
Given an array with some elements and we have to convert them to the list using array.tolist() in Python.


创建一个数组 (Creating an array)

To create an array - we are using "array" module in the program by importing using "import array as arr" (Read more: Create array using array module).

要创建数组-我们在程序中使用“数组”模块,方法是使用“将数组导入为arr” (更多信息: 使用数组模块创建数组)进行 导入

将数组转换为具有相同元素的列表 (Converting array to the list with same elements)

To convert an array to the list - we use tolist() methods of "array" class, it returns the list with the same elements.

要将数组转换为列表 -我们使用“ array”类的tolist()方法,它将返回具有相同元素的列表。



    list = array.tolist()



  • Here, we are declaring an array of signed int named a (by using i type_code) and initializing it with the elements [10, -20, 30, -40, 50]

    在这里,我们声明一个名为a的带符号int数组(通过使用i type_code),并使用元素[10,-20,30, -40,50]对其进行初始化。

  • Then, we are printing the type of elements of a and elements of array a


  • Then, we declared an empty list named list1


  • Then, we are converting the array to the list with some elements


  • Then, we are printing the type of list1 and elements of list1




# importing array class to use array
import array as arr
# declare array
a = arr.array ("i", [10, -20, 30, -40, 50])
# print the type of a
print ("type of a: ", type(a))
# print array
print ("a is:", a);
# declare an empty list
list1 = list()
# convert array and assign to the list
list1 = a.tolist()
# print type of list1
print ("Type of list1: ", type(list1))
# print list
print ("list1 is: ", list1)



type of a:  <class 'array.array'>
a is: array('i', [10, -20, 30, -40, 50])
Type of list1:  <class 'list'>
list1 is:  [10, -20, 30, -40, 50]




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