


class WatchActor extends Actor {val child = context.actorOf(Props.empty, "child")context.watch(child) // <-- this is the only call needed for registrationvar lastSender = context.system.deadLettersdef receive = {case "kill" ⇒context.stop(child); lastSender = sender()case Terminated(`child`) ⇒ lastSender ! "finished"}


/*** Registers this actor as a Monitor for the provided ActorRef.* This actor will receive a Terminated(subject) message when watched* actor is terminated.** `watch` is idempotent if it is not mixed with `watchWith`.** It will fail with an [[IllegalStateException]] if the same subject was watched before using `watchWith`.* To clear the termination message, unwatch first.** *Warning*: This method is not thread-safe and must not be accessed from threads other* than the ordinary actor message processing thread, such as [[java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage]] and [[scala.concurrent.Future]] callbacks.** @return the provided ActorRef*/
def watch(subject: ActorRef): ActorRef



private[akka] trait DeathWatch { this: ActorCell ⇒


override final def watch(subject: ActorRef): ActorRef = subject match {case a: InternalActorRef ⇒if (a != self) {if (!watchingContains(a))maintainAddressTerminatedSubscription(a) {a.sendSystemMessage(Watch(a, self)) // ➡➡➡ NEVER SEND THE SAME SYSTEM MESSAGE OBJECT TO TWO ACTORS ⬅⬅⬅updateWatching(a, None)}elsecheckWatchingSame(a, None)}a}


/*** This map holds a [[None]] for actors for which we send a [[Terminated]] notification on termination,* ``Some(message)`` for actors for which we send a custom termination message.*/private var watching: Map[ActorRef, Option[Any]] = Map.empty
//   when all actor references have uid, i.e. actorFor is removed
private def watchingContains(subject: ActorRef): Boolean =watching.contains(subject) || (subject.path.uid != ActorCell.undefinedUid &&watching.contains(new UndefinedUidActorRef(subject)))


/*** Equals takes path and the unique id of the actor cell into account.*/final override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {case other: ActorRef ⇒ path.uid == other.path.uid && path == other.pathcase _               ⇒ false}



private[akka] class UndefinedUidActorRef(ref: ActorRef) extends MinimalActorRef {override val path = ref.path.withUid(ActorCell.undefinedUid)override def provider = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("UndefinedUidActorRef does not provide")



private def updateWatching(ref: InternalActorRef, newMessage: Option[Any]): Unit =watching = watching.updated(ref, newMessage)


case Watch(watchee, watcher) ⇒ addWatcher(watchee, watcher)


protected def addWatcher(watchee: ActorRef, watcher: ActorRef): Unit = {val watcheeSelf = watchee == selfval watcherSelf = watcher == selfif (watcheeSelf && !watcherSelf) {if (!watchedBy.contains(watcher)) maintainAddressTerminatedSubscription(watcher) {watchedBy += watcherif (system.settings.DebugLifecycle) publish(Debug(self.path.toString, clazz(actor), s"now watched by $watcher"))}} else if (!watcheeSelf && watcherSelf) {watch(watchee)} else {publish(Warning(self.path.toString, clazz(actor), "BUG: illegal Watch(%s,%s) for %s".format(watchee, watcher, self)))}}


private var watchedBy: Set[ActorRef] = ActorCell.emptyActorRefSet



// ➡➡➡ NEVER SEND THE SAME SYSTEM MESSAGE OBJECT TO TWO ACTORS ⬅⬅⬅final def stop(): Unit = try dispatcher.systemDispatch(this, Terminate()) catch handleException


case Terminate() ⇒ terminate()


protected def terminate() {setReceiveTimeout(Duration.Undefined)cancelReceiveTimeout// prevent Deadletter(Terminated) messagesunwatchWatchedActors(actor)// stop all children, which will turn childrenRefs into TerminatingChildrenContainer (if there are children)children foreach stopif (systemImpl.aborting) {// separate iteration because this is a very rare case that should not penalize normal operationchildren foreach {case ref: ActorRefScope if !ref.isLocal ⇒ self.sendSystemMessage(DeathWatchNotification(ref, true, false))case _                                  ⇒}}val wasTerminating = isTerminatingif (setChildrenTerminationReason(ChildrenContainer.Termination)) {if (!wasTerminating) {// do not process normal messages while waiting for all children to terminatesuspendNonRecursive()// do not propagate failures during shutdown to the supervisorsetFailed(self)if (system.settings.DebugLifecycle) publish(Debug(self.path.toString, clazz(actor), "stopping"))}} else {setTerminated()finishTerminate()}}


