久我就失败了,但实际上我最终都得到了报价。
  • Ask questions in your technical interviews! It shows you’re interested in the company. I found this Medium article to be especially helpful on that front.

    在您的技术面试中提出问题! 它表明您对公司感兴趣。 我发现这篇中型文章在这方面特别有帮助。

  • Try to figure out an area of Computer Science you are particularly interested in, because I was asked this in nearly every interview.尝试找出您特别感兴趣的计算机科学领域,因为几乎在每次采访中都问我这个问题。
  • Take as many interviews/coding challenges as you can, if you have the time. The only way to get better is to practice!如果有时间,请尽可能多地接受采访/编码挑战。 变得更好的唯一方法就是练习!

Beyond that, here are some helpful resources on preparing for the coding interview.


  • Palantir’s guide


  • The book Cracking the Coding Interview

    《 破解编码面试 》一书

  • This blog post


  • This list of resources


  • There’s a new site called intervewing.io that pairs you up with a software engineer to practice technical interviews — I haven’t tried it, but it seems really cool.


Personally, I prepared for technical interviews by doing problems from Cracking the Coding Interview, Python problems on HackerRank, and by doing as many technical interviews as I could. There really is no substitute for practice — I was far less nervous in my fifth interview than I was in my first.

就我个人而言,我准备进行技术面试的方法包括:破解编码面试, HackerRank上的Python问题以及进行尽可能多的技术面试。 练习真的是无可替代的-第五次面试的紧张程度远不如第一次。

辅助项目 (Side Projects)

Having side projects that you did on your own time and out of class is the best way to show that you’re passionate about what you do. Honestly, it is frustrating that there exists a standard where the fact that you’re already majoring in Computer Science isn’t enough to show you love it.

拥有自己在课余时间和课余时间做的辅助项目是表明您对所做工作充满热情的最好方法。 老实说,令人沮丧的是,存在一个标准,即您已经主修计算机科学这一事实不足以表明您喜欢它。

Regardless, side projects are a great way to learn as well as a way to build your resume. For me, doing side projects has been rewarding . I’ve been able to build my skill set while practicing implementing something on my own. Here and here are lists of side project ideas to get you started. I would recommend doing a side project that you’re passionate about, rather than one you’re just using to build your resume. It will be a lot more enjoyable and you’ll learn a lot more.

无论如何,附带项目是学习的好方法,也是建立简历的一种方法。 对我来说,进行辅助项目一直很有意义。 在练习自己实现某些东西的同时,我已经能够建立自己的技能。 这里和这里是帮助您入门的辅助项目构想列表。 我建议您进行一个您热衷的辅助项目,而不是仅仅用于构建简历的项目。 它将变得更加愉快,您还将学到更多。

My school has something called JumboCode that does coding work for nonprofits. My experience being on a team as part of that club has been one of my favorite experiences. Working on a team as well as a fantastic learning experience, technically speaking. If your school has something similar, definitely consider getting involved if it interests you.

我学校有一个叫做JumboCode的东西,可以为非营利组织编码。 我作为该俱乐部成员加入团队的经历一直是我最喜欢的经历之一。 从技术上来讲,与团队合作以及出色的学习经验。 如果您的学校有类似的项目,请在您感兴趣的情况下绝对考虑参加。

最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

By using all the above strategies, I was able to get an internship at Square, which was my top choice! A friend of mine who worked at Square last year put me in touch with the current recruiter, which eventually resulted in my offer.

通过使用上述所有策略,我能够在Square实习,这是我的最佳选择! 我的一个朋友去年在Square公司工作,这使我与现任招聘人员保持联系,最终导致了我的邀请。

Getting a software engineering internship is hard.


It’s especially hard when you don’t have a lot of companies trying to recruit from your school, or you don’t have a lot of family connections. But if you go to a school that has Computer Science graduates, at least some of them are likely to be working at companies you’re interested in! And by virtue of having attended your college, they’re often willing to help you.

当您没有很多公司试图从学校招聘或没有太多家庭联系时,这尤其困难。 但是,如果您上的是拥有计算机科学专业毕业生的学校,那么至少其中一些人可能会在您感兴趣的公司工作! 而且由于已经上过您的大学,他们经常愿意为您提供帮助。

This post is meant to make public all the things I wish people had told me earlier, in hopes of helping anyone in search of a software engineering internship.


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me via email at tatidoyle01[at]gmail.com!

如有任何疑问,请随时通过tatidoyle01 [at] gmail.com与我联系!

A big thank you to the many people who have helped me proofread and edit this article!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/landing-a-software-engineering-internship-66e0d541539a/


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  5. 南京大学比中科大计算机与科学专业,教育部直属:16所“软件工程”专业强校,浙大、南大、中科大上榜...

    教育品质专文:"在教育部直属的顶尖高校中,有16所高校获评软件工程专业第四轮学科评估的A类高等成绩,浙江大学.南京大学.中国科学技术大学上榜".值此发布之际,林瑜伽老师携手教育团队 ...

  6. 全国软件工程专业大学

    软件工程专业排名前十强的大学 根据最新2022校友会中国大学一流专业排名(研究型)榜单显示,浙江大学居第1名,而北京大学.北京航空航天大学成功进入校友会2022中国大学软件工程专业排名(研究型)前3. ...

  7. 软件工程实训有必要吗_人工智能专业值得读吗?就业如何?

    要说这几年的风口,人工智能首当其冲.热门是否代表了好就业?我觉得不是:那是不是就不好就业?我觉得也不是. 先来看看这些耸人听闻的标题吧-- "人工智能人才缺口超过500万,补齐人才短板乃是当 ...

  8. 找实习如何避免培训机构_如果想获得梦想的实习机会,要避免的错误

    找实习如何避免培训机构 by Code Breaker 通过代码破坏者 如果想获得梦想的实习机会,要避免的错误 (Mistakes to avoid if you want to get your d ...

  9. 软件工程实训有必要吗_软件工程专业有没有必要考研

    该楼层疑似违规已被系统折叠 隐藏此楼查看此楼 今天的这个话题是由一个学妹在QQ上问我的,请看下图: 对于学计算机软件类专业的学生,或许都会遇到这么一个问题,而我也不止一次被问及到这么一个问题了,那么, ...


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