

1、将字符串数组连接为整个字符串,'&' 为连接符

特例:如果 array 为 null 或 empty,抛出异常。因为这时无法转换!

public static String arrayToStringWithAMP( String[] array ) throws Exception


特例:如果 str 为 null,抛出异常。这时也无法转换!

public static String[] stringToArrayWithAMP( String str ) throws Exception

3、将 "&" 转换为 "&" (因为 "&" 为特殊字符)。注意:"&" 的 "&" 不做处理

public static String encode( String str )

4、将 "&" 还原为 "&"

public static String decode( String str )

public class SplitConcatWithAMP {//Array to string concat with "&"//If array items contain "&" replace it to "&amp;"public static String arrayToStringWithAMP( String[] array ) throws Exception{if( array == null || array.length == 0 ){throw new Exception("Array is null or empty, can not convert to string!");}StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();for( String s : array ){sb.append( encode(s) );sb.append( "&" );}return removeLastAMP( sb.toString() );}//Remove last "&" in stringprivate static String removeLastAMP( String str ){return str.substring( 0, str.length()-1 );}//String to array split with "&"//But if is "&amp;" ,do not splitpublic static String[] stringToArrayWithAMP( String str ) throws Exception{if( str == null ){throw new Exception("String is null, Can not convert to array!");}String[] result = str.split( "&(?!amp;)" );for( int i=0 ; i<result.length ; i++ ){result[i] = decode( result[i] );}return result;}//Encode "&" in String to "&amp;"//But if is "&amp;" ,do not change.public static String encode( String str ){if( str == null){return null;}return str.replaceAll( "&(?!amp;)", "&amp;" );}//Decode "&amp;" in string to "&"public static String decode( String str ){if( str == null ){return null;}return str.replaceAll( "&amp;", "&" );}}


 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {String[] array = new String[]{"超人", "abc", "真的&可以区分", "怀&amp;疑", "gg"};//RightSystem.out.println( "Right Demo!" );System.out.println( Arrays.toString(array) );String temp = arrayToStringWithAMP(array);System.out.println( temp );array = stringToArrayWithAMP(temp);System.out.println( Arrays.toString( array ) );//ErrorSystem.out.println("Error Demo!");errorDemo();}static void errorDemo(){String string = "超人&abc&真的&可以区分&怀&疑&gg";String[] arr = string.split( "&" );System.out.println( Arrays.toString(arr) );}


Right Demo!
[超人, abc, 真的&可以区分, 怀&amp;疑, gg]
[超人, abc, 真的&可以区分, 怀&疑, gg]
Error Demo!
[超人, abc, 真的, 可以区分, 怀, amp;疑, gg]

从上面的Right Demo结果可以看出:数组 -> 字符串 -> 数组

如果数组项中包含 "&",可以正确还原。

如果数组项中包含 "&amp;",会还原为 "&"。(但其表达的意义是一致的)


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