final def stop(actor: ActorRef): Unit = {if (childrenRefs.getByRef(actor).isDefined) {@tailrec def shallDie(ref: ActorRef): Boolean = {val c = childrenRefsswapChildrenRefs(c, c.shallDie(ref)) || shallDie(ref)}if (actor match {case r: RepointableRef ⇒ r.isStartedcase _                 ⇒ true}) shallDie(actor)}actor.asInstanceOf[InternalActorRef].stop()}


override def shallDie(actor: ActorRef): ChildrenContainer = TerminatingChildrenContainer(c, Set(actor), UserRequest)


@tailrec final protected def setChildrenTerminationReason(reason: ChildrenContainer.SuspendReason): Boolean = {childrenRefs match {case c: ChildrenContainer.TerminatingChildrenContainer ⇒swapChildrenRefs(c, c.copy(reason = reason)) || setChildrenTerminationReason(reason)case _ ⇒ false}}


private def finishTerminate() {val a = actor/* The following order is crucial for things to work properly. Only change this if you're very confident and lucky.** Please note that if a parent is also a watcher then ChildTerminated and Terminated must be processed in this* specific order.*/try if (a ne null) a.aroundPostStop()catch handleNonFatalOrInterruptedException { e ⇒ publish(Error(e, self.path.toString, clazz(a), e.getMessage)) }finally try dispatcher.detach(this)finally try parent.sendSystemMessage(DeathWatchNotification(self, existenceConfirmed = true, addressTerminated = false))finally try stopFunctionRefs()finally try tellWatchersWeDied()finally try unwatchWatchedActors(a) // stay here as we expect an emergency stop from handleInvokeFailurefinally {if (system.settings.DebugLifecycle)publish(Debug(self.path.toString, clazz(a), "stopped"))clearActorFields(a, recreate = false)clearActorCellFields(this)actor = null}}


protected def tellWatchersWeDied(): Unit =if (!watchedBy.isEmpty) {try {// Don't need to send to parent parent since it receives a DWN by defaultdef sendTerminated(ifLocal: Boolean)(watcher: ActorRef): Unit =if (watcher.asInstanceOf[ActorRefScope].isLocal == ifLocal && watcher != parent)watcher.asInstanceOf[InternalActorRef].sendSystemMessage(DeathWatchNotification(self, existenceConfirmed = true, addressTerminated = false))/** It is important to notify the remote watchers first, otherwise RemoteDaemon might shut down, causing* the remoting to shut down as well. At this point Terminated messages to remote watchers are no longer* deliverable.** The problematic case is:*  1. Terminated is sent to RemoteDaemon*   1a. RemoteDaemon is fast enough to notify the terminator actor in RemoteActorRefProvider*   1b. The terminator is fast enough to enqueue the shutdown command in the remoting*  2. Only at this point is the Terminated (to be sent remotely) enqueued in the mailbox of remoting** If the remote watchers are notified first, then the mailbox of the Remoting will guarantee the correct order.*/watchedBy foreach sendTerminated(ifLocal = false)watchedBy foreach sendTerminated(ifLocal = true)} finally {maintainAddressTerminatedSubscription() {watchedBy = ActorCell.emptyActorRefSet}}}


case DeathWatchNotification(a, ec, at) ⇒ watchedActorTerminated(a, ec, at)


/*** When this actor is watching the subject of [[akka.actor.Terminated]] message* it will be propagated to user's receive.*/protected def watchedActorTerminated(actor: ActorRef, existenceConfirmed: Boolean, addressTerminated: Boolean): Unit = {watchingGet(actor) match {case None ⇒ // We're apparently no longer watching this actor.case Some(optionalMessage) ⇒maintainAddressTerminatedSubscription(actor) {watching = removeFromMap(actor, watching)}if (!isTerminating) {self.tell(optionalMessage.getOrElse(Terminated(actor)(existenceConfirmed, addressTerminated)), actor)terminatedQueuedFor(actor)}}if (childrenRefs.getByRef(actor).isDefined) handleChildTerminated(actor)}




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