18. 打印出 "2009年10月14日 9:25:40" 格式的当前系统的日期和时间.select to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY"年"MM"月"DD"日" HH:MI:SS')from dual 注意: 使用双引号向日期中添加字符19. 格式化数字: 1234567.89 为 1,234,567.89select to_char(1234567.89, '999,999,999.99')from dual20. 字符串转为数字时1). 若字符串中没有特殊字符, 可以进行隐式转换:select '1234567.89' + 100from dual2). 若字符串中有特殊字符, 例如 '1,234,567.89', 则无法进行隐式转换, 需要使用 to_number() 来完成select to_number('1,234,567.89', '999,999,999.99') + 100from dual21. 对于把日期作为查询条件的查询, 一般都使用 to_date() 把一个字符串转为日期, 这样可以不必关注日期格式select last_name, hire_datefrom employeeswhere hire_date = to_date('1998-5-23', 'yyyy-mm-dd')
--  where to_char(hire_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') = '1998-5-23'22. 转换函数: to_char(), to_number(), to_date()23. 查询每个月倒数第 2 天入职的员工的信息. select last_name, hire_datefrom employeeswhere hire_date = last_day(hire_date) - 124. 计算公司员工的年薪--错误写法: 因为空值计算的结果还是空值select last_name, salary * 12 * (1 + commission_pct) year_salfrom employees--正确写法select last_name, salary * 12 * (1 + nvl(commission_pct, 0)) year_salfrom employees25. 查询部门号为 10, 20, 30 的员工信息, 若部门号为 10, 则打印其工资的 1.1 倍, 20 号部门, 则打印其工资的 1.2 倍, 30 号部门打印其工资的 1.3 倍数--使用 case-when-then-else-endselect last_name, department_id, salary, case department_id when 10  then salary * 1.1when 20  then salary * 1.2when 30  then salary * 1.3end new_salfrom employeeswhere department_id in (10, 20, 30)--使用 decodeselect last_name, department_id, salary, decode(department_id, 10, salary * 1.1,20, salary * 1.2,30, salary * 1.3) new_salfrom employeeswhere department_id in (10, 20, 30)
1.   显示系统时间(注:日期+时间)
a)  select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss')
b)  from dual
2.  查询员工号,姓名,工资,以及工资提高百分之20%后的结果(new salary)
a)  select employee_id,last_name,salary,salary*1.2 "new salary"
b)  from employees
3.  将员工的姓名按首字母排序,并写出姓名的长度(length)
a)  select last_name,length(last_name)
b)  from employees
c)  order by last_name asc
4.  查询各员工的姓名,并显示出各员工在公司工作的月份数(worked_month)。
a)  select last_name,hire_date,round(months_between(sysdate,hire_date),1) workded_month
b)  from employees
5.  查询员工的姓名,以及在公司工作的月份数(worked_month),并按月份数降序排列
a)  Select last_name,hire_date,round(months_between(sysdate,hire_date),1) workded_month
b)  from employees
c)  order by workded_month desc
6.  做一个查询,产生下面的结果
<last_name> earns <salary> monthly but wants <salary*3>
Dream Salary
King earns $24000 monthly but wants $72000
select last_name || ' earns '|| to_char(salary,'$999999')||' monthly,but wants '||to_char(3*salary,'$999999') "Dream Salary"
from employees
7.  使用decode函数,按照下面的条件:
job                  grade
AD_PRES            A
ST_MAN             B
IT_PROG             C
SA_REP              D
ST_CLERK           E
Last_name   Job_id  Grade
king    AD_PRES A
select last_name "Last_name",job_id "Job_id",decode(job_id,'AD_PRES','A','ST_MAN','B', 'IT_PROG','C', 'SA_REP','D', 'ST_CLERK','E') "Grade"
from employees
8.  将第7题的查询用case函数再写一遍。
a)  select last_name "Last_name",job_id "Job_id",case job_id when 'AD_PRES'then 'A'
b)  when 'ST_MAN' then 'B'
c)  when 'IT_PROG' then 'C'
d)  when 'SA_REP' then 'D'
e)  when 'ST_CLERK' then'E' end  "Grade"
f)  from employees


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