
Bit is the most basic storage unit of the computer systems where Byte is a basic storage unit that contains 8 bits. Bits and Bytes are popular terms used to express a different type of information about a computer device, product or service.

Bit是计算机系统中最基本的存储单元,其中Byte是包含8位的基本存储单元。 位和字节是流行的术语,用于表达有关计算机设备,产品或服务的不同类型的信息。

什么是位? (What is Bit?)

Bit is a storage unit that can only store a single value which can be 0 or 1. It may seem strange but this is very useful for computers where their CPU only processes 0s and 1s. If we wan to store more information like 0101 as bit type, we should store 4 bit.

位是一个存储单元,只能存储一个可以为0或1的值。这似乎很奇怪,但这对于CPU仅处理0和1的计算机非常有用。 如果我们要存储更多信息(例如0101作为位类型,则应存储4位。

什么是字节? (What Is Byte?)

The byte is a basic storage unit where 8 bits are stored. We can say that byte is 8 times bigger than a bit. Even bit is the simplest unit usage of the byte is popular because of the sizes f the storage unit, the processing capability of the processing unit and speed of the networks. An example 10101010 is 8 bits and equal to a 1 byte. The term byte first used in 1956 in the design of the IBM Strech computer.

该字节是一个基本的存储单元,其中存储了8位。 我们可以说字节比位大8倍。 由于存储单元的大小,处理单元的处理能力和网络速度,偶数位是字节的最简单单元用法。 示例10101010是8位,等于1个字节。 字节一词最早于1956年用于IBM Strech计算机的设计中。

位与字节 (Bit vs Bytes)

Bits and bytes has a parent and child relationship according to their sizes. Let’s compare bits and bytes from different aspects.

位和字节根据其大小具有父级和子级关系。 让我们比较不同方面的位和字节。

  • A byte is 8 times bigger than a bit.字节比位大8倍。
  • A bit is 8 times lower than a byte.位比字节低8倍。
  • A byte can hold and store 8 bits.一个字节可以保存和存储8位。
  • A bit can hold only 1/8 of a byte.一个位只能容纳一个字节的1/8。
  • The byte is presented with uppercase B where the bit is presented with lowercase b .

    字节以大写B ,而比特以小写b

  • Kbps means kilobits per second where KBps means Kilobytes per secondKbps表示每秒千位,其中KBps表示每秒千字节
  • Bit and byte both can be used to specify the storage size of a variable in programming.位和字节都可用于指定编程中变量的存储大小。
  • A bit is generally used to specify the CPU architecture like 32 bit or 64 bit通常使用一位来指定CPU体系结构,例如32位或64位
  • A byte is used to specify the size of the file.字节用于指定文件的大小。
  • Every ASCII character holds 1 byte which is equal to 8 bits.每个ASCII字符包含1个字节,等于8位。
  • A Bit stores binary values 0 and 1.一个位存储二进制值0和1。
  • A byte can store octal values like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 etc.字节可以存储八进制值,例如1,2,3,4,5,6,7等。
  • The ASCII letter K can be expressed with bits 01001011 and expressed with bytes 4B.


  • Quad is an intermedia storage unit between bit and byte which can store 4 bits but not popular as bit and byte.


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翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/bits-vs-bytes-comparison/



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